is At no time of Ufe year a daimty toilet" preparation more necessary than in winter, Frost, cold winds and dampness all iend towards deteriorating the skin. Hence some soothing preparation is necessary to re- tain the soft delicate texture NYAL FACE CREAM has tho * standard for such a necessity. Buy a jar and make the toilet complete. 35c and 60c a jar Soap of the very finest qual that wall not hurt the most de! icate skin is the kind everybody wants, Scented and unscented. Our stock so large you can easily select a kind to suit both your pocket aud your skin 10c to 76c a cake QAP ee WM. CROSSLAND NYAL TOOTH PASTE is made up by specialists who know what teeth mean to the health and what the teeth need in the way of care. 35¢ a lube. CMansing, antiseptic and highly recom- mended for its prophylactic pro- perties. from the teeth, and gums pure and fresh. We have this paste in Mint and Wintergreen flavors. Removes all impurities | jong keeps the/the end of August ils usefulness Tt is easy to keep your tecth clean with qa good tooth-brush, Don't neglect your leeth if you value your personal appearance or good health. Healthy, clean white teeth are of inestimable value and a little attention will preserve them against decay. We ha all kinds and sizes of the best made tooth brushes in stock from Children's at 15c¢ Ladies' and Men's from 26 to 750 BARRIE a WOT TTT * COMMENT OF THE WEEK ------------ Poel condittans are very differ ent from what they were a year ago, fur whieh an largely thank Une weatherman | we Newmarket, whieh is net ua der Hydeo management, pays per kilowatt: tour for first hours, 14 for next 50 Kilowall hour after t no tax fer foo Hydro cha per has which the spa Notwithstapding the withdrawals af deposit? for the purchase of war bonds Canadiin banks were able ty make a tidy penny last r voof these banks aver- (oeiht percent higher net profil than ta 1847 After berg turned down by the | ratepayers, De. Wallwin is trying | to gel satisfaction in law and sc Is moving to void the election of | ih eles | er the es whem th 1 to him trus! sun shines brightly, es air is pure an Sold fresh everywhere complainant': case is definitely set forth an the court procemt ings The Examiner will . seliething te say on the matter The Londen Fr a plea tor + Press puts ia the ehureh as a plac of worship: neta house of enter tamment. Tl says: Tow much of oar chureh omuswe is) viearions [Powe are te bring the jay of ee figien back tocthe hearts of the people there must bea revival of old-time congregational singing ehote should be allowed to di all the si r the ¢ Hien. Let people giv tie the ines i son, \aiie remains undisputed vii for ats retail king v it Frank Stockdale, the wehandising expert. Tulttlebore Charihe ily recommenr good advertist He urged (he nierehants te the kind that pulls on and fasts, not the jerk kind that bas but temporary " before the nin spe on use Druggist | tina N the outskirts of the city-- in a meadow--where the the birds sin; h--there stands a great snow-white palace--the home of McCormick's Bis- cuits--the finest biscuit plant in America. With our unsurpassed facilities it is natural to expect McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas to be the finest in the land. In sealed packages. MCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas Factory at LONDON, Canada. Pranches Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, N.B. Canada Food Board Licenses 11-003, 14-166 t Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, THE BARRIE EXAMINER sults. "Money spent for adve tising is never wasted," he said. Recently the Manitoba Grain Growers passed a resol{ition ex- pressing their disapproval of saving daylight by turning for- ward the clock. Unquestionably a majority of the farmers are opposed to such a measure and in the cities, where the majority of the people favor the changed time, there were many workmen who found the early hours very irksome Should the United States agai put the daylight saving in ford aa may fall in line, Our Gyavernment, how- ever, should not agree to have the measure extend over such a perind as last year--aftey ix pretty well gone. REvidence of increasing interest in Barrie Fair was seen at the annual meeting of the Agrical- tural Society, held last week. The need and desire for a forward movement was expressed by se eral members and the valuable suggestions given are likely (o bear fruit At their first meeting the dir- ectors decided to ga into the ry vision of the prize list thoreugh- | ly and alse to take steps te secure an increase of revenue, whieh will make po&sible the desired development and expansion. At the annual 1 made for me from the Ung, a plea was yovigorous support wospeople, partion. larly the business-men. The eit izeng shduld recegnize that this is "our fair" and should get be- it whole-heartedly, 'Too many | ny content to sil back and eriticwe what bas heen done by the management hy helpful sac. fiens er support. Tf should ereanbered that the faye is in money-making i Any salar Te respect a stitution for anyone jes paid are small compared with | the work done and the directors give a great deal of time to the show witheut compensation other than their satisfaction in) seeue a sticeesstil fuir whieh benefits hoth town and surrounding coun- try ' For a number of yea has been without a fa is an agitation tor nual exhibition th derson, a well-kn rs Orillia and the ive the ane ayer An- wh Hing wider and more pronaunes lecturer E. WHITEBREAD UU = IS 2ND ASSESSOR SIPAINVIN i A 9 Z| Will Get' $275 For Three ] i Wards--Council May Ban- é 4 r quet Soldiers. Ag . oN ---- ' . s A special meeting of the Town \ 99 Council was held Monday night|, 23 to consider the appointment of an -- assessor for Wards IV. V and VI. The absentees were Messrs. Payne, Gray, Poucher and Clark (Same price as before the war) For the position the following (ame price applications were received: 0. G. Hart, at $300 or ax a joint pe to our, Home all the music rowith the former assess- eart rf or : Edward Whit®bread, cheer you these long winter evenings al s. Tymon, for whole town at 8400 he had already , . been appointed for the other 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided three wards at $275 : Harry J ., A New Bozano Record Grasett, at 8300: James Arnold, Uni pend Amour ena NOrs Boeano. inte at 8300, : PT te Metropolitan Opera Co., New York. On motion of Reeve Craig and SS _ Bluebird --Waltz--and--Geraldine--Hesitation Deputy Rusk, Gouneil went into | Waltz Miro's Bind 216047 committee te consider the appli- he Plosbind ony Bae eee Tite Good rat s jing's Good for Somer! er oa the first thing to settle was! for Nothing's ii Campbell and Burr 216048 wider one st twa men would! SS= The RoseofNo Man's Land--and--Wateh, Hope ZR ssuss the town. [t was decided and Walt, Little Girt Kivary Geet T6009 with very Tithe difference of | SSS Mlekey--Henyy Byrr--aid--My Aln Fok, aca opinion, that two men would be Ya ee Pestahing sforable Y = % preferable «tise - GHymns) Harry McClaskey 216045 A eeu sin, Ealn e How Would YouLike to be My Daddy ?--Fox Trot te was choxen, His 'and--A Little Birch Canoe and You--Waltz tener wax the lowest arn I has Miro's Band 216050 nad considerable expertenee in fter You've Gone--Marion Harris--and--I'm municipal matters | eet Can Make You Gry "Henry Burr 18509 \ Bylaw confirming his ape Smites--Fox Trot--and--Rose Room--Fox Trot POINEMETE Was passed | Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 18473 May Banquet Returned (ip motion af Ald. Brothe All, Beelhy, the Reception ¢ milfee Wis ashe te consider the advisability of beddings al banquet for the returned and ther families at oan arty "uate Town Selectors: Roys & Murehison appointed Lowa Sulieitors rey soldiers M srs w for Tributes to the Late Sheriff AL the opening of a sitting of the County Court, which was held in the eyening of dan. 15, as the Judges and officials were in Ortlia in the afternoon at the funeral of Me. Harvey. the ful- lowing efereners were made to the late Sheri His Honor fudge Vaner Bre fore the business of this Court os {proceeded with [feet E would like aubweiter on agricultural topies, {40 say something about (he yin his annual address. urged a) shadow of death that has fallen jstrong effort in this "direction. Over this Court' House, 1 have J After sngeesting a line of action Peference te the late Sheri the said: Of late years we hear Shese body new lies in a newly- and read much of the growing ('uele grave go Orillia, He was, antagonism that exists helween le my mind, man whom to know ran and rural populations, | 8@s le love and to have aman of The elas seems to be his stanap and tits ways of living Haken off ast were, tn the prime To get the most aml hest out-of (fF Hfe, just al the tine when one conditions a community vue in- crest should be cultivated and nurtured TP knew of ne better organization for that purpose than a well managed agricultural and the % | Minase woul think he could life joy jseeme= tome tebe very sad. His xed qualities are so well known by those who have known his hat he will not soon be forgot. fen. [always seemed tome that jall he thonght of was what he could dein the world and se Jing how much he could de for his terhbors and friends. He has heen Sheri! of this County tor [ser 16 years and in thal time I find the officials of the Court have attached to hin in the way 1 A Birnie, KC--On behalf of the oof the Bar whe are net present 1 join with you in the wor of testimony your Honor 4 given ta our late Sherif, As you say, to know him was to love him, and L think that fevling was universal with the Bar throughout fhe County of Simeve? One could not come in contact with him without coming to love him. He conscientiously performed his duties here throughout ail the affairs of his office and it is a memory we will have of one of our nicest Sheriffs in the Jate Sheriff Harv His loss will be greatly felt by mem- bers of the Bar throughout the whole County of Simcoe. vor Inet Orillia Packel's Tribute The death of Sheriff Harvey re- movgs from the County a figure of distinction, For upwards of thirty years he took a foremost partin the affairs of Orillia, and by his vision and enterprise did not a little towards the up-build- ing of the town. A liking for polities and public life gradually withdrew him, to a very siderable extent, activites, i pered, for which he had shown exceptional aptitude. Hard fighting-ground and the gradual decay and ultimate collapse of the Provincial Government, with which his chances of success were necessarily bound up, de- tiied him the fruits of his ambi- tien, and, with impaired fortune and somewhat failing health, he accepted the office of Sheriff in succession to the late, Hon. Charles Drury. It is no reflec- tion on the County town to say that, while the late Sheriff resid- ed in Barrie, his heart remained in Orillia, with the friends of his earlier days, and here he prefer- red to die. Few men in the Counts are anything like so well op so widely known, and regret Jos. '--and--Felicia Waltz MTS -Red Seal When You Come Back Barbiere--Una voce poco fa ments, if desired). Voice" DISTRIBUTOR FOR $1 50 for 12-inch, double-sided Missouri Waltz--and--Kiss Me Again: Forget-Me-Not--Waltz--McKee's Orchestra-- Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on easy pay- red, Ask for free copy of ers Voice 620-page Mysical Encycl 9000 "His Mas. Hear them at any "His Master's ij; . GF, manutacuted by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Montreal "Look for the trade mark dog on it' HIS MASFERS VOICE ASX C. Smith' 35663 Markels' Orchestra 35639 Records George M. Cohan 64791 Galli-Curcl 74541 peda, listing. over cords, dealer's Sail NSE 1923-300 ~ GEO. VICKERS BARRIE DISTRICT for His death will be widespread jand gen ai. Newhere will Mrs.| 'Harvey and her sons and daugh-| \ters, as well as the other rela- lives) have sympathy more. sine . reso universal as in Orillia | A Good Record | The January "Agents News. Letter" of the Manufacturers Lite | yhand shows the Barrie District.| ager, FT Grafton, as lead- ing all eastern Canada for "Per- sonal) Paid-for Business" for 1918 'and fourth of the hundreds of vepresentatives of this Com-- pany throughout the world for |the year, was the only Ontario agent to be on the special Hone Roll for eleven months, which re. quired a minimum of 810,000 paid-for business a-month; twice was head of the list of Canadia: agents and once of all agencies. Much of this succes' he altri- butes to the loyalty of the hun dreds of policyholders of hi district, not ouly of Barrie and jvicinity, but scattered --world- wide. A Regina policyholder, in |sending by mail to Barrie an ap- plication for $7000, being his third. said he preferred and had all his insurance with the Barrie office of the Manufacturers. Another, now in China, placed 'won't relic Sciatica, sh fees, 8 aie ret, ein «Bladder, : rity 'Use them, bs bis last fall his fifth policy in this office, During 1918; Mr. Grafton completed 21 year vice with this Company, 19 of which he has been a citizen of Barrie. GRAND TRUNK 2'srem THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE betw: een MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO . Unexcelled dining car service . Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or G. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent : NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of 'Simcoe In the matter of the estate of John Rainey, Inte of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, Chapter 121, Bec. 56,cRevised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, and Amending Acta, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Rainey, who died on or about the third day of Feb- Tuary, 1909, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Alexander Cowan, Barrie, Solicitor for the Administratrix, on or before the 8th day of February, 1919, their names and , and a full state ment of particulars of their claims and the "I nature of the security held by them, duly verified, and after the said date the Admin- |. listratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among -the, parties en- tled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she eball then have had notice. Dated at Barrie this 18th day of January, 1919, ' ALEXANDER COWAN, s Solicitor for the Administratrix, 46 Barrie Ont. |