a base Fight THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions wil be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- tlonal charge of 10c, will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not | paid for before the paper is issued, an ad- ditional charge of 10c. will be made on all adiets less than one dollar, FURS REMODE! M McArthur, Ki LED und Repaired. Miss Block. Barrie. 37-tfc YORKSHIRE BOAR For Service--Andrew King, lot 20, con. 5, Innisfil, Lefroy P.O. 6-9p HOLSTEIN COW for sale--Coming three years old. Milking. Apply to this office. 5-10p | _-- BOARDERS WANTED--Apply to 22 Wors- ley street.' 8-136 LADY CLERK WANTED--Apply Ed. Bry- 9e | "son's Confectionery. 9 --aeerrecxe | WANTED--An experienced general. Apply | Mrs, Harold Dyment. Btfe. | HOUSE TO RENT on Sanford street. Ap- ply at 25 Elizabeth street. 9-9p | | WANTED--Good general servant. Apply | Mrs. R. A. Stephens, 123 Collier. 9-90 | FOR SALE--Good Collie dog, 1 year old, | good heeler. Apply Box 218, Barrie. 9-9p FOR SALE--House with 5 acres or less at 28 Donald street. Apply on premises, 8-tfc | WANTED--Ten girls at once. Apply Aeme Clothing Co, next door Nova Scotis | Bank. 9-9¢ WANTED--Millinery Preparer und appren- FARM FOR SALE--At Utopia. For par. 4 ; ticulars apply to 49 Sanford street, Bar- | Sl a ie; Mist Vi Browalee, rie. 5.9p | Fa : a ~ |SALESLADY WANTED for dry goods LADIES' TAILORING snd Dressmaking ""styre, also millinery apprentice. Apply done, Miss E. Gosney, Adelaide Street, Powell & Co. 9-9c Allandale 51-106 WANTED-- Experienced and ~ COAL, all sizes, nut, stove and egg. Also a BD: Bxpecences, fing. bi 4, 'ipl wll kindy of hard and soft wood. Apply) 5 mB ® Gracey & Son, Allandale, phone . Btfe HOME MADE BAKING ON SALE--At uham Restuurant, 20 Mulcaster street. Meals or lunch served at all hours. Prices awn 8.139. AND) PRESSING--\ our ald ut can be made to look Hirry Twiss, Row Block, CLEANING stat nul aver ike new by Dunlop St FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all kindy of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran- teed, Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie 3-16p TO RENT OR FOR SALE--Busine® proj residence and stubles, corner Tliz- erty, abeth onl Mary Sts. Apply Ro Webb, Barrie 38-tfe FARM FOR SALE 97 acts, adjoining Ville of Iv 1 clay loam, Barn 40x TR, on stone foundation. Good dwelling howe Apply tu Go H. Speers, Ivy4-9p FOR SALE OR RE aeres in Barrie, Tnrick how burn, town water, eistert to market. -- Price right, easy terms, Enquire E: office FARM FOR SALE toma, gaol building: orchard, 200 were mised furlong, ng. Apply Ed. West seres ut edge of nil four acres young bush, never: McLaughlin, @Up Innisfil chin. 5, ni: goon frame FARM FOR det 2, v Tare barn with ser faving well Thorn on 100 ACRES FARM FOR SALE--Tn Oro Townships, coo buildings, 3 acres fruit orchard, 10 je lots of water. ther particulars, write Mrs. Mary Shanty Bay, BIR. No. 2, Ont, 6-11p b- PUBLIC ATTENTION miner Office 9p FOR SALE--30x30 Winchester Rifle with. Lyman sighte, in perfect condition. Ap- ply P. 0, Box 449, BEAGLE HOUND disappeared from my. premises, Feb 8, Reward for return. hear, Allandale = WANTED- i Smart girl for Millinery De- jurtment. Experience not necessary Moore & trong 9 FOR SALE--House, lot (about 2% acres) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. | Enquire on premises 6-14p TYPEWRITER FOR SALE--Monarch No. 2, rebuilt, worth $50.00, will sell for Apply this office, Otfe FOR SALE. Lot 23, Seventh Concession of Innisfil. For further particulars, apply tw Harold Hastings, Lefroy 0-9 ANYONE W io taking care purticulars to Examiner Office SHING Young man to ussist f stock out West, apply for 9.9p WANTED Mus! be willing to go tod John MeGill, Barrie. Phone 305. FOR SALE--Four-tatde Bullard outfit complete, or sell separately Good eat dition, Apply JK Watson, Burne. 9-99 Married man to work on farm. New York State 8-9 WOOD CUTTING by the cord or by the hour. reasonable, Phone 798. Prompt atien tion Stfe Auto, carriage and sign punting done st Huxtuble's garage Satisfaction guaranteed. Wo H Hallielay Painter eat Hot Furnished or unfur Sk oTO RENT ed, M h 10 te Sep rey, erly fu 1; 68 Mary St Apply 99p FOR SALE One of the best properties in tawn, @4 ronnie! house, all convenience rehurd, on one of Will sell cheap. Apply Box 1611, Site SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE--Year- fings and two-yeur olds These are high ly bred butls and will be sold at reduced prices f le, See them be fore buye Tion't overlook this ebaince- vent, Barrie, Ont 8-tfe since Christmas, large, with tan coarse head, on face, answering to the Anyone harboring this . HM. Dy notice will be prosecuted 1 OW Gesling, Burne, Phone 361, Re ward 3.90 FIVE ME WANTED- $45 u month and board experience with axes aml hor: Apply by muil to M, Woany, Midhurst, or D, Jamieson, B 9-11p FOUR-YEAR-OLD C =A desale gelding for sule. Dam and sire imported, weighs lbs, and is well broken both single and double. Apply to Geo, Raikes, Bar: rie 9-10p. WAN D TO BUY--A frame barn or any erint that could be used to build barn about 50x70. Give full deseription and price at once to Frank Loftus, Phely ston 9-0 FOR SALE--A_ seven-roomed, rough-cast house, with water and bath newly install- J, gurden, srle driveway. Cloxe to Cath ole Church. Mrs, Culverwell, 93 Owen street 9-tfe FAPM fon S3LE OR RENT Lor 17 san 2, Blin, 1000 sere acres cleared, haisnee pa nd bash. Comfortable 40x60, driving shed and ion, Mar, 1, 1919 es. PLA Coughlin anf WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to toke full charge of farm home with s baby boy ten months old. No atside wark to do. A good, comfort thle convenient home, one balf mile from village of Stroud. Anply stating partic ulars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud or phone. FARM. FOR SALE---Pt lot 24 and lot 25, I, 150 acres, Fifty acres Itivetion, the rest pasture and nd orchard, good buildings diately. This property is to wind up estate of Sproule. Apply A. Pury' 74 Possession i offers late 'Tho: Craigvale FARM-FOR SALE--North half, lot 12. corvession 7, Flos, consisting of 100 acres, clay loam, in good state of cultivation. * On this property 'are a good brick house. bonk harn, hog pen, driving house, chick- en house, Convenient to churches, schools and, markets.. For further par- ticulars apgly to J. C. McGinnis, R.R.1, Elmvale, Ont. 8-14 FOR: SALE--Good Brick House, well: loca- ted in Barrie, with town water and light, well and cistern, two pumps, large wood shed, garage, pens for 150 fowls, with outside wired runs, Orchard, strawber- ties, raspberries, three acres of good land, well fenced. All in good condition. A nice home. Fair payment down, good terms on balance. Particulars at Exam- iner Office or Phone 387. Otfe eee FARM FOR SALE--Part of lots 16 and 17, Con. 1, Oro, 150 eres, -on Penetang road, 6 miles north of Barrie, 60 acres cultivated, 50 ficres* pasture, balance swamp. 'Large brick-clad house, barn 40x60 with cow stable in barn, horse _stable separate building, 2 .good wells "and orohard.: Essy price and terms for quick sale.. Apply Executors Chas. Part- ridge Estate, Mrs. M. E. Parkhouse, Bi ye Ho, W. T. Partridge, Barrie R.R1, A. W. FUNERAL DESIGNS, Wedding Bouquets, artistically arranged, fresh cut roses, ear- nations, 'other seasonable flowers always | Phone 713, A. Harri, 8-13p on hand, florist HOUSE FOR SALE--New brick house, 11 Bradford street, Barrie, just opposite new collegiate. Every modern convenience. Garuge for two cars. Apply, Wesl tin, R.R.3, Thornton. , ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and .| water colour painting. Saturdays 2-3.30, and by appointment. Mrs. F. 8,-Williams, (diploma Paris and London), 261 Dun- lop street. Phone 391. 8-13p GIRL WANTED--Reliable, industrious girl for light housework. Plenty. of spare time. Wages, twenty dollars afd up, according to age and experience. Mrs. | (Dr) RD Collier, Phelpston. 9-10 SALE--Three Hundred Acres good rich | clay lonm farm. 'En bloc or portion. | Large bank barns, water service, stables, | brick house, furnace, splendid locality, | near railways and county town. Posses- sion April. Investigate, Frank Quantz, | owner, Barrie. Teowtt |AGENTS WANTED--(Spare time) to act | Yor this Town & District for English Sporting Syndicate. Exceptional Oppor- tunity. Good yearly salary and commis- sion, No town or village is too small. Write to E. B., Box 353, care W. L. Er- wood, Ltd., 30 Fleet Street, E.C. 4, Lon- don, England. g& i FOR SALE--Double Brick House, Worsley street, 5-minute walk from P.O. Solid white' brick, air space outside walls, brick dividing wall. Stone foundstion, divid- ing wall in cellar, cement floors, Hecla furnaces. Eight rogms and bath, all con- veniences, soft water in kitchen, unfin- ished attic. Bargain, as owner is non- resident. Phone 555, or Box 586. 9-14e ------ A LARGE PACKING HOUSIs requires the services of & real live progressive sales- man 23 to 28 years old for country ter- tori Good opportunity for one who, has initiative and selling ability. Reply in own handwriting, stating age, experi- ence, salary expected and 'personal. des- cription. To H. H. D. Sim, 43 Kenneth \ Partridge, R.R.1, Would rent lster ed ' 90 Ave, Toronto, Ont. ° 9-086. 9-9p | In town of country, | Charges j Sam. Weaymouth had a setting of Rhodé Island Red chicks dut on Feb, 17 John Jamieson, father of Reeve Jamieson of Nottawasaga, died in Collingwood last week. Students of Barrie Business College are holding a Mask Ball in the Town Hall, Friday night. In the first of the home-and- home" games, Woodstock beat Sudbury, 9 to 4, in Sudbury last night. Scott Bros. have their ice houses almost filled, This com- pleted they will start filling out-- side orders Jas. y was in Brace- bridge attending a meeting of the Northern Assoen. of Firemen Wall Paper! New stock just arrived. Some elegant designs, See them -at Dougall Bros. 8-11 Balance of our large stack furs and ladies' winter 0% regular pri & CO The person whe se! fom sigue neglected of the wrater Hobley has tus new house ou revently purchased Searlett of Midland. Jobin Shepard sipped 90 tows on Monday Tn the dot were ine Wall Paper! the come "A Barrie tu give the name John ineved inte Elizabeth > from oM eluded 31 hogs averaging 200 Ibs. sol by Wan, Gamphell On Wednesday might of bast week oa delightful danee was Vown Hall under the of ROL Robertson of te given in the auspiers of the B Manage Ball At GSU bands On decoun! wt ates. TP eoutd --Speeial (S500 per mnt yd. wide Cheaper than Torente priees Took up eataligue and he enone (Sineed. then buy) fram Dougall Bros 8-14 Hew. Gen A. Reown will preach Wo Zien Preshvterian Churet, Brantford sunday, taking the work of Miro Wrodside, whe comes ta St Amirew's for the Anniversary services 'i Bank of Nowa Seotia staff has heen bard hut by iiness dar- ing the past len days, nly Miss "Smith and Miss Crardner ape Ing. If was necessary to bring {three men from 'Toronto ling will he held in the GOW. OV. AL Club Rhos, Post Office Building. on Friday, Feb Ro oat Roopa. al which Mr our Maquire, D.C.M.. of the Repatriation Speakers' Burean, will give an address on the wor of resestablishing the returned men, The public are invited tu attend. No charge made _Rev o. A. Brown atten meeting of Barrie Presbyter in Orillia last' Thursday, when the resignation of the Rev. Capt. F, W. Anderson, M.A., from the pastorate of the @rillia church Lwas accepted. The pulpit was dPrhared vacant on Sunday and the congregation called upon to select a new minister, The Rev. Dayid Smith of Jarratt is Mod- tor of the vaca fhe monthly meeting of th Barrie branch of the Women Institute: will be held on Friday aftern February 28, al four welack af Te Police Court. The next regular business will be trans- acted and the delegate to the Provincial Convention will give her report. On the evening of iday, Mareh 7, Dr. Lewis will give an address on "Tuberculos a Preventable Disease." NOTICE TO CREDITORS for the amets of said estate. whose claims shall not then bave been received. DONALD ROSS, Sdlicitor for. Executrix, B Dated 12 February, 1919. Planing Mill Go. states that the ew collegiate hualding will he | ready for Hamlin over on April Ix Phe regotar monthly mectoe of the Churchill Wy bowl he held en Wednesday, Mareh 3, at 3 Steloek at the home of Mrs BH Sloan Phe regolar dieting af the W HPT ill ie beta at the heare | toMr. Ball, 60° Magde Wve. an Tre aiflernoon ot Mendig. Mareh Pet ge con with the crrset sate! voud= wall ott tle Sal. Bargains galore, Mrs ) 1b Ross st Foes, Maret tt for sanmuen en iirds hy Ma tis Hider Ute hse the Marcie Worn Linoleum, ; out before Spring. to 10, No better rubber made $4.00. Per pair, to clea and are well worth $2 at per pair een AA 7 i PERSONAL & Miss Crew is visiting in) Phile adelphia Fo Mes. Red. Spreth spent the [week-end i Toronte: Mrs. Browning was in Terente for a few days last week s. MeMartin and) chaledrent returned frem North Bay nes Maxwell visited) friends tham and Londun last in © week. Mrs. J. Swan and sen, Hillon, spent a few days with Mrs, Swan, Bayfirld St Mrs, J. M Ness and Miss Ness am New York fo spend seme weeks with her mother. Miss Veroniea Daley has re- {turned home after holidaying for two weeks in Brentwyorl, Miss Beatrice Ingram, Ontario Ladies' College. Whitby, spent the week-end at her home here Miss Mary Payne has returned after a two weeks' visit' with friends in Midland and Orillia Mrs. E, Desjardins of Brent-- wood is sp ne a week or by with her sister, Mes. J. P. Daley. HO tson. the Grand Master of the 10.0 Friday After April 15, Mrs. T.. J. Simp- son, 16 Collier St, will reesive on the Ist and' 3rd Wednesdays of each month, J. J. Gibson of Toronto was in town on Monday attending a meeting of the directors of the Barrie Tanning Co.' Mrs. Soules, Toronto: Mrs. Me- Mahon, Waverly; Miss Hamilton, Alliston, are visiting this week al Mrs. Ed. Partridge's. Thos. C. Brownlee, son of Mrs. Brownlee, Ottawa, andthe late H. E. Brownlee of Barvie, was Miss Cora Schiefer. Mr. and Mrs. William Armitage announce the engagement of their only daughter, Pearl Beatrice, to Mr. Frederick Parr, Barrie, the wedding to take place quietly in March. Metropolitan Life for the last two years, leaves next week for Toronto, having been transferred tario- to. the Toronto centre office. Mr.|58 Small St, Barrie. We have them in sizes 36 to 44. black and white striped denim, with bib, elastic braces, pockets, etc., OO per pair, while they last, they are going with | are spending a few weeks | kinson, "a son Mrs. Hinds, Toronto \BATTERSBY--On Thursday, Feb. 20, at Miss Martha Hunter is home| the R. V. Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. . SHEPARD--CAV on a visit te Midland Lodge last} married in Buffalo on Feb. 5 to} | W. P. Hess, Supt. here for tha During the Wet and Slush of early Spring it is Essential that Rubbers Should Be Watertight BUY A NEW PAIR FOR YOUR FEET NOW Our prices on most lines of Men's Heavy Rubbers are greatly reduced to clear them Read these cut prices and come in before your size is sold out. "BUSHMAN" HEAVY RUBBERS A guaranteed snag-proof rubber with solid rubber heel, and 12-inch waterproéf canvas top. Sizes 6 to 11. Former prices "RUPERT" HEAVY RUBBERS Best quality snag-proof duck rubber, with 7-inch black leather top, sizes 6 Former prices $4.50. Per pair to clear . -$3.99 "TRAPPER" HEAVY RUBBERS A well made rubber of heavy snag-proof black duck with 9-inch tan leather top, sizes in stock are 7, 8, 9 and 10, Former price $5.00. Per pair, to clear $4.29 "LUMBERKING" HEAVY RUBBERS PER PAIR $3.29 Black snag-proof duck rubber, medium high cut, 3-hole lace. Former price to clear it any price, sizes 6 to 10. T . HERE'S A SNAP IN OVERALLS 50 pairs to clear out at less than manufacturers' present price. They are made of good strong, (KI . 'PEOPLE T [Moss has proved himself a good eitizen and his many Barrie friends are very srry to have Him leave town, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simmons | lw in Waubaushene this week Jallending the funeral of Mrs [te ivens* who died on | Sunday, | Mrs. Mout | Bruce of Montre st: Mrs. 1. {Wo Dinsmore of Paisley and W. J. Sibball of Conneaut, Obie, Jwere in town [his week attending lthe golden wedding of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sibbald | BORN * |ATKINSON--In Shanty Bay, on Friday, Feb, 21, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs Thos, At: Battersby, a so: GLENN--In Barrie, on Friday, Feb. 21, | 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glenn, a son. | KOCHBERG--In Barrie, on Monday, Feb. 24, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, H. Kochberg, Bradford' street, 9 son. |ORR--On Thursday, Feb, 20, 1919, to Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Orr, (Essa Stn.), 9 son O'REILLY--At Midhurst, on Wednesday, Feb, 26, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Reilly, Midhurst, s son MARRIED BROWNLEE--SCHIEFER--At Buffalo, N. Y., on Feb, 5, 1919 by Rev, J. Davis, Miss Cora Schiefer to Mr. Thomas C. Brownlee, of wa, Canada. ENA--In Barrie, on Wed. Feb, 19, Mrs, Annie Cavena to William Shepard, both of Barrie. DIED BELL--at the residence of Thos. McKinney, ! Minesing, Feb 21, 1919, Andrew Bell; in his 8ist year. GILCHRIST--In Oro, on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1919, Dr. Archie R. Gilebrist, son of | Mr. and' Mrs. Ronald Gilchrist, aged 30 | years. RUSK--In Galt, on Wed. Feb. 26, 1919, Vernon Edison Rusk, only son of Mr, end Old Mrs. Wm. Rusk, aged 25 years, 1 month. , IN MEMORIAM | In loving memory of William Francis _ Grey, who died March 2, 1913. j : --Wite. | Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Hubbert and family ish to thank their many friends and neighbors for' kindness shown in their re- cent bereavement. FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN : Phone 323 und Master] 5 PER PAIR $4.25 heavy rolled sole, $5.00. Per pair seeker cence) $425 PER PAIR $3.99 PER PAIR $4.29 eee $3.29 $1.50 WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, Mar, 2, 1919 Quinquagesima 8.30--Holy Communion, 3.00--Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. Sub- x and His Brave Men". All Welcome. Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, March 2nd. Rev. R. J. Fallis, Pastor 10 am--Monthly Fellowship Meeting. A gathering of young If id o1 helpful fellowship. | Poh* Ant saul for iL 'Pastor's Subject--What is a 3 pm--Sunday School Service. 7 pam.--Pastor's Subject--"Different Ty- pes of Men Whom Christ Called. (No. 1). 'Nathaniel--The Man with a Prejudice". POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and * Quality Count _ Phone 772 -- eee BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Fall Wheat . = $ Spring Wheat. * ones ats. . Buckwheat . Alsike Clover seed Red Clover Bran, ton Spring Chicken . Spring chicken . fowl Ducks .. rke; xy Butter, Ib. Eggs, dos. Hay . per bus. + | } i | | i t i | | | | ; | | : 4 5 2 OUR \ are the tive fo eh Ieent pals fine cost | testify We te te three us alr Barrie ' Join the 'one-thirc ses, Free circ phone te 59 Ower