Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1919, p. 2

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during the month of March with-every: $1.00 bottle of MORGAN'S RESTORATIVE TONIC BUILD UP YOUR HEALTH When you feel all run down, or convalescing from an ill- ness, try » MORGAN'S RESTORATIVE TONIC It will work wonders for you--put healthy flesh on your cheeks, build up your appetite and eenrich your blood, A day's work will be a pleasure to anyone who takes Morgan's. Try a bottle and get that "just right" feels for the com. ing Spritig, 50¢ and $1.00 a hottle CLIMAX COUGH CURE A cold is one of the most horrible troubles known of. Coughing annoys ogeself as well as the people around. Coughing is also one of the worst, ways of spreading di- sease germs. Climax Cough Cure will sooth that irritat- ing ingthe throat and will quickly stop the coughing. - Regularly 25¢ and 50¢ a bottle. One 25¢ bottle free with a $1.00 bottle of Mor- gan's Restorative Tonic dur- ing the month of March. WM. CROSSLAND Onn G Sam: <Sfiorte DRUGGIST BARRIE COMMENT 0 [ F THE WEEK J It is sant that the Ontario) Tt has been suggested that a Lewslature will give women the! speciat meetyng of the County hight te <itoan that assembly |Couneil be held to decide upen Jue y the results of the| the apportionment of the ap Brifish Hons, it won't do the | propriation for 'voads: in' order seamen niet good ithat the work may be taken up Sioa as soon as weather permits. If The lawyer in charge of the|the members would settle down Mail and Empire's legal depart.|te business immediately on con- ment still holds that a declara-|vening and get it disposed of linn of qualification ix net ve-{within two days the money re- quire for public school trustees, |quired fer holding such a session an opinion to that effeet being | would be well spent given in last Saturday's edition -- aaa | The resignation of Trustee At the recent meeting of the| love terminates a service of Ontario Horticultural ocia./over twenty years in the capacity tion there was severe criticism |of public school trustee. Of re- of the proposal of the St, Thomas|cent years he has been chairman society to import poppy seeds|of the Management Committee, from Flanders, One speaker in-|and no trustee has devoted more timated that it would be well if|time and attention to his duties. people endeavored to mix.some|On several occasions The Ex~ sense with (heir sentiment, th G 4 FE parciner has differed from Trugtee Sealed tight - Kept risht ood y-Land JUICY FRU selling gum In the world nat urally has to have package worthy of Its contents. So look for szaed In keeps all of its goodness In. 'That's why The: Flavour Lasts! | >| this {im the Surogue' Gut of the County of Lov and has felt called upon to criticize 'some of his "actions, but 'on the whole it must be'said that he 'has given a great deal of useful and diligent service on be- half of our schools. Notice of/a further-increase in fire insurance rates was received by some local businessmen last week, One merchant has had his rate raised from $1.00 to $1:44 in the last' year with no change in the conditions of. the property. This sort of thing will-go on just as long as the people sit supinely by and make no protest. Not long ago Sir William Hearst, speaking in Toronto, stated that since confederation $here has been paid in Canada for fire in- surance 8197,000,000 over. and above the sums that have been returned for losses.-- In the face of such a record the Government permits the Underwriters' Assoc- jation to go on taking increasing tolls from the people. Why should the Board of Trade not become actively interéSted in this important question of insurance rates? Here are the aims of the re- ceutly organized Property Own- er's Protective League of Hamil- ton: "To conserve the interests of the property owners and the citizens of Hamilton generally, and ta co-operate in all that stands for the efficient adminis- tration and necessary expansion of the city of Hamilton. And all activities are to be directed with the one object of being construe- tive and helpful Its) membi are expected to use every oppor tunity to collect data and in- formation bearing on municipal problems, particularly the §n- aneial side of civie affairs, 30 that all may have the opportunity of discussing them freely and in- lelligently.") Such an organiza- lion actively participated in. by the ratepayers would be of greal benefit to the municipal adminis tration of any Lown or city. The weaknesses of the municipal governipent of today may largely be traced to the ignorance or in- difference of the citizens con- cerning civie affairs. The course outlined by this organization has potentialiti of great good for Hamilton and its progress will be watched with much interest A striking instance of jnitia- live in teaching ix givens by a teacher who writes to the New- market Express as follows:--My method of teaching kindness t animals has the advantage of in no way interfering with the regu- lar routine of my school, Tw days in the week all our lessons are conducted with reference to subject. For instance, in the reading class, | choose a book upon animals and always find time for useful instruction and good advice. My "copiex" for] writing are facts in natural his- tory and they impress upon the pupils ideas of justice and kind- ness towards useful animals. In ee NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Pasquale Guerra, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Laborer,' NOTICE is hereby , given pursuant to RSO. 1914, and Amending Acts that all persons having any claim or demands against the Inte Pasquale Guerra, who diod on or about the fourth day of November, 1918, at the town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, are required on or before the third day of March, 1919, to send by post prepaid or-to deliver to: the undersigned, solicitors for the Administrator of the estate of: the said Pasquale Guerra, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their. claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the third wil said that the ssid Administrator will not be Hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any: person of whose claims he shall not then have received notice. 'STEWART & STEWART, Solicitors for Administrator, of Barrit, Ontari NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1008 In the matter of 'the estate of Nancy 'Webb, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, widow, deceased Mpeople seem to think it better, is te patronize i and) furnish it with ads. A little, in-| \estigation will convinee anyena that the great majority of people are just ax much interested in reading attractively written ads as they are in following the general news. Mafy merchants do not always appreciate the | -|mizhty power the press is in} ;| motive that lay behind Sir Wil- written 'exercises: in' spelling composition, { teach the good re which sheuld be taken of} 4 domestic animals, and the kind- ness. which should be shown them. 1 prove that, by not-over- working them and keeping them clean in roomy stables, feeding them well, (and> treating. th kindly and gently a greatér profit and larger crops may be obtained than by abusing them. I also speak in this connection of cert small animals which, although in a wild state, are very useful to farmers. In arithm tic, I give examples in domestic and rural e¢onomy and thus show the children, in exact figures, the amount which may be made by farming when animals are kindly treated. The results of my' in- structions have been and are exceedingly satisfactory. My ideas have deeply impressed my pupils and have exercised he best influences upon their lives and character Ever since I in- troduced the subject to my. school, I have found the children less disorderly, but instead more gentle and affectionate towards each other. They feel more and more kindly towards animals and have entirely given up the cruel practice of robbing nests and killing small birds. They are | touched by the suffering and misery of animals and the pain which they feel when they sec} them cruelly uxed has been the means of exciting other persons to pity and conipassion Do Your Share The value of a good local nows- paper is much greater than many One way the home merchants can help not only to keep it good, but to make helping to carry on the business of the country and in maintain- ing its power.--Hardware and Metal. A Revealing The Globe), The Hon, W. A. Charlton, M.P., contributes to the eulogies of Sir Wilfrid Laurier one' which con- tains a revealing flash as to the frid Laurier's refusal to join a Coalition Government when urg- ed to do so by many of his old political associates. Writing lo the Globe, Mr. Charlton says: "I have always had the most pro- found admiration for Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and regarded him as Canada's foremost statesman. During the long session of 1917 we had many interviews about the serious question before par- liament, and one day, after 5 ing had a personal interview with the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Borden, I went to Sir Wilfrid and urged him to join Sir Robert and form a National Government. Finally Sir Wilfrid said: ""Chariton, you do what you think. right, [ know you will, I live for the peace ofCanada. I must hold the French. If I do not they will drift to Bourassa and we shall have a rebellion, which would please (he Germans more than anything else that could happen Toronto Against Ontarlo The publishers of the St. Thomas Times-Journal make the statement that their paper is read in ninety per cent of the thomes of that city, The Times- Journal is to be congratulated and so is the town. St, Thomas is independent of the Tordato daily papers, a fact of much greater importance than most, people realize. More and more 'Toronto continues to fatten on the life-blood of the Province at large, and this unwholesome and undesirable process is carried on largely through the aid of the city press. Already the small yillages of the country are either entirely gone or are fast goings 'The four-corners village, with its shoeshop, blacksmith-shop, store, wheelwright, post-office and pub- lic hall ig either gone or fast dis- appearing, and with it the coun- try church and the efficiency of the public school. Now the city vampire is sucking,at the vitals device, fair or unfair, in the way of advertising and otherwise, to centre trade in the city and de- stroy {he heretofore valuable and convenient_home market of, the farmer. This process would be impossible, or at least much slower and more difficult, did not Toronto possess a daily Press provincial in its ciréulation, but selfish and local in its news ser- vice-and interests. The-Toronto blues. day. STE fensirhy Beand lati PHENS' FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG We have' a large stock and fabrics for Young Men. best of wear and well tailored. We make it a rule never to pass into our stock of Clothing any material there is the least doubt of its wearing qualities. We have a large stock of suits and overcoats for stout men, in nice greys, browns, blacks, and navy These suits are well made and trimmed and in myany cases the prices are less than wholesale price to- Call No trouble to show goods. . ' e R. A. STEPHENS, Clothier N.B.--The opinion of Men in touch with the markets of the world, is that woolen goods will advance from 20 to 25 per cent for next season's trade.--R. A. S. We also have a full line of Men's and Young Men's raincoats, odd pants, vests and furnishings. All sizes in Carhartt Overalls at $3.00 per garment will outwear two pairs of any other makes. Boys' Suits in all sizes and colors from $5.00 to $15.00 per suit. and inspect our Goods. 7. of the very latest styles Goods that will give the view to the advancement of their]own paper the preference. Even own city and in furtherance of|in smaller towns, where a week- their policy of Toronto; not only|ly only is possible, a generous first, but "first, last and all the|support of the home paper will Instances could be cited|do something towards time." helping every day in proof of this asser-|the editor in his work of adver- tion. * * * * What is the remedy Unfortunately there is nothing;cating its interests. any too hopeful in sight. cities, sinaller such as But The | prize hog will continue to swallow St.|the most of what is going as long |tising the home town and advo- the Thomas, where there is popula-|as the insensate craze for buying tion and business-to support alin the department stores endures good daily paper, are largely in-|and petty jealousies continue to sufficient| divide the rural and-semi-rural sense and public spirit on the|communities of Ontario.--Orillia part of the people, to give their! Packet. dependent, of the larger towns, using every | - granting nt have but one aim-- Pern e raat Lightcer, That the price i: ible is di fi tuey: skier ed lneae reed | due to fac- if you have owned 'or driven an- appreciate the $1245; the Gray-Dort 63 He wi id 4 are also prices'f.o.b. Chat- notice. GRAY-DORT MOTORS LIMITED, Chatham, 'Ont. papers are all Toronto. Notwith- Barrie, Ont. standing their large circulation in the vast majority of the towns Jand villages of the Province, their policy is directed, solely with a In the United Statee--the Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich.

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