Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1919, p. 5

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WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED--------------_--|§§ ---_++#_--__----------___--_ SECTION2 PAGES 5 TO 12 CIRCULATION THIS WEEK $625 COPIES | THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING. |_12 PAGES J. A. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager 4 cents sip Per vat (in atvante) BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919 THOSE WHOPAY --_|HARRY CAUGHEY INCOME TAXES) KILLED BY A TRAIN Some Details As To Income No. 10 | They Lie In Frdhce Where Lilies Bloom 1 The Farmer's Met Instant Death when. "Na- ; s D c 5 . 5 7 : ' | Financial Exemption and Texaton by| tonal" Struck Him at UMer. Phe rans s Federal Gavt. son To-day. Those flowers pale 2 1 That guard our tomb | ren All citizens who enjoy in- At noon today h came n Are saintly souls 1 Weh \ 4 comes big enough to come within] tragic suddenness to Har aut emlling stand | ave large resources an the limits of Federal taxation are R. agent at Ulter- Meet oie ere . \ e € larg required tu fill out the forms] son, Stepping across the main se qe net, martyred land. the vast experience of 87 years : if Z And mutely there the long night shadows creep 5 "fy setting forth the source of such| line to hand some papers to the From q@ict lille to mourn for ihem who sleep to draw upon to serve you; but income and exemptions to which | engineer, wf a, freight stan Went SRE ills tel iuourn for Laem, who oleet, | / y are entitled, "These forma}on the siding, he failed to notice The grieving clouds that slowly drift * | 1 we have something even more be obtained at the Post! the approach of the south-hound Aud lately round them moaned. the Witiee wen | Whose voice Yet in their The time National the engine of Married men must pay a per-| Which struck bini and caused in- centage of their nel income over | stantaneous death . 2000 into the Federal treasury,! Deceased was about thirty- 2 ress, lamenting, faith those thal 'turns In France Where lilies sounds so coldly kind. wailing, hearts abide forever that false tide. they lie important--we have the earnest desire to do so. Wecash your produce and personal cheques, collect your drafts--all by mail if required--and gladly give you impartial radvice 'on any financial and single men in reéeipt of over' (hree years of age and was born at Plaster Rock, N.B., where his aLOO0 likewise assessable, B h or business matter. 'The percentage varies with the parents still reside! For five --THE size of tho income, If, however, Years he was ticket agent at a sufficient portion of the in- Barrie station, leaving this posi- fien te take the 'ULterson age: Bank of Nova Scotia come is derived from sources in the category of exemptions to about two years ago. He was a bring the total below the mini. (usted and highly esteemed em- mum amounts stated, no tax is Ployee of the G. TR. faithful Hal $6,800,000 A. G. MACLELLAN eatipéted. af all times in the discharge of 000 Manager : his duly. While engaged at the Barrie Branch 'The Percentage the amount of above the mini- Barrie station he won the good opinion of the travelling public by his uniform courtesy and de- i is only on income over and neni amount, with the further pondability. le was a member luction of exemption, thal the af St. Andrew's ehureh and a@ is collected. Hf a marrikd faithful christian Tra ry instanee, has an annual Mrs. Caughey left home ouly Jineame of 83000, and exemptions | yesterday. to visit, her parents, reduce this ameunt to $2500, he| Mr. and Mrs. Gea, Till, Sophia Dr. Albert Moore Coming Ney--Gill wenld pay two per cent, on $500.) 80, being in a delicate state oF Dee uet fail to hear Rew oP 4 pinet weilditie took 'pladein gt Meeeuse ota st man witit| health, Very great sympathy: is Albert Moorg. D.,, Secretary of [St Aqirew'e Chiteeh vey Faeedag VUE Meame af $1500, and entitled | felt for her and her two little General Caderones of thie Mette [Slate tn a ben Wie Lake heat: te exemption af 8100, he would |ebildeen, sadist Church in Canada, Seerotary [tin iil "at Bareio wue mite ae (USS OSG pee Genk vey Rul, LL | af the: Dept. od) Evingetism (aed lmeriige tw Met Lannie Fania ete menciod. man's taxable HCO hegre of 6000 and NOE ex J Serial Serviee amd President of] Ney at Mined Tov. Gen A. PNOTP Mh excess of #4000. be would | tus igang. inereasineg to ten the National Brotherhoot Move-| Brown ofiriated | four per cent and Hf Hes) per cent. between S1iNnd and went Thy Camis Drs Masorncss ii Phe bride was attended by te feessteal iain : an ines vl -- SUED preach morning and evening in| ee vps We Habherh ed eet fenton tH abe iivesn 4 Deduct) Exemptions the Collier Slo Methodist Charen, ft Mur WN Mublerh nfiag saad, in addition te the four) i vie majerity of citizens, nevt Sunday, Mare a. Dy. Moore Pinas and Freneh hal aoe nets cay tamper however, Will not he troubled has just returned fram Kranee) aren with white fox furs and op eee s. fabout the details beyend the wn! will ne denbl betue ny popeage bocqueel aif fern etd rusce;|, Coe SiNRRt Men Seth faxable yy aaotetal and again the : great interest aud ine] 4p. W. Hubert acted as gnome, | mene ef ever $1900 would PAY ajarity of these will stop be- ir The Doctor isa fiver | iii, fone per eent on the amount Oi: tween $3000 and 84000, PA eneethguent epeaken, The happy couple left on the arapeliee ane Martied man it) 'Take the case of a married an Tame farmers {5 Pom. train amid: showers of [his income is high enough. The/ man with a fainily af Uaree chil around Crown Hill made aco. {Confetti and good wishes. 'They | percentage of supertax increases | (ren and an -- oe Lets pperative shipment of stock to] spend their honeymoon iv |ty five between 86000 and 810000 [he owns his own house gel 'Toronto. Torontyand Port Hope. On their | and gradually goes up until fifty] exemption for taves or he via strawberries are being | turn they will make their home| pep cent, of all exceeding 81,000, ] surance, pul nh "for his three disposed of as they arrive at New|!" Minesing. 000. There is, in addition, atsur. | exemption ta i o ; nn ae i York at from 40 cents to 81 per tax of five per cent. of the normal |*hildren. fe has, S89r quart. Buy advertised things. tax and supertax on incomes in (Continued on page 12.) IID | THE PLACE FOR LABOR-SAVING DEVICES IS OTTON'S HARDWARE Washing Machines in 4 Different Styles HAND POWER-ELECTRIC-WATER POWER-GASOLINE- 5-YEAR GUARANTEED : WRINGERS as cut '$7.50 Ge THE NEW CENTURY JR. Easily operated. Price with Wringer and Basket Rack, as cut ........$16.00 Zz EAL : ; WATER POWER Runs on low pressure. Only $21.50 The "New Eureka" Electric Vacuum Cleaner FREE TRIAL-SEE IT DEMONSTRATED AT THE STORE. 'returning home from Those Not The Within And Their Their 'Their The For they They, who, Across the Through clouds, and flowers For them made room. vainly crosses that stricken honor love noble right have their unflinching, fields their ey mist --Percival Allen, bloom, fair placed stand brave land; lives. endures, death assures, hearts desire-- braved the fire, < al last shall see the host of Victory. in the New York Times. WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI. Lieut. Rohertson, son of J. Robertson of the Ball Planing Mill Co.. reached home on Tues- day. He went across the sea with Col. MePhee's battalion, Ple, Henson, Mr. and Thos. Bradford St. was one Ra soldiers welcomed this week, iving last night. enlisted with the 157th Bn. of son home He and when reaching France was placed in a railway construction battal- ion. On Saturday night, Sergt. Wy Somerville, M.M., returned to home in Small St., after beinz actively engaged France for two years. He went overseas with the 157th and served with different battalions as a scout, doing such good work that he was awarded the military medal. Sergt. Perey Burrow, son of Mrs, Esther Burrow, Bradford St.. arrived home on Monday night.) He went overseas with the 76th Bn. and was twice wounded. After he recovered from the second wound--when a bullet went clean through his left ankle--he was used as an in- structor on gas. Pte. Wesley Bishop, who came home this week, signed up with the 157th Bn., but was unable to go overseas with this unit and transferred into the 177th. In France he was placed in a forestry battalion. He is a son of W. J. Bishop, con. 13, Vespra. His brother, George, was killed in France on Sept. 27, 1918. It is The Examiner's aim to get something of the experience and record of each of the men the war, but we find it exceedingly diffi- cult to get data. We would ask the relatives of returned men to supply us promptly with the in- formation when the men arrive so that we may give them the recognition in our columns to which they are entitled. Gunner Geo. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Clark, Bradford St., arrived home from England on Tuesday night, aceompaniod by his wife, he having been married in England a year ago. Gunner Clark went overseas three years ago with the artillery. He was gassed in Nov., 1917, and had been in England since that time. For the last six months he had been acting as instructing sergeant in the C.F.A. Lieut. R. W. Stewart, who was severely wounded in the arm last August. has since that time been at Empress Eugenie"s Hospital, Farnborough. After a series of operations on the arm, what is hoped will be the last one was performed on the wrist on Feb- yuary 41. Lieut. Stewart has been suffering from 'drop' wrist: The nerve to it had been cut and |was badly entangled in tissue. The success of the operation cannot. yet be known as recovery 'comes slowly, ranging from six months to two years. He hopes Ple. Ernest Re who is visiling his fathe . Robert-- son, Penetang Read, before get- ting his went over with the After being in the trenches for he was taken with a bad attack of pneumonia and after recover-- ing was used for instructional work in England, latterly in con nection with the machine guns. Ple, Archie J., McKinnon, M.M., and Pte. Edwin E. Thomson, were guests of Mr. an@ W. O. McKinnon over the week-end. Pte, McKinnon is a former B.C.I. hoy. He was serv- ing as a scout with the 20th Bn. at Vis, in the Arras sector, om Aug. 28, 1918, when he was ser- iously wounded and very narrowly escaped being killed. While scouting for information that would enable his company to cross a certain bridge a snip got him, the bullet entering his neck and passing out on the other side just beneath the jaw. In its course the bullet eut a por- tion of the hack of his tongue, and his speech is still affected to a slight extent. For his gallant conduct on this occasion Pte. Mekinnon was awarded the mili- tary medal. Pte. Thonson is a son of L. Thomson, M.P.,° for Qu'Appelle. He was twenty months in France. was twice wounded and won the military medal, . The February Weather The mean temperature for the month of February 22 de- grees, while that of January was 24. 'The January meane was 7 degrees ahove normal and Feb- ruary 3 degrees. The highest registered during February was on the 28th and the lowest, zero, on the 10th, "Rain was re- corded on three days and snow on {4 days. The snowfalls were very light and amounted in all for the month to but five inches, being less than the usual amount for February by about 20 inches. Low High Rain Snow Feb. 13 2 33 14 28 32 .0 30 15 2 2 16 6 2 = 17 7 3 = 18 nr) 19 7 2a = 20 7,3 -- -- 21 a! 31 -- 08 22 200 330 10 23 2 37 24 27 33 25 28 35 002 0.6 26 2 20 -- -- a7 7 2 -- OF 28 6 4 Mch. 1 2 010 -- 2 3 38 f--) 8 2 8 -- -- 4 31 45 «087, :«07 5 1 2 = 48 6 "o> = = (*below, zero) James. Maxwell ha' sold his cleaning business to. Wilfrid Firth and 'will go to Chatham, Ont., where he and Stewart to leave for Canada when the |Douglag will engage in the same wound has aaled, line of business on ailarger scale.

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