Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1919, p. 10

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sane to try it (CHIEF ENGINEER ALMOST GIVES UP Thought He Would Have to Stop Working--Tanlac - Makes Him Well Again. ro my mind Tanlac is the greatest, medicine in the world," said 0. H. Mahaffey, chief engin- eer of the Life & Casualty build- ing, Nashville, Tenn. "For two years," he continued, "LT suffered awfully with the worst kind of stomach trouble and went down until I lost forty~ eight pounds My back ached terribly and I suffered so much misery from indigestion that 4 thought [| had an ulcerated stomach and was actually afraid to eal anything bul a little oat- meal and sweel milk. I got weaker every day till finally, as | thi nothing 1 took did me any good, 1 thought 1 would just have to throw up my job. "My wife regd in the papers where a man who had suffered like 1 had been helped by taking and she begge: After IT had taken was Tanlae, NO PROFITEERS:. ABOUT FARMERS A E. C. Drury Told Toronto Au- dience--Farmers to Use their Power Politically. On two -policies the 'farmers of Canada a big audience at the People's Forum, Toronto this week, and these are economic freedom and wise expenditure of public money dur- ing reconstruction. Their viewpoint on the first issue, he said, was that every industry must stand on its own feet and not trample 'on the toes of any other. As to the second the farmers did not want to see huge ex- penditures on needless public buildings, but rather expenditures on the development of of the Hydro-electric, reforestution and other projects that could be expected to yield a revenue. Mr, Drury's talk and the discussion came down primarily to the tariff question, and sree-quarters of the sudience vigorously applauded when the speaker declared he thought the manufacturers of Canada show- ed mighty poor spirit when they said they could not make ends meet unless they were enabled by a law to put their hands into the common people's pockets to the extent of 25, 30 or 40 per cent. of the cost price of an article. He told the meet- ing frankly he did not think the manufsc- turers were speaking the truth. He instanc- to-day unanimous, E. C, Drury told a|~ Bhoumatism has become so common mowadays that hundreds of -people make 20 effort to rid themselves of its fatal grip, believing it to be incurable save in exceptional cases. No greater fallacy exists. Sufferers from rheumatism can be relieved if the eause is remedied and removed. Lot us examine the facts. TRe direct eanse of.rheumatiom and kindred dis- eases is poisoning of the blood stream, rh failure of the kidneys to filter and remove the impurities that are con- otantly the system. Once the kidneys are out of order, the trouble paste The ison ladened blood cireula the system besos its aoe Adee fe the pe bored follow. up infection, and ae, Sciatica, ete, The first step necessary is to brin; the kidneys to perform their natur function Onee-agnin, and relief will be the immediate result. Gin Pills will do it, and will save weeks of fearful suf- Senicg if ee at the first indications | Gin Pills have been recognized as an assured relief to sufferers from rheuma- Northern Volunteer Firemen 'BracebridgeHerald--The thirteenth an- niversary of the Northern Volunteer Fire- men's Association was celébrated bere on Feb, 26 with the following Delegates: Jos, Gibbons, Orillia; A. Cooper, Huntaville; D. Lacombe, Burks Falls; H. Ghilderhose, Par- ry Sound; C. Spearn, Penetang; A. Har- bridge, Gr: E. Ecclestone, Bracebridge; Jas, Shrubsole, Barrie. 'The President, ©. Spearn of Penetang, 'was re-elected for 1919, as.was also the Secretary-Treasurer, H. Childerhose, of Parry Sound. « New Liskeard has dropped out of the As- 'sociation, owing to the great djstance from the remainder of the towns, The New Lis- keard boys will be missed, as they entered a good team,'and twice landed t! banner. «In 1915 they lowered the record to 59 seconds. The Barrie Firemen have joined this year, and should be s good addition to the 'Amociation. Te was decided to hold the 1919 compe- tition st Penetang. In the evening the visitors were guests of the local fire brigade at a banquet, which was tendered at the Queen's Hotel. 'The convention and banquet were suc- cessful in every way, and the firemen look forward to a big time at the coming tour- nament. e B.C.. Won Round Collingwood Enterprise--Barrie _Colle- ginte played' the return game of Intercol- legiste hockey sgainst the local Collegiate nhurst ; J. Toole, Midland; AL ~ ursday, March 6, 1949 IN MEMORIAM Written in memory of the Iste Dalton McConkey by Mr. 8. F. Platt. How strange seem all the ways of life, how full are all our days, Of things we éanngt understand, of things-that cause amaze! How feeble is our ytmost strength, how scant is our control, Measured 'gainst forces all unseen that ever onward roll. We knew bim with his sunny smile' and bleséd with robust health, We thought him rich beyond the' man who cannot count his wealth, For everybody wag his friend and glad were all to hear His pleasant greeting on the street and words of right good cheer. His bandelasp spoke a comrade true on whom you tould depend, You knew he would stay with you through to the bitter end. Big was his heart, ready his hand, swift succor to afford, By nature generous and kind, all meanness he sbhorred. A hearty welcome waited him no matter where he went. He made our good times better, he left us more content. You smiled where'e?_ you met him, for be would always mile. He somehow seemed to hake you feel that living was worth while. And yet to him there came the call whose mandate all obey, And be was taken from his home and from his friends away. Wife, children, mother, brothers, bravely the future face, But sadly do they miss bim, for none can fill his place. And all the friends who loved him in sorrow speak his name. He held » place by merit more to be prised than fame. Tanlac a few days | began to get . : 'tism, backache, painfnl urination, brick , i ed a big textile monopoly which closed q i 4 hungry and started in cating 1K? [Gown because it eaid it could pay only 5 - spo 'and gra Thousands oF eS Poulenag re No need has he of monument to keep shis memory green, . wv I was starved, and nothing hurt per cent. on ité capital, after which the, of foots others Pesan i succeeded in winning the round by one goal. Stone is too cold to speak the worth that in his life waa seen. mea bit. Soon those awful [Becretary of the concern' on oath before s| tramnien'lnstentiy, 'Toy them Fersate | The, splendid ice wurface greatly = v pains in iy stomach ang back |Government Commission admitted thet 90) everywhere at Boe a box Gin Pills |tated the speed of both teams and through- Lovetreasures and has graven deep his name on every heart, were gune, I sleep fine at night |per cent. of the stock was water and the) sos little, but th alot. & out the entire game superb hockey was dis- 5 ele p gone, F sleep fine at night PS eeeat realy represented 60 per cent.| $2 Ut le, but are worth alot, Sample [Out °° cons ener tariod lay, centred There to remain while memory shell last to play its part, fall of rnergy Tad residysfen mye OO ry He Bru elie around B.C1.'s goal, Begg gnd Melntorb, - Height a, aire Aree: Rit RG ea, . 2 i 3 , 'armers Not Profiteers euch scoring for C.C.I, The play of the constant inspiration to carry on bis will. wol . 7 | "I want to acquit the farmers of the} second period was equal, fast individual Tanlac is sold in Barrie Y| jsrge of profiteering." Mr. Dtury told) rushing und combination rewarding each | Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M.|his audience in opening. "The farmers do team two well-earned gouls. The Ipst peri- H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. 'not set the price, nor have they asked that od wus also fast ench team pluying an of- 2 J. MoGuire, in Lefroy by G. R.|the price be set. Wheat prices were fixed z fensive game scoring one goal. There were eee: 'Ardill, in Siayner by N. B.. West, [downward rather than upward, and now |lost forever Farmers had been fools in the no individual stars, the players of both Leas Andi eon hy W. G. Mackay, {that wheat prices have sunk below the lev-| past, but he did not think they would be in teams displaying, excellent form end stick! = BX in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay lel of the fixed price they are not asking |the future, handling. The line up wus as follows: | bef in Waubaushene by Georg! a 'Y|that the fixed price be maintained." He! He wondered if there was any common | B.C.1-- acLaren, goal; Stephens, R. de- x et 1 I Lumber Co., Ltd., in Port Me-|Pitl lt) nen, that there were big diserep- |@round to be found for a class of citizens fence; Bidwell, L. defence; Campbell, R Ky Ry y P. H, Beattie, in Allis-- |S" the prices the farmer received and | Who worked twelve hours a ddy and another wing; Livingstone, L. wing; McLean, cen- KY x B. Schell, in Lisle by|thoe which the consumer paid, and be in-|that was working toward a six-hour duy.|tre; McDonald and Morren, subs i i 3 Little, in' Gilford by |stanced his own sale of ereum at $1.0 per |The interests of the farmer in theycountry| | C.C.1--Bell, goal; McLean, R. defence Ky hd y James A. Blain, in Tottenham by |gallon and a retail price of $3 Only co- and the workingman in the city, he said, Begg, L. defence; McIntosh, R. wing; Pren Ky NM t Chas, A. Weaver, in Penetani- operative methods between consumer and |were so nearly similar that there ought to tice, L. wing; Plessance, centre; Connolly 4 Kd uishene by Chas. A, Nettleton, |farmer could eliminate the exploiter be ground for co-operation in changing the and Irvin, subs : i K s ae oe eee itis A, Stone, | Firs and" foremost | in. the farmer's set le One of the big results of such] Referee--MeLeod | ey t Fee ssone Richard Rumble, | iewvoint," he went on, "is the big quey- jan allies, he said, would be an adjust: Kd ie s in illsdale by ichard umble, = - it of the ivi stem of distribu: yt) aD pe Ag \tion of tariff. J, for one, would put up a|ment of the expensive system af distribu Death of Dr. C. J, McBride 4 in Coldwater hy C. G, Millard, | tect' wall as high as Haman's gallows. |tion whereby farm products increased i] Wound March 2.--Dr C. J. MeBride, Ky hl s Midiand by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad-|Nething that we can do within our own [Price 100 per cent. overnight in going! Oli' Tat tot Ky , x P 3 ford by WL. Campbell, in Stroud |porders will help the farmer to get « fair |tBrough the hands of probably one distribu: en ee eo a thi coning % 7 _Q if by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst| price for his labor, and there is no more | tor. While 'on bis wey to Flonda a week oge,| 29 % . by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury jassiduous luborer in this country than the | in the discussion and quertioning whey eee ee aw tenly ill us he stepped off K : i 3 . "py Af He bas to live on the income de- |followed Mr. Drury said he believed the | oly PP yy NA .& Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A, | former. u , Z ia tay the train in New York city, and was im ) andar alu KY $ % u . red from the sale of the fruits of his Inbor [farmers would be in favor of a system | RY 4 Trombley & Co., in MU St. Louis |7ved from the sole of the fruits of his Tabor) OT the workingmen owned their own 'iediately brought home, Since that, time % Ky by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon. |m the mars a ace factories and workshops. One speuker ad- be bas been sinking rapidly until bis death, im 's * vane KY Oe eee gekoe amd: in. Vie. fame time the tariff make him pay taut. ee an erp a the national deht (For the past few years be had suffered KY OTORISTS judge pricewellwithinrea- He pays it through his teacher, his doctor, } es Ky toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.--|hic Gothing, und hie implements, The far-|#nd still another upheld the tariff policy ES Cree ca ia8 searesvanret| i all light cars son, but not one de- ky Advertisement. mers of Canals se hinndicapped by the }Or the, grougd that he ware bevehake | cuokstown, being the son of the Inte Rob-| RY from the standard sirable feature sacri- alti : eee eae casei st it were not for ett McBride. He was graduated from the) PY which theGray-Dort ficed. A quiet, power- im Farms Becoming Vacant it University of Toronto and came to Welland KY ray KY APPENDICITIS OPER- one resuit of the present fiscal system, |'Pe tort doeee eager since whch time he had| | has established. ! Ky ATIONS NOT WAYS he wid, ae the migration of the farmer iie"dpacta) (Farm? Ext: jbuilt up the largest Practice in the county. | f Some other cars are, equipment; comfort « AL' from the land to the citi iy | He has been Coroner for a number of years. | by lower-priced--but inridinganddriving; } a <> <5 45 per cent. of the people of Ontario, he be-| The clauses in the special circular ixeued | "Hye was an enthusiastic aportsman, und lieved, were real farmers, Farms were be: by the Department of Education during the hud always taken an interest in the sports | taming empty, ant up in his own county {last two war years, providing special ex- of ihe city. He in survived by bis wife, lof Simcoe, where farms could be bought ,aminstions for those pupile whe would vol- his mother, one brother and a step-brother | for the cost of the buildings, there was |unteer their services for the farms, have! snd stepsister. He was a Mystic Shriver, | but a population in one township of 2,800 |been rescinded, and hereafter the Easter 'snd x member of the Elks, Foresters ind ar against 4.000 in 1881, "If we are going examinations by the staffs will not be beld. Wooden, of the World against this they economy; long ser- balance Gray-Dort vice; proud appear- quality. ance. . Higher-priced] light Gis,"Bor! Spectt the car <5 <> > NECESSARY Internal Bathing Relieves the Cause Your physician will tell you,that Appen- | dicitis is un inflamed condition of the little <> <x <S o <x on | suck called the Appendix at the lower an tinea 'of fruejand all candidates for admission to the hy . * ' 5 ; pstrue: | aE ae NM righthand corner 'a, the Colon or Lge ee eee have got to reverse | High, Model and Normal schools and Fae XY cars give nothing % e. y cleansing this Colon with ulty of Education shall pass (he prescribed Twelve Months For Wife Beating ii that warrants more 2 that policy and get men buck on the land, and we will never get men back on the Tend so long ux we have them unfairly dis- | criminated against by our fiscal system." | { Beaverbrook an Exploiter. Unfortunately, he said, many people fail- ed to discriminate between the manufactur- er and the exploiter. He held up Lord Bes. verbrook as the typical exploiter, and told how he hed seen that with twenty-three cement companies operating full advantage was not being taken of the tariff, He =e: S Collingwood Enterprise.--Buzel Shenbou- -- ka ix an Austrian and follows what he Midland Opera House Burned claims to be the practice and privilege of his | Midland, March 1.--Fire broke out in the /nutive country and beats his wife whenever oper house about 1230 lust night ant) he thinks she deserves it and to an extent two hours later the building was in ruins. |that appeals to his judgment as sufficient. The upper storey was used as a theatre /He found the customs of Cansda somewhat and.moving picture show by A. Bugg and | different when be appeared on Friday morn- had recently been remodelled. The ground |ing in the police court to answer to 8 charge | floor was occupied by D. Wray ax _a drug Ofwife beating. -- . store and bis stock is a total loss, The loss| He pleaded guilty to the charge and his is estimated at $25,000, partially protect-|wife told a tale of frequent beatings and midsummer examination. by the "J.B.L, Cas. jeansed and the influm- mation subsides, Hundreds of operations have been avoided by using the warm wa- ppendicitis. Mr. Jas, Mi Laughfin, 91 Evanston street, than the Gray-Dort price. You will recognize the balanced value of the Gray-Dort --a @: <5 <S <5 a4 S <x GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Ltd. Chatham, Ontario In the U.S.--Dort Motor Car Co. Fitnt, Bélch. <> =e COO: << <x ox < "T have spent over fifty dollars with doctors tying to cure Appendicitis, Fin- ally the doctor suid T must go 10 the bospi tal ut once for an operation, Your adv tisement interested me, I bought a 'J.B.L 3S x4 o Cascade," which relieved me at once, and fi mbine, put some 6f them out rs i i '| um now 'completely cured, Never" felt \of busmess and booted cement prices. To |¢d PY insurance. savol bosaae. He bas (ive chiltren, by ie better in yoy life; all pain and soreness operate any profitable exploitation, he said, ded! by the abuse of the fathes. R4 gone, and I est and sleep like a boy. 1 it was necessary to keep the market short, 'The prisoner was sentenced to 12 months My o: am grpteful to Dr. Tyrrell for this won- in the Ontario Reformatory. eel NOTICE TO CREDITORS aa gpl to De r and that was why. some of the cement com- ul health giving invention.' _. |panies were closed down instead of being Ninety-five per cent. of li buman ills |Operated-in the eombine. 'The wire manu: are/ caused by accuniulated waste in the | facturers, he said, had an agreement where- A$ RELIEVED WI! A SKN SXXEKKK es Colgu. Internal Bathing with the 'J.B.L. _ Cusdade' Keeps this large intestine ns free frogh all waste and as clean as nature de- mands it should be for perfect henlth. Ask fin. Crossland, Druggist, Barrie, for book- fet called "Why Man of To-day is Only 50 /,Per Cent, Efficient." It is free. They will also be pleased to show and explain the "JB.L. Cascade" to you. Quit Laxatives, Purges; Try NR WR Tonight-- Tomorrow Feel Right It 9 a mistake, to continually dose yourself with so-called lazative pills, cat 'calomel, oll, purges tharticd and force bowel action. It weakens the bowels and liver and makes con- stant dosing. 'Why don't you Hight today. pe that dally overcome your cons Sour system in such B ni cs Ef bvercomes biliot 'wldne Sircteen sheras ae 'accomplished you will not have to take icine every. day. 'NE tablet will keep 'body in condl- tion and you can always f by if the market became oversupplied some lof the plants were to close down and draw share of profits from their ostensible competitors. | "I believe that if we could get down 'and squeeze the water out of much of the |stock of the country the manufucturers {could go whead without a tariff and prob- ably export articles made from our national |resources, and in this way we could pay off the debt of the country. I believe the.elim- ination of watered stock is the only" way lby which we are going to ¢l- 'iminate industrial trouble, We farmers |have learned the étate of affairs in some 'of the concerns that uphold the tariff, {and when a few apples taken from the top of the barrel are so rotten, we feel in- clined to turn the barrel upside down and have a look at the bottom." Squeeze out the Water. Farmers at the present time are organi- sing as they never have done before," he continued. 'Membership of their orgs rations is growing so fast.that the officers can hardly take care of it. They ate organizing, not as manufsoturers organized to get special prices; we do not want to get fictitious prices, but we are organizing to fight the system. that rules to-day. «Again I say I think the economic salvation of this yountry_ will be the squeering of the watef. out of manufactures, We are deter- mined--snd we 'ere going, to get it--to have economic freedom, and get rid of the tariff 'thot has "allowed one class of the exploiters to plunder the pubr lic an watered stock." Farmers, he°went on, 'were hos- tile, to.concrete Provincial highways because | ~ ASTHMADOR UNDED. ASK ANY DAUGGIST or write Lyman-Knox Oe,, Montreal, P.Q. Price 85. HOW MRS, BOYD AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canten, Ohio.--"I suffered from a female trouble which caused mesanach Soctorsaseiaea etore de that I would have we are gding: to} In the Surrogate Court of the County of Simcoe In the matter of the estate of Nancy Webb, late of the Township df Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, widow, deceased Notice is hereby given pursuant to the 'Trustee Act, Chapter 121, Sec. 56, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, and Amending Acta, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Nancy Webb, who died on or about the third day of February, 1919, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Alexander 'Cowan, Barrie, Bolicitor for the Executors, on or before the 16th day of March, 1019, their names and addresses, and a full statement of par. ticulars of their claims and the nature the security held by them, duly verified, and after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Barrie this 18th day of Feb- rusry, 1919. ; ER COWAN, Solicitors for the Executors, Y Barrie, Ont. 8-10 'WAIL, CONTRACT WO 'OLNOYOL "Ns BHOWIA 65 'uopEXB jo Jopadsuy . "LOIALSIA AYOA 13} SHA 40) VoRExXBY, 30 s0;edeUT Jo BSDIPPY, = "BOREXB YL, jo ssoj22deuy 03 Pepreasos GuommDop sotnd pure sens] uo predaid 9q ents Peer au re ye easjevartog stp toy pow woneTe 4y pire uoHexeY, Jo Goyodsul yuRePEY PUB KoHEdeUT ayy WO POUTTAG 0.28 eu eo eavarene NI Porgy 9q ena sumaas ity 'NOILVWAIOANI TVAANED "Apedes penprapay Joqy Oy sumgas oy yNen edyyssouysed Sumpdwoo spenpiArpuy "S161 Bump sioquisw pus ssepjoysseys oF pred soenuog pus' spusprarp fe Jo tm304 Sxeus 0} sayEo;pUAS PUB suoREDCeTE 59) pos ywol 'suopeiodsos Aq 'SE WuOr "S161 3824 sepusye> ay.3uimMp vo -BxUNUR ETO 30 "eoeni Oa | 'eaoypEES pus 'waqpues pus some amp sotpo 'semplAIpyY Aq 'TL WOT 'da Tld GNV NI GATIIa Aa OL sSHAOA 7 "STGI SH popus 359k Samp ;\ popacars mypoxd seo Ausdiaco! spew suo} pov wonuodsGe mata" * 'your 30° 900'¢$ Pauses'20 peapoos S161 J¥e4 sepurqe Burp oym epenPHAIPUT J9INO'IIY Z they regarded them as' needless burdens of | St. Deut, bowed ey edicine tnoe you. com vse and costs |expense, and put there primarily to provide is 'condi ik 'SNSNLAA As ATAOHS OHM r, n 2 fi years, Six times per week on the route Oro Mast: twent ms 3. Nature's Rem: through the Province. . They Station & Railway Station & Oro Station 0 eet *soqueduio9 "32038 3UIOf snp Soren. siigin wens neat aerate 30 BpeueD UW poprsss ApreUTPUO Jo Poprss3 BI6I GEOYM Uosied AAG 7 'Wlavoriday WOHM OL LOW X¥L UVM AWOONI NOININOG "INENLAvdaa © Al speedways didn't know, but they suspected, the cement pulling strings somewhere. Partyism a Vice / tedy (NR 201d, teed, ' i {Gnd Twcommended 'by your druggist. RRA, (via Guthrie) from st July, 1919 WM: CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST ane 4 Printed .notices containing further i formation as to conditions of proposed con-'| 'tract may be seen and blank forms of Ten- der may be obtained at the Post Offices of Guthrie, Oro Station, and) at the office of the Post Office Inspector: Toronto. Post Lydis 'Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Feb. 15th, men might ZONVNIA|~ ' 4 A 8 * Post Office Inspector.

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