Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1919, p. 9

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an ido Thursday, January 30,1919 DISTRICT CUP ¢ Coreroeoooos AND TANKARD Group Winners are Colling- wood and Barrie Thistles-- Some Close Games. (on Tuesday ond Wednesday, the mat- ches in Group "A" District 4, were played on the Clapperton street ice. Barrie Thistles' were the winners, beating Colling- wood by the narrow margin of 2 shots. Rinks and scores were ;>-- Prclaaisary fe days with his sister, Men E,W. Ken Bt w a une 'A very enjoyable time was spent Fri- R. Webb S. Todd iy night at the dance given by E. V. Ken- 0. R. Black GC. Allan | Mrs. Parker of Burks Falls t Sun- B. Webb, sk 11 Walter Allan sk 18 day with her sister, Mrs, F Mower Me. aud Mrs. Fellows are spending a few days with Reroud Churchill the Istter's uncle in Lindsay W. L. Black Nu Grose Mrs. T. A. Stone has returned home after B. Robertson B. Grove spending s few weeks with friends in Toron- A. W. Green 8. Browning T. Kissoek sk 17 Majority for Churchill, 9 shots. Barrie Thistles Bradford onto A. T. Galt P.C. Wilson | Mrs. Jocelyn received word that her fath 'A. J. Sarjeant T. E. Bell er, Mr. Hippingstan, was very low. Mr. Dr, Simpson E. Coombs and Mrs, Jocelyn left on the noon train, SW. Moore ek 17 Rev. L. MacLean sk 7 Saturday, for Washago. al cork 'The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will Barrie Thistles Bradford be administered at all places on Hawkestone G, E. Bruce J. Wood Cireuit next Sunday; and the Quarterly W, Sarjeant T. W. W. Evans Board will meet at Hawkestone at 1 p.m. DR. Murchison J, Webb on Monday. W. A.J, Bell sk 13 C. W. Davey sk 13 Majority for Barrie Thistles, 10 shots es T a isa ty with her daughter, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, aw: Barrie, Barrie Thistles Churebill Leonard Bennett of Toronto spent 5 Ww. A. J. Bell sk 18 W. Allan sk 5 Majority for Barrie Thistles, 14 shotp Final Barrie Thistles slingwood s. Russ R. & Folliott Capt. J. D. Montgomery W. J. Honeyford sk 17 W. A. J. Bell sk 12 Collingwood Barrie Thistles Capt. J. Foote Capt. A. Jorden vL. Kenny Cunt. L. Melntyre sk 15 8. W, Moore sk 22 By Ends Melntyre 011000000002035003--15 Moore 200114122110200140--22 Honeyford 1103020013120003100--17 Bell 0010202100001 11001212 Collingwood's Tankard Group Only three clubs competed in the Tankard ames for this district, played here lust cturday Collingwood defeated Barrie by one shot and then disposed of Stroud by 2 majority of 6, Rinks and scores were Barrie Collingwood Don't forget to attend the last two days H Meredith J. G. Peterman of G. B. Henry's great sale, Friday and 'AE. Stupleton G. Bs Westcott Suturday, Everything will go away below S. Meredith H. G, Wynes cost in order to get rid of the goods to] A.D. Simon sk 18H. E, Prentice sk 17 Barrie Collingwood J. G, Scott A.A. Smith 'A. G. Habbick W. T. Rennie Hook F, H. Nettleton HL Kennedy sk 19 W. B. Fryer sk 21 Stroud Collingwood QA. Sutherland M_ Robertson 1. Guest W, B. Fryer sk Collingwood Vi, Patterson sk 19 Stroud T! Foster F_ W. Peacock TW. Lennox B. Meredith 11 Prentice 030020030302030001--17 aw hours with Mrs, Berry lest week Simon 401101101010201410----18 jaro Hurt is still cutting away at the Fryer 011000240200301502---21 ' wood piles. | Kennedy 300331001022020030--19 Mrs. Day and Orma, also Miss Graham, | are now recovered from the 'flu' Patterson 900001040201083113--19 "20" "$30.00. was contributed by the Fryer 112210201020200000--14 Methodist Sunday School for Armenian Prentice 220211022141010201-- 22 Relief Meredith (904900200000201020--11 GUTHRIE WN HILL | Jon. 26.--The annual meeting of the con- + CROWN ' gregation of Guthrie Church, Oro, was held 'The Sewing Circle will hold a Box Socis! jn the basement n Monday evening of last on Tuesday evening, Feb. 11 gram is expected. Admission 25c. TRY THIS: ; 'and enjoy Soak over night one cupful oi of the homely but ever reliable y ape isis prune. Stew till quite soft, ad- bomeed with the Dissolve 'Sound Rangers, known as ,"'The Timber ding sugar to taste. one package of lemon jelly powder in oné pint of BOIL- ING: water; add the prunes, first removing the stones, and put in cog! place to set. May he served with whipped cream if desired. . For Saturday we are putting on sale 2000 packages of Mc- Laren's best Jelly Powders at 12 for $1.10. . : Sweet, seedless, juicy oran- ges, Sunkist, 50c, 60c and 75c¢ sizes, mixed at 49c. Wisdom's ALLANDA! ' a G. Reive sk 19 H. E. Prentice 22 A good pro- week. |The printed reports being in the hande| As Told by Our HAWKESTONE Jan, 27.--A large number of friends ga thered at the Grand Trunk depot to' wel come Pte. Geo. Reid, who returned from | |Franee, Pte. Reid went over with the \i77th Batt. Pte. W. J. Clark and Pte. 'AIf Cameron of the 157th Batt. have ulso returned from France, all looking well. 'Corp. J. Revie of Shanty Bay spent # 9 Mrs. E. Wrigley is visiting in Toronto- Mrs, D. Pugsley has returned home after attending the Lazier-White wedding in To- THORNTON ° Jan. 29.--Mm. M. E. Dutcher is visiting couple of days this week with Geo. B Henry St. Jude's Anniversary Inst Sabbath was a decided success. Rev. Mr, Flemming of Toronto preached eloquent sermons, both morning and evening and the choir rendered some very fine anthems, The church look ed very bright with the Hydro lights Chas. Gilpin and bride of Toronto are | visiting with the former's mother, Mra. A. |]. Gilpin. Thornton friends extend to Mr and Mrs, Gilpin much joy and happiness through life. 'A reception was given Bandsman Roy Blackstock on Wednesday night in the base- ment of the Methodist church. A choice / programme was rendered during the even: { Ing. consisting of solos by Mrs. C, G. Stamp, Mus Bruce, R. D. Henry and the Mixed Quartette:; also some fine instrumental sol by Mise Sharpe. Spicy addresses were given Py The guest of the evening, Rev. G. R.! VRitching, Rev. Mr. Horton, Rev. R. H.| Somerville Jno. Henry and J. A. Corbett 'At the close of the programme a dain'y lunch wus served by the ladies of the | nging of "God save the Sod save our splendid men enjoyable evening to 4 close. | King" and * j brought a ve make room for the new spring stock SHANTY BAY Jan, 27,--Thos, White of Bracebridge Jin spending a week or two with his sister, Mrs, James Hart, Mr, Wiliams, who has been unwell for a few weeks, is not improving much Miss Laura Graham and Mrs, Fred Day are improving so ax to be around again | Mra. Joseph Packard is spending a week or so in the city 'A fine boy came to the village last week, in the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Hubbert The village is glad to hear that Elmer Caldwell is improving nicely in the Hospital at Barrie 4 'The meeting was largely attended. {of the families of the chutch 'and examined, were, on motion, received and sustsined. The report was the best in the history of the Church. The contributions to Missions Jexceeded that of the preceding year, as did the receipts for current expenses. A pleas- fant feature of the meeting was the donation Jof $100 to the church minister, Mr. Camp- bell, in recognition of his faithful services during the twenty-five years of bis minis- d the honor that came to the con- 'on his election to 'the position jor of the Synod of Toronto and | Kingston, Plan for the Forward Movement |was considered and action will be taken on plan outlined. WITH THE MET' IN KHAKI. if 'A letter has been received from Sergt. Gordon Longman, who' is with the Ist Division in Cologne, stating he was well ed the march into Germany very Pte. Roy Wice of Painswick returned from France this week. He 162nd | Wolves'. When he enlisted he was only 16 years of sge. He has seen three years of service and was twice wounded. For Wice lived with Mr. snd Mrs. F. D. Quantz. Gnr. Max Ness is spending a few days with his Barrie friends, and is looking hale jand hearty. * Flight-Lieut. Amos Johnston surprised his family yesterday when he arrived on the morning train. He is still using crutches. 'The Examiner had a call this week from a former member of the staff, Pte. Gilbert Wilmott. Going over with the 157th Bn. he went to Frage with the first draft and saw a lot of fighti ccidentally winning the Belgian Croix de Guerre. On Aug, 28 he was knocked out: by 2 machine gun bullet but is all right Mrs. William Walker of Barrie spent a | Parry | 'feveral years before going overseas, Pte. || News from Neighboring Townships Correspondents ~ Ivy _ Jan, 28.--Mrs. Cairns of Aurora is visit ing her mother, Mrs. M. Spiers. Mr. and Mrs, Reggie Arnold entertained number of young friends on Friday even- ing. All report w good time 'A number from here attended the anni- versary in the Anglican Church, Thornton, on Sunday. The remains of Mrs. Connor, of Utopia, were laid to rest on Thursday afternoon in Christ Church Cemetery, the service being conducted by her Pastor, the Rev. T. Dew,. Sympathy is extended to the sorrow- ing friends. 'A large crowd attended the meeting of the Farmers' Club on Monday night and listened to some fine addresses from Mr. Watson, Mr. McLennan and Mr. Drury. A number of visitors from Egbert, Baxter, Thornton and Utopia attended and thought they had spent a very profitable evening. 'A number of Ivy young people went to Utopia on Monday night for a skate. COLWELL Fred Worenop succumbed to pleuro-pneu- monia, following the "flu", on Jan, 10, at the R. V. Hospital. He was in his 27th year und was of @ quiet, kind and genial disposition. He was a loving husband and father and will be missed by all who knew him. He leaves, besides his wife and two small children, to mourn his loss, his father, and mother; his brothers, Harry of the West, Pte. Eli Warsnop of the 8th Cana- dian Reserves, England; and four sisters, Mrs. Peters and Sarab, of Allandale, Annie and Beatrice at home. He worked for the G.T.R. several years and proved himself 8. faithful workman. The funeral took place on Sunday at Colwell, the deceased being laid to rest in Grenfel Cemetery. Many of his friends paid last token of respect by attending the funeral ORO STATION Jun, 28--Mre, A. A. Bell and Mise Ella Day attended the funeral of their aunt ut Claremount last week Mrv, A. Fletcher, sr, Minn this week. Rev, N. Campbell wus able to thke the pervices last. Sunday Mrs.M. J. Bates was renewing old ac- quaintance on Monday in Barrie visited Mrs, Me: week-end with his father, F. Bell Mrs. Alex McMinn received the glad mews that her son, Pte. H. A. MeMinn of the Ist arrived safely in Winnipeg. He has to re port in Edmonton, where he enlisted. Me enlisted Mar. Ist, 1916, went overseas in Sept. 1919 and to France in Feb. PAINSWICK A former resident of this section, in the person of Edward Warnica, died in Roch. the time being spent in hospital. De censed was £ on of the Inte Samuel War. nica of Innisfil and Toronto, He had been in Rochester for twenty years, first in the regular photographing business, but latterly was engaged in the manufacture of a line of photographic apparatus, His wife survives but no children, His broth (Dr.) Price of Toronto is a sister. His re: ment STROUD Jan, 27.--Sawing wood with the circular saw is the order of the day. Chas. McConkey was home over Sunday Belle Ewart, Pte. Tom Mulholland and Mrs, Mulhol- land and daughter visited friends here last week. Glad to report that Mis Agnes Suther- land is improving nicely. T. Gordon of Concord is visiting Jos. Gordon. Pte. John Hunter has returned home from overseas. His many friends are glad to welcome him home again. again. "Pte. Jas, Winterbottom, just returned from oversess, is visiting bis mother-in- law, Mre, Villiers. Pte, Butler, Sanford street, srrived home this week. He went overseas with 'a construction battalion. Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c, plus War Tax. Seats at Malcomson's Monday, Feb. 3rd. Dr. Gordon Bell of Toronto spent the | Canadian Motor Machine Gun company hads | 1917. | } "Powell's Saturday Specials" STARTING SATURDAY, FEB. 1ST, WE WILL INAUGURATE A SPECIAL SALE DAY. EVERY SATURDAY WE WILL HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE LIST OF BARGAINS THAT WILL BE OF INTEREST TO EVERY BUYER OF BARRIE AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. ers are Ashford of Painswick, Arthur of | Toronto and Louis (a half-brother!, Mrs. | mains were brought to Stroud for inter: | Miss Jessie Webb is visiting friends in| A Nig AFEAST OF JOY--FULL OF INTERESB, ROMANCE exter, N.Y, on Jun, 15, aged 56 years. | He had been ill for over a year; half of | COUNTY SURPLUS - IS OVER $48,000 sve of tose Soring, Je, for « fow days. | (Continued from page 1) LADIES' COATS Every Coat will be reduced to exactly Cost Price. 1 only beautiful Esquimette Seal, Collar of 2 black Wolf, reg. $75.00 for. . .$52.00 5 Coats in Velour, in Green, Navy, Black and Purple, reg. $32.50 for ... .$25.00 10 Coats in Brown, Burgundy, Green and Navy, reg. $2 day Special . . MEN'SOVERALLS These are a wonderful vy quality, bargain in Black and White Stripe only, hea- Saturday Only $2.25 HOUSE DRESSES Ladies' House Dresses, good quality print in light colors. Saturday Special $1.49 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Black Fleeced Drill and heavy Flannelette, 5 doz. only, all sizes, Saturday Special $1.25 0 and $25.00, Satur- $15.00 BATTING WHITE COTTON Special Noxall Batts, Full yard wide, extra good quality, reg. 20c, heavy cambric, Saturday Special for Saturday 3 Batts. for50c | only ........... SALE GOODS FOR CASH ONLY Powell & Co. 090000600000 EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL |g: Jan, 28,--W. Fulton of Toronto in the)" "** GRENFEL J. Forbes was visiting friends in Toronto | last. week Page' Nine f her brother and sister "here for = Grenfel Khaki Circle will -hold a box No Grant te Orillia Hospital 'The Finance Committee, while sympathizing with the object, re- | ported against any grant being }made tg the Orillia Memorial Hospital, on the ground that the assistance should be given hy the Government. 810 was voted to each of t \libraries in the county and $ to the Siek, Child Hospital. No action was taken on the ap- plication of the -- Mercantile Sailors' Relief Assocn. for a grant Gouneil acknowledged liability for the keep of Gilbert Bean- chanip of Penetang in an Indus- 'Mr. and Mra. J. Kelly have recovered. social on Feb. 4 st O. S: Rowe's, Colwell trial Sehool. from an attack of the 'flu'. Miss Alice Clark of Toronto was the sold by auction. 5-5e 'BY HOWARD McKENT BARNES - Station. Ladies bring boxes, which will-be WE HAVE THE . EQUIPMENT necessary for promptly filling your require- ments in tin and sheet metal work. We are prepared to meet any demands for plain or decorative jobs, and to guarantee the qual- ity of workmanship and materials, Our men, methods and prices combine in making this the logical concern with which to place your contract. MOFFATT & PARR Sole Agents for "'Hecla'" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie Grand Opera House, Barrie, THUR. FEBRUARY 6th ht in Honolulu AND LAUGHTER THE BEAUTIFUL WISTERIA GARDEN: COME AND HEAR THE LATEST HAWAIIAN MUSIC By THE IMPERIAL NATIVE HAWAIIAN QUARTET TE Especially Engaged for This Production A GORGEOUS SCENIC DISPLAY---SHOWING THE VOLCANO IN ERUPTION THE GREAT FIRE SCENE The Greatest Hawaiian Play since "The Bird of Paradise' Curtain at 8.15 p.m.

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