Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve COMPANY OF 35 [ news FROM THE RAILWAY WARD R. Moffitt. of Toronto is visiting bis duughter, Mrx. J. McMillan. Mrs, Jumes Denning, who has been ill at her parental home in Hastings, became uch worse last Saturday und ber husband as called to he ide. Miss Mury McLennan, while on her way to attend a ing in the Presbyterian Church, Monday evening, slipped on the icy walk und fractured one hip. Rev V. J. Watt was called to Lucknow on Wednesday morning owing to the death of Mrs. Watt's mother. Deceased was con: fined to her bed for the last five yeurs with paralysis, Subjects for Burton avenue Methodist Church next Sunday as follows ;--11 a m.-- ba all We do with this World Con. fusion?" For 7 p.m. service--'The Par. rable of the Lost Coin" The members of the D.Y.B. Club were very pleasantly entertained last Thursday evening by Misses Florence and Beatrice Brunton, the entertainment fuking the form of » masquerade party LJ Last Monday night a very pleasant time was spent in Burton avenue Methodist 10 BEAUTIFUL STYLES IN RARE WOODS ON SALE WITH OUR DEALER FRED AYERST pale apse OBITUARY Vernon E. Rusk Church, when the Central Methodist E. L. Joined with Burton avenue E. L. in # social 'by the news of the death of Vernon Edison evening. A good programme was given and Rusk, son of Mr. und Mrs. Wm, Rusk, who | those present will be glad to have the op- passed away at Galt after a fortnight's ill portunity of again listening to Mr Waring, ness, double pneumonia following sn at- | who mude some very interesting remarks. tuck of influenza. On learning of his seri- Gardiner On Saturday afternoon a number of amall ous illness, boys appeared before Magistrate Clark, Or- Gull, and saw that everything possible illia, charged with stealing switch brooms was done for their son from the Grand Trunk Railway had been playing War', and the broom suffering with the heads knocked off, made, Deceased was born in Allandale 25 years! t weapons, They were let off with |ugo. He was a steum-fitter by trade and , «warning and told to keep away.from the |was employed in Winnipeg when he signed railway tracks, and if caught there again /up with the RAF. in 1917. On his dis- | they would be chirged with trespassing. {charge be resumed work with his old firm | At the last Vestry Meeting of St, Paul's 'in Toronto and was overseeing the instal Charch, Washugo, it was decided by the {lation cf one of their sprinkling plants in congregation to put a stained glass window |Galt when he took ill, He wus a young in the Church ax a memorial to the late {man of splendid physique and excellent Mrs. E. B. Taylor, wife of the Rev. E. |prospec's and had a great many friends B. Taylor. The window will be a representa: | A feature that adds exceptional «adness to tion of the Resurrection depicting the first |his untimely death is the fact that he wes Easter morning in the Garden. It is being {married only eight weeks previowsly, hus designed by the Dominion Glass Co. of |bride being Miss Olive Furlong of Burrie. Toronto und ix expected to be ready for The funeral will be held on rriday aiter- dedication about Easter. 'noon from the residence of his parenis, | Rev. Alexander MacLaren Rey. Alexander MacLuren died on Thurs. | jday morning, Feb. 20, at the residence of his son, J.P, MacLaren, Ottawa, with whom he hud been living since October. His [death terminated s long illness, he having {been stricken with paralysis in December, 11912, since which time he had been con- ) fined to his bed. | Mr, MacLaren was born in Torbolton Tp,, | jon the Ottawa' River, Apr. 8, 1832. He was a graduate of Knox College, one of his class-mates being the lute Rev, Thos, Me- | 'Kee of Barrie,¢ He was minister at Bris- 'tol, Que. und' at Enniskillen end Cart- | wright, Durham "County. In 1891, he re- tired from the active duties of the ministry and went to reside in Hamilton He was the youngest of a family of six brothers, one of whom was the late 'Rev. Wm. MacLaren, D.D,, of Knox on jlege Four sons and three daughters sur- vive, viz., Lt.Col. D. H. MacLaren and J. JA. MacLaren, Barrie; John P. MacLaren and jLeslie MacLaren, Ottawa; "Miss Elizabeth MacLaren, Hamilton; Miss-Jean MacLaren, | Ottawa; Mrs. M. R. Coldwell, Denver, Col. Interment took pisee on Saturday morn- ling in the family plot at Wakefield, Que. | Dr. Archie R.» Gilchrist Dr. Archie R. Gilchrist, son of Ronald (Gilchrist, Shanty Bay, died on Wed. Feb. 26, at the home of his father. | Deceased was born in Oro thirty years 'ago, After taking his matriculation at Barrie Collegiate in 1906 he gntered upon the study of medicine and was~graduated | 'from Toronto University in 1910. For a! time he practised in Northern Alberta end jthen. for » few years, on a boat runni ig between-¥ancouver and China and Japan. Later up practice in Northern , Brit Columbia, where he remained until 9900000000000000000500600000000 Persistent demands on the part of a Music Loving Canadian People call insistently for the \treatment he recovered a considerable meas- {ure of health and was taken on the staff of the hospital, continuing in that capacity for four years, In May last he wos again | taken ill and when it was seen that there | his bealth failed. Going to Kamloops for .' Grand Opera House, Thursday Night, . JIMMY HODGES PRESENTS THE SUPREME MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS PRETTY BABY : fj heart trouble on Feb 1, when she was to take charge of her, she was not thought tuken to St. Michuel's Hospital, where she to be in any immediate-danger, but, in passed to the Great Beyond. She had made sudden spell of weakness, passed out chortly her home with her neice, Gledhill avenue, were buried in the family plot in Stouff- Mrs, Collins was well known in Innis- tx she spent the greater part of her ious t i Vietoria Harbor, « The community was saddened yesterday life there Seer yead sip, cu bee artage io Mr | ville fil, Mr. and Mra, Rusk went to denly on Monday morning had been confined to bed for sbout ten taken to Shanty Bay, on the Wednesday | All was of no days, suffering from an attack of influenza ; : The boyr svail und he pussed through days of intense, While a nume arrived on Saturday night arrival there, where the has been laid to ret Picture Framing - Daily Papers Mrs_ H. L. Gardiner Victoria Harbor Era---It ix with deep Fred Sanderson, Shant} egret we record the death of Mrs H. L. CHORUS OF PRETTY GIRLS Mrs. R. Cregg, before daylight on Monday. Jessie Hubbert | Her remains wes born in Shanty Bay, being the daugh- | of Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hubbert of thut | village; where she resided all her life, pre- Toronto, « four, years net, on her marriage to Mr.| Gardiner. She-is survived by her parente, three 'sisters: Mra. Ellis of Allandale | Mrs. | and Mrs. And: | rew Moore, of this village; three brothers: event occurred very sud- George, Arthur and James, of Shanty Bay; , Mrs. Gardiner her husband, and Edna. The remains were Books - morning train, interment taking place on Magazines by her brothers, and brothers-in-law side the Anglican church, in which she was christened and worshipped. TOOKE & CO. BOOK STORE .; Allandale be- - Stationery Toys , Give us a Call and be Convinced. Ladies' and Men's CLOTHES TAILORED TO YOUR OWN MEASURE Those seeking Style Distinction in Dress should Call and See for themselves, the latest Spring styles, at the Up-Stairs Tailor Parlors in the Ross Block. We have the New Cloths in Tricolettes, in shades, Sand, Dove Grey, Tan and Brown, Broadcloths in Navy, Brown and Black, Serges--Blues and Blacks, in guaranteed colors Cheviots, in Blue and Black, guaranteed colors. Tweeds and Worsteds, in varied shades. Those who have had their clothes tailored by us know the saving. At the Up-Stairs Tailor Parlors out of the High Rent District. teed. H. J. TWISS UP STAIRS IN ROSS BLOCK ' Every Garment Hand-Tailored, Fit and Workmanship fully guaran- PHONE 731 i : : PHOPOOOODOSHO DODO OOOOH OOODOOO OS HHOOOHOO OOOOH OOOO 09O0000000000009000

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