Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1919, p. 7

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and Studio, 34-yrly N & Brown ; probate of tration, and 'ancer, ete Dunlop & --___. N 'ublic, Con- of interest, . F remises for- f. Toronto). 4 rt of Judi- taries, Con- the \ Jast week and brought tom Ty other words they gett redehed thee Qoal an the Conse. hans second prize in the Conse. {lation only toh Barrie. Ae dation which was a) fine ham for each membe Primary the Preston by 17 to 4, but were pul out by 6) of Toronta te Elizabeth ne 167. , London. c. St., Barrie, LL versity lizabeth and houta 9 to . Phone 105. >M. OLOGY r St., Barrie. RT ty, Toronto, \sgow. omach, Worsley Sta daily. ON ill be at OL aturday. od Throat 5 p.m. ood 3326. ) MPBELL nts St., Toronto ineer Department. N Appraiser ared to com . Satisfaction _ Photie 19h. iison's offies is Safe in | War-Savings Stamps Buy now for $4.00 Sell 1st day of 1924 for $5.00 Government Security Your W-! -S. can be registered to secure you against loss by theft, fire or otherwise. Thrift Stamps cost 25 cents each. Sixteen on a Thrift Card are exchangeable for one War-Savings Stamp. SOLD WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN Siipen's rink went after the | deh Porente ty to of the rink. tn [an heat Eliott at | Ke vedy anid: Siman. woof Guelph, fa tet Save by the W. § Keep Them Smiling Soldiers Home Coming Campaign The "Welcome " sign still hangs high on the doors of the Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! While our soldiers have need of the comforts--spiritual as well as bodily--DON'T shut the doors in the boys' faces--Keep them smiling! The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for the boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva- tion Army has made a general appeal for its work. We urge you now, for the sake of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor in the solution of Canada's Reconstruction problems, with the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally! Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year. While there is a company of Canadians in uniform over there or/over HERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie. The weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers that MUST be guarded against. A happy smile and a com- fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance.' Do not let the Hostels shut for lack of funds! The Salvation Army Million Dollar Fund January 19th to 25th "First to Serve--Last to Appeal" A WORD ABOUT THE HOSTELS!--Have you ever been inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton, or any others that he has stayed in over HERE, Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home cooking, the fried eggs, and hot coffee--and hot baths. If he knows you very well; he may give you a hint about the spiritual comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far from home and all it means!" SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLARQFUND COMMITTEE Headquarters:, Mail your subscription to Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: SIR ERNMUND WALKER Toronto, Ont. Treasurer New Brunswick: JAMES M. CHRISTIE Bank of Commerce, St. John, N.B. Treasurer Nova Scotia: ; ' DONALD MacGILLIVRAY. Bank of Commerce,, Halifax, N.S. or to COMMISSIONER RICHARDS, BC) 20 Albert St. Toronto SU st Sahay THE BARRIE EXAMINER W. PATTERSON nae te than, wneh ya only 29 racine WON PRIMARY | groin. The congregation han voted thet -- none of its members shall profit personally At Barrie Bonspiel, beating O. | by its food fortune, but that the entire in. 1 come levoted to the glory of G. Hart--Phil Love Took | Goi" 'one hundred thourend dollars ul- First in Consolation. ready has been distributed among Baptist : institutions in this Stat PRIMARY a Bare Thieteti® Round coud NOTICE TO CREDITORS atrig: Thusiles _ ,Btroud | in the Surrogate Court of the County of Dr. Simpson W. Latimer Simcoe Be ores +, B Webb | In the matter of the estate of Jobn R. H. Webb L. W. Guest r . : agree B. Webb, ax-ia [Baines late of the Township of Innisfil, in a , 4 ie County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. Alliston Barrie Thistles Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Houghton A. Walker | Trustee Act, Chapter 121, Sec. 56, Revised Haddell Alex. Galt | Statutes of' Ontario, 1914, and Amending | Wright A.J. Surjeunt | Acts, that all persons baving claims against W. F. Knight, sk-9 W. Sarjeant, sk-10| the estate of the said John Rainey, who is + |died on or about the third day of Feb- Btroed Barne "| rusry, 1909, are required to send by post | F. Peneock H. J. Twiss | prepaid or deliver to Alexander Cowan, B. Meredith A. Moffatt | Barrie, Solicitor for the Administratrix, A. W. Green J. F. Jackson | on or before the 8th day of February, 1919, | T. Kistock, 14 G. D. Hubbard, 4) their names and addresses, and a full etete- | Stroud Barrie | ment of particulars of their claims and the R.A. Sutberland W.P. Hess re of the security held by them, duly M. Robertson A "Marshall verified, and after the said date the Admin- |D. W. Lennox A. E. Stapleton | W. H. Patterson, sk-15 D, A, McNiven, 12! istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the suid deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having' regard only to the Bracebridge Barrie | claims of which she «hull then have had W. McCully J. G. Scott | notice Win. Hare AUG, Habbick Paved at Barrie this 18th day of Junuury, | G. W, Ecclestone H. Hook | 1919. Geo. Tenunt, se W, H. Kennedy, ske12 ALEXANDER COWAN, Biries Thistles Barne Solicitor for the Adiministratrix, WC. Walls = CoH. Beelby #8 Bare Outs JD. Milue W. Jobnson RF. Garrett S. Meredi:h R. W. Puyne, 1 P. Love, sk-9 Brucebridge Burnie Thistles G. Webb G HO. Thomas J. H. Neelunds R. A. Stephens After beating Ciniling of Toronte al the Gall benapel | ib te ak Phillips of Galt 12 to 8 ton gf Guelph 10 fo 9, they tu Lyon The Barrie elle were Seatt, Habbiek plan ©. Palmer, #k-13 3. W. Moore, sk-11 © G. Hart's rmk, ineluding A, V. Donald: son, D. R, Murchison and W. N. Duff, won by default from Geo, Robertson of Penetang | Second Round | Stroud Barrie Thistles T. Kissoek 10 W. Sarjeant...13 Burnie Thistles Stroud, | WA, J. Bell 9 W. Patterson. .10 | Burne Barrie Thistles, | W. H. Kennedy 14 O. G. Hart. 4.15 Brucebridge. Barrie Thietles C. Palmer 10 R. W. Payne....12 Semifinal | Stroud. Barrie. | W. Paverson 13 W. Sarjeant.....0 Burnie Thistle Brucebridge 0. G. Hart 19 Palnier Final | Stroud Barrie Thistles Patterson 1 Hart CONSOLATION i Barne. Alliston. G. Hubbard 3 WF. Knight. .22 Stroud Barrie, B. Webb 9 D. A, McNiven. .18 | Second Round Barrie Alliston, _ | D. A. MeNiven 9 WF. Knight...8 Bracebridge Barrie, | Geo. Tenant 3 PL Love. od Stroud Burrie Thistles T. Kissock 9 W, A.J. Bell,...0 Barre Barrie Thistles W. H. Kennedy....10 R. W. Payne...7 . Third Round. | Barrie. Burtie 1D, A, MeNiven 8 P. Love Stroud Barrie. | T. Kissock 1 W.H, Kennedy 7 | Barrie, Bracebridge. 'W. Sarjeant .......5 C. Palmer u Remi-Final i |P. Love ..8 T. Kiswock .....7 | Final | C. Palmer 18 P, Love ......413 | Irvin.S. Cobb on Salvation Army = | | From "The Saturday Evening Post" -- | | 1 have yet to meet any soldier, whether a brigadier or a private, who, if he spoke | at all of the Salvation Army,' did not. speak in terms of fervent gratitude for the aid |that the Salvation Army are rendering £0 | unostentatiously and yet so very effectively. Let '\ sizeable body of troops move from fone station to another and bard on its heels came a squed of men and women of the Salvation Army. An army truck may bring them, or it may be that they have a batter- ed jitney to move them and their scanty outfits, Usually they do not ask for help from anyone in reaching their destination. They find lodging in a wrecked shell of a house or in the corner of a barn. By main | force and awkwardness they eet up their| equipment, and very soon the word is spread among the troops that st such-and- such a place the Salvation Army is serving free hot drinks and free doughiuts snd f free pies. It specializes in doughnuts, the Salvation Army in the field does, the real, old-fashioned, home-made ones that taste of home to a home-sick soldier boy. I did not see this, but one of my as: sociates did. He saw it last winter in a dismal hole on the Toul sector. A file {of our troops were finishing long bike | througb rain and snow, over ronds knee- | | deep in half-thawed, icy slush, Cold and! | wet and miserable, they came tramping into | | 2 cheerless, half-empty town within cound | 'and range of the German guns. They fotind a reception committee awaiting them therein the petxon of two Salvation Army lasses and one Selvation Army Captain. The women had a fire going in the dilapi- dated oven of a vanished villoger's kitchen. One of them was'rolling oft the batter on 'a plank with an old wine bottle for a rolling pin. and using the top of a tin can to cut the dough into circular strips. 'The other woman was cooking the doughnuts, and as fast as they were cooked the man served them out, spitting hot, to hungry, wet boys, clamoring about the door, and nobody was asked to pay 8 cent. ' Church Becomes Wealthy Refuses to Sell Churchyard in Which Oil Well wax Discovered Fort Worth, Tex. Jan, 17--The Merri- man Baptist Church of Ranger, which al- ready has aequired an income of $200,000 a year through oil wells sunk in its church- yard, has refused one million dollars for the right to develop wells in the grave- yard, which adjoins the church, it became Known here to-day. ' 'The graveyard now is surrounded by oil wells, and numerous companies have OLE. \ ST Var oF tan Mixed Trio. LEY re SZ -- EZES 'is tette, CA Bonnie Doon." , Lay Oh OMS td -- << v= ELS = NEE 4 Coming Back to %7 the Songs of Our Youth Hes a song that we knew as a child carries us back for years, and for a few minutes we tingle with the sensation of being here and back there too. No songs like the old songs to set our heart-strings throbbing. You will say these old gems are more than ever beautifulin their inimitable Columbia settings. "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming," Columbia Male Quartette, and "In the Gloaming," Metropoli- "Ever of Thee I'm Fondly Dreaming," and "Long, Long Ago." Barbara Maurel, Mezzo Soprano. "Robin Adair," and "Just a Wearyin' for You." Colum- bia Stellar Quartette. "Kentucky Babe," and "Since You Went Away." Louis Graveure, Baritone, "Listen to the Mocking Bird," and "Old Folks at Home." Sybil Sanderson Fagan, Whistling. "Darling 'Nellie Gray," and "My Old Kentucky Home." Lucy Gates, Soprano, and Columbia Stellar Quar- i. "I Hear You Calling Me," and "Sleep and the R " \ Charles Harrison, Tenor. P 10" \ "Sweet Genevieve," and: "You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline." Male Voices, unaccompanied. A2691, 10", 90c. "Love's Old Sweet Song," and "Ye Banks and Braes o' t#! Corinne Rider-Kelsey. awai New Columbia Records out the 20th of the month. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., TORONTO Columbi 'Records -x CES of Oa SO IY CS ee IEE ESO ea Garrett's Music Store Farm Power Short Course Lecture and Demonstration Under the auspices of The Ontario Dept. of Agriculture Will be held at BARRIE, Library Building --ON-- JANUARY 27th and 28th 1919. Commences first day at 1.30 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME. 'NO CHARGE. A. HUTCHINSON, Agricultural Representative Ws ; Sh A iii il Hal me al Zid 3 A774, 10", 90c. ' He Plays Them Drop in at your deal- ers and renew the happy -days of other years by having him play these Records for you. He'll gladly do it, There are dozens of other old favorites he will tell you of that 'we cannot begin to list. A2608, 10", 8100 Ss Ly 63 Gps 1968, 10", 90c. CA, 6989, 12", $160 'A2556, 10", 90c. All the snappy new "'populars," the very Intest dance successes, bands, novelties, and the great epochal crea- tions in grand opera, vocal and instrumen- ic, you'll find g you in superb Columbia Records. 46059, 12", $1.50- "ay GE \ AL110, 10", 90c. GS Columbia Stellar Quartette, -- 45899, 12", $150 O GB "TY, Le ay Ss a P.0. Box 178 Phone 259

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