Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Mar 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve a athlete Aeulde ul EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimdm charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- Plies are directed to this Office an addi- tonal charge of 10c. will be made. foregoing rates are for CASH. Wh id fer before the paper is issued - itional charge of 10c, will be made on all adlets less than one dollar. FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss 'M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfc FOR SALE--House with 5 acres or less at 28 Donald street. Apply on premises. 8-17p FOR SALE--House, lot (about 244 serea) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises. 6-l4p HOME-MADE BAKING ON SALE--At Gruham Restaurant, 20 Mulcaster street. Meals or lunch served at all hours. Prices lowest. 8-18p. PUBLIC ATTENTION--Auto, carriage and sign painting done at Huxtable's garage. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. Halliday, Painter 9-14 FOR SALE--Two Brick houses, large gar- dens, plenty fruit, good out-buildings. Terms suit. Enquire Stephen Pratt, Cundles. g 11-l6p CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to loak like new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop 8t. FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all kinds of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran- tweed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie 3-16p 'WANTED~Relinble single man for farm, would bire for seven months, or a year. State wages in first letter to Box "'B™ | Examiner office. 10tfe FUNERAL DESIGNS, Wedding Bouquets, ' artistically arranged, fresh cut roses, nations, other seasonable flowers always on band. Phone 713, E. A. Harris, florist 8.13p FOR SALE-A seven-roomed, rough-cast house, with water and bath newly install ed, garden, side driveway. Close to Cath- olic Church. Mrs, Culverwell, 93 Owen street 9-tfe FOR SALE---Rougheast house in village of Craighurst, six rooms, almost new, Good shed and garden. Water at door. Will sell st right price. W. H. Morrison, Craighurst 12-166 FOR SALE 1 bay Gelding, 4 years old, general purpose; 1a mare white Rocks und 3 white Leghorn Cockerels. Prices moderate, J. V. Brown, Burton Farm, Allan 12fe FARM FOR SALE, lot 2. con. 5, Innisfil Well foricerd, good clay loam: good frame house, large hen with basement stab- ling, never failing well) Apply to Mrs Dutcher Thorman 51-tf teseher of China cher at Alberta dmonton, Alta. Firing to, Studio 33 Louisa 5 11-15p, HOUSE FOR SALE--New brick bourse, 11 Bradfori street, Barrie, just oppasite new collegiate vel modern cohvenience. Garage for two cars, Apply, Wesley Mar- tin, R.R.3, Thornton. 9.tfe. ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and ur painting. Saturdays 2-3.30, ppointment, Mrs, F, S, Williams, (diploms Paris and London', 261 Dun. Phone 391 8-13p FOR SALE--Medium sized® brick house. Modern conveniences, in good repair, cen- tral. Will be sold reasonable. Terms to sit purchaser, large lot adjoining. 88 Clapperion street, Barrie. Apply Mrs. E. . Russell, 409 Markham street, Toronto. 10-140 WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to tuke full charge of farm home with a buby boy 13. months' old, No outside work to do. A good, comfort- able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Anply stating partic- ulars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O, or ghone. Itfe FOR SALE --Five acres north side Donald street, Barrie, within 1-3 mile Collegiate Institute Suitable for building sites or market garden, Spring creek" running full leng'h lot. Also five acres in Vespra with pine timber on it nearly opposite R. C. Cemetery, Sunnidale Road, Barrie. Apply C. W. Plaxton, Kent Bldg., Tor- onto. i 12-140 FOR_SALE--North half, lot 12, sion 7, Flos, consisting of 100 acres, joam, in good state of cultivation. clay On this property are a good brick house, bank barn, hog pen, 'driving house, chick- | en house. Convenient to -- churches, schools and markets : ticulars apply to J. C. McGinnis, R.R.1, Eimvale, Ont. 8-14p FOR SALE--Strictly modern brick house, on west side of Burton svenue, full basement with attic, all modern conveni- ences, with hot water heating, good gar- den and poultry house, good cistern and summer kitchen. Will sell at 8 bargain, small payment down and balance like rent. J. E. Morrison, Phone 427, 52 Holgate, Allandale. 1L-17e FOR SALE--Double house, Worsley street, S-minute walk from P.O. Solid white brick, air space in outside walls, brick div- iding wall, Stone foundation and divid. ing wall in cellar, cement floors, Hecla furnaces. -Eight rooms and bath, all con- veniences, soft water in kitchen, unfin- ished attic. Bargain, as owner is non- resident. Phone 558. or Box 586. 9-14¢ FOR SALE--Good Brick. House, well loca- 'ted in Barrie, with town water and light, well and cistern, two pumps, large wood- shed, garage, pens for 150 fowls, with outside wired tuns. Orchard, strawber- it three acres of good ries, raspberries, land, "well fenced. All in good condition. A nice home. . Fair payment down, good terms on balance. Particulars at Exam- , iner Office or-Phone 887. tte ley street. WARDROBE WANTED--About six feet Jong. Box "C" Examiner office. 12tfc BOARDERS WANTED--Apply to 22 irs a -gaeaaial WANTED--Apply Powell & 7 130 a BOARDERS WANTED--All conveniences. 44 Worsley. street. $6.00 per week, 10-15p 'The | FOR SALE CHEAP--A good threshing out- fit. Apply Bell Bros., Elmvale. 12-13¢ THE BARRIE 13-13 CLUCKING HENS WANTED--Apply at this office. . 13413 eo FOR SALE--Classic Range. Apply 27 Bradford street. 13-13¢ CHOICE CROCK' BUTTER--45c a Ib. . P Kearns Grocery. e 18-13¢ FOR SALE--One dark red Shorthorn Bull, \FURNISHED ROOM to Rent. Apply 51 13-13¢ WANTED--Good general servant. Apply Mra. R. A. Stephens, 123 Collier street, 12-tfe TO LET--Rooms 'md apartments for light housekeeping. Apply P.O, Box 545, Bar- rie. 12-17p ee ONE GRAND MILCH COW for sale. Dual Shorthorn, Apply Harry Ottaway, Bar- rie. 12-13p ee PROF. D, E, WEIR--Teacher of Piano and Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street, Barrie. 12-17p |. | FOR SALE--100 Bushels Choice Seed Peas. 'Apply W. D, Cochrane, R. R. No. 2, Allandale. | HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, seven rooms, | electric light and water. Apply on prem- ises, 113 Burton avenue. 1113p ee HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- age. fireplace, furnace, sleeping balcony, $1500.00 108 Peel street. L-the 11-16p | ten months old. B. Webb, Stroud. 1?tfe | Charlotte street. 13-14p WANTED--Experienced maid, at once. Ap- |FOR SALE--Durbam Bull, 11 months old, ply Mrs, Albert Bryson, Bradford street.| W. Robertson, Stroud. 13-15p \MAN WITH TEAM would plough gardens, | etc. Apply 11 Florence street. 13-15p 'GIRL WANTED--For housework. Apply | Mrs, D. Powell, 46 Clapperton street. FOR SALE at a bargain--Strong English cart, carry four, in good order. 77 Mary street 13-13p FOUND--Pair of spectacles. Owner may have same at Examiner office by paying for advt. 13-13¢ WANTED--Experienced farm hand for six months or year. Apply J. D. Knapp, Anten Mills. 13-15p EAVETROUGHING--Have yours done be- fore the busy season, Consult Moffatt & Parr. Phone 531 13-18¢ WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS for sale-- $1.00 per setting of 15. G. H. Curtis 66 John street west. 13-18p Pais aAMk eS HOUSE FOR SALE--9-room solid brick, lot 66ftx132, Apply on premises, 49 Gowan street, Allandale |GOLDEN CAMPINE EGGS--Fine laying strain (Kennedy's) $2.00 for 15, J. A. Wolfenden, 94 Clapperton. te For further par: | | HEATED ROOMS to Let furnished or un- | furnished. Apply at what is known an Vespra House. Phone 753 11-16p. aE a |TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, all modern conveniences. Easy terms. Ap- ply to Mrs, Smith, 60 Mary street. 11-16p NOW IS THE SEASON FOR MUSKRATS. T want them. Will pay highest prices H. Levit, Bayfield street, phone 384. 11-16p FOR SALE+-Five acres in town of Barrie, suit market gardener, Easy terms, Box | 571. P. O. or phone 440, R. B. Ander- | son 12-17p KGGS FOR HATCHING- White Leghornn, the kind that pay, $1.00 per setting, 2 for $150 HD, Atherton, Barrie, phone 5808 13-17p FOR SALE- Pen of Rhode Twland Reds. Also cedar posts all sizes and leng'hs. Ap: ply W, O. Partridge, 261 Bayfield street, Barrie =1e FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bull, 22 months ald, bred by Patton & Sons, Thornton S Wo Wutt, Churehill P.O Lefroy Phone 13-13p International Portable Gaso- alo chopper and cheay Wo OH 13-14p FOR SAL line Engine, 115 HP), roller, good cond Martin, Churchill WANTED. by marred couple without chil dren, smal! furnished cottage or part of furnished house with ure of kitchen Permanent tenant if suited, Apply, Box "2 Examiner 13-13p FOR SALE CHEAP--1 set of platform Grey aprings, complete, almost sx good ns new: ane wood stuve water tank, about 25 bbl. capacity, W. C. How, phone 798, 11-tfe GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG GIRL to lewrn telegrapky. in return for assist ance in office, whole or part day. Apply Miss E, M, Frame, Munuger, G.N.W. of- fice, Barrie 13e FOR SALE--A heavy Clydesdale mare ri- sing five years old, sired by "Barra Castle", well broken und reliable, H. J. Tudhope & Sons, Hawkestone R. M. D., Phone 131 Oro, 18-140 FOR SALE--8-roomed pressed brick resi- dence, No, 6 Cumberland street, all con- veniences/' stationary laundry tubs, gas, electric light, oak and hardwood floors down stairs, lot 40x167, Apply R. H. Stone. 13-13p eee HOUSEMAID Wanted for Sineoe Hall on April Ist, Must have first-class refer- ences. Higheet wages paid. Apply to Dr. Barber, 43 Essa street, Allandale, afternoohs or between seven snd nine, evenings. 13-13¢ CANVASSERS WANTED to take'subserip- tions for » well established journal. To a first-class man good territory will be given. Apply Onterio Publishing Com- pany, Limited, 200 Adelaide street, West, Toronto. 12-13de SALE--Three Hundred Acres good rich clay loam farm. Eh bloc or portion. Large bank barns, water service, stables, brick house, furnace, splendid locality, near railways and county town. Posses- sion at once, Investigate, Frank Quants, owner, Barrie. Teowtl. CHANTLER BROS. STROUD, have in stock, Dominion tires, 30x3%, and 31x4; Tubes, spark plugs, cement, cup grease Polarine Cylinder, best coal oil, 1 sugar kettle, single bob sleigh, old church or- gan, first-class groceries. If you owe us, please pay and oblige greatly, 13-13p -------------- FOR SALE--No. 1 Spring Wheat for seed, grown on one of the cleanest farms in Ontario. Also one Wheellock engine, 50 FLP. in good condition. 1 stand of rolls 9x18 for crushing grain; 1 set of scales, 3000, The.; J. emoke stack, apantity of shafting and iron and wood pulleys, Ap- ply, J. A. Shaw, Hawkestone Mill. 13-16¢ WANTED--By the Barrie Board of Edu- cation, a Caretaker for the Collegiate Institute, applications received up to and including April 4th, 1919. - State married or single, experience, qualifi tions and sslary expected, giving testi- monials, if any. Rules governing care- takers may be seen at Mr. R, A. Steph- ens' Store. Applications to be to Fred Marr, Sec'y Barrie Board of Education, and marked ' ' Caretaker 13-13 WANTED--Burred Rock eges for hatch- ing, also clucking hens, Phone 440 or | write George Anderson, Barrie. 13-13p FOR SALE--Cement Barrel Mixer, with horse power, complete in good xbape Apply G. W. Brooks, Shanty Bay. 13-13p FOR SALE--Walnut dining table and four: chairs, walnut bedroom suite, four par- | lor chairs, Apply 5 Bradford street.13p NERAL WANTED, nice home, no washing, good wages to experienced girl, apply 454 Queen street, S., Hamil- ton." 13-14¢ cook FOR SALE--Nice Clyde mare rising 4, weight 1300 Ibs. und Clyde Gelding, ri- sing 5, weight 1450, Apply Box 382, | Barrie. 13-13p LOST between Barrie and Mr. Raikes', a green Burberry cout, with raglan sleevew nnd a belt Finder please return to "Ovenden"" 13-14p. FIFTEEN DOLLARS buys Hamilton incu- bator snd brooder, capacity 116 eggs, good condition, Apply John Luck. R. R Shanty Bay 12-13p Sale of Home-Made Baking The WA. of St, George's Church, Allan- dule, will hold a sale of home-made cook ing in the Memorial Hall, March 29, from. 3 to 6 | Remnants ; | | | Hall on April 4 Business is deeideily brisk at PRICE From 5c. per Roll Up To make room for the new stock which is arriv- ing, we will sell Remnants of last year's Papers at Half regular price. \SALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, MAR. 21 Johnston arren 13-18p | When the a great many people expe chinery of our civil life to menced. Bite 44 She prices a part, too, being auatity of mate $1.75 Are you fully supplied ticularly advisable. thimbles, tape measures, a iff articles not connected with | Pi OCAL NEWS hs Read the advts de oranges rick & Lister Times Ball" under the uspices oof Barrie Business dust pee Hege will be given in the Town the Underhills shoe factory, the vulpul being 200 pair per week Kighty employers are on the pay= roll Roy Love of Stratt est son of M |broke his right forearm in Te. Fronto on Sunday, Te was ing a car wher the engine back- fired Win. Richardson, who was} working with the iee-cntting gang, had one knee badly ent last week when the jer lenges slipped and struck one knee with decided force At a mecting of the Wy AL of the R, V. Hospital, held on W nesday. it was decided te hold a jarden Party on or about July fst. This notice is given lo avoid clashing of dates An old-timer tells The Ex- aminer that) some -- thirty-five years ago a large. quantity of ice was taken from the bay and stored in a large shed al the head of the bay, shipments being made to outside points during the summer The April meeting of the Bar- rie branch of, the Women's In- stitute will be held in the Police Court on the 4th inst, al 4 o'clock Will all who are interested in the 'use to he made of the Can- ning Kitehen make an effort to ho present as ils future will then he discussed. On Saturday night, Mar. 29, Barrie theatre-goers will again have an opportunity to see F, Stuart-Whyte's English panto- mime of the fascinating fairy tale of "Cinderella." Both cast and chorus are carefully select- --our soldiers to be brought home immediately--prices to be lowered and the ma- THINKING PEOPLE, HOWEVER, WILL 'STOP TO CONSIDER-- to realize that what we accomplished during over four years with great effort, can- not be changed in the course of a féw short months. OUR BOYS ARE COMING HOME-- Conditions are becoming normal--prices will drop, but all this must be brought about gradually. And in the meantime, we stand ready to serve you as we did Coe the years of stress and strain, dependably and with the best values ob- ainable. i Frocks for Morning Wear Neatly fashioned of Fine Ginghams, "Billie Burke" dresses are unusually Pereales and Chambrays in pretty | stylish garments for house wear. They checks, large plaids and light and dack | are so splendidly and modishly made plain colors, made up in styles at ance | that they are quite suitable for street dressy and attractive. wear as well ax for the house. Wechaveall-xizee iin Slock now-teom The quality of materials used is ex- and also extras 45 to 53 inehes bust measure. ARE YOU FULLY EQUIPPED FOR YOUR SPRING SEWING ? one necessary articles that make for your conven- ience during the sewing season ? As arule, just when you want an article you cannot find it, so we suggest a visit to our notion department where youcan stock up with all wanted articles at prices that make your selecting here par- Pins and needles, buttons, thread, tape, darners WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE Sh OST PEO lj . PY / é 'Great War Stopped cted everything to be at once returned to a pre-war basid run as smoothly as in the days before hostilities com- cellent, and the palterns and colors-- well, we ask you to eome in and see them lhey're made of Fine French Ging- ham and Chambray in checks, plai¢ and plain colory at $3.80 to $5.50 each uts from re the most attractive very reasonable for Uhe 1 to $4.50 each with the hundred and nd a large variety of sewing. i PLE TRADE Gilbert Love and his son, of Mer Hubbard's | stat have purchased the general store A. W. WHITBY of ou PP, Merrick at Mitehell Square and will gel possession BOOT AND SHOE on April 15. 'They have pure chased a ton truck to enabh REPAIRER them to handle their delivery better. 'The Oro "central" also Note the Address: will be in their charge. Elizabeth Street, Barrie 2 doors West of Tele- phone Office. ROBERT D. COLLIER, M.B., M.D., C.M.| Office and Surgery, Phelpston, Ont. Office hours: 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Special attention given to Maternity Calls. All "Night Calls promptly responded 10 | on either Elmvale or Minesing 'phone lines. TRINITY CHURCH 4 Executors Sale of Valuable Residential Pro- nie march 28" 1019 perty in the Town of Barrie. | 830--Holy Communion | The fine solid brick 9-roomed residence |11.00\-Morning Prayer and Sermon; Prea- of the late Reginald MacDonnell. cher, Rev. W. J, H. Petter, representing All modern conveniences, furnace, bath, Upper Canada Bible Society ; Subject "The gas and electricity. Must be sold to wind | Triumph of the Word". up estate. Apply to local agents or to Mrs, | 3.00--Sunday School and Bible Classes. R. MacDonnell, Executrix, 111 Hilton Ave, | 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. Toronto. 10-188 Rev, H. D, Raymond, Vicar firuterenicmr Neel Fee ht Vacuum Cleaner : A positive 'cure for Housekeeping troubles. Keeps everything 'bright and clean. No more dusting, no more periodical House clean- ing. Increased Comfort } in the Home. "A trial will cost you nothing". Price $48.00 Have one demonstrated to you. ed and are-sure to please. Grand Opera House, March 29. 1

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