THE see ie pe Seven' FAMOUS FOLKS IN FIGURES $510.00 in Cash for Best Solutions = MARCH 23: ISRAEL WARNED AGAINST "COMPROMISE..--Josh. 23: 1-24:28). GOLDEN TEXT.--"Evil Communi tions corrupt good manners." --1 @gr. 15:33. TIME.--1427 B.C. PLACE.--Shechem. EXPOSITION.--I. What Jehovah had done for Israel, 1-5. 'As Joshua sees his long, busy and fruit- ful life drawing rapidly towards its close When you tell your family he summons the people and their rulers " before him to give them his farewell coun- i that the Marmalade in the | sty", Ch 24:1). Under Joshur's leader. jar was made with ship.""Jehoveh had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies." Joshua in this as in much else was a type of our Lord Jesus under whose' leadership God gives us rest. The very name Joshus is the Hebrew equi- valent of the Greek name that corresponds : ; ° a P to Jesus. (See Heb. 4:8 AV. and RV. we ¢ u oF - g | a sao But Joshua was now old (our Joshua never ba ae je t ityMe * , wae 3 * | grows old--Heb. 7:26; 13:8) and must leave we 3 2 te ote -e the people whom he had led and to whom he had been so great a blessing; therefore DONY BE SORE RIBRR (trace from 1 to 87) he calls them together for these words of counsel. He began by rehearsing the story of Jehovah's saving goodness to Is- jrael. This he does more fully in Ch. 24: |1-13. All that had happened to the nations who had formerly ocowpfed the promised GO VALID G" UAY DEED (crave from 1 to 90) ROOL WIDOW SNOW (trace from 1 to 85) LASH OF CHARM (trace from 1 to 96) How Familiar Are You With the Features of | WORLD in every woman's home." We want more Canadian m readers to become acquainted with this tamout ub: the Great Men of To-Day? Here is a Real Test. | Siiur "Pherelore, when we acbnowlcage your catsyte the sons your spare time. und we will even send copies for each of your Iriends, if you wish. Se et alk How To Send Your Solutions they know they are going and other good things with Lantic Sugar. We send it free, but please enclose a 2c. stamp to pay postage. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd. McCILL BUILDING, MONTREAL. We are no match for the mighty hosts ar- Jrayed against us (Eph. 6:12 R.V.), but, {Jehovah is (Eph, 6:10, 11, 13, 16). The \fight wad not all over yet, some of the na- tions were still in possession; but Jehovah had promised the whole land; so Joshua, trusting in the certainty of God's promise, claimed the as yet unpossessed territory land divided it unto Israel for an inherit- the great man represented in the diagram above it. Unscramble the letters of his name eo that you can correctiy name him. In the far column will be found a list of a few of the world's This list may prove of service to you The best completed pictures with the na.nes correct can win $510.00 in cash. The compieted pictures must be clipped froin this paper and attached to a separate pheet containing the sames of the great men represented by the diagrams, together complete name and address of contestant in the Upper it-hand comer of pap-r. Complete list of grand prizes to be awarded {a shown in the next columa. This @reat Contest Is Absolutely Free of outstanding great met 2nd- - 3rd - - 4th - \ 5th - 1st - $200.00 Cash 100.00 Cash 50.00 Cash 25.00 Cash 15.00 Cash land had been Jehovah's doing and He had HE above four dingrams re 1 vou know ¥ : b = above four dia present Incomplete 'pletures of 'at vou know your standing for the prises, we aba'l send to have a treat. done it for Israel's sake (v. 3). It was Je- [gu oi nove ferent Becgines you read nd hear | Su Sriemou coat, 3 copy of the vey fate tue onda review | Use ony angi the paper that contain name ofthe rat i i . % od. a ' * about every day of your life. Complete the four pictures | of anany of the fine features soon to onpear., 'Then in order 10 aca ¢ pictures, and put your name and addren ' The Lantic Library is three hovah their God who bad "fought for' by: wackag from) patsber Toad CS Ge nels oe nd RES | Guullly your exery 10 Ne seat Oo for tie dai nod' necsaine | (eating Mr. Mra or bled peace little booklets telling h them; and therein lay the whole secret of tures are finished and the faces of these great livia men will be in the upper right-hand cor- t ets telling how itheir victory. They were no match for revealed to xou fo that you should quickly recognize them. Can anes xu = to write ca | brtred OF Gnear ake it i you make them out mur answers, DA' 'o make preserves, desserts \these mighty nations but Jehovah was. Below each picture In jumbled letters f¢ the correct nan.¢ of E PRIZES sea separate sheet of paper. Lord Readi TH Attach this to your com Hert Resgiog pleted pictures clipped from this paper. Thrre independent judges, having no connection what- ever with this firm. will award the prises, and the answers gaining 300 points will take the Fint Prize. You will get 25 points for every picture completed correctly and 25 points for ved correctly. | 1° | every ance.. He assured the people that Jehovah: Expenise--Send Your Anewers To-Day! 15 polnts will be awarded fc would "thrush out from before" them the Thie great conte In bear conducted by the Coninenta | 6th - - 10.00 Cash laste ed, . 7 A Ing. punctuation, etc." 10 nitions that, stil remained, ang thet Ts.) Fublting Compe Limited oe of the argent an ow Lnown for handcwiiting, and rael would "possess their land." He wal) Dublimhing houses in Canada. That is your guarantee that the | 11 7th-2 Sth each, 5.00 Cash Solna for failing the | cay, SH David Beate EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Residential Property in the Town of Barrie The personal representatives of the Eatate Jabsolutely sure of this because 'Jehovah your God hath promised." Faith takes God at His word and is as sure of what He pro. 'mises ax of whut it already sees as wccom= Plished fact | II, What Israel Must do for Jehovah, 6- prizes will be awarded with absolute fairness and squareness to you and every ether contestant. Frankly. ft fg intended to fur- ther on rcduce EVERVWOMAN'S WORLD, Canada's Greatest Maxine. You may enter and win the best of prises whether you area subscriber to EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD or not-- and moreover. you will neither be asked nor expected to take the magazine or spend a single penny of your, money in order to WERE IS THR IDEA.--EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD is #0 All-Canadian' PRIZES GUARANTEED nd prizes, you will be asked to assist us in on Introduction plan. by 'sbowing 'your copy to Tut chiee friends or neighbours, who will appreciate this really worth-while, 'ine and want It to come to them cgndicions 'of the contest. ntestant apres 10 abide by the decision of the fudges "The contest will close at 12 o'clock "nooa, 'August Josh. 1919. ieinediteh, fer which anewere judged and the Prises awarded. 'Address your answers to-day to-- Famous Folks Competition, eae ora a General Louls Botha. EK, Venizelos General Sir Arthur Currie month. ef the late Robert Grose will offer for sale 13. Fae cae eee ree saat noe bas che vere, culation of Ceae aan Continental hin by Public Auction ut the new Barrie Hotel Having spoken of what Jehovah had done 100,000 copieva'month. 'But our motto la EVEPYWOMAN'S | You wil easly full this sinple condition ia a few mauve of | Continental Building. Dent ape oe aOR OMS ONT. 2 lhe owen ot Bustier at 1 cele eat for them and. would. stil' &, Joshua now | reese on Saturdey the Sth day of April, 1919, the following rel estate, subject to are: serve bid, namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and ch. 24° 1.14; 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23). In view! vah' would require careful watching (v-|Huts off! premises, situate, lying und being in the of what Jehovsh had done for them Josh_ 11) If Israel failed to maintain their sep- | Along the streets there comes town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Us's demanYs upon them were most reaon- gration from the heathen, God would leave |A blure of bugles, a ruffle of drums, and Province of Ontario, being compcsed cof part of lot No. one on the easterly side cf John Street, (now Maple Avenue) as shown on a plan of record in the Registry Office for said County a4 Number 17, end being more particularly described as fol- lows' COMMENCING at a point in the westerly limit of said lot distant fifty-three feet and two inches from the north west angle thereof measured southerly along said westerly limit; said point being the south westerly angle of that parcel of lund des- cribed in an instrument of record in said Hea Re re ee Ta eat ay ¢ OHA campiny iat went forthe Chew of vty e0 a aia tera along the centre line of brick wall where ret tale do keep and do ee Eni Teng iat Preston'? Devs of plenty and years of peace: - mentioned in suid instrument thirty-eight some things that are "written in the book," "cord G2 WinME, i de ndded hauk March of « strong land's ewift increase; iS § en J = feet to the easterly end of said brick wall; but not "ALL" God says "ALL" There Years. Gowever, Uo lingwood a reve Equal justice, right and Inw, thence easterly in m straight line to the south easterly angle of last mentioned par- cel being a point in a line drawn parallel tothe said westerly limit "und through point in the northerly limit of said lot dis- tunt one hundred and fifteen feet from the north westerly angle thereof measured eas- terly along said northerly limit said south easterly angle being distant thirty-three feet measured southerly along last mention- 'ed line from said northerly limit; thence northerly and along last mentioned line three feet to thé northerly limit of thence easterly and along said ly limit to the north easterly angle of that parcel of land described in an instru- ment of record in said Registry Office as No. 70805; thence southerly and along the ens- terly limit of last mentioned parcel to the routherly limit of said lot; thence westerly | and along said southerly limit to the said westerly limit of said lot; thence northerly and along last mentioned westerly limit to the place of beginning. The bearings herein given being referred to the bearings 'of the ssid westerly limits of said lot. as north thirty degrees west; subject to the rights of way or particularly desctibed in registered instruments numbers 401 and 655 for Barrie, which said real estate was owned and occupied by the late Robert Grose, Upon the said property is said to be erected a two-storey brick veneer residence containing seven rooms and bath room. This property is most centrally located and is situate on one of the 'most desirable residential streets in Barrie, ¢ = ~ For further particulars and conditions, apply STEWART & STEWART, Barrie, Ontario. Solicitors for the personal representatives of the Robert Grose Estate. Dated at Barrie, March 6, 1919. 11-l4e MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Poltmaster General, will be received at Ot- tawa until noon, on Friday, the 4th April, 1919, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract, for four years, Six times per week on the'route Oro B ion & Oro Station rom Ist July, 1919 Printed notices containing further jn- formation as to conditions of pro; - tract may be seen and blank forms of Ten- der may be obtained at the Post Offices of Guthrie, Oro Station, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector: Toronto. -Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Feb. 15th, 1919. A. SUTHERLAND, 10-126 Post Office Inspector. Canada's Agricultural Wealth If to the estimated value of agricultural production in 1917, vis. $1,621,028,000, is added for land $2,792,229,000, for build- ings $927,548,000, for implements, $387,- 079,000, sd for live stock $1,102,261,000, the sum of $6,830,145,000 is arrived at as the total estimated agricultural wealth of the Dominion of Canada for the year 1917, speaks of what Israel must do for Jehovah. He bases their obligation to serve Jehovah upon what Jehovah had done for them (ef. able. In the light of Jehovah's great good- ness to them it would have been gross in gratitude on Israel's part not to serve and obey Him, and Hig only, Not so gross, however, as the refusal of any man to-day in the light of the cross to serve and obey, God, First of all they must be "very coura- geous to keep and "do all that is written in the book, etc." These were the same di. rections that Joshua himself had received ghe professing church is failing to-day. from God when Moses died (ch, 1:2, 7) Tt tukes courage to keep and do uncompro. misingly all God commands in Hix Word! was to be absolutely no turning aside, "to the right hand or to the left". Joshua recognized "the book of the law'? which be possesxed to be the work of Moses whom he knew. The opinion of this contemporary of Moses is worth infinitely more than the opinion of Wellhausen and other Ger man infidels and their English, Scotch, and | [American disciples who lived more than 3,000 years after Moses died. They must 'maintain strict separation from the heather (ef. 2. Cor, 6;:14-18). Failure to keep God' command of separation was what brought | ruin later to Israel (Judges 2:1-4) and it is what is bringing ruin upon the Church | today. They were to have absolutely no | contuct with false gods and false religions: | no "congress of religions" for them, They |were to "CLEAVE UNTO Jehovah"; they were to be very narrow, no sentimental |"liberalism" in their religion. The reason for this was what Jehovah had done for jthem (v9). "'No man had been able to {stand before" them, and no man will ever be "able to stand' before the one who is jwholly given up to God. If we keep right jwith God we need never fear any man. "One man" who is right with God can |"'chase a thousand"'. The reason for this is, "for Jehovah your God, He it is that fight- The Flag Goes By By Henry Holcomb Bennett eth for you," (ef. Rev. 8:31). This is what God promised (v. 10) and this is what He will do, To "cleave unto Jeho. them to fight their own battles and the |A flash of colors, beneath the sky; nations they mingled with would, become , Hats off! to them "a snare and a trap" "and a| The flag is passing by! scourge' "'and thorns in their eyes", and they did so become. This would go on until they perished from off the good land which Jehovab had given unto them, Israel fuiled and was set aside because of com- promise with the world and that is where Blue and crimson and white it shines, Over the steel-tipped ordered lines, Hats off The colors before us fly! But more than that the flag is passing by. Sea fights and land fights grim and great, Fought to make and save the State; Intermediate 0.H.A. Champs. Weary marches and sinking ships; Collingwood, by winning the intermediate lnurels, us it is the fourth time they have = been returned champions, Thie js something Stately honor and reverent awe; no other club ever accomplished, The following is the honor roll 1897 Berlin--Frontenac x1898 Listowel--W aterloo 1899 Frontengc--National 1900 London--Belleville 1901, St. George's Toronto--Port Signs of @ nation, great and strong Toward her people from foreign wrong: Pride and glory and bonor--all 10 Live in the colors to stand or fall. 3-1 Hats off! |Along the streets there comes Hope cette eens -10--8 4 blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, 1902 Peterboro--Galt .. 7--6 And loyal hearts are beating high; 1903--Parie--Marlboros, Taeata :12--7 | Hate off! 1904 Stratford--Midland 13-11 i 1905 Victoria Harbor--Berlin phe See pening Fel 1906 Peterboro--Goderich 1907 Berlin--Collingwood 1908 Midlarid--Collingwood 1909 Lindssy--Stratford . 1910 Collingwood--London 1911 Preston--Midland 1912 Preston--Midland 1913 Collingwood--London . 1914 Berlin--Orillia 1915 Orillie--Wiarton 1916 Sarnie--Belleville 1917 Hamilton--Kitchener 1918 Collingwood--Oshawa . 1919 Collingwood--Kingston 96 xListowel won through the disqualifics-- tion of the Waterloo club. A Record on the C.P.R. On Thursday night last a record run was 12-5 /made on the C.P.R. line from Montreal to 13°71) lover 230 milee was made by a epecial train 24--21 conveying a doctor from the former place, "19--9 |in 397 minutes, including 8 minutes stop Jat Smiths Falls, 10 minutes at Trenton and 6--4/5 minutes at Whitby. | 19-18; The stretch from Smiths Falls to Tren- jton which is 102 miles was run in 108 65 | minutes. Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at W. A. Lowe & 80! 43-tf What ¢ 09200202000 , The F. Fs DALLEY CORPORATI 8 very powerful ~ Ge tig 5s cleanser. ---- ir the oldest end hardest dirt, grease, etc. 7 Comfort Lye is fine for making sinks, drains ang closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice, roaches and insect pests. Comfert Lys will do the spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lye is food for making soap. It's powdered,perfumed and 100% pure. bardest 66600000 The most delicious Hot Biscuits are easily with DALLEY BAKING POWDER--Fine for all home-baking, and quickly made IDENTIFIED BY THIS MARK OF QUALITY Limited, HAMILTON, CANADA [For 25 Years the way of making a better house- hold soap. "Comfort" is always the best and the' biggest bar for the money. That is why its sales are greater than those of any other soap in Canada--and still growing. "It's All Right" . PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED Best TORONTO, ONT.