CIRCULATION THIS WEEK J. A. MacLaren, Editor Walls, Businest Manager Hazel Graham agaii band 'cand j she her G. McDonald of Collingwood |}: Found Not Guilty of Caus-/ st her huss Wm. Graham of Colling- was settled out of court, having agreed to return to husband. W,. T, Allan for J. Birnie, K.C., for deft, Defts. Sprung a Surprise FIREMEN'S ANNUAL On Monday Gov his selteiter, W v telephoned Boys. K.C., good fellowship, Witnesses were esamined but ne home and couldn't even see him.| King." The Army and ing Mr. Koys from any blame in| \p, the matter, His remarks con- cerning Couper were not exactly . | complimenta John Birnie, for MeDonalil, Alimony Case Settled An alimony action brought KC, was counsel given by J. B. Bryant, Memorlal Service The memorial service far Pte Grand Jury Our aim is to please.--Give ba } At Sarjeant & King's See the Great Assemblage of New Spring Suits Buying from the Leading Makers--Choosing from among hundreds of the best models and many materials--the final results are a real reward and worthy of your i inspection. Serges are among the leading materials. The Box Coat and plain Tailored Coat with much braid and button trimming are among many interesting features. Prices $25.00 to $45.00 WOMAN'S POPLIN DRESSES $16.50 to $20.00 A choice assortment of attractive styles, --some 'heavily embroidered, others iri tailored styles.' Extra value @ $16.50 to $20.00. j " -------------------------- LADIES' COLLARS. . Reduced to 39c To make room for Spring lines in our "stock we have decided to clear all odd lines worth up to $1.00 each at one price this week. Your choice for 39¢ a ----------------_ PRETTY KIMONAS $3.00 to $8.00 Each * Every Lady can use a nice Kimona. The shades are very pretty and becoming. WASH DRESSES .. For House and Street Wear Thesfirst arrivals for Spring are now be- ing shown. New Styles--moderate prices--pretty materials prevail, and a big increase in this line is assured for this season. Visit our dress room and get our prices. They'll please you. rae HAIR NETS 4 for 25¢ Special purchase of Hair Nets, good quality, all shades, enable us to sell 10 quality at 4 for 25c. FABRIC GLOVES @ 49c These warm Fabric'Glovés are in Black and White only, are in all sizes and made - They are made in graceful styles and low | with dome fasteners. The regular price £ in price. is 60c, on.Sale, to. clear @ 49c. ; A-long list of orders for suits and dresses is in Waiting for Miss Gamble when she re-opens the Dressmaking Department next Monday. Additions to her staff are being engaged and.we expect a busy season, Peace has come and the scenes 'have changed--the call now is for clothes--spring clothes--stylish clothes--suitable, bé-' "Gaming clothes to befit your Personality--we have anticipated your every require- Ment and welcome you to use'our service, Re 5 'SARJEANT & KING, Limited THE STORE OF SATISFACTION BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, MUCH ENJOYED Members of Fire Brigade Prov- ed Excellent Hosts last which abounded in sociability and |Win. Bloxham was held last Sun-- he went 'on to define what a Christian is. In the first place he should be an honest man in all his dealin, This is a virtue {hat 'needs emphasizing at the present lime, Then a Christian ht to have reverence for clean speech, for the proper use and j 5 y's Death. ' wealtce Cone a. ihe Collins} Thursday Night. remembrance of the "Sabbath * ing Lonswa: "0 ha was Seg day, He must also show the for (i The Spring' Assizes, held last /MeNOM arising inne tere Areel| Luau itbusaay we atidaiacbial leiiie apni eee Christian x' week, ad an unusually fight 04 Cimber loaling Wate Gee per| function of the Barrie Fire Bri-| could harbor thoughts of bitter- - which was speedily dis. |Charee af ste "urn he] $26 was held in thé firemen's ness and hatred. . RACE Of, Mb. Justice Mulock [8% 'lisinissed pees 1 pate it' |quarters at the fire hall. About| The choir aided the service . Was to have taken this court, but) Wl the company for false im- [verter at the fire hall. thor-|very much by their selection at Mr. Justice Kelly came. in' his | PTsenment, oughly enjoyed the | evening,| the close of the sermon, and the duet given by Mrs. Wiley and Miss Campbell was very fitting { Mouurlat Aemuitted <ipprt the application forward: | yeh est PAE of the evening [a Allele sSempatiy et Selina MswOre BOL ain uftideelt in which he| gue fault whe ne ee Ninke: Magy 6 fae of Ut against George | Me-l tuner cawine thatthe tenant a Raa a unlal wine : Ninna Mary Foulens ate Penald of Collingwood, who was! go 0M) 4 postponement Was jceupied first pin 3 pt es ike Thies ites dmiving the autumebile when | tine vrai, of a material wit. |' CUPied first place Aid Petree': Folicwing: litter, to y Vhos. Lonsway was killed in ness named Martin. whom he] Fellewing a very appetizing Mle ae Bloxta It Nottawasaga on duly 3, 1918.1 conn) not secure owing to the! Sper. a pleasant hour was ees t Bits fan By Nhe first charge was for "Turiaus paved being quarantined for) *Bent listening to an excellent wilh regret Senile tt tell, ou driving and wilful negligence Spanish influenza. In the afc /Pterran with Mayor Sprott ax Soup tit Pwned race y away aod the seeond for manslangh- davit, details were given how | Master of ceremonies, . Sa Mae botarenns ter. On the former case several Cooper had gone to Martin's! The chief toasts were aie li bight and oc gritetul ete Itttle we were able to do for him. cae was weealueed who aetually [Na aM oe awMidavit was pro. |Fspended t0 by E. Shear; "Town [litle i Hevall plenmape ty We raw The feeideut, though: there f ) ed in court, John Birnie, 284 Fire Brigac le pec latior him and we all meh vathize Was evidener as, to conditions be. 'iisel for the defts., sprung | *POlses fram Ald. Payne, Ald. with youl your @reee Ine pe f and after. His 1 Pa plane a sine Marin Huxtable, Ald. Grafton and Act icclallg- ds youwn Fd making tan, charged against the prisoner, but aurpriae ) prod ee weet }/ing Chief Shrubsole. Interspers- . sis = inti. Kaeay aoa to afler an hour's dhdiberation the [tie wil Hd dat thpece ean Nie he apeachee were songs by [Nard to t ROUTE Ge vein ius brought in a verdict of ac. {Worn could not appear. Ald. Pearce, and violin and {bless and ze; 'ine eed eras euittal he Crown then drop. His Lordship dismissed the euilar duets by J. Shrubsole ang [S04 courage to endure for the ped the inanslaughter charge ease, at the same time exonerat- Keenan. 'Two recitations | S¥8* of the brave lad gone home, He will be buried in the British part of the comet. at Havres with military honors. The graves of our brave soldier lads are "|beantifully kept--flowers planted aa on each grave and a small cross The Grand Jury made prompt | day afternoon in Holly Methodist | (,, mark the last resting plac . NEW BUTCHER SHOP despatch of its business, dispos-/ Church, There was a large coc llieeaanl ing of 1 in a day. 'Those com-| gathering of people who rame to A Golden Weddin Next Otton's Hardware posing this jury we W. GC.) pay their last respects to another ~ snes sre ellen a OPENS SATURDAY, MAR. 1] Miller. oviia 'foreman : 8 cnet Te sien tae leer interning Settee tee a wk, | Tossarontio: HM. Cars sympathy to the hereaved dy, | YPPS SE SA renne Everything in fresh, cooked | michael. Nottawasaga: Geo, B./Rew A, K, Owen was in ohare {el Ne care, tte gala weeding and cured meats. pibeland. | Pings das. Corbett, af the service and took as his text |! c eulctemten Sa at the Barrie: Chas. F Essa; J he following. "Almost thou per-| The celebration was held at th -fhome of their daughter, Mrs. EH. : Gardin, esa Knapp, cytes! me to be a Christian." [heme of their daughter, Mrs. EI us a trial. w Ro Ryan. Medonte: 'The speaker thought "that the | Partridee, ny heaters M. J BRENNAN Webb and Fred Woods, Innistit: (greatest tribute we could pay the {4s ms am iH in wecirated or the edad Jos, Emms, Oro; Geo.' War Iarted Was to deliver' qa mes eee * one 51 Terms Cash | pia yric the living cordingly |/@lves and fr mone. _i¢ whom came from Montreal, 'To ronta and other places, particis pated in the PY event and ex- fended most hearty congratula- tions the venerable couple, Congratulations were also reeriv ed during the day fram Winnipeg and Cobalt, as well as from humerous friends in Barrie and vieinity, Many valuable presents jwere also' given. Thos. Sibbald and Miss Agnes Nelson were married in Bond Head by Rev. Dr, Fraser, on Feb, 24, (869. They have had seven children, two of whom passed to the Great Beyond 'some years ago. Three daughters and) one son were present, vi M. HL Welker of Montreal, w Dinsmore of Paiste WwW, J. Sibbald of Conne: The other son, Mr. Harvey Sibbald of Cleveland, Ohio, was not able to attend, but sent h congratula. tions accompanied by a handsome cheque. r. and Mrs. Sibbald have for years been faithful mem- of the Methodist church, Their numerous friends wish for them many. years of health, happiness and usefulness. Mrs. WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI. Donald F. MacLaren, son of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. D. H. MacLaren, reached home today. He was with the Imperial heavy artillery. Among the soldiers who re- turned home during the past week are: Pte. E. Robertson, Gnr. Harold James, Gnr. Ed. Warnica and Pte. Lorne Sweeney. Lieut. P. B, Fallis, son of Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Fallis, recently returned home from overseas after being with the colors for over three years. He went over as a private with the 30th Battery 1919, jmoderate, and no large turne Single Copies # cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) FOR SOLDIERS Settlement Board asks Co-op- soldiers on land includes the purchase of land by svldiers, with sistance and supervision, where- ever the soldier desires to locate on approved land suitable for the Purpose. The operation of this plan awaits the passing of the neces sary legislation by Parliament. In the meantime, steps are be-- ing en tu'ascertain the loca- tion of suitable land in each di. triet of Ontario in whieh the soldiers may desire to locate, in order that the land may be im. mediately. available when the legisidtion is approved. An advertisement ix being in- serted in local papers in. vach district calling for tenders to sell to the Soldier Settlement Board suitable land. The object of the Government is not only to settle soldiers, but to increase agricultural produc- tion 'by bringing under cultiva- tion land not now producing or inadequately farmed, The land, which will be ap- Proved by the Soldier Settlement Board for purchase, will be land of high agricultural quality and reasonable value and of such a character that the settler will have a reasonable chance, from the products of the farm, to earn subsistence for himself and family and repay the loan, which is extended over a long term of easy payments, While the demand for such lo- cations at the start will be very of lands is expected, advertise ment has been made widespread as it is desired to have on hand in the office of the Soldier Settle- ment Board in Toronto a small approved list of suilable loca- tions in each County or District of Ontario, which could be placed al the disposal of the soldier who decides to locate in a particular district The Board desires to pay very strict attention in each ease to the relation between the capital investment and the estimated productivity of the farm, in order over burdened by undue capital debt. Very great care is there. to be exercised in the selec- tion by soldiers of farms of ap- propriate cost and productive- ness, The plans for the ascertain- ment of suitable land in Ontario will be supervised by the Board with, it is hoped, the active par- ticipation of district Representa tives of the Provincial Agricul- tural Department, also with the Patriotic co-operation of County representatives and representa- tive farmers qualified to advise the Board and the returned Makes "Opportunity" time. to save somethii and secured his commission after Passchendael, In the Somme fighting he won the Italian mili- tary medal. His brother, Doug- las, hag -been in England for a year as gunner with the heavy artillery. A'hockey match between teams representing the Barrie Mer- chants~ and the Commercial Travellers will be played at the rink tonight. » , MEN'S SPRING HATS--The finest qualties, and blocks. Bor: Christy's, SIMMONS & CO. for you es. that wor! com to save, eration in Securing Suitable Locations. The "plan of the Dominion Government for the settlement of the Government's financial as- thf the settler should not bel" SLT little capital to invest at the right The way to get that "capftal" is 'ou can mi Decide, now, to let us help you Bank of Nova Scotia + 8 6000,00 AG. MACLELLAN d merits of each agricultural proposition which is tendered to the Board. The purchase price will be fixed by the Board in each, case only after it has been inspected and valued by the Board. -_ retty Baby" "Pretty Baby," the musical comedy which 'Jimmie Hodges Will present to the patrons of the Opera House, next Thursday, March 6th, is one of the best singing attractions that one Would wish to hear, All the way down from Howard Meyers and Bernice La Barr to the -humble choristers, the voices are excel. lent. Meyers is a rare combination of singer and comedian and is More than proficien! in «both lines. Not only is Miss La Barr comely of person and a graceful dancer, but her vocal efforts stamp her a vocalist more melodious than is usually found jin the field of Musical Comedy, There are two others in the cast, Edna Jacques and George Twy. man, who are very little, if any, behind thé stars in the east as to comedy, and also run up to them as vocalists, The "Pretty Baby" trio, a male trio, is an ex- cellent organization, heard in many popular harmony numbers, The male chorus is well worth while, while observation would imply that the ladies have been chosen more than usually merit. orious. The standing of the show, however, is not wholly dependent upon the voeal efforts. "Pretty Baby" is brim full of new and original novelties, The seene, "Patriotism," which closes the first act, is unusually gorgeous and tuneful, and the last scene atop of a New York Roof Garden is one which will he remembered mang a day. --Pictures framed to order at Dougall Bros. 8-114 We have just opened 'a large shipment of Neilson's~ delicious Chocolates, which sell by, the Pound at 50¢ and 70c. They in- clude French Cherries, Peanut Cluster, Bordeaux Special and many others; also a fresh supply of Quaker Taffies and Peanut Brittle at {0c lb, SATURDAY ONLY Golden Wax Beans, per tin 150 Wisdom's ALLANDALI Money means 'having a each week so e your money when the time + Manager