Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1919, p. 9

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\ E- EXAMINER: 4 » pv ' - 7 == - WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED . 0 oonoa : 7 CIRCULATION « cop ; ; CTION2 | mas week" * $625 GOPIES| THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING PAGES pacis'et0 16 | - -- cence MacLAREN, Ed Single Copies 4 cents - 56th Year Woo. WALES nner BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919 $1.50 Hor Yaar tin afeance) No. 18 a : 2 ---- _ brief addresses from Chairman i] assistance. He has -- indeed Houden, Ft NEW B.C.1. BUILDING | terse (oon Chairman TRINITY'S VICAR [eects ey énee', POPULATION Se ine. uf the Boi "ey. Marr and Mr. cand will be much missed. | s IS NOW OCCUPIED |!" Mare eg r LEAVING BARRIE; Gating ous IS 400 HIGHER ----v of Wholesome advice and ene _ Trustees Addressed Students | cinrazement were ¢ en to the Rey, H. D. Raymond Goes to New Time Table Barrie's Assessment Also Con- On Monday--Fermal Op-|/)'"!""\* Meats (tobe capresned St. Paul's, Charlottetown, | -- it many changes are 'being siderablly Increased--More ening-Next Week. prow themselves worthy of the] PIE, Next! Month. tints division ot the Gt. which| Income Taxes. educational advanta provided goes inte effect. on May ath -- The new taete Collegiate, far Mies would try te} Rey. Ho D, Raymond, vie (eees im ees tt. The assessment roll of the which Was been in the course of lar Trinity Chureh, ti Two new trains, Nos. 55 and 58, /iown of Barrie, as turned in by ronstenetion fet the iaet tea | cnation in the hands of the /@re included, but they run only assessors Tymon and White- Months. wes ceeupied by the stall Bishop and will leave Barrie a before the end of June d, shows a net increase of and students for the first Maimel that the wid he able te jieenth hence. Anmoune ut thie 'over 8100,000 in the assessment en Monday. April 28. Duri then tm art ws citizens of Can-- 1 'as Made by Mr. Ray- ' :;and about 400 more population. cali . ada. After tw National Anthem, { Sunday c /Afler deducting exempiions of w Hthe students and stall proceeded al requests fram the]! koka ' 41 5716,760, the net assessment for amy egret eeemis and entered upon loongregation of St. Paul's Church |P0- ot May 26. June 2, 9. 16; y949'stands at $3743,686, making 'had housed the thea work [Charlottetawn, --Prines ks am oo an increase that will lower the 4 Te burema od the build) Gein to the condition of the |'sand, 'Mr. Raymond has finall} Hound 42 run between tax rate one mill Population Pa a es the mee erannds if will be some time be- |eansented to aecepl the call to the | Lorene und) Huntsville, instead figures are 6803 as compared tne elaine re those can be put in shape | wider field of work which thar [OF Gravenhurst, at oyp With 6422 in 1918. Births re~ Shieh bad te be mide: in the fandsall the permanent walks laid. -paridh vaffords. ¢ ing to the| Nu 9 leaves Toronto al 9.15 ported were 421 as compared chetistry equipment this reem. |The Rall Planing Mill Go. hac! Maritime Provinces ic somewhat | Pl. daily instead of 8 £oIng with 89 the previous year, and as well as the physics room } miract for the like returning to his boyhogd (rough to Winnipeg on Tues-| deaths were 60 as against 49. FOR PIE MAKING Hel quite realy for laid new and 'home 'or he is a native of New) avs. Thursdays and Saturdays. | Fewer dogs are reported Choice evaporated peaches, 2 apd there were also nshed ahead as | Brunswick . No. 10, southbound transeon- Income taxation shows the ibs. 45¢. details be attend as possible. A tempor-! Kor a lithe over three years Mr.|tinental, is a bit later, reaching | biggest increase, with a total of Fancy quality evaporated apri- however. ee nol interfere with alk will connect the per-;Raymend bh: mn viear of -| Toronto at 3.15 instead of 2.45 | $204,546, of which Wards V and cots, per Ib. 35c. work and it is ell every. 1 walk in' frent of the tity and has heen imdefatipab' inj Pm VI have £120,007. Cal. prunes, large sizes, per Ib. thing msnie 1 with Bradford St. until | his efforts for the uphuilding of! _-------- Details of this year's as: 20¢ and 25¢ completed in tine f [such tinw as the grounds are|the parish. Recognition of his | A Cold Snap [tent and comparative fig 's pie apple, condensed, openme next Thursda lin «© Hon to permit this he-|tatthful services was recently! 4 votd snap. unusually severe for 1918 will be given next week 15c. Neariy all the inembers of the [ing ceyilaced by conerete }shewn when the vestry necting | and continued for the time | --$<------iee, mince meat, pkg. 20c wl Falueation In Wats issue will be fond and ¥ increase Of of y Visiled this district last Home-Coming Soldiers ries, per tin, 30c. nt oon Monday Mivertsement (of the formal) S400. "Ere he leaves the parish wok, necompanind by snow ani! Home-coming Barrie soldiers | Apples in gallon tins, exch 50c. pening of Ub [open of the new tuilding on| Mr. Raymond has the satisfaction very high winds which made the whe arrived during the past week|Pie pears, in gallon tins, 75c. Mts bad assented in tPhup 8 Neoindi |ef sree the discharge of a weather fool oven eulder than it Were: Elliott Gordon | Quick chocolate, per pkg. 15c. He elasseoenis they were moire {yyy < oare bere | Moe eowhich has been upon! was Patter Ino, Minni-| Finest lemons, per doz. 40c. ito Mhe assembly all where an fren aif tren the ch property for many' On the 23rd, the mercury regis. kin, W, eibr, Lorne SATURDAY ONLY Tp repr pre eunding eountey beings | 3 tered 64, the highest this year, Campbell, tton Clayton, Vie-|Limited quantity Minto tea im carried out with Brit Mf either in me | Outside his own congregation. Next day if dropped te 22: on ter Kilgour, Frank Manuel and 70e value a ¢ awt = pinster of ¢ . When the fon, fr,{ Mr Mond found time to assist, ay the lowest w the Harry White Delive y sale -- using. Phe first cnmited act ef the lcd, wil farmalty open othe [an various forms of local activity extremes Others from the surrounding motor delivery, nerd an. The he aun Was] boiling, or om the eveping and could always be eounded country included: W. A. Bolton,| = < , . z ihe ares in Upon to lend a hand to a Pottenham: W. WwW be h . af en ee mnt deat S| Wisdom's t ' = D | LA R D AYS AY 10 . OL M | y SS é THE DAYS AT THE BIG STORE WHEN THE PRESENT DOLLAR BUYS THE OLD-TIME DOLLAR'S WORTH. . ' THIS BIG OPPORTUNITY COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR, THEREFORE DO NOT MISS THIS CHANCE TO SAVE DAYS. BARGAINS FOR YOUNG AND OLD. WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOW. Below are a few special offers ° FOR MEN INDERFUL BARGAINS IN GLOVES | __ READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Heavy Quality Denim Overall,'all sizes, reg. 51.50, AND HOSIERY FOR DOLLAR DAY Children's Gingham Dresses ............ $4.25, Dollar Day»... 0. see eee ae $1.00 4 pairs Ladies' Hose, Black and White $1.00 Extra Fine Natural Wool Underwear, sizes 34 to 2 pairs "Mercury" Lisle Hose, Brown and Putty, » j P 38, extra special +++ +a= $1.00 e $1.00 ' 100 Soft Felt Hats, many good lines ant shapes, Clearing Line Children's Cotton Hose, 466 on sale, 2 doz. Bungalow Aprons, on Sale . a teal bargain, for Dollar Day, going at p00 4 prs. $1.00 A Table of Pure Silk Waists, all c Silk Cravats, latest styles, . $1.25 and | - Black and White Silk Ankle Hose, Special Dollar |) Day os... sees e ee Men's Extra. Heavy Fine Shirts, reg. $7 oe Day 2 prs. $1.00 $4.50, Dollar Day .. p a Se ceee J oe * Men's Wool Half Hose, old. value worth 75c, Dollar | Cashmerette Gloves on sale at 39c, 3 prs. for $1.00 __ IN THE STAPLE DEPT. Day, 2-2. esses elite ees. 4 prs. for $1.00 Fine Chamoisette Gloves, reg. $1.25, Dollar Day | 36.in, White Bleached Cotton, present value 18c 75¢ Balbriggan Underwear, price on Dollar Days ve tenes s $1.00 yd., Dollar Day price ....... 8 yds. for $1.00 haus' Sawa apains ood asie Hales . 2 for $1.00 French Kid Gloves, old stock, small sizes only on 36-in. Bleached Cotton, our reg. price 25c, Dollar sale Day iss cases BRE one ssoigeere wie 5 yds. for $1.00 DRESS GOODS Heavy ioe on Roller Towelling, 17 in. wide | . * - 5 ; i- extra value @ 25c, Dollar Day, 5 yds. f $1.00 - Wool Voiles, Table of Collars, $1.50 value for $1.00; other quali . ' , Y, 5 yds. for $1. #2, Ficces pf Black Dress! Goods in Woo! Voll ties 2 for $1.00, 3 for $1.00, and 5 for $1.00 | 17-in. Stripe Brown and Cream English Linen Tow. 'Diagonal, Fancy and Plain Permos, Serges, etc., ~ elling, worth 35c 4 yds. for $1.00 worth up to $1.50, Dollar Day ........ $1.00 sees 4yds, x ; - SPECIAL IN WHITE HABUTAU SEE : A MILLINERY BARGAIN - EXTRA! EXTRA! -- ' I j if Silk, for F ' i i i 1 Pisce ie eae ce ee fot Dollar 1 doz. Trimmed Hats, newly trimmed, on Sale Biothed Huck Towelling. We could not buy it Summer) Blouses,' specially $1.00 per yd. at 8 o'clock Friday morning, at .. $1.50 ea. or 50c, DollanDay ........., 3 yds. for $1.00 Day .. ++ $1.00 per ae A Table of Curtain Materials at half pri & 3 pieces Fine Cord Silk for Dresses, White, Navy, 1 doz. Similar Hats to go on sale Saturday ; Price, Copenhagen and Black, 36 in. wide, sold all sea- morning at 8 o'clock $1.50 each Madras, Nets, Voile and Fancy Scrims, while they j son at $1.35, Dollar Day .. .. $1.00 yd. TASt a seiois nnine wits C493 i, eee 5 yds. for $1.00 i | N S REMEMBER THE DATES e Ki Li ° d ea } = (i " FRIDAY AND SATUR- arjeant & Ing, imite DAY NEXT WEEK' THE STORE OF SATISFACTION YELLOW PENNANTS

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