Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1919, p. 12

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Yurkish "'Towelling, 17> wide and auch called for. old 296 tine. For White Sale only .. . ( HUCK TOWELLING White Huck 'Tow 18 Inehes Colton wide pargain TERRY TOWELLING 360 yds, geo quality For White Sale only .. . good quality, 24 White Extra. Fine inches make, fine even Our filling, a superb ibe. .24¢ For White Sale NAINSOOK .36c GINS TO-DAY, FEATURING ainsook, British thread, without quality, regular plain, a heavy ¢ amality. 24 NAINSOOK .34c elling, Fine Nainseok without dress. i 34 sis Ing, as fine cloth for Wo. Shoevtin prive men's and Children's wear, full This is 1917 st 46 inches wide. Regular ide The 24 WHITE COTTON .29c While Cotten, 45 neh Heavy round thread, a splendid for many pur our he make. Obl price ae For White Sale . LINEN TABLECLOTHS $9.00 - Pure Linen Table first quality G6 y 8 movery pretty. flor These are sane of aur speci! oferings and now For this Sale only Clow henst alo od For White Sale . . NAINSOOK .29c "NOT-TO-BE-MISSED" MUCH LOWER PRICES THAN ARE LIKELY TO PREVAIL LATER ON. \ BLEACHED SHEETING .64c 2 yds. wide Bleached She wearing quality. For White Sale only .. . FF BLEACHED SHEETING 58 suitable for sin For White Sale only... Ste | IT PAYS TO SHOP AT VICKERS' Extensive Assortments and Many Important Values in WHITE GOODS OF EVERY SORT FORESIGHTED WOMEN WILL SEE IN THESE SALES OF WHITE A OPPORTUNITY TO BUY THE NEW SUPPLY OF WHITE AT YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW FROM BIG STOCKS. THE SALE BE- THE FOLLOWING VALUES: ' CHEESECLOTH .9c NE. 30 pieces Bleached Cheese- hein roth and splendid cluth. 10 inches wide, domestic Cotten, Our regular 75¢ make, wholesale price Tor any weight, 64 wide BI Hist Best tia good yarn Regular 4 vittin e he nek, reeuler price > ( COTTON BATTING .28c quantity is Ie a yard? For this White Sale . . SAXONY YARN .35c grade ) VAL. LACES price ++. Me Saxony Yarns, ig Lothian TO PILLOW COTTON For White Sale only, our : Page Twelve ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER : Thursday, January 30, 1919 T= atic Ee = sa = 5 = 3 z = ich Fine Quality Pillow even thread, medivus free trom d@feets, our old | oF WOMEN'S WHITE CASHMERETTE HOSE .69c An eklve in ine up in 2 oz, hanks. foot, gart : 185 For White Sale only .. . ..35¢ For White Sale .. medina weight, seainless sizes 84 and 850, vee. 69 re Fine ¢ fe Nainsook, full it Best grade American Battling Fine Val. Laces ins pretty 4 clot Iehes wide, soft ready for the in medium size, Batts af pure signs, ranging from tei ta: 12-5 aviest needle, worth 25% more. than White stock, dry ele Inches wide, Done up in bey nelelte present price. Regular 35c IMeached. Gur regular pae 29c For White Sale .......... 29¢ For White Sale ........ Extra Package ........ -50c NAPKINS TO $10.25 COS MATCH FF ( wurre FLANNELETTE .27c Canadian miake Mlannelette, a and ai anf dure er: Nayking: ( avenk pure bleaebed. a good weight, ne Flan ite heed Bare Lines Napkins ¢ ne H fling and smeath finish, bd kun wri ie abuve als Jone We, vielen site nani Lily of the Valley design, ur . special $12.50 per doz For White Sale only ... ..27¢ i SRE Wh WES Be gee oes $10.25 By the piece of 60 yds. By the pi CHILDREN'S WHITE CASHMERE HOSE BELOW VALUE fine txt Hab pure wood with plan ry popelar tine for ch everywhere These Here 4 end 7 RO en = Fes Asus Hatiutar Silk, in styles. ha Ms w Vi, regular S25. For the Sale Cash foot ildren nl stall vers datest Ses Ath x8} RD WHITE SILK WAISTS extra Sailer and WHITE COTTON .26c SS WHITE COTTON .25c quality: Tapa Hianete best Bevtish qiatke, pave 40 fuck Wen Very pretty Bleached Cotton, tine even tread danteste, Rell) Collar ne filling. elt GEE price tne Thread, on watrl buttons . . stl Pit qi For White Sale ........ 26c || For Whit WRG, G2 aed -- oF 9c WHITE FLANNELETTE .2: For the White Sale only. ..29c GLi 44 ineh Best Canadian nelette, pure bl Wh, soft, ready Me pei Be, of exer make, iece of 60 yds... ..28c Fine Bloached Cotton, meio weight, eyed regular s0e eloth. le Sale ...... . -25¢ GEO. VICKERS aS ( Flannelette Blankets $2.95 a $2.95 $7 WHITE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $3.75 largest size white Flan. Blankets with pink or blue borders, regular 84.50, For Special ..........$8.75 TT FF WHITE CHAMOISETTE OVES In Women's sizes 6, 64 amd 3, and reliable dim some with MHent untality self black points Extra worth pair... ... $1.00 ( news FROM THE --_ RAILWAY WARD SOE. meet tonight, Friday, at 8 p.m.) sharp, in the Orange Hall Postmaster S. B, Hinds wears « broad smnile these duys. It's a girl Mrs F. Crawford i home ufter spending x month with her parents in Orillia i Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Peck have gone to spend this week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. M. J. Kenny of Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, J, Flaherty, this week, Mr, and Mrs. G. Wilmot of Orillia are j visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. Martin, on | Caroline St. for « few day 'The choir of St. George's Chureh holding o Bazaar and Sale of Work in the Memorial Hull on Friday, Feb, 18th, 1919, | at 4/p.m,, for the purpose of raising mon to furnish choir vestments, Admission 1 The National." leaving Toronto on Sat urday night, left the rails near Matheson on. Sunday and blocked traffic for several hours. The southbound "National," due here at 12.30 p.m, Monday, did not get here till 1,30 pan, on Turxday, 25 hours late. On Friday the choir of St, George's hadi # social evening, a very pleasant feature of which was the presenting of a xet of mil itary hair brushes to the choirmaster, Mr Bush. Rev, E. B, Taylor made the presen- tation, which was fittingly acknowledged by the recipient. Traffic earnings of the three principal! Canadian railway systems for the third week in January aggregated $5,431,317, an | increase of $1,506,890, or 38.4 per cent. over the corresponding week s year ago. 'This compares with an increase of 30.9 per | cent. for the previous week. The increase | of the Grand Trunk was the largest for | the week, being 66.4 per cent. Innisfil District L.OLL. | The annual meeting of Innisfil Distriet L. 0. Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, Allandale, on Tuesday, January 14th. After the regular business of the lodge had been transacted the election of officers took place, | which resulted as follows :--I. District Master, W. Bro. Geo. Davis; Master, J. D.! J. Gamble; Rec. Secy.; Bro. R. ba pendent te a Secy., F, Sinclair; Ww. cane Treasurer, G. D. Ban' nett; Ist Lect., Géorge Neely; 2nd Lect., Site, newly-elected officers were installed by P. D. Master, Bro. W. B. Sloan, after | which short addresses were given by the | TOOKE & CO. BOOK STORE Allandale Books - - Magazines - - Toys Picture Framing - Daily Papers | officers elect and others e semiannual meeting will be held in| (1 the Orange Hull, Stroud, in June, Burton Ave. Methodist Church On Monday evening, Rev, W. J 'gave & splendid address on "Education" at the Epworth \League. the meeting Mis At the clos Newman invited the to the C. E. of the Presbyterian Church next Monday at 8 p.m. On Tuesday, the Victory Supper and pro- gram provided by the Ladies' Aid off in 4 most successful way. expenses were paid $128.00 friends were very much appreciated, ll always be welcome in Allandale. the ladies re 'The program provided by Barrie > 'ST. ANDREW'S SHOWS STEADY PROGRESS (Continued from page 5.) Contributions through the Red Shop amounted tos follayes mnie up as tat Hynnal 'A commuter was appointed to investigate |the question of improved accommodation for the Sunday School Officers Chosen Managers Wm, Rainford, (now seus, T, Smnelair, Alex, Cowan, W. one, O. B. Patterson and John' Dougall. (Ar the first meeting of the Munaging over- .|Board, now increased to 12 members, Wm. a8 4 be 11 H9TG8; 1917, 'Gallie was elected Chairman: HAT IMIR, SE 50754 |G. MacLellan, See'y; WC. Walls, Treas. Watt! St. Andrew's. Military Hospital Club | Congregational Sec'y--S, W, Moore. Cor 45 in cash und also held of clothing and provisions with {a total value of over $200, In. addition + | false se of | Shower or Nore the Red Cross, this Club provided the ma- terial und made a large amount of supplies Went 'for military hospitals in France snd Bn: After all gland, ss well as sending monthly contri. | ulised 'butions of money. 130 quilts were made for the Secours National. 3250 puirs of *Y socks were sent to Mrs. Stewart. Rev. © 'gregutionul representative on Musie Commi to making dressings, bandages, etc., for | W. J, Watt and Rev. E. B, Tuylor joined | it MacLaren; Auditors, J. B. Ed- O. Cameron, tee--J. A wards and G BORN HARRIS--On Wednesday, Jan. 28. to Mr. and Mrs, Will Hurris, Bradford street, son. ALLAN-_On Friday, Jan, 24, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, Howard Allan, Churchill, a daughter, (Grace Elizabeth) The 'St. Andrew's Red Cross Emergency HINDS--At the R. V, Hospital, on Friday, Corps, organized in May, 1917, raised the company for the evening and made | funie amounting to $334.72 and did uy! 3D. of C., D. Jen- | F. Pre. C. jfome remarks both entertaining and in: structive Next Sunday evening, the sermon be for the men specially, Subject Need of Hot-Stone Men', All invite On Thursday the Barrie District ing was convened in this church sessions took up the special question of |> evangelism in its various phases of the work. Strong addresses were given. discussions which followed provoked good. thought. Board, on Jan. 20, little more than a being present... President lee was in the chair and much' good work done, A Good Balance tA very satisfactory financial statement Was presented, showing a current balance of $623.94, Receipts were:--Balance, $206.59; dowment, $85; assessments, $744.97 3 % $75.11; deeds, $515 $1974.47. * 2 Expenditures were:--Salaries, $1120.06 stationery, $1.75; supplies, $70.90; sundries, Stewart; Deputy Master, Bro, Wm. Rusk; | $137.36; savertning, $20.46 ; total, $1350.53, icers. A. Brownlee was re-elected president, A. : A. Malcomson resigned the position of turned out a surprising amount of supplies J. Ness was appoint Sec'y-Treas. and Wm, ed in his stead. Directors elected were:--A. Brownlee, T. |great deal of work. | In 1917 they made the following sup: Tnl plies: 12 kit bags, 9 hot water bottle co: vers, 473 personal property bugs, 43 puirs cd. hospital slippers, 9 vermin suits, 324 hand: meet kerchiefs, 75 housewives, 140 stretcher cups, 200 Xmas stockings (filled several of these), covered 8 pillows. Twelve days be- fore Xmas an emergency cull came to the The | Red Cross for 500 pneumonia juckets. 'The some 'Emergency Corps cut and padded 367 and finished 127 in 5 days, total shipment' of {552 being sent in 8 days. In 1918 they held 44 meetings with un average atten- as a very slim attendance ut the 'dance of 21, and made the following sup: of the Barrie Union Cemetery i plies:--519 'pneumonia jackets, 20° pairs quor- 'hospital slippers, 22 slippers for bandaged Brown 'feet, 506 streteher caps, 1172 handkerchiefs, ave a careful review of the year's operations, showing 2025 property bags, 12 face cloths, 123 scultetus bandages, 488 McNaught "head bandages, 155 knit eye, ear and chin ban- dages, 343 bed pads, 28 hot water bottle covers, 69 shaped slings, 30 housewives made 'and filled, 2 pillows 13 quilts, 130 Christmas stockings, In March they' sent 12 mouth organs and 65 property bags to iss Aldous at No. 3 Stationery Hospital, Boulogne. In April, un emergency call came for McNaught head bandages. A En- a total shipment of 1008 in two weeks. Nearly all of these were cut out by' the Emergency Corps. With an average attendance of only 12 'the "Red Cross Workers of St Andrew's" during the year, consisting of 1065 pyjama 8 65 grey flannel shirts and 3 dressing 'gowns; they also knitted 811 pairs of cocks. Nash, Dr. Wallwin, A. E. Stapleton, Nat |For the period of the war they contributed 63. - Dyment, Geo. Livingstone, R. A. Stephens {$103 all. and F. H. Bs HOLLY' Jan. 27.--Among the sdldiers we are glad J. Hunter and to welcome home are Pte, Burns. T. Wiley is improving but is still medical treatment, H. Robson and his mother, Mrs. T. i 'son, called on Mr. and Mre. C. Campbell Stationery Tae soled on, Me sod Me, 0. Coma Jos. Gibson is under the doctor's care, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiley of Stroud spent few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, T. Wiley. Other Reports 'The report of the Session showed » mem- bership of 386. Additions during the year 'were 21 by certificate and 16 by profestion of faith, . In the Sunday School, including the der |Adult Bible Class, there were 346 enrolled; under!o1 teschers and qfficers. The average Rob.|#ttendance of scholars was 140, and the | |money raised was $367.85, in addition to the $350 in Victory Bonds, The Bible 'Class raised $201.26, New Hymnal Authority was given the Board to purchase a limited quantity of the new shipment of 552 was made in 8 days, with | 1919, to Mr. and Mr, Stan, Allandale, a daughter. OR--At the R. V. Hospital on Thursday, January 30, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 'Bricker, a daughter. DIED EXTENCE--JIn Midland, Jan, 20, 1919, Jessie Cooper, wife of Walter Extence. BRYSON--At 27 Bradford street, Barrie, { Jan. 29, 1919, John Stewart Bryson, uged 64. years McATEER--In Angus, on Thursday, Jan. 30, 1919, Nancy, wife of the late Thos. McAteer, aged 74 years. MOORE--In- Toronto General Hospital, Jun, 25, 1919, Sergt. Wm. D, Moore, for. merly of Barrie, aged 64 years, COCKBURN--At' Edgar, "Jan. 28, 1919, | Jumes Bruce MacKenzie, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Jas. H. Cockburn, aged 17 years, PENSTONE--On Saturday, Jan. 25, 1919, Helen Maria Penstone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Franklin | Penstone, Sophia | Street, aged 36 yrs., 11 mos, Interment in Toronta on Jun, 27 IRWIN--At the residence of her uncle, Al- | fred Grewer, 82 Magill street, Hamilton, on Janyary 24, 1919, Grace Milburn, be: loved wife of Oswald Irwin, in her 20th year. Interment at Hamilton cemetery. CON. SEVEN, VESPRA, |. There -passed away at lot 16, con. 7, | Vespre, on Jan. 14, Thos. Thompson, aged 59 years, after -two weeks of strenuous Fighting with pneumonia,. following influ. jenze, Everything that 'loving care and medical skill could do was done to keep jhim, but it was not to be for his loving Heavenly Father had need of him and sai "Well done, thou good snd faithful servant, enter thou into my rest'. He was a man of [few words and very reserved, A kind and Jloving -husband 'and father, one. who never wearied in well doing' and caring for his family. He Yeaves a loving wife and. five children, Walter, Mrs. Rennick of ithe 7th line, Ernest of 'Toronto, Truman jand Lloyd at home. His brothers are John of Singhamp'on, Ben of Toronto, Robert, Henry, Joseph, Fred, and two sisters, Mre, Noith and 'Mrs. Richmond, all of Colling- F.|In Recognition of his Good --S--SS----____ --_]] REV. H. D. RAYMOND GIVEN $400 MORE Work---Trinity Church Ves- try Meeting. There was "a large attendance at the snnual vestry meeting of Trinity Church, held in the Parish Hall, Monday night, and most encouraging reports were presented for the various departments of the work. Tangible expression was given to the ap. preciation which the congregation feels for the able and devoted leadership shown by |& Rev. H. D. Raymond, his salary being in- creased from $1200 to $1600, with an allowance 'of $300 for rent. Testim was given by several members to the faith- |1 ful work of the Vicar. H. A. Sims presented a very satisfactory financial statement. . Envelope contribu- tions for current expenses were $2,482.35, with $398.63 for missions, Supt. Rand guve an enthusiastic report of the Sunday School, which has 308 on the roll with an average attendance of 152 und 28 teachers, A hearty vote of thanks was passed Dr. Arnall, Miss Palling and the choir for | their very faithful und efficient services and a resolution was passed recommending | that Miss Palling, the organist, be granted an increase in salary, Mrs, Creswicke, Miss Bird and D. J, Re- burn were appointed a committee to arrange 2 recording that the panels in the walls were made from pews of the former church, which was located near the court house, a Officers for 1919 Werdens--Geo. Vickers and Robt. W. Payne. Lay Delegates to Synod--Judge Vance, VA, Boys and G, A. Radenhurst. Vestry Clerk--G, R. Browning. Auditors--C. C. Rand and D. J. Reburn, Finance Committee--Judge Vance, W. A.*| Boys, T. Rogers, Dr. Sprott, D. J. Reburn, A ims, H.C. Channen and R. J. Sanderson. Sidesmen--S. E. Turner, T. Rogers, W. D. Minnikin, H. G. Balliston, Dr. H. C. Crease, J. E. Billingsley, F. Exell, Wm. Carr, E. Channen, W. Mayes, K. Lally, Vivian, J. Boys, F. Creswieke and R. Li say. 'Card of Thanks, for their kindness and sympathy shown , in their sad bereavement Card of Thanks Mrs. Susannah Kenst, Minesing, desires to thank her many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy during recent illness and bereavement. Card of Thanks wood. All were present at his funeral, which took place to the Union Cemetery, and was largely attended by 9 sorrowing community, which held him in high esteem. Teavement. con. 8, Innisfil; farm stock, etc, 'Thursday, con. 4, Oro, 'Thursds On Fridi te Monday, for erecting in the parish hall » brass plate Wednesday, Feb, Fall wheat Spring Wheat [Oats # Mrz Fred Warsnop and children wish 707 :]to thank their many friends and. neighbors |p, po aigpors Beef hides, cured Calf Hides . Mr. and Mrs. Eli Warsnop and family, of | Colwell, wish to express their sincere thanks for kindness and letters of sympathy ex- tended to them in their sad and recent be- CREDIT SALES ie Feb. 4, 1919--John Hill, lot 3, con. 2, Innisfil, farm stock ami implements. Sale at 12.30 sharp. H. A. Grose auc. tioneer. Tuesday, Feb. 4.--Vyvyan Black, lot 32, con, 8, Ese townline, faim stock. Sule at 1 pan. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. Wednesday, Feb. 5, Roy Ferguson, lot 18, Sale at W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer, Feb. 6, 1919--James Gilpin, lot 16, con, 8, Essa, farm stock, implements and household goods. H. A. Grose, auc. tioneer. Jas. Speers, Clerk Tuesday, Feb. 11, Jos. Cavi 1 gh, lot 8, 1 mile north of Edgar; farm Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Me- 12, Wm. Reynolds, lot tock, ete, Conkey, Auctioneer, Wednesday, Feb. 6, con. 6, Innisfil; farm stock, ete, Sale at pm. W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer. February 13, sule of horses, cat- tle, implements and household effects, for Robert Elrick, lot 12, con. 2, Flos. Elev. en months' credit, P. A. Coughlin, auc. tioneer, 5-6p Feb. 14, Wm, Lamb, at lot 19, con. 7, Innisfil, will hold an 'unreserved credit sule of furm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A, McConkey, auc. tioneer, Feb. 17, Samuel Broley, lot 16, con. 8, Innisfil, farm stock and imple ments, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A, McCon key, auctioneer. Tuesday, Feb. 18, Thos. Bell, lot 26, con. 4, Essa, farm stock and Sule at 1 p.m. tioneer, implements. W. A. McConkey, auc- 19. Thos. Hastings, lot 22. con: 7, Innisfil, farm stock and im plements, 'Sale at 1 pan. W. A. MeCon- key, auctioneer. Friday, Feb. 21, Geo. Wiley, lot 17, con. 9, Innisfil, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auc- tioneer, Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Price: "$23,00-$25.00 + $39.00-841 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.

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