Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1919, p. 8

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Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN Tho cost of advertising in-this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a-minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- tienal charge of 10c. will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an tional charge of 10c. will be made on all 'adiets less than one dollar. JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- field St. Phone 384 12-28p-1f FOR SALE--Three cows, due this month. Geo. Brown, 3 ring 41. 4-50 500 BUSHELS SEED OATS FOR SALE- Apply to R. E, Coulter, Thornton, 4-5p BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--On easy terms. Miss Bell, 59 Mary street, 4-50 RAW FURS WANTED-- Highest prices, M. Rosenfeld, 33 Collier St., Barrie. 1-2p FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. MeArthur, King Block, Barrie, 37-tfe MAID WANTED AT ONCE--Good wages. Apply to Mrs. 'Albert Bryson, 40 Bradford street. 4-5 PROF. D. E. WEIR--Tescher of Piano and Violin. Piano Tuber. 6 Owen street, Barre. 3-8p A FEW CHOICE RHODE ISLAND REI Cockerels for sale. Barrie LADIES' TAILORING and Dresemaking | PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. E. H. Braden will receive on Friday, February 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. L. Goodell visited her cousins, Kennedy, this week. Miss Florence Sarjeant of Ed- monton is spending a few days with Mrs. R. J. Sprott Albert Bidwell of Moose Jaw is holidaying at his home in town for a couple of weeks. R.A. Thomas and his 'son, Capt. Roy Thomas, of Toronto, were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. R. G, Hill has returned Local News Some very large herring are being caught this winter. Hundreds of prople enjoyed xkating on the bay this week and not a few old-timers were out. "The National." due on Mon- day, was a day late this week owing lo a wreck at Matheson tt has egg, stove, nut and pea coal on hand. Phone 86 or 118. 5-5¢ Sergt. A.W. Newall, 116th Bn. arrived home Tuesday morning, of New York the Misses aoG passenger on the Empress of|from a visit with her daughter, Britain. Mrs. Hy. Coughey, Utterson, J.B, Feilding has sold his} Mrs. Jas. Cleary has returned to St. Catharines after spending several months with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. J Moore, Miss Irene Allward has re- turned to Toronto General Hos- pilal after spending -- several weeks al her heme in Bradford St farm on the Penetang Road to Hy Smith of con 7, Vespra, who gets possession Feb. 15. Mrs. James Quinlan has pur- chased the house in Clapperton St. that has been occupied by G. D. Hubbard. A Valentine conundrum social in connection with the W.M.S will be held in the Stroud Meth odist Church on Feb, 14. Every- Mrs, Wm, Somers and two little jsons of Calumet, Minn, have gone to St. Catharines, ac¢ompanied by body come Mrs, Jas. Cleary, after visiting ----Do not miss the opportunity | rs I. Moore to buy furs al less than present! Roy P. Findlay, manager of IWwholesale prices during our{he Bank of © Commerce in CLEARING SALK.-- | Bassano, Sask.. was in Toronto : recently atlending the annual death occurred in Sydney, | meeting of the bank Jan. af| Mr. and Mrs. Ward Watlie and on done, Mis E. Gosney, Adelaide Street, vo. We Werks, whose wife [Hille daughter, Gwendolyn, are Allandele. B1-10e | was formerly Miss Elieabeth Me. |Yisiling friends in Bracebridge | Gowan of Midhurst after spending some time at the FOR SALE--Large well barred rock cock- erels. Apply Fred Crawford, phone 27, Oro Station 5-6p HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Muleaster Street, Immediate posevsion. Rent $8.00. Ap- ply on premises. 42tfe. 'WANTED-- Young girl for afternoons to take care of child from 3 to 6. Apply at 96 Mury street, 5-5¢ RAW FURS--Higbest Cash price paid ter all kinds of raw furs. Simmons & Co, Furriers, Dunlop St 47-Anio8, TO LET--Arlington Hotel, 'ow rent, suit able for u good boarding bouse. Ten bed- rooms Devlin FIRST CLASS BEEF AND PORK. By quarter at wholesale price, at John Bing: bum & Son, Elizabeth St 27p CLE. cat und avercout can be made to look bke new by Harry Twiss, Row Block, | Dunlop St FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all hinds of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie. 3-16p BULL FOR SALE. -No. 102369--Registered Shorthom Bull, "Forest King," 3 years old, Apply to W. J. Davidson, R.R. No. 1, Cookstown. 46 TO RENT OR FOR SALE--Business nrop- erty, residence and stables, corner liz sbeth and Mary Sis, Apply Ro H. Webb, Barrie. 38-tfe FOUNR containing sum of money and key ner may have same by applying at Pow: ell's, Dry Goods Store. GRAMOPHONE, RECORDS 7 for 81.00, each additional, 10c, Muil list | We de " of records you have and want Richard Palmer, Barrie. FUNERAL DFSIGNS AND BOQUETS -- artistically arranged. Choice Cut Royes and Carnations. Pot Plants, Ferns, lms. EA. Harris, Phone 713, 1-5p liver. MISS MAYDFE McAU beginners or advanced music pupils for instruction 'on Pinno and Theory. For terms, inquire at 86 Mary street. 2-8p FARM FOR SALE--97 scres, adjoining Village of Ivy, soil clay loam. Barn 40x 78, on stone foundation. Good dwelling house. Apply to G. H. Speers, Ivy.4.9p LOT FOR SALE 33 Owen St., Barrie, Also about 14 ucres, lot 28, con. 4, Township of Oro, with 924 feet lake shore frontage, Shanty Bay. Apply to John McGill, Barrie. 2-54 'WOOD CUTTING--Having purchased Me- | Fadden's muchine, I Prepared to saw wood on short notice anywhere in town. Chas. Kelly, barber shop. plough, 100 acres pasture, bal- ance bush. Clay loam, free of stumps and stones. Apply T. D. Soules, Allan- 'dale RR. 4-6p FARM FOR SALE, lot 2, con. 5, Innisfil. Well fenced, good clay loam; good, frame . house, large barn with basement stab- ling, 'never-fuiling well. Dutcher, Thornton. (Andrew's Church next mouth, 3 dau of ING AND PRESSING--Your old, Small purse on Clapperton street, | 5-5e | _WABES. CHANGED, | DINING ROOM GIRL--by day or week Leave orders at Wice's, 3-Sp | FARM FOR SALE--400 scres, 150 under | ,GOOSE Strayed to 104 Tiffin street about Apply to Mrs. | 51-tf | former's home in Maple Ave Mr. and Mrs. James A, Mille Barrie, announee the engay ment Of their daughter, Laura to Mr. Joseph Russell Hood of Alliston. the marriage to take J. Carson, one nf Hailey- bury"s live business men, cemit- fing his Examiner subscription, ve: "EH is a real pleasure lo remit this money as 1 surely do] appreciate The Examiner Rev. Capt. FW. Ane in, | Place in February. whe was expected to preach al | DL. Darroet, pustinaster at the anniv yo sfeviees in St. | Collingwood. accompanied -- hy t] Mrs. Darroch, left last week to. spend) a few months in San Diego, Cal time Mr. Dareech hoon in qyfoP health «. Walls of Pdmonton visit- The home jet relatives in town over Sune hn the |taty. He eame down te attend 3. atthe annual meeting of the North American Life. he being previn- cial manager in Alberta for (hat company Miss V srosent has or Orillia Le unable te come tle signed the pastorate ol Presbyterian Chive The February my WAGE, will be held Mrs. if, OG) Partrt alfernoon uf Monday, Feb. 3 3.30 ofelock, The wark of Vinten ts stil important: and ibis Undeneminational it is hepe Here tL be new members resenting the diferent cong gations. uo During the war v unpalatable resi rietions have ly dainty Ths rh hing ot thre Uae Hallian Warden, at supeviniendent of the pital al Bhod River pind a aduale of Brantforl Hospital, heen appemted ta suecee: Miss MeCulloch as Sup: Juent of Collingwood Hospitid Porente Saturday Night--Both Oltava and Toronte friends will he interested in the appeeach ine marriage on February fifteenth, at the Junierat of the Churet of Heart, Ottaw of second daughter of Faribault, te Plaston, sen Charles: Phaxton nt 'Torante, The brideselect is ane of the most charming members of the Cao- ital younger set and the bride- groom his already position of responsibility in the Department of Justice B. C. I. NOTES On account of the Collegiau being closet for three weeks he- fore Christinas, it was decided to postpone the presentation of Di- plomas won at the Departinental bisenits bat naw are with- just resvive aid ibe vere ve that all dirayen. we sexeredit lietous var fault os that ter tasting yeu want six mere doin he Hubo PN. Hanley and Colles Horse LANCE OF inten- nn OUR LADIF CLOTH COATS \ peRING oun | Me * -- SIMMONS & Mr. and Mrs. BR Charles Pe WIN uo A DISH WASHER--By day or week. Good Apply Clarkson House. 5 tle Apply Clarkson House. Good wages. 3 tfe HOLSTEIN COW for xale--Coming three | years old. Milking. Apply to this office, | 5-10p FARM FOR SALE--At Utopia. For par- ticulars apply to 49 Sanford street, Bar- re. 59p and Matriculation examinations WANTED--Woman or Girl for Housework until January, but' unavoidable on farm. Mrs. J. McAvoy. Phone 199 circumstances have again post- ring 5 5-5p' poned it until Wednesday even- I ing, February 12, The Opera FOR Sale Coew, Bort Sone Mie House has bean engaged for That Mand, 'hanging lamps, Morris chair. $5 a vaning and the complete pr Worsley street. 5-5p ;gramme will be announced next wee! Besides of diplomas, there will be the awarding of athletic prizes and badges won by the beys and gi on Field Day, speeches by pr Wilson, Shanty Bay. 6-7¢ Minent citizens, the valedictory by a member of last year's Upper HOUSEKEEPER WANTED--Elderly or School, musical numbers anil middle-aged woman preferred. Apply to numlers by the boys and girls FOR SALE--Wood-sawing machine on sleighs, nearly new, will sell right. Ap- y thik offi 5p FOR SALE OR sEXCHANGE--Registered | Shropshire Ram, three hears, E. V. 100 Penetang street. 5-5p given under the direction of Mr «7 Heath and Miss Bu Be s FOR SALE--One sutomstic shingle Mill, to serve your seats early ani First-class running order. all complete. E 5-6p B. Quantz, Painswick. avoid disappointment. | The first of the monthly ex- aminations for this term is be- ing held on Friday of this week, and students and teachers are having the usual *strenuons limes incident to the answering and reading of answer papers. It is with deep regret and pro- POULTRY FEED FOR SALE--Whest, oats and barley fixed. $3.00 ewt., de- livered. Chas. Kelly, Allandale. "5-5p Owner can have same by prov- 5-5p Jan. 1 ing property and paying expenses. altained a| the presentation! LOST--A hound, since Christinss, large, | "white and black, sith tan coarme. head: | white streak on fave, answering to the | TRST CLASS COW FOR SALE--Milking , frém 12 to 15 quarts a day. Great but-) ter cow. Apply Cudmore's old stand, oft 5p. found sorraw that the students and teaching staf have learned of tfie sudden and untimely death of Bruce Cockburn on Tuesday name of "'Bugle."' Kindly return to J.W. Gosaling, Barrie, Phone 361. Reward Stfc! Coar,-all sizes, nut, stove and egg. Also | Morning. "FOR SALE--Chestnut mare, 9-10 yrs: old, general purpose, splendid worker.and in foal, also market sleigh (light), ' also cutter; set of driving harness, linoleum ; sundries can be viewed any time. J. Feilding, Penetang Road; Barrie. 5-6p ARM FOR BALE OR RENT--Lot 17. con. 2, Flos, 100 ncres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, with plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston. e 'O5tf. "WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- Keeper, to, take full charge of farm home <wth ¢-baby 'boy ten enihe oft, No all kinds of hard and soft wood. Apply y , Allandale, phe ' 6 |W. Gracey & Son, Allandale, F00® | mong the many things to catch the jaye of the traveler are the old native grasa NTE! 7 i . houses on the lands of jawail, and for ae Se 'this reason the author has reproduced both preferred. 'Apply to Mrs. Cecil, 55 Peel 'exterior and. interior of this picturesque street. "" §.5p abode, which serves as the first scene in ithe, Inet act of "A Night in x Hoaobal, LOST--On Tuesday, between Holly and | Which comes to rt ra House "Thornton, 2 parcel. Please notify\Jas A. )Thureday next, Feb. 6th. Lennox, Thornton, or leave at Thornton | Although the native girl is generally rep- Post Office. 5-5e resented to us in the Hula costume it is now only worn on rare occasions, The A Night in Honolulu 2 titel with it, on their feast \Y HORSE STRAYED--to remises, |Hawaiin loves to Br le Tanisfl, sbout Jan. 21° |'"kanaka", be is too much filled. wit Owner can have same by proving proper- | joy of weg © consider labor i 'Wm. Hoy wants are few, i Rind pee Hope clothes, "He ean Live on the simplest food. We are gatherin, marked down to a ed to clear at We have not the s will be on sale, bu Don't let your ne good things. We give a 5¢ coup This Friday and Saturday odd and broken lines of goods of every description which will be These selected lines will be displayed on our centre tables and mark- each, per pair or per yard as the case may be. Mitts, Gloves, Tuques, Caps, Hoods, Bonnets, Undervests, Fancy Collars, Boxed Writing Paper, articles for boys' and men's wear and materials by the yard. Come early and often on these two days, the more you buy, the more you save, as many of these lines and: articles are well worth double what we are asking. Fridays and Saturdays. Come yourself and secure your share of the r4 togetler from all departments of the store price that will move them out before stocktaking. 25c. pace here to ennumerate all of the many lines that t these are a fewof them. ighbor profit by all the good things we offer on jon, redeemable at our premium counter, with every dollar purchase. Ch (| NEWS OF C F. S.-H. Fisher. Treas--T. McKnight. Chap.--H. B. Barnes. Warden--Geo. Baker. Con--C, Kell. --) OOKSTOWN News items for Cookstown and adjacent | Thompson and will be forwarded to this Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn attended the funeral of the former's sister-in-law, Mrs, Wm. Flynn at Creemore on Monday Barry Jebb bas sold his farm to Her- mon Lennox of Newton Robinson. | Miss Bertha Sutherland of the Western 'Hospital, who has been ill during the past few months, is now home with her mother, Mrs. Daniel Sutherland. |W. R. Chantler will commence duties on |No. 5 Mail Route on Feb. Ist. | Fisher's ure showing a nice stock of un- 'derwear, These are to be had for men, women and children, Do not neglect or- dering. . Born on Wed. Jan. 23, to Mr. and Mrw \David Draper, » daughter. | Mr. David Marwood is visiting at Maple. The young people are holding a dance , in the town hall on Friday evening. | Harry Slight lost two head of cattle last | |week, the result of the straw stack falling over. 1 | Geo. Moir, who recently sold bis farm, out near Penetang road, has rented C. H. Campbell's house and will move to town | shortly. | Ernest. Banting of Toronto spent over Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. D. Banting. Pte, Edison Fildey returned to 'on Saturday looking hale and hearty. | Misses Marjorie Agnew and Verda Tait, 'who have been on approbation at the Western Hospital, have now been accepted on the nursing staff, | Our: popular electrician, Chas, Robinson, ige busy wiring houses throughout the town, Chas. Flynn spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. ' 7 Master Jack Stewart of Thornton is visi- ting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. |J. H. Readman, The Sunday Sthool of-St. John's Church will hold a social evening on Monduy, |Feb. 3, for all juvenile membets. Provided there is sleighing, the kiddies will be given a ride around town. Married at the Monse on Wed. Jan. 29, by Rev. Geo. Cumming, Miss Charlotte. Isabella Wilson to Mr. Ernest Morrison. Engineer Harry Quiney of the Steamer "Port Dalhousie City" visited with friends 'in town this week. : . Rev, and Mrs. W.' Creswick are expecting their son, Cadet E. A."Creswick, home from overseas. . 4 'The vestry meeting of St. John's on Monday evening was well attended and everything passed off following officers were el | bell, People's Warden; Joseph McGowan, | \Rector's Warden; Sidesmen, Geo. Jebb, Ivan Lawrence, Chas. Hounsome and Ed. Synod delegates, W. E. Stewart Jeb. town "The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. R.S.M.G.--H. Coleman. 'ountry may be banded or phoned to Mr. paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- > cA . 0.G.--Sandy Sutherland. Collier St. Methodist Church Rev, R. J. Fallis, Pastor. Sunday, Feb. 2 10 am.--Quarterly Love Feast. 11 am--Communion Service. ice of song will be oir, Also the choir Gwillimbury on Saturday Inst. Mra, Parks had been confined to the house for about twelve years and bad suffered a great deal. She was of « kindly disposition and 'bad won a host of friends, She was 73 yeurs of age. In religion ehe was Anglican. She was predeceased by ber husband « number of years. She is survived by ono son, Jack Parks and also leaves one cin- ter, Mrs, Martin of Elmvale and two bro- thers, Jus, and Ed. Lee. Her remains were buried at St. John's Cemetery on Mon- day afternoon. + Cookstown 1.0.0.F. No. 162 a ee The officers eleoted for Cookstown Lodge TRINITY CHURCE 1.0.0.F. No. 162 were installed on Monday CH CH eveni in, 20, by D.D.G.M. Bro..Murphy Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. of Alliston and his installation team. Bro. Sunday, Feb. 2 4th Sunday after Epiphany a, H. G. Robertson of Barrie also paid the lodge a visit and gave a fine address on| §,30--Hol the Centennial Fund, which was much 9p: 11am, SE cae ee. Fly Commusion preciat y the large number present. The 1 officers installed are as follows:-- itt, Aetres Tose. sf: Gea J.P.G.--Bro, W. J. Broley. 3. p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. N.G--Bro. T. E Monkman. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon, "Sol- V. G. --Bro. Wm. Copeland, * diers of the Old Testament--"Deborah and R. 8.--Bro. A. H. Kidd. Barak." mon HINDS BROS' PURE FOOD. GROCERY This week we give you an exceptional opportunity to save money on the following lines:-- 10 Ibs. for Our famous Peerless Blend Tea, regular 65c a Ib. spec- ial, 1 Ib. for . ws 6 a ' 5 Ibs. for . Chase '& Sanborn's Coffee, reg. 50c lb. for ... .44e Ib. Fancy Sunkist Naval Oranges, reg. 65c doz. for.. 52e . Fancy Sunkist Naval Oranges, reg. 75c doz. for. .63¢ Fancy Sunkist Lemons, reg. 45c doz. for .. Fancy Sunkist Grapefruit, ....... .+-3 for 25¢ Choice Salmon, % Ib. tins, at ........ 2 for 25c E. W. S. Crabapple Jelly, reg. 40c glass for :.... 29¢ Mephisto Lobsters, reg. 35c tin Sardines, reg. 25c tin, ...... ata! ecenguereryre Jersey Farm Sausage, Fresh daily. Try them. Copeland's Flour always. in stock. We deliver promptly and guarantee every article sent out. Phone 145. HINDS BROS. 29c 15c¢ | | wood a Some C€ tm Tuesday cbes in Group on the Clapp Thistles were wood by the Rinks snd sec 'Stroud W. Latimer R. Webb O. R. Biack B. Webb, sk 1 Stroud W. L. Black B. Robertson A. W. Green T. Kissock sk Maj Barrie Thist A. T, Galt A. J. Sarjeant 'Dr, Simpson S. W, Moore s| Barrie Thist| G. E. Bruce W. Sarjeant D.R, Murchise W ALJ Bells Majority Barrie Thist =. W. Moore # Barrie Thist WA J. Bell Majority | Collingwood §. Russ R. 8. Folliot Cept. J.D. M W. J. Honeyfo Collingwood Capt. J. Foot Capt. A. Jords 2. Kenny Capt. L. MeInt By Ends Melntyre Moore Honeyford Bell Collingy Only three games for thi Saturday, Col one shot and majority of | Barrie H. Meredith AE. Stupletor S Meredith A.D. Simon s! Barrie J. G. Scott A. G. Habbick E Hook 'W. H. Kenned Stroud 'BR. A. Sutherls M. Robertson 1, Guest Wi, Patterson Stroud T. Foster F. W, Pescock D. W. Lennox 'B. Meredith Prentice Simon Fryer Kennedy Patterson Fryer Prentice 'Meredith CR The Sewing pn Tuesday ev Bram is expe Soak 1 of the hon prune. St ding suga one pack powder in ING wate first remo put in coc be served if desired. For Sat! on sale 2C Laren's 'be 12 for $1. Sweet, ges, Sunki sizes, mix Wi

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