LGail Stones | ii 1 | | 1 | | HAS BEEN WORTH OVER $1000 TO HER Mrs. Reese Declares She Hadn't Been Well in Fif- teen Years Until She Took Tanlac--Trouble Gone. lake a thousand the good Tant said) Mr Lalu Y Hicks "LE wouldir | dollars eash for bas dene tne, Reese, whe rest Stre Mun Hoomay bad sullered trouble, rheu 2. mnge, but 1 stomach ista, ¢ und =t wilh ism and eu Bia until feet te the place wt Todidit care whether 1 lived or die Every iinng Late soured on my stomach and made trouble for ie and in addition ty the rheumatism, 1 fell ail broke my arm andl it seemed like my other troubles Kept at trom healing up Hike i eaghl te P gust lived un misery all ume and couldn't ket any relict 'Phave just finest iy second bottle avai vis prising how P have improved eon Le see Following is the: first prize essay in the Barrie Collegiate Lower School. The writer is Hurtley Grafton. Victory Bonds--Why Canadians Should Buy Them. It is now over four years since Germany let slip her dogs of war und gave gage of buttle to mankind To defend the rights of weaker nations and to establish peuce and democracy firmly in the world, country after country has joined the cause of liberty and justice. Although Germany had prepared for war for forty years, she failed to achieve a decisive victory. Since then, the ullies have with great sacrifice end toil put obstacle after obstacle in the way of Germuny's plans for world mastery, She now stands alone, deserted by her allies und facing the world in arms, At this \erixis in the world's history, we are asked |to buck up our bruve men, who have 'struggled long und earnestly for us, by buying Victory Bonds. You may ask, "Why should I buy bonds" What are the reasons that should induce me to lend the money which T have saved to the Government?" 'There ure sound reasons both patriotic and personul, why we should subseribe to the Victory Loan of nineteen-eighteen, sidering that Thad net been well | Iii the! init) pica 'Wwe ate suked to lead in fifteen sears, "The rheuuit~ | for patriotic reasons. During the four veure Usain and sere is zone TPOM | of war there huve been tremendous ex- Iny arms, tiny stomach is alright| penses, The Government has had to pay and Tocan eat anything f want | for food, pues rifles, smmuaitioe and digest at have gained | all the pasts of a soldier's equipment, there aie in weight ain ali tovilty all {has been artillery and shells to be Turnixbed, vork and feel woewl all the | & Well as trucks, horses and ships to trans: Diy, ER MY Plot Gad al te war-seuppliear Canad cksnot 'tuae tine. 1 want everybody to KnOW | enough money by increased taxation to that 'Tanlae has restored ty | cover all this enormous outlay, and. she health, must have money to "carry on". ~If Tanlac is sold in Barrie hy | money is not forthcoming, our soldiers with Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M.|be illsupplied with food and -ammunition H. Cooke & Ca. in Elmvale by W.| and their suffering will be intensified J. MeGuire, in Lefroy by G. R.| Where ix this money to come from? To Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West, in Cookstown by W. G. Macka: in Waubanshene by Georgian Ba lumber Co. 1th, in Port Me Nicoll by Po TL Beattie, in Allis- ton by E.R. Schell, in Lisle hy Robt, Bo Litlle, in Gilfard py James A. Bhan, in Teltenhan by Chas. AL Weaver, in Penetan uishene by Chas. Al Net in In Hawkestone by Thos. A, Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, | in Coldwater by C Millard, in! Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad-! ford by WoL. Campbell, in Stroud by Chantler Bros. in Craighurst by T. Hill, in Collin by Jury & Gregory, im Bello wart by A. Tromble in Mt. St. Louis by FJ rs & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B and in Vie~ toria Harbor by T. W. Brown. Advertisement. | Pat spare cqmieters' inte Thrift Stamps. Marlatt's Specific Removes THE * Never-Failing Remedy for je ege Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often catised by Gali Stones, and micas petele until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will cure witout pain Or oper- ation, For Sale at All Druggiste. Recommended by Wm. Crossland Druggist, Barrie, Ont, . "J.W. LATT & CO 581 ONTARIO ST. TORONTO ONT. send men to the gold-fields to supply gold for money would mean that there would be fewer men to raise food, make muni- tions or build «hips, The only way to get thix money ix to borrow it, and to borrow it from the people of Canada, for other countries too are badly in need of money. The bunks and the people lent over seven hundred million dollars deat year for wur purposes, but more is needed The Minister of Finance wks for half a billion dollars from the Canadian people. We, who stay at home in safety while our soldiers are fighting, suffering, yes, slying for us, can surely deny ourselves rome « und luxuries that we may iend pleas at five and a half per cent interest to help bring them home, Germany bes suffered partiul defeat by oversubacribing thie loan, Canusliane at home can help ture thix into complete disuster for German autééracy By Saving our money snd buying bonds we sre helping Cunada in yet another way. The Government thus uses it for war pur: poses und we ure not apending it foolishly or extravagantly. Consequently if we do not buy luxuries, they will cease to be manufactured and raw material, labour, end coal will be saved Besides furnishing war supplies for the Canadian army, the Victory Loan helps Grest Britain and the allies buy food and munitions in Canuda, In the enrly stages of the war these countries were able to pay for their purchases, but their expen- ditures have been enormous, end itis in- convenient for them now to pay cash Canada has not suffered from the war us the European countries have (in fact she is and has boundless resources! she is thus able to advance the allies money for the supplies which they buy in Canada. While helping her allies by this means our country is also keeping her wheels of industry turn- ing. Thousands ure employed in making munitions, cutting timber and raising food: stuffs, all'of which have ready markets in Europe. Before the war Cunada's exports were less than her imports, To-day these conditions are reversed, former war loan. If Canadians fail to subscribe to this loan as they ought to, they will find that there will be no markets for their produce, trade will decline, end with it Canada's prosperity. is to keep her trade balance, it behooves Canadians, if for no other than selfish reusons, to loan their money to the Go- vernment, where besides being sefe it is enabling Canada to profit by the present circumstances Then for personel reasons Canadians ought to save and invest in Victory Bonds, Thrift is commendable at all times, but in war time particularly so, In these times, with large crops, plenty of raw materials, good markets and high prices for all Can- ant to Feel ada's products, we are having a period un- Just Right? = Take an NR Tonight = JUST TRY IT AND SEE how much better * "you feel in the 'That "leery." merning. headachy, tired, don't-know-what's-the-matter feeling will be gene--you'll feel fine. vara lcs sad purges only force the ¢ liver. Nature's Remedy (NI Tavlets) acts on thestomach, liver, bowels'and even kicncys, not foreiny ing and strengthening these organs. T! , but ton' result is prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make the test, Nature's Remedy will act promptly, thoroughly, yet to mildly, so gently, that you vill think aoe bee self has come to the rescue dnd is doing the work. Andoh, what arelif! Eo ce Sha eine feel--brighter, Detter every way. Uf habitually or stubbornly tipued, take ove BR Tablet each nicht fot & week. Then pk rcpt mo brery dey, Jost an occasional nie san Caen re to vnem {a esod condition WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST. -- : R Tou Toniorrow Feel Right > Gat Get Box a25 | B.C.1. VICTORY BOND ESSAYS equalled. It would be wise if all Can- adians would put apart some of their wealth now There may be plenty of opportunity in the period which ,will follow the war, bat it will require some capital to "swing them." Then there will be periods of depression, no doubt, following/the present one of good fortune, und it may go badly with him who bas not something laid away for such occasions. Besides this, the saving habit is & valuable one to acquire and will last through life Now though Canadians are performing a patriotic duty besides helping themselves, by saving, they can carry this further and help bo:h Canada and themselves more Ly investing their savings in Victory Bonds. We have already seen the patriotic side of doing this, but the personal advantages ore also apparent When our money lies in the bank it accumulates interest at three per cent, when we turn it into Victory Bonds, the interest twiee ax much, Of course, when it lies in the bank, we may withdraw w part or the whole of it ot any time, However, there is always a ready market for our bonds if we need the cash at any time. Bonds of Previous istues ure selling now for more thun their insue price, there iy a probubi that when peuce comes these bonds will rise considerably above par Vietory Bonds are absolutely safe, we need have no fear on that score They are Canada's pledge that she will repay them With the entire Dominion of Canada with ull its resources behind them, there is no Possibility that they will not be repaid. There is no finer Government security to. day than nineteen-eighteen Victory Bonds [In five or fifteen years, us the case may he, the money which is paid for them now will when it will be most acceptuble. In the meantime, interest will be paid twice yearly at the rate of over five and u half per cent. per annum. With everything 'in favour of, and no reason against buying Vietory Bonds, Cunadians ought to reise this opportunity of doing something --little though it is compared to the sacrifices of our soldiers and ssilors--for Canada und the Empite. \It ix to our own intereste, too, [to buy (these bonds, It in a gilt-elged int | vextment surely, Cunadians, remember whet our soldiers | have done, how they have upheld the glory jof Canada on the buttle-fields of Frunce and have never fuiled, Shall we fuil them? As you love your country and your loved ones: as you value your homes and. ysur British liberty, Buy Bonds! Consider what i would meun if Canada were under the ho national honour--slavery! Germany haw jit true, suffered reverses and serious cle- feuts, but she is not Yet dectwively defeated Buy bonds and remove forever the dread shadow of Germany victorious, |. Buy Bonds! Buy more Bonds! Buy bonds ill you bust! then borrow snd buy {more, Even should the war cense now, it | will take from six monthy to a yeur before \ the army will be demobilized. There will be heavy expenses still, and money will be required. Cunadians, never let it be » ny ,that you gave your sons and refused your money. Canada has put her hund to the plough and must never turn back WESTERN NOTES | The winter weather in Alberta hus so is over five und 4 bulf per cent--nearly | 'be returned, and Possibly just at a time | |iton heel of Germuny---all liberty crushed, | N.B--These machines can he used with Gasoline power on the farm where electricity is not available. WASHING EASY The Red Star Washer makes. wash day welcome. It works so easily a boy of 6 mun it when loaded. It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day; Does the work in half the time it takes to do it by hand. The Red Star Washer 1s easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets of ball beanngs. The fly wheel is large The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dasher from the clothes before you open the lid, so the clothes will not come The mechanism is very simple and compact, and so strong that the Red Star will last a generation and always run as well as when new, up with itor tear. Phone and have us send one up, ex call and see them on our float. H. M. Stewart Implement Shop Dunlop St. not been entirely on the square. It ix apparently impossible, however, for the police to order them to move long, be- | cause M supreme court ruling deniew the right of the cities to prohibit phrenologists, which is whut the gypsies call themselves Chief of Police Cuddy of Calgary would gludly put an end to their operations if posible, and has requested the City Comneil to apply to the Legislature at the next session in February for a charter amend: | ment which will give him the necessury ower | In southern Alberta there is no frost in the ground, neither is there any moisture. Owing to the drought in southern Alberta lust sewxon which eaused an immense short age of feed while the north had an abund- unce of bay and other feed, arrangements were made by the Government for the free transportation of cattle and sheep from the svuth to the north for winter pasturage, und also for the free transportation of hay and green feed from the north to south. Under this policy the railway's live stock branch pays for the other half which results in free transportation of feed for bona fide farmers, In his report the market representative stutes that up to Dec., 31st, 1918, from Oct. 17th, there were 31.350 cattle and 66,535 sheep shipped north for winter pusturuge. TS PAIN EXTERMINATOR} STOPS THE PAIN--AND ACTS QUICKLY yheumatlem, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame back, toothache, exr- Sche, nore throat puolicn outs ad allaiesiag weabhee oes weiety relieved by Hirst's Pain Exterminator. 'been sold for 0 years, and should be in every household--has a hundred uses, All dealers or write us. HIRST REMEDY CO,, Hamilton, Canada, During the same period 86,438 tons of feed were shipped from the north to the south, Minurd's Liniment Co., Limited, representing 8,234 cars. | Gentlemen,-- Last winter I received great An Industrial research bureau is to.be benefit from' the use of MINARD'S LINI. formed in Alberta and Premier Stewart has MENT in a aevere attack of LaGrippe, and agreed to become one of a Committee of I have frequently proved it to be very ef- three to arrange for a Convention to be fective in cusex of Inflammation. held in Edmonton to discuss means of en- Yours, couraging industries in the West. A con- 4 ference was held in Calgary » few days ago W. A. HUTCHINSON. te urge upon the provincisl government the necessity of establishing an industrial re- search bureau for Alberta, Mayor Brown of | Medicine Hat ytated in conference that a year ago x sewer pipe plant was es- the richest nation in the world per capita | thanks to the | So if Canada } | far been very mild and has resulted de. -- "--_ 'Shae it uti" seeseeee=4yee APPENDICITIS OPER- [thecnonetr droped tener Genet |ATIONS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY low aero one would think it waa spring. time. Hundreds of men ure not wearing Internal Bathing Relieves the Cause jovercoats and only an occasionul fur coat jis noticed. Calgary has one of the largest covered skating rinks in the Dominion--the horse| Your physician will tell you that Appen show building in Vietoria Park, On New | dicitiv is un inflamed condition of the 'ttle | Year's eve 1250 skaters skated the old year | sick culled the Appendix at the lower 'out and the new in and were not crowded, | Fight hand corner of the Colon or large Skating has not been continuous, however, pista, By cleansing ie ae A jowing to the ice being occasionally soft, || Purified warm water by the J 'ae Law: week. the Me eed cad cacle" this suck ix cleansed and the inflan but most of the curling was dene between | ™ation subsides. Hundreda of operations ! {midnight and sunrise when the ice was in eae ee oe "pe se t_ condition. J is. Jas, Me- [thst Alberte-bred hores are gaining | Laughlin, 91 Evanston street, Winnipeg, Ja high place in the estimation of all | ¥rites:-- | {breeders on the North American continent |"! have 'spent over fifty dollars with | {is evidenced by the fact that several re-| ctom toying to Hea aecneeal markable sules are being recorded. The | tlly the do i wt gota the naa) atest to be drawn to. the notice of 'The| (al at once for an speration Your silver | Herald is Bir Ovan, sold to.Eaton Marshal, | ement, faterpted met bought a "J.B. | ee Be ee baie aes: oi |am. now complétely: cured," Nowe felt his dam Lucy C', whose sire was Orton end (DO ter in my life; all pain and soreness | his randire Osmond "Sinbad hy Sy |" dT cat wl lew ke hoy. mington, dam Kobe, and in his day won | 5%, health giving invention © aI jover $25,000. He is now in Calgary, be- | "Ninety-five er cent af all h 1s | ' M. J. Carr, of Sarce Dale, | Ninety-five per cent. of ali human ills [its owned: by arr, are caused by accumulated waste in the | Other 'big salen are being reported from|Cion, Internal Bathing with the SBA | different parts of the fountey, with, Al-| cascade' kerps thie furge intestine ac. free [bert tGeroughhreds "in 'the "limelight---| trom, all waste and at chan 26 natere a | Calgary Herald. mands it should be for perfect health. Auk | Alter being closed for almost three| Wm, Crossland, Druggitt, Bertie. for book months owing to the epidemic of influenza, | me called "Why Men al Tene ie ones Calgary schools were re-opened on January|ber'Cont. Eificenee" Me ein They will 20th, The brewery workers of Alberta requested the Alberta Federation of Labor at its ecs- |sion in Medicine Hat a few days ago to [approach the Alberta Government with a jew to having beer manufactured with }two and one half per cent. alcohol, there- y enhancing the flavor and giving sn additional half per cent. kick. A resolu. tion to this effect was drawn up and put to a vote, but the majority of the delegates were satisfied' with the two per cent. dick and voted it down, Calgary City Council will make appli tion to the Alberta Legislature for s special 'act which will enable the city to take over all_of the hospitals. |. During the winter months of each year :the population of Edmonton and Calgary is increased by a band of furtune-telling gypsies, whose sojourn in any one place is limited to three months according to their beliefs. The men of the party are said to be horse traders, but they move from place to place in expensive motor. cars. While the men are engaged in horse trad: ing and other pursuits; the women make 'a royal living trading upon the credulity of men and women, boys and girls, who are foolish enough to believe that these swarthy 'vinaged females are able to pierce the veil of the future at so much per pierce. Upon numerous occasions for one cause or another the gypsies of both sexes have snpeared in the city police courts for infractions of the law and complaints have frequently been made to the police of both cities that their also be -pleased to show and explain the 'IB.L. Cascade" to you. "Vanoouver CANADIAN PACIFIC Compartment Observation Cars, Standard "Royal Alexandra," Winnipe Passengers for California should arrange tho Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. to the pottery end of the business last | year saw the command of the market from Brandon to Vancouver and further exten- sions limited only by the supply. 'The es. tublishment of a plant for the extraction of chemicals from coal was one industry men- tioned which wax necessary in the province ind iron, coul and timber industries with their by-products would unquestionably find their place in Alberta | Freight shipments from Montreal to At berta points are very carefully scrutinized these days and particularly shipments con- | signed to Calgary. . Two shipments df dry gooils boxes arrived within a few hours! the first consisting of fourteen boxes | marked "dry goods" and consigned to three en not known in the haberdashery trade. | uspicion-was aroused and a police investi- gation revealed the fact that each case contained a mixed assortment of "wet | goods", The shipment was seized and handed over to the government vendor. | The second shipment comprised six cases | marked "dry goods and were found to | contain Hennessy's best three star brandy, valued at $450 per case, This was also | seized and turned over to the vendor, neither case did a claimant appear. y the terms of a bill now before the Saskatchewan Legislature, municipal au- thorities will in future have jurisdiction to decide whether white women shall be em- ployed in restaurants and laundries opera- ted by Chinese or proprietors of any other nationality Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI4G DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Leave Toronto 7 p.m. THROUGH EQUIPMENT class Coaches, Colonist Cars, Toronto to Vancouver. A round" tetp ticket to the Pacific Coast via the diversity of route: s without additional charge. OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND Hotel," Vanoouve: trip to.Inolude In | RA 22d CANADIAN PACIFIC W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger hed in his city and the industry had MIDDLE AGE n to such proportions thet during lust year only two carloads had come into the West from East of the great lakes, As] Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe ly--Proof that Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound Can be Relied Upon, Urbans, Iil.--"During Change of Lif in addition to its annoying symiptomet r bad an' attack of 3 grippe which lasted all winter and left Hj me in a weakened condition. I felt at times that I would neverbewell again, I read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and what it did for women passing through the Change of Life, so I told my doctor I would it. Tsoon began to gain in strength the annoying , symptoms dis- appeared and your Vegetable Compound has made me a Well, strong woman so Ido all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- | table Compound too highly to women passing through the Change of Life." --Mrs. ENON, 1316 8. Orchade 8t., Urbana, Ill. 'Women who suffer from nervousness, "heat fishes," backache, headaches and "the blues" should try this famous, root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- bath's Vegetable Compound. TORONTO---WINNIPEG---VANCOUVER Arrive Winnipeg 12.10 p.m. (Second Day) Arrive Vancouver 10.05 p.m. (Fourth Day) and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, First. "Canadian Pacific' permits a wide CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS IN WESTERN CANADA 'alliser Hotel," Calgary; "Empress Hosel," Victoria the Canadian Pacifia Rookles Agent, Toronto, aq