Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1919, p. 4

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Page Four INTERMEDIATES LOST FIRST GAME (Continued From Fage 1) out only to be grabbed by Meek- ing, awho secured. Soon Che Jnan with a shet from the left made the tally 9 lo 4. From that on the home team was much the Detter of the two and oily the kreat defence by Scott saved the game for Midland. Pugsley made it He 5 with a fine shot fallow- ing # full-length rush. Five mine utes later I ade a similar ron and 4) 'dat to Mewking who diel the needful. Seare 9 to 6. The pee Mngining minutes saw a sucees- sion of hot attacks by Barrie and several times were ft and slushy ice told against the bome team, limiting their speed and tiring them owing to their Jack of condition, 'T was an attendance of about 7 on. Accommodation at the rink 1s much improved this winter, ing rooms for the players rer and more convenient. utors also are better pro- for. On fhe east end a Jarge gallery of reserved seats is available" while on the west end lery has been set aside for the use of the Bare Athletic Club which is behind the hockey teams, 'There are sixty members in the Club The teams Barrie Goal, T. Villiers; de- fence. D. Pu -Tiny" centre, Wot Meeking xon and Dyiment; subs., ark and Welter Midldid Goal, ©. fenee, Wound P. Beatty; centre A. Semple: wings, €. German and W. Cheesinan: subs, AL MeGill and M. Sehelman Referve, Harvey Sproule, Toe ronto. TOWN WOOD SUPPLY The Town wood is naw coming im freely and orders will be de- livered on receipt of payment be- made to the Town Treasurer. © orders without delay as wood delivered direct from the cars will cost 50 cents per cord less than wood that has to be unloaded before delivery As wood is being handled at cost it is necessary that it he paid for before delivery. 3: A.W. SMITH, Treasurer WE WANT a Reliable Sales Agent for Barrie & surrounding district ciood weekly, free equip- ment and exclusive selling rights for allotted territory: Over 600 aeres of Nursery stock and the best assortment of fruit trees, flowering shrup-, nada. High da spl roses, ete, in ¢ priced fruit has ere did demand for our trees, our agencies are, therefore, valuable Write new for terms to Pelham Nursery Co, 'Toronto. BaracTeeiee MTL: rea i GEORGE M. COHAN ~ ax Hil-the-Trail Holliday' 'ASAIICDA hw OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday Jan. 24 and 25 GEO. M. COHAN --[N-- "HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY" His latest comedy success. Also another one of those famous ; BIG V COMEDIES entitled "Skids and Skalawags" First show 7.30 Prices--16c. and' 11c. COMING SOON "BETTER 'OLE" "BIRTH OF A-HATION" "{NTOLERANCE" Watch for dates. cost or future value. WE INVITE YOU. EVERY COAT IN THE STORE REDUCED We cannot quote the reduc- tion on each line as space will each. Seasonable Merchandise Sharply Reduced at Moore & Armstrong's To accomplish a fixed burpose is not always easy. We have a sale objective set for January. To reach it in the face of unseasonable weather price inducement must be offered. Thus many lines go out regardless of. present SAVE $10.00. ON ONE OF THESE PLUSH COATS Two lines of new and stylishly designed Black Silk Plush Coats (Salt's best qual- ity) trimmed with either American or Australian Opossum fur. Our special price was $65.00 and $68.00 each, but at present value should .be $70.00 and $75.00 To Clear at $50.00 and $58.00 TT, 2 Thursday, January '23, 1919. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS AT $1.00 EACH Price is no object to us on these Coats. They must go. not permit. You wilMbe satis- fied. Buy now. WATCH FOR OUR FEB'Y | W¢ek-- White Flannelette, 28 inches wide, this THIS WEEK .. 18¢ yd. finish and 60 House Dresses, made of good quality, medium dark Prints, and worth $2.00 Collars are small but they are good qualities and warm gar- ments. $1.00 each $1.59 each | WATCH FOR OUR: FEBRU- WHIT! White Flannelette, soft napps E SALE. heavy quality, 29 inches wide... . 24e Warm and Serviceable Delaine and Flan- ARY WHITE SALE Pre-War prices. $7.50 for $4.98. which re suitable for ordinary $4.98 going out this week at #.,..$6.98 ENTERTAINED BY MAYOR SPROTT (Continued trom page 1) Bradford st per square yard paratory work would ber on the front street, . sent costs are higher it might be fair ta estimate the latter pave ment at which would figure out at abous shave things too closely, He to sel aside a mill annually te ie used for the purpose of seer industries whieh sould ane {he population and benefit the whole town. Deputy-Reeve Lowe said be had ase | Nid. Tyrer questioned -- the feasibilily of putting conerete on the business streets with such Juetwork of pipes and) conduits beneath them. When the mae- alin was pul dewn it) should have been bound with tarvia but [holes with crushed jtarvia and then over surface of the Jeoating of tarvia which would give a durable road. In the past | the tronble has been that water {was put on the macadam and |washed off the surface so that il svon wore ints hules When he came to Allandale 65 years ago, said Ald.Clark, and sat on the bank looking across al the village on the other side of the hav he had litle idea that such a fine town should grow from it or that he should ever sit as one vi its aldermen. He enjoyed the work in council and thought each member tried to do his best for the town. Deputy Rusk.» who had not fully recovered from his sickness, asked to be exeused from making any remarks. ' A few matters in connection with the Fire & Police Dept. were touched upon by Ald. Payne. He thought that the best keeping the fire alarm shape is to place it ugger con- tract with the Bell TeleBone Co to .maintain it. Some efforf should be made to secure relief from the excessive fire insurance: rates, that are not at all justified by conditions. The co-operation of other municipalities should be sought in petitioning the Govern- ment. for. legislation that would break the combine. Ald. Grafton, who is in the in- surance business, did not agree with Ald. Payne's criticism of the C.P.U. He said that the in- crease was general over the pro- vince and was justified by the firg{dosses which are heavier in Caifada than in almost any other country. The stock companies You will get Cottons at almost | Separate Skirts Worth up to These are all good qualities of Serge and represent w big variety of Styles, any of 30 Skirts, regular $7.50 to $10.50, all mills he thought it a mistake to} ~) question be lieved if would be good business! well worth 30c. wear. each, each, panies had gone out of business? Speaking of the condition of the Hon could be pat on with ne more is con e. Turning to the wood il the Town bought the wood as safeguard against | fuel shortage and it had served ve proteet the tawnspeeple trom be ing helt up for high prices iy those bringing wood inte town, In other tans net baving bis pri tection peaple ave paying several not had time to think out the dollars per ecard mare for their yoar's work yet, One thing, bow-lwood, He haped the 1919 coun. ever, which he hoped to see uns jet would see that.a supply is derlaken is the improvement ollahwavs on hand so that the iti- the front street. even if it istzens may he protected in ease of Hessille to do only a block Paehlan embargo. As to the assess! lye Present conditions are alment he said that even if-twol disgrace to the town, men were engaged there would | still be the opinion of only Man on each piece of proy n assessment. bi would preferable but he recognized the diticully of getting men to act fin this capacity, I is exceedingly ldiMieult to get at actual value }the money did not seem to bel and no matter how efrefully the available The present read) assessing is done there will still Jeould easily be fixed up. Fill the {be inequalities. stone and) ey ata. ke brie '| Ale spoke briefly on the whole} question of roads and ene street place a! dorsed the policy of permanent | jroads as cheaper in' the end J. A. MacLaren, for a few min- ules, dealt with insurance rates, permanent roadways and the se- curing of industries. Town Clerk Smith, who is alse Fuel Comm oner, devoted mos! of his remarks to this "burning question" of wood supply. After describing the conditions at the time when it was decided to se- eure the Town wood he showed how conditions had changed ow- ing to the exceptionally mild winter and also to the glose of the war setting free much labor that had been employed in war industries, Last year the Town paid as high 5 per cord ata time when it did not cost as much to produce as it does now when people can buy it for less than $12. Some who have not been able to see far enough grumble at the price because they can perhaps buy it on the market for a shade less, "You ha the Town to thank for tha! said Mr. Smith, adding that the Coun- cil had nothing to fear from such criticism for it had done the wise thing to protect the interests of the citizens. Some think that criticism consists of fault find- ing. That is a kind of criticism, but none should criticise for the sake of finding fault. True criticism is pointing out a fault and at the same time suggesting a better way. Criticism in this spirit will be productive of much good. ie Ald. Poucher, Ald. Gray and J, B. Bryant spoke briefly, thanking try to help the public by show- the Mayor for his hospitality. ing. how the ftisks may be im- Discussing the work of his proved and the rate lowered, 'I{}/committee, Ald. Pearce said he the rates were excessive why was}had been criticised for not sup- 'Stripe Flannelette, 34 inches wide and This Week 24c yd. Prints in Big Variety, including the dark navy, 36 in. wide, could not be bought to sell under 38 or 40c. at present. This Week 25c our price. MOORE & ARMSTRONG it that so many non-tariff com-| porting all lights petitioned for, but he considered it his duty to deal with these applications' im- front streets, Ald. Grafton said/ partially, in the interests of the that they certainly should has: | whole town, a permanent pavement Some wer f hearty appre read had cost $1 Last year, said ex-Reeve Me. | ciation of the Clerk were voiced Much less p Lean, a good deal of first-class iby Reeve Craig and Mr. Lennox, requi road had heen constructed, beg Who referred to his painstaking but as pre-lit would soon be destroyed ai) thorougtne his readiness to some tar preparation is nut nat! assist the eouneil in every way in r onait te bind the surfuee and | the promotion of the Town's im. 1.50 per square yard,| set the wat Such a prepara. terests and to his wide municipal experienee which is so valuable SC) A MacLaren voiced appreciation anything important occurs before Sst per block, This might bsPoquipment Uiat a watering ean tu the Council Fae ee eile ne etetemt a, | and a simple heating pot. AUT ty musing a vole of thanks to thouzh it would be preferable to] would mean not only better reals |yfuyor Sprett we te iii nie du ihe pbuie vb oat ence aed) put the saving of thousands ra a, 7 ap the $12,000 over 15 years! dollars in road construction, But j ata annual cost of about hall after all, these reads are. not |e the hoepttality extended and . ) . z =e Ispoke oo ew able recere vt ail, While it might be poss) permanent, the only road te Tay I Sprott h i niade ge : seratilling sible to reduce the vate by five there that will stand the tealte |) i aed WFesh aticer by form courtesy and consideration shown net only te the members Of Council but to the eitizens 4 well nel Waists, made in tailored styles, travel- ler's sample lot, and well worth double 30 Misses' and Ladies' Velvet and Felt Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Some were priced up to $5.00 his assidnity, his uni-| Bargains as usual. Wait for it. To Clear 98c each | Pre-War Value in Underskirts At $1.98 It pays to buy old lines sometimes-- Four years ago we imported from England 8 great quantity of Staple Merchandise 'These Underskirts came at that time. They are a heavy quality Black Sateen and up Well worth at pre- This woek....$1.98 98c each to date in every way, sent time $3.00 each, In reply, His Worship said he was already amply repaid. He felt that good would result from the easy and free discussion of Town affairs, It was a pleasure Vital Statistios for 1918 The vital statisties for 1918, in the Town Clerk's office, show the fullowing fikures;-- Births Marriages Deaths lo ineet his colleagues in thir |). in , ee social way, He believed it would | §8t quarter-- 38 7 3 help them to understand each ; other's viewpoint better and so. ae nto work more advan. gether for the good nin Canada enable th lagevusly of the best TO CORRESPONDENTS | Our correspondents are re- quested to send in correspon. dence on 'Tuesday, if possible; if Thursday, a second letter m he sent. We try to find a ple for all correspondence -- that reaches us before going to press. 'but frequently it is diffieult, to handle correspondence arriving , Wednesday night or Thursday morning. MAKE THE HOME MORE COSY >y adding this beautiful Chesterfield and these two comfortable Chairs. They will last a lifetime. shall loose cushions and pi advanced. You make no mistake on this class of Furniture. They are fitted with Mar- You add distinction to the home, and as a special inducement for the next ten days'our price on this set will be $195.00, regular $235. First come, first served. We also have another compléte set with a higher back . Regular $210.00 for $175.00. Your chance is NOW. Better phone 82 and hold same as price has QUALITY FURNITURE HOUSE . G. Smith & Co. low arms, covered in the best of imported Tapestry. EstablisKed 1869 C. M. G. Smith, Manager. 2 Collier St., Barrie.

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