Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1919, p. 8

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"Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, January 23, 1919. PERSONAL MENTION. | -_ _ THE ADLET COLUMN|Tocai News | "= nn ---- 4 ------S---------- iss- Jean Wismer is -visitin . < The cost of advertising in this column 'is Miss- Jean: 3 @ ' 4 a ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- friends da indior, fi : iD 9 rk } ( ; Per ses Term cute Si indrton wit, AbURGAHL catches of erring ogive ati yemPsOR will NOL re; LSili b ihe be given for the price of four. Where re- arid to reduce the bigh|" Mre. N. Cotter visited har 3 mee * piles aro directed to this Office an adgi-) COS! of living these days. brother, John Reardon of Orillia anal charge of 10c. will be made, The} There are now thirty patients] last week, J : ferogoing rates are for CASH. When not/in the Hospital, the smallest! Miss Foster of Gal 4 P ' Bald for betore the paper is wtued, an a¢-| umber in many 'weeks. Siest of Mra, Wo Thenoane ON FRIDAY D S. RDAY itional charge of 10c. will be made on J. W. Ness is now secretary |during the veek. . . LW. Past week. . i, ediets less than one dollar. of Uhe Barrie Cemetery Board,| Miss E. M. Frame of Meaford Remnants from all departments wil\be gathered together, convenient: FOR SALE--Cow, due this month. Geo.)\. F. A. Malcumson having re-|is the new manager for the Bar- ly placed on our centre tables, and\marked to be sold at exactly | Brown, 3 ring 41. 4.50 ate ik i ie oleae of the G.N.W. 1 n giving the officers of Barrie] Mrs. Martin Burton has left for e | ee ee Te POR SALE | Lodge, 1.0.0.F., the name of|St. Petersburg. Florida, accone 0 VALUE = | Apply to R. E. Coulter, Thornton, 4-6p | 4}, Bryson, Vice Grand, was|panying Dr. and Mrs. S. ) - Wells NE HALF REGULAR i ARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--On easy |itted. B. F. Caldwell of Weston Just think what a saving this means to you! One Dollar's Bo. cian #$0|_Uounty Council meets next|yisited his father in town's saving ¥' : : county Xtl visited his er : . - ile. is i | Sie Mee i Se ay ae Tuesday. Reports seem to in-|few days during the Gaur oat worth of goods for fifty cents! A saving worth while, is it not? WANTED A good gil, apply 29 William |dicate thal Eben Todd will be the] wigs Hesson ot Stratford h 4 i my wari by as 't from in- Street, Allandale : 2-4e oo hevting of the been spending a re says with sli eect number of remnants to selec | JUNK of ll kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay: Wand 1. Commission last. Eric athena Mu or Bienen & a | eld S Bot day, J. H. Bennett « 'alate Mr. Mrs. E. Chapman o a | a new ae ene oH 'en rae Was (e1RCLOU a ravale were the gacsis of Mrs: Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Wash Dress Goods, Cottons, M. Roenfeld, 33 Collier St, Barrie. Lop) - We have eax Huyers fur a/Thos. Wallwin during the past Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Curtain Materials, Table Oilcloths and number of good farms. Call on oe . ; FARM FOR SALE--Penetang Road, lot 17, W.C. Thompson & Son., office we Ww mi. Agnes ana her two many other lines of goods. { T Oro, Write M. E, Parkhouse, Barrie3-5¢ 15 (wen St, Barrie 440 | iuiling the foriiees Sine Mee Also Odds and Ends and broken lots of many other lines will } " FURS REMODELLED snd Repaired. Miss Tl is said that Judge Gunn Of] SM gua, _--" be marked at specially attractive prices to clear them out before : M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37ite [Mare soe of ie lake Alan] Vin and) Mrs Waller Prare k-taki i B Gunn o arrie, is ty be pro, ene eas k : stock-taking. WANTED --Good Git Ga soit in penesal moted to the senior judgeship of hake ne Sake se et att r . * une wi . %. field. | artcton C St. las ar a . . . pomaprrorks (Mi Meliss aire ren oe will be held in Geo, [A" eXtended stay in' England __ Come in early Friday or Saturday and take advantage of these 7 Shortreed's fall, Hillsdale, 'Tues, | Miss, Gertrude Geve came up savings. r3 MAID WANTED AT ONCE--Good wages. * ey sth oT Ou ata q] ftom Toronto on Tuesday and is ® Apply to Mr. Albert Bryson, <0 Bradford as. Jan. Dr lidien telvee nati: [spending a few dave alte home ' street He lea provided. "Ladies bring enkes, [spending a few day | These specials for this Friday and Saturday only. by Gentlemen, 50¢ Mise Monti. wiiy has ; y 1 FOR SALE--Second-hand cutting box, 2-, owas bad enough for the , Peles POL, Who has been Gi, " ,, gmk: AF Motstons, "Napier St. | Weatherman. te send a_big tan. [NW agent bei i the Tat tse TOILET PAPER SUTCLIFFE'S Taylor's Bath Tablet _ c Pina ; my tite ears, left. yesterday for Nova . __Phone 765. Ponary thaw. But when he adds es tine ans Nuva Mammoth Rolls SPECIAL No better Toilet Soap | at LOST--Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, 0 {Uys April were, 1s tow [Se Ha i ' ; A postion in a I F LAUNDRY SOAP " 3 3 " 2 'ap iH vireless static ] so bunch of 'keys, small wrench on ring, NICH Of @ good thing Pls. Hotate tnibeailh, firme 0 spite of recent to be had at double e G. B. McLean 4-4e , T bie nigritl Show and Leather | yoo . ahaha eac advances in price None better. the price. . eurnal contains some very ine |e" of f a : . . i WANTED~ Young girl for afternoons 10 jy-ymcting rerinicrenen, by wk ently. relurned tem verses 3 Rolls for 25¢ 5 large Bars 25¢ 2 large Round Bars 25¢ i 'a , ce 60 Hay ste & Amy Geutith, of a shoe traveiter's at the ome afta ticle aCe kas at ee Bay, Sree. perienees on the road forty vears Hs unelens . = TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED for it? : ton isin Toronto this 1 se Light Housekeeping, in Allandale. Apply The Fire Marshall's report Mr week attending a reunion of the | to A Sharpe, 189 Bradford street. 44p NeWeniber shows that there wer Jpworth League Stummer Sehool Bes = 17 fires in Simese County that | EP Clan, aaaehnes M PROF. D br WEIR Teacher of Puno ivanti, causing a loss of 819.061, ele eae ann savant Bid Yio xno Tuner. 6 Owen meet shien Iheve was $1 ins | Ma Ase a the ¢ity on PES Mr. and Mrs. John Bertram, | Ar LADIES' TAILORING und Dressmaking Men---itvest veur money shanty Bay annonner thee . KE, Gosney, Adelaide Street, here ut will bran the bie at hae Aen uf their slaughter, Olive Hl S1-1e Liv idenads "Miekers' January | Leo Mie ct +L. Walking. ret WATER METERS REPAIRED --We carry Sale stiws how -- Wwhurst, The marriage to! : < B OSHS Overceuts and Underwear hs ¥ 7 r ' in stock a full line of meters and repairs | the lines That, heer {lake Blace quietly at their home Moffatt & Parr. Ste ea prdtintiens wee That bear an Fehruary. t POO RAGE ath Jo Rev Wood. Stewart, MA of HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Muleaster Street Te the weather purns cold there] ay, Ina, Sask. surprised his sis= | y Lamertate poasenton Ren $800 ap r Le tn hy Rev inate on Mrs. cl. A Mathis nar Sic (| 4 | Seton inal anaes cnet nae aati viel [a W. Brown, by a call on Eriday | NEE " Seu i onday ' ' < pat . RAW FOGS Uighest Cash price pad ter! yy Pea eee last Mr. Stewart is General | all kines nf raw mone & Co, [he 4 Hie at (ietnnel ve Secretary af (he Serial Service | PE | be Furriers, Punky 8 7 we cred SP Clana of Saskitehewan and ---- - Fre TO LET--Arlington Hotel. 'ow rent, suit Hee wslins hesttiates---dent wait | enresented ane 7 ae ie'® Hae a We able for a Eta oarting house. Ten tt BAL ven hear sour neighber bey (en ie Tapiite. ov dan ial as ani roti 0. TDactip Hat the extra good valies and) Snel Sette 5 y splondie f ; - tnd 16. He with also attend the sent my resignation in to the BORN BULL FOR SALE Resistered (PIM buving chine Tuternational Religie Estueation FINAL MEETING OF County 1 am very sorry CHAPFEL--On Jan. 15, 1919, to Mr. and Vickers) Sal Visi the Unotieed a great deal of personal feeling! ton Conference in Torane fo say that the past tune 22 amd 23 of this year Shorthorn Bull, 3. yeura ' uld, Apply to W. J. Davidson, RR. No. ts heheving -- be 1, Cookstown. 460 =Pel and you'll profit me EDUCATION BOARD ------ Owing te sett weather the 2 ------------ | FOR SALE Registered Tamworth Boar, |; j;{5 scheduled «| Madar W. FD, Reed-Lewis, whe tcanyntrt {ram Page 5.) Bay. 0b from prize-winning stock, prices reas : : My returned fre ance, iting sgneultural building, $170; total, EVER. Be a Re Conetale ae Re htt Ww postpaid, A. Ka] fern ly oeinen | eu funn 1) $8943. Accounts amounting to $636.41 existed and il appears to me that MCKEEVER--On Thursday, Jan, 23, 1919, ac "lapletan. umpir the zreup TNE cece (he stroel with rere orrlered to be paid. * {his feeling has been chronic, {| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKeever, Maple sat which plays in Bartie notified | flags and streamers flying, the # | Sut! Ave», & daughter, - 1 pli V Bareie, Ispaniit ami ree, Already $7301 For Site hope the new Board will eut out , FARM FOR SALE--97 acres, adjoining the other clubs that thie ice wae| Ban serenade W Towra gy tbe following i an ubstract of expendi- all ther pelly jealotisies. and SIBBALD--At the R. V. Hospital, on Sat- ' Village of Ivy. sort clay low. Barn 40x nial fit for playing. 'The Orillia; Maec and Mrs ni-Tewis, ture by B.C. 1, building committee wark for the common d, for| Urday, Jan, 18, 1919, to Mr. und Mrs, Pon some foundation. Good dwelling sinijare fail te de this, and{ here He youngsters wore invite | Bab Planing Mill Co., on secount of con- hare thore ix a division the pute, .,Jo8n Sibbald, Barrie, a daughter, house. Apply to GOH. Speers Iy4-9P ttierye Thistle bal att aie fd in and huspitably entertained. | tract, $35,674.39; Agricultural Building, vayers suffer and the best is nos | TLLETT--At Oro Station, on Sunday, Jan, CLEANING AND PRESSING Vou aw TTY ete Gril. District Cup| The paras was organized. hy' Ball Planing Mill Co, Reel se, Nese gu fiwave lone, "The bnilding sone} | 12,2040; to Me. and Mn 'Charles ile - C NG Pe Sade ead [zation should tie played "ait (Masters > 'Harald cepeat cater (teat; $8:100s WOs icae tae mall GUtGIBORAbIE Werk cua 2 oe _ suit and nvereoat enn be made to look | Carpenter, $100.00; miscellaneous, $346.95 ; Kenneth Walls, at deal to be done like new by Hurry Twiss, Rass Block, "eek | $7,301.00. Bunk 'charges, Insurance on there is a gr Buantoge' Bt i: agrivullure has! -- Big Business ix the pest bonds 'and interest on overdraft, $14.10; yet. 'There are certain things} DIED WO hE Dae received the uustinted and loyal giving belter: values--better ents and Ellie, archictects' fees, $3,500; {hat the bnilding committee and AVERILL--In Markdale, on Jan. 12, Eliza- ener oe FOR poet nro "Uppert oot the Weekly Sun. on scent wer better eer ee (insurance, $645; miscellaneous, $1,383.02; {he School Board have to take np"! anh Avert, sister of Mrs. J. Marshall, th and Mare Se Ae aE into, during the twenty-eight {ant just al this line while total, $68,518.41, Receipts, $75,376.53; b: Mr. Sinclair proceeded to speak |, Allandale, , aleth and Stary Sts, Apply BE seurs of its osistence, Ht is ine | Niekers' fannary Cleaanve Rule eee toatete of the ceonalilyan of ihe smoke | CAMPBELL --At Collingwood, on Sat- : = any wonder that the 'Teucher Resigns which he said had become| jeaay Right, Jan. 18, Mary Campbell, be- ix on, is it eeuereus and hearty is crowded to ty every ziving support Miss Cook's resignation as kindergarten loved sister of the Rev. N. Campbell of teacher in the South Ward school, owing to FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all mavement cate eapacily and if not attended to p Oro, wions of the school | CONNOR--At Utopia, on Tuesday, Jan, 21, kinds of raw furs Satisfaction gnaran- culated tv further the interests| There's many a DASILE SUNT (tat health, wen "socapted and tbe: peantee: teed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield of (hose engaged in agriculture, | the thrift highwa 7 more ment Committee was authorized to fill Would he affected. Even the top| 1919, Mrs. Annie Connor, aged 77 years, street, Barrie 318 Fhose farmers who wish to keep [Mf the Sale at Viekers', the vacancy. of the root was coated with snot. HUNTER--At lot 7, con. 11, Innisfil, Jan, TUNERAI, DESIGNS AND BOQU in foneh with the great eocoper. he 1919 officers of the Ba Chairman of Management Mr. Sinclair .mentioned other| 17, Ethel May, wife of Hamilton Hunter, Fire Brigade are as follows: matters which he said required | aged 23 years, 10 months and 14 days. Choice Cut Roses VIVE mAavement among agricul Trustee Love, the retiring chairman of artist { a " =e and Pot Plants, Ferne, (urists' of Ontaric, should read{Caplain, J. Shrubsoley first! the Management Committee, had s few attention, KEAST--At Minesing, on Monday, Jan. 20, | Palms. E A. Harris, Phone 713. 1-5p it every week. The wemen of{lieutenant. Wa n Johnson; | words to say on the year's work. He -------- 1919, James Kegst, aged 72 years, } {he farm will be particularly ine Patterson; third, | thanked the Chairman.and other members Ghange for Reading Notloes | MARTIN--On Tuesday, Jan. 21, 1919, i+ MISS MAYDEE MeAULEY ix desirous of orested in the Woman's, pase vi first branchman, jof the Board for the able support they Tig price for nolives cin the| Walter Martin, con,' 8, Oro, aged 66 } + beginners or advanced music conn written for The Sun] R. J. Wolfenden: istant, Jos. | had given him at any time he asked them, Local Column or for th years. | instruction on Piano und Theory. For , : living a farm,| St. Onge: captain of hook and |He ssid be thanked them with better grace 10cal lewis era inet | REAR--At Washington, on Jan. 12, Luther terms, inquire at 86 Mury street. 3.8p |! weman living on a farm, laditor "dent Pd. Mo f, than he did the staff under bim, for they "eading notices in The Examiner Rear, aged 32 years, . ' The "Mary Street Kazoo and| ladder dept., P. J. Moran; a fuiled in many cases to do what they were is ten cents per line, 45-tf | qILLETT--At Oro Station, on Tucsday, LOT FOR SALE 33 Owen St, Barrie. Also | Pru Band" held a parade on| Men. Olto Williams and P. Bink- | iaitructed teed At the ore are Save by the W. S. S. plan. Jan, 14, 1919, Robert Jones Tillett. ' about 14 acres, lot 28, con. 4, Township Wednesday afternoon in honor of |Bam: hydrant men, C. MeMulkin | epidemic the chairman and himself were sie di of Oro, with 924 feet lake shore frontage, 7 and H. Holmes: steward, W. J. wrongly criticized for sietag ee emer Shanty Bay.' Apply to John McGill, 4 He took his instructions from the medic: Barrie, Pi 2-5p BOARDERS WANTED--Apply to 22 ers' January Cloar-| health 'officer, who ordered the schools $"P Worsley' street. 50-49 | wtice Sa to any Uhrifty {to be closed. The chairman and himself SPECIAL SALE OF | 7 3 OO : y : . f FARM FOR SALE--400 acres, 150 under Man or Woman and you Went and notified the schools and were { plough, 100 acres pasture, bul- | 4 FEW CHOICE RHODE ISLAND RED | Ma a : 1 'ny | seeused of Kuiserism ; and one teacher said e | ance bush. Clay loam, free of stumps Cockerels for sale. Harry Ottaway,|/see them look alert and X= | they were treating them as if they were and stones. Apply T. D. Soules, Allan. _ Barrie 52-5p|pectant, for they know the siz- Germans, in asking them to return and anne e e a es In ase 0 S Ro 1. nificance of these .four wards. | report, Those teachers were salaried ser- dale R.R. ------ OE WOOD CUTTING--Having purchased Me- | Fadden's machine, T am prepared to saw | Wood on short notice anywhere in town. | Toca wy, 'ANTED--Beverly Chas. Kelly. Leave orders at Wice's | barber 'shop. 3-8p | FARM FOR SALE, lot 2, con. 5, Innisfil. | ; | rae, ced, Rood clay loam: good! frame | C>cMOPHONE RECORDS EXCHANGE ling, 'never-failing well. Apply to Mrs. teher, Thornton. . Blatt pe tl WOST--A 'hound, 'since Christmas, large, white and black, with tan coarse head, white streak on' face, answering to the name of "'Bugie."" Kindly return to J.W. Gonsling, Barrie, Phone 361. Reward Stfc QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 12, Innisfil, rural mail delivery, phone, close to Barrie, 'Good Salary. + When writing, state phone address. A\ to O. M. Srigiey, Allandale, R. R, No. or phone 3 ring 3, Barrie. BS. vith plowing + | Phefpston. 'Sp FIRST CLASS BEEF AND PORK. By -- 4-40 |AGENTS WANTED--Men to establish savings--Savings on ifuls, and Men and can participate. They mean every-day ne. Women alike See Page 12. have bis sawmill at lot 19, con. 13, Innis-|_ Mr. J. B. Feilding, F. Z. fil, and at John Blackmore's, Lefroy, for|S., late of Natural Resources the purpose of sawing lumber. 44p/Survey Dept. of the Government of His Highness the Sultan of Johore, will give a. lecture at Ovenden on Friday, Jan. 24, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Feilding's subject will be "Life and Conditions in the British Crown Protectorates in Malaya," and will be illus- trated by lantern slides. There wil! be a silver collection in aid of the School Museum Fund. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar. Sunday, Jan. 26th Third Sunday after Epiphany quarter at wholesale price, at John Bing- ham & Son, Elizabeth St. 2-7p Quant: will those records you are tired of for ones " you want, 7 for $1, delivered. Write' today for particulars. Dick Palmer, Barrie. 44p WANTED AT-ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to take full charge of farm home with a baby boy ten months old. No outside work to do. A. good, com! able convenient home, one half mile village of Stroud: Apply stating partic lars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O, or phone, Itfe small local plants in every county to handle the Famous Eurdpean Retreads for . Automobile Tires. Puncture and blow-| 8.30 s.m.--Holy Communion. out proof. Cost half as much ss the new |11 am.--Morning Prayer and Sermon 'The tires and wear longer. Money maker: for | Way' live mat, Dominion Ge General Supply Go. ]8 pa Sind lay Lareelony Bile Classes. 144 Confederation Li -» Tora p.-m.--Evening ~ and | Sermon, Ont. Seine | "Boldier of the Old Testament--"Joahua."* * vants and it was thought as there was no time limit that they ought to keep in touch with them. He wished to thank the Board and the worthy secretary for his willingness 'at ali times to furnish him with any docu- mente, "Tam sorry to lose your valuable help," said Mr. Love, addressing Dr. Wallwin, "as well as Trustee Sinclair. We are now coming to the completion of the contracts, and if there are men wanted on the Board it is the men who let the contracte--the | men whom I wanted to see finish what | they bad started. I wanted the school in the east but after it was found impossible I went in to'get full value. This year I will not in any way shirk my duty to the public, The Board will get my assistance in everything." Too Much Rickering In announcing his resignation, Trustee Sinclair said:--"This i SATURDAY, JAN. 25TH _ Here is your opportunity to buy your supply at a saving of 3c to 5c per can. If this isn't true thrift, what is? You wil want these goods later, so why not buy now? It means a direct saving to you. Why not make up a case of an entire assortment of these goods? Look at this variety and the prices: Per dozen Canada's Pride Corn .......... Canada's Pride Beets ..(...... Canada's Pride Peas .. * Canada's Pride Golden Wax Beans .,. Canada's Pride Tomatoes .... Canada's Pride Pumpkin ..... és 1.25 These are strictly fresh packed, first quality vege- my last meeting of the Board. 1 assure you 1] regret. having In . * withdraw. from the Board. The [ff tables. Every tin guaranteed, work I have enjoyed a great den}: but in the coming year I feel tha' [ cannot give the time and atten- tion that the position, deman:! and rather than neglect my dntv I have resigned. I have alread: HINDS BROS. Don't Wait-- Came in Now -- Or Telephone No. 145 : ¢ X Mrs. Arthur Chappel, 175 Howard avenue, Toronto, a daughter, (Jean Marion). and petty jealousy that should HUBBERT--On Tuesday, Jan, 21, 1919, to net he' in" connection with a| Mr. and Mm, Arthur' Hubbert, Shanty School Board. Harmony has noi

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