Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve . THE ADLET COLUMN The 'cost of advertising in this column Is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to: this Office an addi- tional charge of 10c. will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not ee for peta re the paper is issued, an ad- ditional cl of 10c. will be made on all adlets fs 'than one dollar, FOR SALE--Howse with 5 scree or less at 28° Donald street. Apply on premises. 8-17 FOR SALE--House, lot (about 2% sores) and stable st 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises. 614p OOAL, all sizes, nut, stove and egg. all kinds of hard and soft ag Apply to W. Gracey & Son, Allandale, phone 404 5-tfo. PUBLIC ATTENTION--Auto, carriage and sign painting done .at Huxtable's garage. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. Halliday, Painter. 9-14. BOARDERS WANTED=Apply to 22 Wors- street. 8-13¢ ley WARDROBE WANTED--About six feet 12tfe long. Box "'C' Examiner office. BOARDERS WANTED--All conveniences. 44 Worsley street. $6.00 per week. 10-15p FOR SALE CHEAP--A good threshing out- fit. Apply Bell Bros, Elmvale, 12-18 FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Mire 'M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfe WANTED--Experienced maid, at once. Ap- ply Mrs. Albert Bryson, Bradford street. 12-126 TO RENT--A nice comfortable room, ls- dies prefered. Apply 11 Henry, stret DINING-ROOM GIRL Wanted and woman to wash dishes. Apply Clarkson rs WANTED--Good general servant. Apply Mr. R.A. Stephens, 128 Collier eet, 12-tfo s|TO LET--Rooms and apartments for light housekeeping. Apply P.O. Box 545, Bar- rie. 12-17 ONE GRAND MILCH COW for sale. Dual Shorthorn, Apply Harry Ottaway, Bar- rie. 12-18p FOR SALE--Two Brick houses, large gar- | dens, plenty fruit, good out-buildings. Terms to suit. Enquire Stephen Pratt, Cundles, 11-16p | CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old | suit and overcoat can be made to look like ew by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop Bt. FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all kinds of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie. 3-16p BUGLES--Anyone desiring to sell Boosey bugles please apply at the Examiner of- fice, 12-120 LOST--Top of fountain pen, with clip, Re- ward if left with Acme Clothing Co. Barrie. 12-12¢ PROF, D, E. WEIR--Teacher of Piano and Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street, Barrie. 12-17p FOR SALE--100 Bushels Choice Seed Peas. Apply W. D. Cochrane, R. R. No. 2, Allandale. 11-16p WANTED--Reliable single man for farm, |-- would hire for seven months, or a year. | State wages in first letter to Box "B™ Examiner office. 10tfe | LOST--On Wednesday, March 19, child's eye glasses. Finder please return to 64 Mary street 12-12 MECHANICS WANTED--Experienced pain- ters for nutomobile color varnishing and alo woodworking machine hands. Mc Laughlin Motor Car Co., Ltd., Oshawa. 11-12me FOR SALE or Exchange--For a doe, a ore Siberian buck rabbit 9 monte old. inford street, Barrie. 1-12; HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- age. fireplace, furnace, sleeping balcony, $1500.00 FOR SALE OR RENT-- in Barrie, 108 Peel street 11-tle brick house, good barn, town water, = enc RENEE cistern; convenient to market. Price CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE at Minesing. right, cusy terms, Enquire Examiner. Grain und stock farms Good buildings office 7-12e E. H. Johnston, Mineving 12-12p FUNERAL DESI Wedding Bouquets, GOLDEN CAMPINE EGGS--Fine laying artistically arranged, fresh cut roses. car nations, other seusonuble flowers alwaya on Phone 713, E. A. Harris, florist. fi 8-13p FOR SALE--A seven-roomed, rough-cust house, with water and bath newly install ed, garden, side driveway, Close to Cath olic Church, Mrs. Culverwell, 93 Owen street Othe FARM FOR SALE, tot 2, con. 5, Innisfil Well fenced, good clay loam ; good frame house, large barn with basement atab- ling, never-fuiling well, Apply to Mrs Dutcher Thern'on 51-tf Isabella Day, tencher of Chin former Art Teacher at Alberta Edmonton, Alta, Firing personally attended to. Studio."33 Louisa street, after April 15. u HOUSE FOR SALE--New brick house, 11 Bradford street, Barrie, just opposite new | collegiate, Every' modern convenience. Garage for two cars. Apply, Wesley Mar- | tin, R.R.3, Thornton. 9 -tfe. | ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and water colour painting. Saturdays 2-3.30, | and by appointment. Mrs, F. 8. Williams, (diploma Paris and London), 261 Dun- lop strect. Phone 391. 8-13p FOR SALE--Medium sized brick house. Modern conveniences, in good repair, cen- | tral. Will be old reasonable, Terms to | * suit purchaser, large lot adjoining. 88 Clapperton street, Barrie. Apply Mrs. E. | A. Rusell, 409 Markham street, Toronto. 10-146 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17. con. 2, Flas, 100 acres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable house, bunk barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, with plowing privileges. | P. 4 Coughlin. Phelnaton. 25H. WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- Keeper, to take full charge of farm home with s baby boy 13 months' old. No outside work to do. A good, comfort- able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Anply stating partic- ulars to Benjamin Wehb, Stroud id or phone. FARM FOR SALE--North half, lot 12, concession 7, Flos, consisting of 100 acres, clay loam, in good state of cultivation. On this property are a good brick house, bank barn, hog pen, driving house, chick- en house. Convenient to churches, schools and markets. For further pai ticulars apply to J. C. McGinnis, R.R.1, Elmvalp, Ont. 8-14p FOR SALE--Strictly "modern brick house, on west side of Burton avenue, full basement with attic, all modern conveni- ences, with hot water heating, good ga den and poultry house, good cistern and summer kitchen. Will sell at a bargain, small payment down aid balance like rent. J, E, Morrison, Phone 427, 52 Holgate, Allandale, 11-17 FOR SALE--Double house, Worsley street, Seminute walk from P.O. Solid white |] briek, air space in outside walls, brick div- iding' wall. Stone foundstion'and divid- ing wall in cellar, cement floors, Hecla furnaces. Eight rooms and bath, all con- veniences, soft water in kitchen, unfin- ished"attic. Bargain, as owner 'is non- resident. Phone 555. or Box 586. 9-14¢ "FOR SALE- Five acres i home. down, terms on balance,, Particulars st Exam- | ines Office or Phone 387. Stfe $2.00 for 15. J. A 116 strain' (Kennedy's: Wolfenden, 94 Clapperton. HEATED ROOMS to Let furnished or un furnished. Apply at what is known as Ve Phone 7 1116p, yea House, LOST Black pointed Fox Muff at station on March 10. Finder please leave at Scott's Bookstore Reward 12:12p Brick house, all Ewy terms "Ap 4. 11Bp OR FOR SALE: ON FOR MUSKRATS Will pay highest prices Bayfield street. phone 384 1116p H, Levit, ' owas shocked to find Mr. Brown | dead on his return, Mr. Brown} was a former reeve of Creemore | and was a Past DD. GM. of! | i lot hogs and a car ,maples Read the advts. you. Sixteen pages this week. Local news on every page. On Friday night of next week the Barrie Masons will entertain the Grand Master. --See the big demionstration of Egg-o Baking Powder this week at Merrick & Litster's. 12-12 Miss Lucinda Bell, 59 Mary St., has purchased the lot own- ed by John McGill, Owen St. On Wednesday night of last week Mrs. W. A. Lowe fell on the icy walk on Clapperton St. and broke a shoulder Geo." Cameron shipped a car of cattle on Tuesday. The price paid for hogs was $18.25 'per owt, Alex, Price, formerly manager for the Bell Telephone Co. at Barrie, has been transferred from Newmarket to Midland. A. E. Stapleton tapped the around his home on Tuesday and has been getting a very satisfactory flow of sap Following are the Brookdale Stable's entries for the King's ear: "May Bloom, 124, 3 Fox or Heresy--The Belle of Mayfair; Blackburn, 126, 4. by Red Fox I1].--Hera; Sad- ducee, 126, 4, by Heres: olid Comfort: Modock, 105, by Tippecanoe--Minnewaska, Geo. F. J. Brown, barriste?, of Alliston, died very suddenly in his office on Monday afternoon from apoplexy. His partner, W. A. J. Bell, K.C., had been talking to him a moment before and go- ing to the vault for some papers, ; lt. will pay Goorgian District, A.F. and A.M. Sale Still Going On at Cudmore's Old Stand appeared Tst several! aver romplete oR Since one big ad week we have received new lines Lenk these Silk poplin dresses peu Sf i Voter table 5M oN DK, ' S00, Sale S44 | New dark print. ree. ate yh. Sale! Lhe vil \ fall range of eotors Me opretiv verte aid wash waists at half price. sale ha S298 All beots shoes and rubhers at greatly reduced prices Conw aml see all the bargains Hhoany pate At Cudmore's Old Stand suit market gurdener y terms. Box B11 Ro. oF phen AO. RB. Ander 1p son, YOUNG WOMAN or Girl wanted for house- work. One who can do plain cooking desired. Apply to Mrs. Cecil, 55 Peel street. ' 12-12p FOR SALE--Pen of Rhode Island Reds. Also cedar posts all sizes and leng:hs, Ap- ply W. O. Partridge, 261 Bayfield street, Barrie. 12-14e FIFTEEN DOLLARS buys Hamilton ineu- bator und brooder, capacity 116 eggs, good condition Apply John Luck, R. R. Shanty Bay. 12-13p WANTED--Onts, Barley and buckwheat, for which the highest market price will be paid. Jes. Cheesman, flour and feed FOR SALE--1 bay Gelding, 4 years old, 1 2-12p LOST--Between Barrie end Geo. Shan- ill Road, on Wednesday, March 12, brown calfskin fur mitt. | Finder please return to this office. 12-120 FOR SALE CHEAP--1 sét.of platform Grey springs, complete, almost as good as new; one wood stave water tank, about 25 bbl. capacity. W. C. How, phone 798, 11+! 2. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED=(Re- turned soldiers or othets) to handle our music in your territory. Sell the latest patriotic and other songs before they are on sale in the stores. Pleasant work-- liberal remuneration, Write for full particulars, IdealMusic Co, 17 Adelaide East, Toronto, 12-120 Price $13.00 We also stock sheep- shearing attachments for this clipper town of Barrie, | STABLE FOR SALE--Apply E. Patni fe =|FOR SALE--Five acres north side Donald HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES The New Stewart The Best Machine 80 Owen street HOLSTEIN COW Hawthorn 3r13 WOMAN WISHES WORK by the day, Ap- ply to Examiner office. -12¢ FOR SALE--One dark red Shorthorn Bull, ten months old. B. Webb, Stroud. 1?tfe FOR Z . 1212p HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, seven rooms, electric light and water. Apply on prem- ises, 113 Burton avent 11-13p | FOR SALE--Roughcast house in village of Craighurst, six rooms, almost new. Good woodshed 'and garden. Water at door. Will sell ut right price. W. H. Morrison, Craighurst, 12-16¢ general purpose; 1 aged mare; 3 white Rocks and 3 white Leghorn Cockerels. Prices moderate. J. V. Brown, Burton Farm, Allandale. 12-tfe CANVASSERS WANTED to take subscrip- tions for a well established journal, To a first-class man good territory will: be given. Apply Ontario Publishing Com- pany, Limited, 200 Adelaide street, West, Toronto. 12-18de street, Barrie, within 1-3 mile Collegiate | Institute. Suitable for building sites or | market garden. Spring creek running full length lot. Also five acres in Vespra with pine timber on it nearly opposite R. C, Cemetery, Sunnidale Road, Barrie. Apply C. W. Plaxton, Kent Bldg., Tor-| onto. 12-140 ~ OF SILK AND SILK MIXTURES ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL IN COLOR AND © ~ WEAVE THAN EVER BEFORE, AND AT THE PRICES WE ARE QUOTING ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO BUY. It is not too early to secure the material for your new Suit or Dress, or to make your plans for evening wear for the season after Easter. Come in and see what we are showing in the following lines:-- SILK POPLINS The popular material for Dresses price. It is 36 inches wide, per yard BLACK SILK FAILLE A rich deep black corded silk for It is good weight, especially very durable quality. RICH MESSALINE SILKS In light shades for evening wear, rich, darker street wear not cul, tones for Suits SILK POPLINS popular kK and most of It is alse SILK CREPE FAILLE Is a beautiful soft for durability. It is an ideal is one yard wide, rich colorings at per There's nothing to equal it at the and comes in all the new ax well ax staple colors and black, and our price for this "ext duality is 36 inches wide at the special price of per yard This silk is 36 inches wide, and is one of the most durable weaves of silk--Fxtra value at per yd priced poplin, the wanted colors, 6 inches wide and is a grand dress material for the price, per yard . fabric in weight fora faney dress but heavy enough and we have it in many ABLACK DRE6S SILKS Suits, Skirts or per yard .. - $1.60 ° Coats fast color and Skirts Th $2.25 A rich black silk Suil or Dress is a suit- able garment for an: wonderful values in 36 inch Paillette, Messa- line and Duchess Satins at occasion. We have $2.00, $2.25, $2.60, $2.75 BLACK TAFFETA SILKS Taffeta Silks will be more popular than ever this year for Suits, Dresses and Separate are all 36 inches wide. specially priced at per yard $2.28, $2. , $2.75 FANCY DRESS SILKS and the or Dresses for will $2.60 | ond which 'we in these - $1.25 al per yard .. light enough dress material, $1.75 | at per yard .. Large Plaids and wide Fancy Stripes are the correct designs in fancy silks. in a large variety of patterns in very rich colorings, and are the proper thing for dresses separate skirts. beautiful rich quality for per yard They come 36 inches wide, $3.00 GEORGETTES AND CREPE DE CHENES We have almost every imaginable shade popular French and Swiss makes, one yard wide materials, in the reliable . $1.76 and $2.00 NATURAL SHANTUNG SILK This natural colored raw silk will wear and wash like factory cotton wide and we have three special values It is one yard . 750, $1.00, $1.25 WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER of the Application of The Commissioners for the telephone syy- tem of the Municipality of Vespra for au: thority to increase the annual charge for telephone service from $13.25 to* $15.00. Appointment for Hearing Ontario Railway and Municipal Board hereby appoints Friday, the Twenty~ eighth day of March, A.D., 1919, at the hour of half-past eleven o'clock in the | # forenoon, at the Court House in the Town of Barrie, for the Hearing herein. Dated at Toronto this Fourteenth Day of March, A.D., 1919, H. C. SMALL, Secretary. The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board (PB. F. 5035). IN THE MATTER of the Application of The Stroud Telephone Company, Limited, for authority to charge its subscribers a toll of Five Cents for each conversation originating upon the Applicant's System at Stroud and terminating on the System of 'The Bell Telephone Company of Canads, Limited, at Barrie and vice versa, Appointment for Hearing The Ontario Railway snd Municipal Board hereby appoints Friday, the Twenty- eighth day of March, A.D., 1919, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at ithe Court House in the Town of Barrie, for the Hearing herein. Dated at Toronto this Fourteenth Day of March, A.D., 1919. (SEAL) H. C. SMALL. Secretary. Made GO-CARTS AND EXPRESS WAGONS Splendid Assortment Just arrived Express Wagons and Auto Coasters from $1.95 to $7.00 Go Carts and Push Carts from * $3.50 to $15.00 A Week of Special Meetings at Baptist Church, Mar. 23-28. Sunday Re-opening serviece--Speaker, Rev. C. J. Cameron. Monday and Tuesday evening--Rev. R. Turnbull of Toronto. Mr. Turnbull will also give "Chalk Talks" to the children, Monday and Tuesday after ! the, close of 'the Public Schools ed. Thurs, and Friday--Evangelist Pussy of Toronto will conduct the meet~ "Kil welcome. Come and bring your friends and help share the blessings. TRINITY CHURCH 3rd Sunday in Lent Sunday, March 23, 1919. 8,30--Holy Communion. 11,00--Morning Prayer and Sermon. Speak- er, Thomas Mortimer, Esq., Toronto. 3,00--Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon, Spes- ker J. Y. Ormsby, Esq., Toronto. All. Welcome. Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, March 23. 11 am--The Pastor. $ pm--8. 8, Service e Pasto: and "Reconstruction . things new". Rev, 21:5 Rev. R. J, Fallis, Pastor Subject--'Religion 'Behold I make all Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff Businessmen should not forget the Board of Trade meeting to- morrow (Friday) night. J.| Executors Sale of Valuable Residential Pro- perty in the Town of Barrie. ll modern conveniences, furnace, bath, gas and electricity. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to local agents or to Mrs. R. MacDonnell, Executrix, 111 Hilton Ave., Toronto. 10-136 For Sale by Tender 6 Room Cottage No. 95 Sophia street, second house from Small street, owned by the late Geo, W. Livingston. Sealed tenders will be received up to Saturday, March 22nd, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon by the undersigned, for purchase of the sbove property. muntaltan tHe Kaine ROSS, icitor for G. W. Livingsto Dated March 5th, 1919. NOTICE Having disposed of our cleaning and pressing business to Mr. Wilfrid Firth, we respectfully request all patrons who may have outstanding ac- counts with us, to make settle- ment at once. 11 tfc MAXWELL & CO. a DINNERWARE---ENGLISH "Have you examined our beautiful line? Our prices are most reasonable. We have many patterns to choose from 97 pieces for $28.75 Best English makes =|OTTON HARDWARE CO. Limited oH

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