Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1919, p. 12

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ee eee a sage Twelve eta THE P, WANTED--Three Giris\ for ia (Candy 'Works, 18;tfe The cost of advertising in this column is|¥OR SALE--Hohse and lot in the village @NE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER-|_°f Ivy. Apply Migs E. McLean, THON, with a minimum charge of 15 eents| ECO 79 Lie Gal cai dmc per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will LET Cont 'be given for the price of four. Where re-|_ Of 2 ladies, lapply at this office. plies are directed to this Office an add-on GALE Studebaker car at a by 'tional charge of 10c. will be made: |The , bereea. foregoing rates are for CASH. When not| --APPIY st this office or phone 387. 18-18 FOR SALE--Set of single harness, first- spaid for'before the paper is issued, an ad- i class repair. Apply 64 Essa street. 18-18p LET COLUMN gt adlets fess than one. doliar. == |TO RENT--Rooms recently vacated by the i Boost your business and boost your-town. Advertise. Keep May {3 for "the Night" at the Opera House. The tannery started working on the new time this morning. Five®arloads of hogs at $21.25 Big FOUND--Child's Tricycle. Enquire at this| B.C.I. in our block. Apply Brown & Co, | were shipped from Barrie' last office. , 18-186 18-19¢ | week COTTAGE TO RENT--Garden, fruit trees, town water. Apply 118 James street. 1818p FOR SALE--Good work horse, heavy. Ap- ply H. B, Armstrong, Allandale R-R. No. t 18-20p FOR SALE--Ladies' Bicycle, in good re- pair, reasonable. Apply 26 Bradford street. 18-18p = WANTED--Medium size safe. Send par- tidulars to Merrick & Litster's. 17-18¢ BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Easy terms. Mtsves Bell, 59 Mary street.19-19p -EURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, 37-tfe ----$_______ Pe WANTED--Good general servant. Apply Mm. R. A. Stephens, 123 Collier street, 12-tfe iY TO RENT--Room with board, home pri leges, lady preferred. Apply to Box "D' this office. FOR SALE--Del ' i PROF. DE WEIR--Tescher of Piano andj motor truck." Apply J. D. Wisdom & Co, WANTED--Young woman or girl | for hourework Apply Mrs. Cecil, 35 Peel | street. I7tfe very Hore, cheap; using Alfred M. Hunter has sold his residence, at the corner of Owen and Wellington Sts., to A. W. Purtridge. Neil Yellowlees, piano tuner, will be in Barrie about May 15. Orders may be left at Keenan's music store. 18-19¢ Chorus of seventy voices with an orchestra of fourteen pieces at t. Andrew's Big Night, May 13. ickets, 35¢, 50¢ and 75¢ Miss Keagey of the B.C.I was called to her home at Dun- das on Wednesday owing to the Violio, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street,! Allandale, J 18-He {sudden death of ber father Barrie. 18-23p | ~ a a 7 'The initial payment of interest : A at a i eae, Ne aie, on the 1918 Victory Bonds is FOR SALI Soll ary, mewengey "Ron'| 'on pretamen, " 1g20¢|due to-day and imany cheques Elizabeth street 17-18p | jare coming through the Pust |FORD TRUCK "Smith Former, Apply C.! Office FOR SALE---A choice fresh milch cow and| W. Graham, 46 Codrington street, Bar. Come early $1.00 days to our calf. "Apply to William Kennedy, RR. | rie, phone 756. 18-299 | atau We nee to give No, 2, Allandale UTA ii rt ie et ~ 2 \AUTO PAINTER AND LETTERER want. |!" public th otln FOR SALP--Hawaian Guitar, complete,| ed at once. Craighead's Garage, Mid. Werth in the history of our bus with instruction book, $10.00. Also good land. Phone 265, 18e | ness 1897 1919. Hunts canoe, Phone 529. 15:20p | --------________-- --___----__. FoR SALE--One medium-sized rug, a amall rie | ROH. Webb has already issued staf, 1 | 'FOR SALE--House, lot (about 2% seres),| quuntity of linoleum, Apply 10 iran 1700 motor licenses for 1919 and and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises, 15:20; WYANDOTTE EGGS for sale-- 'wavenue. Phone 502 for expects that the total numbe: © FOR SALE--Solid Walnut furniture, to be {he county will be at least 2500 THE BARRIE EXAMINER ; the Olympi fe bi LS Thursday, May 1, 1919 Your Confidence is one thing for whicl: we strive. It is our wish to have you feel! that the clothes we 'sell you are bought on faith, that we "Stand Behind" the service the garments must give you. That is why we sell andi recommend Bengard Clothes We know that these stylish garments give you full measure of looks, fit and ser- vice. We know that they are carefully made and equally finished. We know that the models are distinctive, dressy and al- ways good taste. The spring styles afford excellent op- portunity for satisfactory selection. . Prices, $19.00, $20.00, $25.00, $26.00, $29.00, $32.00, $33.50, $42.50. | wi sold during next two weeks by private (his year. 'This lite lasl year : $1.00 per setting of 15. G.H. Curtis 66, sale. 194 Dunlop street B19 Jess than 1000 had been issued WE'LL SAVE YOU John street west 1 Ue WGRB/Ay (Oni: Hew hearer Two yearold Short voks as though the hotsr FOR SALM Cedar poste, all siz Apply Andrew Quinlan, Would be sol out for an Ane MONEY ON YOUR : Apply WO. Partridge, 261 B: Phone 480.7 21, Barrie IB18e deew's Rix Nighl, May 1 'Those FOOTWEAR Barre 18:86 anti tickets should apply MOUS: VOR SALE -O-rom solid brick, -- productive, tested! varieties, Walter F HUTS ab 1. Folster at Moore Look at these prices anc toe iste Aly on remy, 49 Sheypard, RR 1, Allandale, 1810p & Arinstrong's _ you'll understand why it ownn tree, Allandale 3A8p yo : . : FOR SALE--Severat articles of household, The ladies of the town pure will pay you to buy here: HOUSE HOM SALE -Briek, § rooms, gur- furniture amd some dishes and crockery. | pice haiti tea and sale of a Sean tint, (urmce, sleeping buleony, Can be wren at 8 Burton avenue. 18-189 hiumocmade eamily. tie vee Working Boots, $150000 108 Peel street Tutte FWD cla i: funk "A. roams, over the Past Olficn k or Tan, sizes 6 to doer al I Naa Sch YANTED--Good general; family of two; f F J ' $4.5 WOOD WAGE No fam xood t nd good wages. Apply mora. 0M Saturday. Mav fram 3. to 11, $4.50 and $4.25, spec- dy, Ws second week in ings to 166 Buyfield street, Phone 160.6 p.m, -- Hawai Orchestra, ial . . $3.49 *Apply 1 this. office Proceeds towards furnishing G er ee . es LE Sale * GARDENER WANTED Apply AL Leslie, Wo A ponies & GT See our Values on Boys' We have other lines at FOR SALI! Quarter-cut ouk sideboard, al 101 Claperton street, telephone 744, of Oh the dedlar, mighty dottar,| Boots, sizes | to 5, price $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, inst May be seen at Union Bank of Canada, telephone 99 viii sacl $3.25, $3.50, $4.00, ~ Ne ae 3. has it ever Ubbed wou? Bag Dy OU, UU, $6.00, $6.50 ' GG 3 & Co's storage. Phone 316. 18-18¢ a ey a the Wigerst and best aottar's $3.75. 1 Ee A Ladies' Dongola High Cut, Men's Fine Boots, special FOR SALE--Brick House, Worsley street, PASTURE Large Pasturage in Innisfil, weerth of elalhing anil mings ' Low: or High Heels; sizes & rim, as, electric and water. Good Plenty of water. Salt provided and char) furnishings. in crue County, ff) Youths' Boots, 11 to 13 values, $3.50, $4.00, g! q Berlee wil table," Anply at thi offen gre reuwnahie Ayply BF Quan, Hey Hunter s. Barrie ; |B Prices, | $2.50, $3.75, $5.00, $6.50, °$7.50, 214, 614, special values, : rs. Spanis, whe left her hus $4.00, $4.50 $9.00. 00, $5.50, $6.00. Store and dwelling with lot FOR SALE---5-prece velour parlor suite, bani here last Fall, deserted one id $5. $5. $6. tn rear, vacant Tots, also one iron bed and mattress, one water oof her children whieh was a leo sllage of Phelpston For ra ot wading machine, Apply Tan Bea w vd ne the ae s Au ae WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, wate Eliza ri fort stre eiety. Voronta. she was foune MS amore Wom SUB Tie lad Ha sues bar Pa sein WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old giants, light grey, steel grey, R. Black, **8tenced to four months in ay sant a de to look | Prices reasonable W. F Sheppard, RAR) hause of correction | liken new hy Harry Twiss, Rose Block, | 1, Allandale 1819p Next Sumtay Barrie Lodge, Dualop St LOOK, will attend divine sev. FOR SALE--Ore wicker goccart, nue childs) We SAU STs ake FOR SALE Six-roomed rough-esst house white enamelled and chair. Must Sire tn the Burlay Ave, Methodist on Perry street, in first-class condition. sell at once. Apply Mm. Thomas, Church, when Rey. BAL Owen cir Light, water and cement cellar. Toronto street E IS 1Be Wil preach a special sermean ty Good garden anil chicken house, near -- them. Tho +60th avmiversary af ith Schools. Ap- BARGAIN For salr, well-bred Bight ithe Geder will be velebrated by phone 519, 18-22¢ mare colt, rising 3 vears, very quiet Ap. (1° & , ----!| ply C. Harmer, imation street, 1 jal evening to be held in the 4 S00-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--In Oro,' Barrie, east end. 1848p lodge room on May 6th i y brick howe, hank born, driving shed, | Last week Chief King was no- \ ¢! se dare ieit orchard, quantity busb, 'NURSES earn $15 to $25 a week, Learn' yifteu ty," keep Watell for a tee a soft and bard water. Apply Mrs. Mary, without leaving home Send for tree oe P or ae J Cc J Turk, Shanty Bay, RR2. 15:20! booklet, Royal College of Science, Dept, ChEVrOleL car stolen from New y WHERE MOST PEQ 2 ------=! 112, Toront, Canada. I8tige Markel, The thief, however, did fe i Ist. Bar- hot come in this direction." He cockerel, AND STRAW WANTED--3 of 4 was apprehended al 'Tweed and ice feinales. Proven lay- ds of each, for which the highest price proves to he ung Ross Rogers. SLO) per 13, AF Ag be paid by Jas. Cheeaman, Flour & [00S%s 10 le from Victoria Malcomson, Barrie, 14-21e Feed Merchant, Barrie 18.1gp SNe eseaped from Victoria. tn. BORN Card of Thanks FARM FOR SALE, lot 2. con. 5, Innisfil, FUNERAL DESIGNS, wedding boquets, ar- Well fencer, good clay loam; good frame | tistically arranged. Roses, carnations snd hous, large harn with basement stab-| other seasonable flowers always on hand, ling, never-failing well, Apply to Mra! E. A. Harris, phone 713. 18-23p Dutoher Thorn'an 51-1 ACETYLENE, WELDING--Before throwing BACK from the front and in business again |- away broken' parts of machinery, con- --well boring and digging, pumps, re:| sult. My new welding process works won. pairs wire fencing and roofing, galvans| ders. Alex. Cleland. blacksmith, ized ironwrirk of all kinds, cement work, /---------- Gement for sule. Ratimates free. C. W. FOR SALE---Solid brick nine-roomed house, Gentlenian, Phone Belle Ewart. 14-19 acre of land, orchard, stuble, would take | small down-town property as part FOR SALE OR TO RENT--Nice 334 acre! ment, Apply 60 Peneta: 1g street, Barrie, in Barrie, large fruit orchard in full beat 18-19p ing, comfortable house, good farm build. | --------------______* | LOST--Sum of money in $5, $10 and $20 ings, town -water, electric light. Levil| LOS E Gledhill, 72 Codrington street, east, Bar-| hills, between Stroud P.O. and Barrie Money was collected by loser for another re, 16-20p || party, Liberal reward at Allandale post 'Three Hundred Acres good rich| office, 18-18p clay foam farm. En bloc "or portion, | ----------________* Large bank barns, water service, stables, APPLICATIONS for the position of Organ: brick house, furnace, splendid 'locality, | ist at Trinity Church, Barrie, will be re. near railways and county town, Posses. ceived by the undersigned up to 15th af sion at once. Investigate, Frank Quants,| May. State qualifications and anlary. owner, Barrie. Teowtt Geo. Vickers, 18-196 WANTED; AT ONCE-- A capable house-/STRAYED onto lot 20; con. 7, Innisfil, one red-and-white bull, old, Owners may have same by proving Property and paying expenses. Thos. Em- tick, R.R. No. 1, Lefroy. 18-20 keeper, to take full charge of farm home ming 2 years 'with a baby boy 13 months' old, No outside work) to do. A good, .comfort- sable convenient home, one half riille from Hustrial School and was suppose ed to have come north' as far as Lefroy, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Mat thereto, All creditors of the aaid estate are hereby 'required to file with me on or before the 30th day of May, 1919, particulars of their slaims duly proved by affidavit with such vouchers as the nature of the case may admit, 'after which date T will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, shall then have received notice, JOHN L. THORNE, Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Assignee, By his Solicitors, SINGER, WALSH & FORD, 164 Simeoe 8t., Toronto. DATED. at Toronto this 29th day of April, 1919, . 18-19 pe rr (0) Sale of Valuable Farm village of Stroud. Apply stating partic. vilars to Benjamio Webb, Stroud P.O, oF phone. OW DOES THIS APPEAL TO YOoU-- 12 O.A.C. Barred Rock Pullets Isid in 'February 224 eggs, in March 277. Com- pare your tally sheet with this and if dissatisfied try a setting of these. You will be pleased with the resulta, Just 'a few more settings to spare, 15 eggs $1.50, W. O, Partridge, Box 1011, 261 Bayfield street, Barrie. $50 REWARD + On the night of Thursday, April 17th a | number of articles of wearing apparel and other goods were stolen from the premises of J. G. Douse, Lefroy. The above reward:will be paid for such information as will lead to the recovery of name and the arrest and conviction of the thief. EGGS FOR HATCHING--Exhibition White Rocks (including winners at New York, * London and Toronto National), $4 for 15; Bred-to-lay White Rocks, $2.00 per 15; Guild Strain of Bred-to-lay 8: C. White Leghorns, $1.50 per » Athol Marshall, Ross street, Barrie, 18-23c NOTICE OF MEETING "TO CONSIDER | BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that a By-Law for rais- ii wenty-five thousand dollars under thi rovisions of The Tile Drainage Act be taken into consideration by the Muni- DATED the 29th day of April, 1919, (Sgd.)_ R. M. McCONKEY, = Clerk." 118-21e Sealed tenders will be recefved by the undersigned until the fifteenth day of May, 1919, for the purchase of the West half of Lot Number two in the third concession of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simeoe, containing one hundred acres more or less, known as the Gervase Kight. ley farm. 1 There is said to be on said premises » one and one half storey frame house, good barn, stable and driving shed; sheep and ig pens; also small orchard and about ty-five acres\of bush The land is well watered by well and running stream. The STEWART & STEWART, Barrie, Ontario, Bolicttors for the Administratrix ing regard to those claims only of which 1) ir. and Mrs. Robert Rodgers, Jr., Thorn- ton, RODGERS--On Thur, April 24, 1919, to daughter (Lenora Maria Elizabeth). POOLE & PEARCE _THE' BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Mrs. aghast sod iam | desire to ex-| Quality Count Phone 772 Mrs. J. Robinson, Sanford street, Barrie, wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for their kindness during her recent be- Teavement. POWELL--CURRIF--In the Presbyterian Church, Orillia, on Saturday, Apu 26, | Aileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cur- rie, Dalston, to John Powell, Jr. of Bar- \_tie DIED | FERGUSON--At Marcus street, Allandale, Apr. 20, 1919, James Ferguson, aged $6 years, 11 mos. HICKLING--At Oakland, California, on April 7th, 1919, Ella May; beloved wife of Cecil 'V, Hickling. LINK--At Edgar, Apr. 21, 1919, Mary Ann Link, aged 69' years. | * MORRIS--At Holly, Apr. 23, 1919, Eliza. beth Morris, aged 77 years. NIGHTINGALE--In Craigva April 29, 1919, Mrs. Mary widow of the late George aged 85 years, 8 months. OLIVER--At the home of his daughter, on Tuesday, . Nightingale, Nightingale, day, April 22nd,' 1919, Thomas 'Oliver, in his 78th year. PADGHAM--At the R.V.H, Barrie, Apr. 25, 1919, Arthur Haseldean Padgham, aged 41 years. ¢ SS IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of aydear son and brother, Sam North, who died-April 25th, 1917. Two years have pansed and still we mins im, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow of the estate ofGervase Kightley 17-190 Deep within our hearts concealed. Mother, Bisters and Brothers, ° 1919, by the Rev. David Smith, Barbara Mrs, J. Robinson, Sanford street, Tues. | Hi press thanks to friends and neighbors 0 kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereave ~ BARRIE MARKETS THE WHITBY BARRIE S SHOE REPAIR STORES THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES LEATHER and all kinds of RUBBER and FIBRE SOLED $2.10-$2.13 $2.00-$2.08 S8HO! Repaired, either 70-750] Sewn or Nalled. Si'sosreg|| Two Doors West of Tele- eat... 90c-$1.00 phone Office, Barrie | Butter, Ib. 55-600 One Door North of the i Eggs, doz. . 88-400 Potstoes, gaa ate Classic Hotel, Allandale \Beef Hides, green 2 Beef hides, cured 'Calf Skins' , ips Tallow . Hotse Hides Sheepeking Wool, unwashed Wool, washed |Spring Chicken | ---------- NOTICE I have purchased the Gro- cery business of W. C. AL- Spring chicken BERTSON, ( formerly the Dacia John Cheesman grocery) ae Cor. of Clapperton and Collier oceans aaa Bam, a : and will carry a full line of GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FURS! . FEED CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 Se Put your money into War Sav. ings Stamps and let it work. Your Patronage is Solicited ALEX. MCKEE ------____ Barrie's Big Dollar Days-- May 9 and 10. On 1 the Bost Co, will HA: supporter Europe, artists. and augn Incendiari; Vhe vaeant 8: just Hota ws. "Pivessta fire which have been due When the tila Walter Urry a the flames hae though the rompt respon Which Mr. Urs | rat Petty well clea fire was pit au Incendiarism mothe faet ¢ bish in the nvthir teen t premises Blaze ws suppos the elo the there ts trough point, The Wilson riyesix cveupied and it was he became a ter It Is W Tn a letter manager of House, dated A M. Beck, manay the Boston Eng says:--"T am. p from our Mr selected "IH 'I're performance in Not only is "1 of the most beau written, our pe is wonderful T want to take ef assuring vou you a performa will be proud of will be glad yc recommended to Naturally an o 48 UPS is an ex) ton to carry on t tet large busine pay." ---- property "It's IMMENSE" ulate after you slice of our wel It will please you ing hundreds of be a regular par life and you wil it. 2 PHONE 26 a driver call. Bryson

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