Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1919, p. 11

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Page Eleven _ SOLD WHERE YOU Zar SEE THIS SIGN Test It Alongside FEBRUARY 2: THE GIVING OF THE ------ MANNA.--Ex, 16:11-18, 31-35. 'WANNA aa Al GOLDEN TEXT--"Give us this Any Other PT ae io MS iW a !Time.--1491 BC. (71 PLACE.--The Wilderness of Sin. EXPOSITION, --1. murmurings of the children of 11-18. 'As soon os Moses and the children of Is- rael saw the overthrowing of the Egyptians in the Red Sea they sang o song of victory and praise. They attributed all the victory }to God (eh. 15: 1-21. But Iersel's grati- ltude and songful epirit_lasted only three days (ch. 15: 22-24). God delivered them Jagain (ch. 15:25), but at the first new jtrouble they began to murmur again (ch. 16: 1.2!, Human nature among the Is raelites. was exactly the same as human nature is to-dey: men of all nations and |men in all generations are far more dis- |posed to murmur at the hardships that God |permits to come to them (for their own highest good) than to be grateful for the benefits with which He daily leads us all. 'The Israelites were much more disposed to 'complain at the privations met in the path in which God led them than at the hard- 'ships endured in Pharaoh's service; just as many to-day complain more at the pri-j vations of God's service than at the hard- [thine of Sotan's bondage. Israel wished |themselves back in Egypt (v. 3). When people wish themselves back in Egypt (a |{ife of worldliness and sin) they forget hoth the bitterness of the old life and the bleas- ings of the new: they think only of the "flesh pots' and "bread to the full."" "Ts rael exaggerated the enjoyments of Egypt, they had not had "bread to the full", the man down in Egypt is never full (Jno. 4: 18; Eccles, 1:8). It was just a month since | 'they left Eeypt (Num, 33:3; ef. v. 1), | they had already forgotten all ite miseries. That is the fairest way to prove the quality of the "Phonola."" . We welcome such a test with any other make of phonograph, because the "Phonola"' tone arm and sound box have proved the most perfect on the market to-day. The "Phonola"' plays without any "blasting" or foreign sounds. The motor is noiseless. The cabinet is perfect in design and finish. The "'Phonola" plays all makes of disc records to your liking. The more critical your musical judgment, the more thoroughly you'll appreciate the "I have heard the Israel," rey Wy ae ; The Dominion of Canada offers War-Savings Stamps at $4.00 each -- during this month ZA ---- REGISTERED And will redeem them for $5 each on Jan. Ist, 1924 Every dollar will be worth more, W-S.S. can be registered against loss The price of the "Phonola" is from $10 to $25 less than other high-class phonographs. We make the "Phonolas" complete right here in Canada in our two factories at Kitchener and Elmira. 'The model illustrated is one of our best sellers. It is a large cabinet, standing 42% inches high, 1814 inches wide, 20/4 inches deep. Mahogany, Oak or Walnut. All metal parts heavily nickel-plated. Double spring motor. Other "Phonola" Models from $25 to $310. 16 THRIFT STAMPS exchangeable for one W-S.S. "Phonola" Records Very Popular Every month the demand is increasing. They play with the sapphhire point--no needles to change. A new list of beautiful, clear, full-toned double disc records issued each month. Bands, THRIFT STAMPS 25 cents each vocal, instrumental. Look for the "Phonola" trademark on each Te Cucnulos) sore onscinnw, "ihe! "Phonola" ase, whole congregation" (v.21. God Himself i " 1 i dren of Do H DEALERS--Ther some localities in Canada where we heard the murmurings of the chil . uble Disc require good, live Sepuenenenti 'The ""Phonola" agency is jUrracl."" | He. always hears ours. Never for- | had fed them in the wilderness, He did not FURS! Records 90c getting more valuable every day. Write for our proposition. | get that God hears every word of murmur: | wish that they forget His mercy. The ob- . Jing and complaint that you utter. In res- | ject was "that they may see the bread | ponte to their murmuripg God sent them | wherewith I fed you in the wilderness, 'i 'the bread they desired to the full, and fed | when I brought you forth from the land of (Z: [them with flesh as well (cf. Ps, 105:40), | Egypt." In a similar way the Lord Jesus AW but though "He gave them their request" | Christ appointed the Lord's Supper as a|58 Small St., Barrie, He "rent leannew unto their soul" (Ps. | perpetual memorial of His redeeming work a - i -- eee |106:15', The following day the manna sp-' by His death on the cross (1 Cor. 11:26). 7 = - = . sates [peared upon which they were to feed during | It would have been gross ingratitude on = ----_ mee? = {be our aim all along the line, \their wilderness journeyings, God gave | the part of Israel not to lay up the pot of APITAL 4 RESERVE--# 8400000 The following officers were appointed and them better than they ever had, "bread | mapna that coming generations might not 'TOTAL ASSETS -- 130000000 Clerk was instructed to prepare Bylaw for from heaven," and He gave it in abun- | forget God's goodness to them and how He next meeting to confirm ame and provide dance. The manna was a type of Christ | fed them in the wilderness, but it is more (ef. Jno, 6-31-33, 35) was 8 supernst- | gross ingratitude on our part not to keep CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN Phone 323 The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited , Kitchener, Canada : for their remuneration. Auditors. R. 0. , ; uperne E THE Bell, on motion of Scott and McDuff; J.\urel gift, it wan "rom heaven'. 8 wit | che, Loma Bapper offen' to bring to. mind A. MeLucas, if f McKinlay sustaining life, but there was a difference | the atoning death of Christ for us. Moses il treet aol FASCINATION OF SAVING A Beare, on otion of McKinley and tsuiing it, but tom, wae & Sven th, anne Gens Shychraiadom by aome| | 71 Grenville $ - manna sustaining life for a time, Jesus sus- exactly as they were told (v. 34). For 'Conctita'e Belact eee uric MeArthur, on motion of taining life forever (Jno. 6:58). Each one was obliged to gather for himself and for Collector--H. P. Merrick, on motion of his family what God gave, and we must Thompson and Scott each appropriste to ourselves the bread of Saving isa habit that brings true satisfac- tion. There is something fascinating about watching the dollars mouat up. A feelin of independence and security grow wi forty years the children of Israel lived on manna. They had to live upon manna or die, and we must feed upon Christ or perish forever. Family and Transient Hotel just of block Yonge Street and one from Parliament Buildings. the knowledge that you have money in the Bank, Prepare for future uncertainties by opening a Savings Account with this Bank now. Interest allowed at current rates. Caretaker--Mrs. Bell, on motion of Mc- Duff and Thompson. Sheep valuators---Win. Tudhope, by Scott and McDuff; Jno. Roe, by McKinlay and life--Jesuis, whom God has given to the world (Jno. 6: 33-35, 50, 51), and for our | families (Ac, 16:31). They were to gather ; |"*a dav's portion" each day (v. 4), 40 we a Rates: Plan $1.50 up Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. penpals pa Minard's Liniment Cutes Colds, &c. Thompson; Gilbert Love, by Thompson and |™ust feed each day anew on Jesus (Mat. 6: | Scott j11), The purpose in giving esch day only MOH.--Dr. G. B. Jamieson, by Thomp- |for that day was to test them whether they ' ij] UNION BANK OF CANADA --=--= son and Scott would obey Him (v, 4). Some of them t ) -- HEAD OFFICE, WINNIPEG, MAN. Sanitary Inspector--Wo, McMillan by failed at the very first test 19, 20). % BARRIE BRANCH, _- __A. LESLIE, Manag. McDuff and MeKinlay That kept over "bred worms and stank" . ; COOKSTOWN BiANCH, 7. McMILLAN, Manag Member B, of Health-- W. J. Scott, by | 20s weimunt gailiee ont. sree ee ETON BEANS WaT HODGSON, Mer: Bepialiene Tompae [ESR scenporal" and spiritual. Distrust of IGE lag to Bourd of Agriculture--D. MeKin- God lier at the bottom of gathering and aa ~ | "sy. mae Scott hoarding to-day for tomorrow (vs. 25, 26, Ben . Cuek uation, of MeDulf and Scott, the 30. 33. 341. The mighty God of to-day Constipation is the arch-enemy et = ' . 'lerk was instructed to order six copies of will be just ax mighty tomorrow, By the Cc hi d t 5 Safes . Municipal World, 1919, one copy for each ft of the menna God would teach them onquer this enemy and you rout a whole army ink: News from Neighboring Townships member and the Clerk. et man 'does not ve by bread alone," of phyelcal foes, including indigestion, biliousness, E 'A lengthy communication from the Rural |put "by every word that proceedeth out of sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspep- nd Municipal rd"? pal Association of Ontario was turned |+he mouth of the Lord'? (Deut. 8: 2, 3) As Told by Our Correspondents down on motion of McKinlay and Thomp- | Visible and ordinary supplies may fail, but son. So was an appeal from the Sick /God's Word sbideth sure. What the man- Children's Hospital, Toronto, on motion of {ng was like we learn in verses 14-31 and sia. Beecham's Pills have been a world-favorite laxative for over sixty years. They gostraight to the cause of many ills and remove it. 'They act of Life, (Held over from last week) McDuff and Scott Ronee 1G. 8." The people; 'were not ost : Win, Elson made request for an exten: |tatfied with the bread of heaven (Num. | 1 d 1 Contai ' : 5 leas: and surely, Contain no ack of DALSTON ORO COUNCIL sion of time to remove timber on road |91-5). and many who profess to be Christ. pmo, Pleasantly y: oA pile y lasted) | : line, Con. 8 and 9, south of Ridge, which he |; ; ri iat: abit-forming drug. These time-teste? pi nd left Jan, 22.--Mr. and Mrs, George Hickling} The Council elect for the Township of had' and 9, south of Ridge, which he | jgas to-day are not satisfied with Christ n S akened ; juve the sympathy of the people of Dal- | Oro, vi P Of had purchased from R. 0. Bell. On motion they want "the leeks and the onions and strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and skeced inave the sympathy of the people of Dal |Oro, vit,,Alex. R. McArthur, Reeve; Donald of McKinlay and MeDuff, request refused, |the garlic" and other stinking stuf of Ee- [ would Elmvale. Aubrey was well known by many McKinlay, Deputy; Walter Thompson, W.J, this being the second extension asked for|ypt (Num. 11: 5, 6). In order to get the Re lleve lagain. ti the young people here who were bis |Seott, and J, A. MeDuff, councillors, met ay eh a he kobe arded rhe [ADEE the Teracliter had to get up early in ydia E tchool-mates, and they also extend their /ss required by Statute and were duly or- Orillia. News Letter vat: 69 the |the morning (v, 21; cf. Isa. 55: 6; Mat. 6: . e eee. sympathy 10. bis patente: ganized. The Reeve took the cb, y of printing contrast for 1919. 33) the one who does not get his daily por- Mi ry Foe ot the nome. of sis nélgllior' lene as as re rook the chair and ad- ot adjourned to meet at the call of /tion in the morning ix not likely to get it did for hood, who were suffering from severe colds, © Council, extending the hand of the Reeve. J. TUDHOPE, Clerk, |B 487 easing are getting better, welcome to all the members on their elec- H. J. 'B, Clerk. I. "Lay it before Jebavab, to be kept Worth a Guinea a Box Change Dalsi to lose Mr. and Mrs. |tion for another term without opposition, for your generations," 31-35 rs . Enslead, told my Carn as, (Gore tad bese, poner st this | He outlined some of the work on hand for | Congoleum rugs, all size Jehovah made provision that Israel might 2 Prgpered only, by Thesssda and U.S. America, In boxes, 25 ccot, wuld try Congregational field for several years and |1919 and urged that a forward movement W. A. Lowe & Son' remember His sustaining grace and how He egan to he and his good wife became endeared to - ength inany of the Dalston people. anoying Rev, B. Parkhouse conducted service in pound the Methodist Church here on Sunday last. ran ao Vietor Slesser conducted service in the cannot Congregational Chureh on Sunday evening. § Vege- 'women 5 STROUD Lite a QT! Jan, 22--Samuel Latimer of Toronte visited friends here over Sunday. 5 Miss Edna Robertson of Barrie visited her cece cousin, Miss Ethel Robertson, last week. tance Miss Johnston ang girl friend, of Orillis, 2 Ploke visited Mrs, Harvey Hughes over Sunday. Mrs, Geo, Green of Toronto spent over Sunday with Arthur Green and Miss Mildred Green, The "flu patients sre nearly all able 'tw 'be out again. .. Mr. Campbell was able to take the ser- { viees in the Methodist Church last Sunday alter his recent operation. E. T. McConkey shipped carload of , cattle this week. . . ANGUS (Not from our cegulur correspondent.) Jau 22.--The soldiers are neatly all gone fron Camp Bordea and it: mnkes Angus very quiet, : The "flu" is sbating here now. Z Mr. Mapes, who was operated on recently, is improving rapidly and is expected will be out of the hospital in short time, it Miss Martha Henderson, who has been very ill, is recovering. Miss Ivene Redfern and Ross Brown of de Toronto are guests of Miss Jean and Jack 'TarBush, Quality? Weight? Shape? 'Compare "Comfort" with any other soap--"Comfort" stands the test That'sa big claim to make, but our 25 year's record of the largest sale of any soap in Canada is the best proof of its truth. Why experiment? You know "Comfort". "It's All Right" PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO:, LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. 'Minard's Liniment Co. Limited, Gentlemen,--Theodore Dorais, a customer of mine, was completely cured of rheuma- tism after five years of suffering, by the "8 LINIMENT. =a judicious use of MINARD' i jee 'i . The above facta can be verified by wri- to. £ au" ting to hinft to the Parish Priest or any Abi cof hie neighbors. = A. COTE, Merchant. e St, Isidore, Que, 12 May, "08. ip

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