ns to Herald PAIRED \N one 323 as : Thursday, Januaty 23, 1919, : ' me? - 'THE BARRIE EXAMINER (Incorporated 1855) i THE. : BANK or TORONTO | Assets $100,207,000. Deposits $79,039,274 . SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED . 2 We do banking by mail with customers' at a dis- tance, who find it.a great convenience. Our large resources ensure the safety of all money on Deposit. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES. H. A. SIMS, Manager LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS | 'The following are copies of letters received | qualify for » commission when the armis- | from W. A. Fletcher and Tom Fletcher by | tice was signed. Tom went overseas as a «beir fatber and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. | Signaller, and at the time he writes was W Fletcher of Toronto street, Barrie, which | wireless telegrapher with the Canadians. give somé idea of the experiences and the From T. A. Fletcher fo -- the Canadians have been passing) 1 hadgs letter from you last night of n Nov. 15 ts regard to that money I sm W. A, Fletcher went overseas with the| glad you cabled it, us 1 may get leave some Artillery, but bad returned to England to| time this year, but may not. I get leave through the Corps, Sig.i Coy. and if one is not right there to look after it, he is out, of luck. T have had couple of letters from Bill vince he left France. The mail service just Rheumatism Entirely Gone| 208 e7-200 225 blaming me for not writing the advance was on it was impossible to write as we were going forward every day After Twenty-seven Years of | und working most of the night. There wr. Suffering--Swelling and Puffi- [not so much shelling, however, during the lust month, but miostly machine gun ness Has Disappeared -- Not | fire which does not put the wind up s a Pain or ag Ache Left. fellow like shells, One just bears a-"'zipp" j nnd he knows that one has gone past | him, We certainly had some exciting times 'A most astonishing cure of rhous | thi« last summer, and saw w little warfare matism and eczema has been report- | too, Now that it is over, 1 am glad 1 did Ti here, and Mrs, Ray is enthusiastic | not miss it, but there were a good many fn telling her many friends how cure | times I envied the boys at Headquarters. wus effected . T was on 8 forward station right from the | Rheumatism and eczema frequently | time we started at AmiBns until hostilities xo together, and in this, case caused | sonned, when we were just on the out the most keen distress imaginable. | (oN: My 'rhe Amiens: push "wae All the swelling and puffine: spans aeons sith Mo iy asd Cait] ing from mapy years of walk-over compared with Monchy and Cam. | see disappeared. and there ia not a | brai too, as it was such # surprise. The on- | pain or an ache left. ly kit T carried down there was a water) Mr. G. H. No. 1, Kincar- | bottle, (and of course the instruments) dine, Ont., "Mrs. 'Ray has | When night came on we just flopped down | pee Ue Aenean Fe for three or four hours and slept until the | © was very bad with rheumatism i ene corema, and had had that fearful | De*t none Nebedy Bed a cones bal itch for twenty-seven yeara. It was; Set back to have a bath of Clsage oy ditply terrible what ene suffered, clothes, vo you may have some idee. o wireiaded her to try $1.00 worth of | the condition we were in. It was comical | Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills She ls |to see the hoys sitting wround eating now on the last box, and let me tell | sumptuous dinner (bully and hardtack) and you she scarcely knows herself, she 18 | every fellow would have s hand inside | #0 free from both these diseases. All ' hig shirt, We came out of the line here the swelling and-puffiness caused bY | and the next morning at four s.m. caught' the rheumatism has gone away, and if ff 7 1 until we got! she hae gone down in welght 18% | lorries, and never stopped s' founds, She never has an ache nor |' Duisans, a little village near Arvo, had | ron hilousness nor sick headache all our supper and went right into the line | These months, She often says herself |'sgain at Monchy, without » hath or change 'How glad Tam that T know what to/|or anything ele. You ought to have heard da Instead of paying doctoraso much | the language there--! We set up between io make me worse." | " Tt was pitch There, fa" orig one way that the Wey ant the fain pouring down and | poisons in the blood can be cleaned | Gers En UU un ith mochine jaina 'polsone in the blood cat Beine and | wat snraying the place with machine jin ae ee its, and" that Ie by the [0 you Know just what an amigble mood | healthful action of the Kidneys, liver |we were in, Every step we would either ind. bowels. Because Dr, Chase's fall into s shell hole or else get tangled | Kidney-Liver Pills act directly and in barb-wire. The next day we moved specifically on these organs and in-| into Monchy and on the way stonped in | wure their activity they remove the| trench to cook our tea; everything was Pad NT tra Hy gl 4 dread: | git ready when Heinie put a counle of 'ally painful and fatal diseases. y Fi 7n Mone BS cente shox. all denlera | Whiss-bangy on the edge of the trench and Pn atone. oe Etter & Co, Limited, | buried the supper, and nearly knocked Toronto. the head off the cook, so fhere was no sup 'Look for the portrait and signature | per that night, and as breakfast' war at | of AW. Chase. MD., tho. famous |two-thirty that morning and no dinner. we Receipt Book author, on the box you j were ready for breakfast when the ration buy. party brought up next day's rations. We AN . cabinets is re- marked by everyone who secs them. The mahogany 'and finish are a credit to the cabinet-maker's art. 'The "Phonola" motors are smooth-running and quiet-winding. 'The turn-table is carefully made so that it is absolutely level. '"The.Goose Neck Tone Arm is seamless and taj .and, with our "Phonola" sound box, gives a true, clear, Tull-toned reproduction of the human voice, the violin, the band and all kinds of records, Making the "Phonola" in Canada, we. save you duty and other nina and make it possible for you to get a 'Phonofa'"'for less money--$10 to $25 less than other high-grade phonographs. i "Phonola" models from $25 to $310. 'All makes of disc records can be played. : If your dealer cannét show you the "Phonola" line, write us. DEALERS.--There are some localities in Canada where we | don't know how I am going to get them 'me in just ax good shape ax when you pack- und as the whole world knows, the new: | worrying over his friends after he gets first British soldiers geen in four years, the Than 11 Years The '"Phonola" is far beyond the experi- mental stage. * It has been on the Canadian market for more than eleven years--each year rowing more popular. In fact, this company ig the pioneer in the cabinet phonograph in- dustry in Canada. Two completely equipped factories are now required to make enough "Phonolas" to supply the insistent demand. You'll Like the "Phonola" Discs and oak is of the finest quality and the workmanship 'They ure played with the sapphire point, with which the "Phonola" is always equipped. No' needles to Leading <r 5 went from there fo Cambrai, and never|ete.; also a supper--both meals free. I,| Were out of the lime until things finished. | thought it rather fine of them. I believe) At Cambrai there were four of our boys | our Maple Leaf Clubs did likewise. ° knocked out, and why I wasn't among|* O2 Boxing Day, Dec. 26, the big event them I don't know. We were all standing | was the arrival of President Wilson and wife in a little group waiting until he stopped | from France. Doubtless you read all about shelling the track about 100 yards abead, | it, "how the King and Queen and others when he put one just about on top of us.|of the Royal family met them and they I was standing between it and the boys | made » drive through the streets to Buck: | who got hit, so you see there are some|ingham Palace. I didn't see the show us mighty strange things happen. Little | I wanted to go somewhere else in that af- things like that get a fellow's wind up, be-|ternoon, but I did see the elaborate dec- lieve me. It sure makes you wish you were | orations erected in und about Charing somewhere else at the time. Cross station, ax T passed through to my | T hope you will not show this letter to | train. anyone outside the family or they will| I am going'to try and get my fourteen think perhaps that I am trying to leave | days' leave as soon as possible. I do not the impression that I was the oply soldier | feel that' this six days I've had' is all | in France. that is coming to me by any means, and 'This burg is about twenty miles from | whether I get it or no, I mean to bother | Cologne, where we spent five days, It is| the authorities all I can about it anyway. certainly a nice city, The cathedral there | Well, must close for this time Am feel fs built «ince 1340---t0 you see it is not ing fine and fit. Think T am getting fut & new building by any means. However, | over here--nat much of anything to do 1 don't think it is as nice inside ax St. and lots to eat. Hope you folks are all fine Paul's in London. Just now we are about | and dandy. ten miles from the great University town of Bonn, and right on the banks of the Rhine, I have two Heinie helmets, but I) The First Man in Mons im London Punch of December 26 stated that 4 Canadian corporal was the first to - will try and get th beri Howevgy 1 il tn OK nm reenter Mons, Tt seems reasonable to sup- SI nT are owing the magni. PO# that the writer of the following letter iieent" churches 'and -publle. Duibiings of 22, Pe SoMiee in uneton,, Hie' ease. Germany--still beautiful--while those of TW EO ih tha ome, Toronto, | Fe einen tare in rote _went over with the Mechanical' Transport and to France with the Princess Pats and is ------ 8 nephew of Byron Hill of Allandale. The acy, ED en A atch hed following portions of his letter dated Nov- | Nb Your os. ---- pereet y= Meats srubet ay '18, will be of interest t6 read- about ree days ago. me SR a = ern of e Examiner :-- oakes, etiooolates and ag and ees rep) It ix now orer is week since I have | ries, Indeed and it wax a tasty and written you and I know you will be very | dainty Xmas box, and everything reached gnxious to hear from me but all is 'well td it up. We haven't eaten the berries yet. iy wonderful. We can hardly realize that Am suving them for a special treat some ef an urmisticé is in force or the meaning | these evenings. Thank you very much for of the silent guns, but we have not yet | your kindness and all the pains and trouble based a "too sure hope" on the conclusion | you must have taken with it of the war, here's hoping, however | Just had a letter from Tom yesterday I should really have headed this letter written from near Bonn, He has visited Belgium, as that ix where we are and I will that town, also Cologne. Am very sorry also go farther and say that at this time T haven't had the chance to see those of writing I am in u pluce whose name wus | laces, and also the Rhine. He speaks of made famous by » grewt retrest, and still the fine cothedrals there. I have read further that my platoon was the first to and heard many times of their beauty. enter this famous city. I would not have | However, I suppose one cannot strike all' missed the events of the past week for a the goo things. One of my old friends fortune. For us, though we still. find nd- | of the 18th Battery, who came over from venture, we can safely say that the hard our 67th U. of T. Battery in Toronto, was ships of war are over ay we are among a | killed instantly only two or three weeks bé- grateful, civil population, and are receiving | fore Nov. 11. He wars graduute in Atte. the best of treatment, no matter where we Tt was tough to get it right at the finish go, During the last few days, and os an | after coming through all right for «o long. | advance patrol we have passed through 'Am mighty glad that Tom and Orla are many towns, last of which was the famgus all right, A fellow does a whole lot of city, As we came through these towns, the from it himself. It doesn't seem to reception accorded ux cannot be deseribed. | bother one half xo much when he ix 1 wonder if you think 1 am exaggerating | into it himself ax well. We three have when I say that 1 must have received a been mighty lucky, I can tell you. I realize thousand kisses during the advance. There that when I think of a good many other was one main street where I had to wend | families of boys that T know of, 'my way up alone in order to establish a | 'They gave us six days' Xmas teave from post for my, section -of riflemen, but when here, Dec. 20 to 26, I spent mine in Lon- t-had reached a half-way point it was im- don----the first two days in getting my uni- possible for me to budge. Hundreds of form and « few other things. The cadet people thronged ubout me, heaping bouquets uniform ic the wame ax that of an officer. of flowers, and all kinds of estables upon terday. To-day the Major informed us Ty wax an event I shall never forget ss) we cun now feel sure that we will soon iq do here, xo naturally the civilians made | we cen Mem announcing that we have heen thenielves seurce. But on the next day, | gexetied after wt had driven Fritz from the city, | London wax rather quiet on Xmat day. there wax nurely a mighty spectacle. We | Every place of umurement was closed. und yarched with bunds und unfurled colours, Fil the people weemied to he in their homes. into. the great public place, wich was Anyway there weren't many on the atreet~ jined with tall buildings, all of them just Tetayed at the Grafton Hotel on Tottenham teeqning with-peopfe, and draped with flags. | Court Re, This pluce had been taken over Jt wax just at the hour when the armistice by the American YM.CA. to provide ee eyme into foree and ufter the ceremony cJmmodation for troops on leave, and aav- Wwe gave three hearty cheers for King | coe not an officer was welcome, ACCOMMO- Alber. and went shout our work. Gation in London has been very difficult The' hospitality we are receiving i# wo to get for over two months past. The YM. erful. Tam at present billeted in w fine | CA and Maple Leaf Clubs are doing fine Jeqq, with a good bed and am at last ci in making room for the leave man. [ocling what a good war it ix, I cannot, The rates where I stayed were very reason however, reulise the great turn events have | able, und the accommodation good. On gsken, but Iam sure that when that. great Xmas day they gave a dandy dinner--tur- day comes when T shall once again see key, plum pudding, nuta, oranges, amokrs. Canada's shores looming up on the hori- Jaon---und it ix not very far--T shall 'then | really understand what it all means, T can indeed be very thankful for my good for- |tune, and good health. From Pte. Lorne Campbell Writing from Cologne on Dec. 17, to a friend in Barrie, Pte. Lorne Campbell said: We have been getting our back mail these days. We were over a week without any, 'as we were moving all the time, Sure bnd some hike, eight days without a stop. Some trip and no mistake, but i is over now and everyone is starting to feel fine again now, but there were some sore feet in the bunch, as the roads sure ore hard, on them. We were used fine after crossing the line, nearly always a lunch as soon as we got in the house. In one place we had tea in china cups out of a brass teapot. It sure did seem like home all right. We are now in a fine place and am hoping for an | pff-day this afternoon, so will be able to gef out. There are street cars here, and the best of it is our uniform is our ticket. We | just hop on and go as far as we like. Was | off this morning but had to go to the Paymaster, as we were on guard on pay day. Got paid in marks this time. Then we went down to the Y.M.C.A. to get some eats, and got nearly mobbed with girls and women to get them chocolate. They would follow a bar of chocolate about ten blocks, but we managed to get through OK. 'Am going out again to see some of the burg for a while. Near Waterloo. . Following are portions of letters written instru- to his sister, Miss Mary Campbell Belgium, Nov. 26.--We have had two good days" marches, 60 are having a rest to- day. Passed through a very pretty country yesterday. Passed an old ruin; some big place too, but nearly all down, just parts 'of the walls left standing. We were fairly close to Waterloo yesterday and expect to be on the way sgain tomorrow, and sure will not be sorry when our hike will be 'over, as it sure -is no cinch in, any' way. But if we have to make it, the only way is to get it over. . Into Germany, Germany, Dec, 8.--Well, you see we have finished our Belgian ,tour. Crossed about | 9.30 this morning, and I am not sorry as ELECTRIC THIS IS THE SAFE WAY TO DO YOUR WASHING Many housewives prefer to keep the washing in the home, This is the sale and sanitary way. Clothes sent out to be washed are muxed with everybody's, and come in contact with con- taminated linen. Also by keeping the washing in the home you can supervise it closely and often prevent the ruin of some delicate garment. Clothes 3 Inst much longer when washed in the home. TREE Made In Canade Page Three c sealed package | with WRIGLEY'S upon it is a suar- 'antee of quality. The largest chewing- gum factories in the world --the largest selling gum world: SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT! The Flavour Lasts! exce;st phat cadets don't wear stare on me, while others carried bottles of cham- | the scenery from s box car any old time. the 'shotilder straps or the Sum Brown pagne, ale and cognac. I was kissed on| We sure passed through some pretty places belt, and they wear a white bead on the both 'cheeks by fair mademoiselles, and | just the same and it would be very pretty cap. Our getting commissions hax been a others not xo fair, old women, old men with | in the summer when the leaves would be out. very uncertain question right up to Yee greasy whiskers and scores of children, | We have been having fine weather so far, only rained one day on our trip ahd now that the Colonel saw them actually signed Jong gx I live. Then came the entry into | there is not even frost at nights, although yesterday in London at Heudquarters, * the city, There was a lot of atreet fighting | we had some a while ago, enough to make a little ice on the water. Pte, Campbell 'also sent postcargs showing views of Cologne and the Rhine. In the that is what WRIGLEY'S means. a7 INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH OR MONEY REFUNDED: ASICANY ORUGGIST Price Be, With a Time Saver Electric Washer you can easily get all the washing done in your own home. It saves three whole hours on wash y and makes the day an easy one. Both washer and wringer are driven'by electric power and run for 2c. an hour. It is moderate in pnce. pays back its cost in a year.in the saving of laundry bills or washer woman's wages. We have a machine in the store for you, Let us demonstrate itm your | home. Phone or call 'H. M. STEWART Dunlop St. Implement Shop require god, live representation. The "Phonola"" agency is getting more valuable every day. Write for, our proposition. Kitchener, Canada The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited a the lyst part was nearly all hills, either up 'or down, and the roads in some places 'were none too good. Lots of mud on nearly sll, 'and on the return they can put me in any- thing to get back in es long as it is not walking. I am sure T do not want any more walking tours, as I would sooner see N.B--These machines can he used with Gasoline power on the farm where 'electricity is 'not available.