Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1919, p. 3

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A Lr 9 VR 3 qi R Ww 03 '« 9 = an 91 rg 4 Von er's | imited " | 109 = | 'S [STRICT voles in this. Mr. Grafton service wiih Pwhich he has wre K ROUTE en EAL 1TO IT GO. g car service . ight traing and principal' day rom any Grand rent or C. B. Passenger NGSLEY : /:* Phone 6 Sees REDITORS , of the County of e he estate of John ship of Innisfil, in Parmer, deceased. en pursuant to the 21, Bec. 56, Revised 914, and Amending » third day of Feb- ed to send by post Alexander Cowan, the Administratrix, y of February, 1919, ses, and a full etate- their claims and the: héld by them, duly said date the Admin- distribute the assets nong the parties en- regard only to the hall then have had 18th day of January, s » . COWAN," the Administratrix, Barrie Ont. "¥ 1919- Thursday, January 30, This Real-- Gasoline Auto forBoys end Girls $15022 offer Prizes SOLVE THIS Ft 'Wateh = th--Lovely 36-Inch Dall, han il ? N you work this out? Do tay! you want to know how {t was decided long before peace came when the war would be over? The anawer is contained within the 48g Sig valuable pelace ewalt you ere Soiree HOW TO SOLVE IT 'The above ag nswer. It {3 in 'ome sentence of nine words, containing forty Setters. Each letter is represented by a number, Gnd that number is the position of the letters fn the alphabet. For instance, Ais represented by the figure 1,a3 {tie first in the alphabet, {55 'tin, and eo on. Now, to help you get started, we 'll tell you that the first letter {n the puzzle Is "W." because W fs the 23rd letter fn the alphabet. Get to work ond figure out the words in the sentence, and d, the soteachy thtot the grand prizes What Others Have Don Ne De Bene You willbe the Bory of all your Friends with this Cur THE AUTO-MAN, EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD, Dept. 90 7th eo l0th--Sell-Filler Founcata i tor Boys and oe eae + Ts. The, conte on March 3 Shetland Pony and Cart, Helan Smith. Yaimonton, -- Shetland Pony, Beatrice Hughes, Haxeo 'more. Suak. is 2, Hachtiton, Ont. wary ovenuag. TORONTO, ONT. THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Three Cundles, not knowing the difference. For! UTOPIA the information of the public, I would say| yy, 97, One of our oldest und Panilles Tarrece. ts composed 'of's) block Of | only cicecs cue culled to tho: Groat, Be Ce re teat sare Gea 38 ee eS called to the Great Be- ott siunjed on Bayfield street in the town 0nd Vet eS when Mrs: of Barrie} Cundles village ix a little north | eoarted the i haan bhgal dhsabee aris Cf ke eerporation, on: toe Mill oad. Hy Pts Wy Malena." A peer aga) ThE uted in the Township of Vespra. Many good | ¢, a had ebann. yesy eno, BS things can be said of it, The location it | Ora) weeks. from whi herman aH fine with school, post office, store and other | tre svered." However pick Tbe. nee a bln Wi meal 3 wary oor our, mam tebe, Thusatay 'before he apes dag with friends fast week The lare Mrs. Connor's maiden name was Dy. Sey, sadracgt here, {Annie Haynes, She war thes youngest and aa ae he seurce bere ia to survive of the eleven children of es sey game down 0 do rep |Win. und Elizabeth Haynes, her eldest bro: pS: Pratt aed Bape ee ther dying in 1916, She was born near Camerell, England, in 1842. and came to BELLE EWART Canada with her parents when five years Jun, 28--The Belle Ewart Ice Co. are lof age. It took the family seven weeks bury both loading ears and filling in their |to cross the ocean in sailing vessel On| uty tote eralew work aa the vee 1+ not Sept. 7, 1861, she wae married to the; ao et iB inches thick yet. There is alate Philip Connor, who predeceased 'her feneral ery for colder weather, The Lake | sbout sixteen years Mr and Mrs, Connor jSimeoe Ice Co, have also made # start but 'spent 8 good part of their married life on Sinicoe oping for cold and more cold tbe farm, But their latver years were spent weather. There is still a scarcity of men jin harge of the Post Office here and for Wing to the many cases of Spanish influ: |several years after Mr. Connor's death hi Owing NO che village there being about 10) widow con'inued this work Finally she ents Miitogether, But we are pleased to/made ber home with her daughter, Mrs. report that all are doing nicely they all say it is bad enough. Mrs, Eden deserves great praise 1 'way she has nursed the sick ones around | Anglican church and lived an exemplary Py Ay ae they are now all convalescent, jchrutin life. Being of bright and cheer ter ane ne to. T, Donnelly's to nurse his ful disposition. a kind and true neighbor family through the seme complaint {and friend, she won the highest esteem of [testi Winnufred Fisher came {rom Toronto jall who knew ber On Thursday afternoon | the funeral service was conducted by Rev as, of Washington Ter., y nurse her people, the whole family | {tein i oo | Dew and although the weather was eee sg Mr, und Mrs, Will Trombley, |anthing but favorable, the church was o | well filled, Mr. Dew took for bis text in daughter, on Jun. 20. 'There is good skating on the lake and the young people ore taking advantage of it yn the He Inter: Matt. 24 44, dwelling particularly clause, "Therefore be ye also ready preached a very impressive sermon. ment was made in the Anglican Cemetery, Pre, | 'Mr. and Mrs, I. McMaster, Grenfel, attend- although |W. McCann, who, along with a son, Thom- | survive a loving | for the }other, Mrs, Connor was a member of the | (Incorporated 1855) THE BANK or TORONTO Assets $100,207,000. Deposits $79,039,274 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED x, We do banking by mail with customers at a tance, who find it a great convenience. Our large resources ensure the safety of all money on Deposit. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES. H. A. SIMS, Manager Shower donations, $35; total cash, $247. Also forty-nine and a half dozen eggs, I gem maple syrup, one loaf bread. Work done: socks knit, three hundred and forty- three pairs for Red Cross and one hundred and thirty-eight for Field Comforts. Total socks knit, four hundred and eighty-one pairs, one hundred and thirteen suits py jamas, eighteen shirts, twenty-eight proper ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Connor. J, Sproule is spending a few days with Toronto friends Mrs. R. McQuay of Sunnidale is visiting her sister, Mrs, Wm. Miller, sr, who is! recovering from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. F, Rowe, Colwell, recently visited wth Mr. and Mrs. F. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Barrie are visiting |t¥ begs. the latter's sister, Mrs. J, Nicol -- 'A number from here attended the anni- STAYNER versary services at Thornton yesterday. ee aa ag ee Now since the Barrie Red Cross Rooms are closed, our Auxiliary, which vas in flourishing condition, has ceased its ac tivities. Our lapt 'annual meeting was held Jan. 4, 1918. Since then the enthu- siasm has ever waned as the secre'ary's splendid report will show. Report of Utopia's Auxiliary to Red Cross for 1918--Cash donations $130.50; net proceeds of Pie Social, $81.50; Trench Angus a few days last week visiting the former's father, who is sick. Mrs, McAteer and son, Will, spent a day with friends in Angus last week, Mrs, James Giffen of Strongville spen over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. M. Me Eachern. Robert Kirkwood died on Wednesday from pneumonia. The funeral was held on Thursday from his home. Many frends are pleased to ree © lsat ite oom the froat. He is|Ivy. The pall bearers were Mesare. Hi Ellis, seen eetell in opite of the wound he ve-|J, Miller, D., McCana, M. M. Bell, W. ceived Greigg and T. McCann, Sinoerest sympathy _ ix extended to the sorrowing ones in this, their hour of bereavement MIDHURST Mr. and Mrs. Haynes of New Lowell, Jan. 28. Mrs. A. Bonney and chiklren | Mire. G. Latimer and W. Greigg, Angus, and have returned home after spending last | \ with Joseph Bonney, Edgar Mis Lottie Cochrane has returned home | after ding some time with friends m | Orangeville. | 1s Monteith hus heen on the sick list | for n few and is sill confined to the Hhouse Mrs. B. Pearsall hus returned home after visiting friends gt Ore Station Miss Mabel Wattie is spending a few days in Barrie, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. L_W. Thom =| Miss Elsie Wallwin spent the week-end with Mrs, Lorne Handy at Ferndsle News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents EDENVALE | 28.--Miss Annie Knight of Toronto Jun Jan. James Graham. H. J. Daley of Sunnidale spent Sunday w the village Those who are on the sick lst are im rroving. nicely. The old disturber, the "flu"" will soon be @ thing of the past Quite u number attended the Juoior U.| Mrs. 8. HOA. Hockey fixture in Barrie last night to Boronto to see the 'Tuesd E. have gone to Toronto. Mr. Gordon turning on Thursday e Christmas. Cundles Terrace and All three brands sealed in air-tight packagés. 'Easy to find-- it is on sale everywhere. Look for. ask for. "be sure to get - WRIGLEYS wale Name in Goody-Land rv i | SPEARMINT PERFECT Gl Wighacinr (£AF FLAVOUR _®: CUNDLES 28,--Mrs. Calhoun of London, who * spending a month's bohdays with Mrs, has been visiting ber mother, Mrs. Irvine, for a month, has returned home. and C. Moffatt have finished their jcontract cutting wood for Mr. Brown s hus returned home after taking « carload of horses to Thessalon Pratt and Mrs, D, Jacobs went | sister, Mrs. T. Cul when Stayner defeated the home ford, who is seriously ill, Mrs. Pratt re to 4 'Schowl re-opened this week, having been | jas Many people get mixed in what is known the Mise Mabel Barrett spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Maud Bar rett, Barne Pte. PH. Shanacy of Toronto spent a few days lust week at his home here Nearly all the "flu" patients are recov ering and no new cases have been reported recently Lorne Poole has gone to Toronto and ex- pects to take position there R. Lytton is busily engaged sawing wood with hia machine at W. P. Gill's James Pierce, jt, is drawing logs 10 R. Schundlen's mill. these fine days. The Beeton Golden: Key Flour for sale at W, W. Boyce's store. ANGUS Jan. 27. Miss Della Dean returned to To: | ronte on Saturday after spending a week for two at her home here. Mise Father Groves went to Collingwood lest. week. Miss [vene Redfern returned to Toronto to-day after visiting friends. here village of Ross Brown of Toronto is visiting at HL. TarBush's Pierce McAteer of Toronto und Mrs Werry of London visited Mrs. MeAteer lust week Tn Angus, on Wednesday, Jun pam, little Miss Lima Imojean Willough® Daly daughter of Mr. and Mes Bert Wil Toughby, celebrated her third birthday: t having a party of little girls, who all had a delightful time. She received many very pretty gifts, Mrs. B. Willoughby gave progressive euchre party and dance in hen een' her daughter's birthday, Out of | fawn guests were Miss L Redfern of Tor: | tea, Re Brown of Toronto, and Mist Elie Rayner of Barrie -- MINESING 27.--Another of our old residents ya y last Monday in the person of James Keast Grant Knupp is seriously ill The many friends of Miss Pearl Grant are pleased to know that she is improving after her long illness, Mrs. Grant is also able to be our again and is spending u few days with friends in Sunnidale 'The young people enjoyed their first skate on Saturday evening Henry Kerfoot has disposed of his pro- perty in this village to E. Crawford and has purchased that owned by Mrs. John Kerfoot. Miss Nixon of Lucknow, is 'visiting with Mrs. George Plowright. Pre. 8, 0. Plowright returned fr in over- sess on Saturday evening looking well. His many friends are glad to welcome him back. CRAIGHURST Jan. 27.--Jas. Morrison of Winnipeg is visiting his mother and 'other relatives here. 'The band, citizens and school children turned out on Wednesday to meet two re- turned soldiers, Ptes. Tilley snd Ganton. 'The station was well decorated with flags, and the word "welcome" in large letters was stretched along the side of the build- ing. After selections by the band, and singing by the school children, relatives with flag-bedecked conveyances drove them to their homes near Hillsdale. Nursing Sister G. Morrison of Beams- ville Military Hospital is home on leave for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hewitt of Vespra visited relatives here on Tuesday. SIXTH LINE, VESPRA Jan. 28.--C. M. Hickling epent a few daya in Toronto las tweek. W. J. Harrison and daughter Margaret, of Brock, Sask, are visiting bis sister, Mrs. F. Carson. Earl and Alvin Switzer spent the week- end with friends in Orillia and Jarratt. Miss Jean Hickling is visiting friends in 'Toronto. - Miss "Irene McDonald is John McEvoy in Flos. Mrs, Nicoll accompanied ber mother, Mrs, Thompson, to her home in Bracebridge and is staying for a visit there with rela- tives, Ontario: to run. Mr. $2.10 for fuel horses would G. E. visiting Mrs. Tractor that can go over the land to harrow and seed after ploughing; 2nd, because it will work successfully over soft spots prevalent on and will not get mired; round in the smallest space, for small fields; 4th, the Cleveland is economical ploughs 6 acres of ground oil and a quart of gasoline. TRACTOR FARMING | all is Economical and Profitable is best suited for power farming in Ist, because it is the only most Ontario farms 3rd, it will turn making it suitable Wesley Walden of Lindsay says he with ten gallons of coal This means a cost of which would not pay for the hay the eat. Send for a Catalogue to 4 Gooderham & Co. TORONTO A few, good territories still open for live dealers. Write at once.

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