' | Phone; Office 163, Your Reading Needs Are Well Supplied --at-- ' Scott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A, number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. BANK 'OF TORONTO BUILDING ead BARRIE G. 6. Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS 'Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT. - » All Kinds Placed in , RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. WE CONSIDER YOUR PATRONAGE and we try to live up to it in every way. You engage us as your funeral directors because you feel that we shall carry out our agreement with you ably and faithfully. You will not be disappointed. We may "point with pride," aé the Fourth of July 'orators say, to our past achievements W. D. MINNIKIN Phene 431 34 Mary St. 2-doors south of our former location, DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? 'We know how. MAXWELL & C0. Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. PHONE C. BROWN FOR THE BEST IN ' BAKERS' BREAD i HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD « 'AND A PULL LINE OF PIES,.CAKES and PASTRY. Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets _ The'Barrie Planing Mil - Comer Sophia and Mary Streets Manofucturers . of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete, ~-- We carry in stock large assortment of Rough end Dressed Lumber, B.0. Shingler and' Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kilo Drying « Specialty. "Dresing done pty. Prem Oonsult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Residence 353 ------------------------------------ _ Buy War Savings and Thrift 'SR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0. LL.D, D.C.L, President Caprrat Paip UP, $15,000,000 FARMERS' BRANCH. Copyright, 1918, by Serial Publieation rights (Continued from last week) What is it, then, of which I am in search?" he demanded. "Captain Graham's formula," she re- plied. "I think you want that & good deul more than you want me," "You have it then?" he asked fiercely She sigl . 'You jump so t6 conclusions. I didn't suy 80." "You went up the stair... you were the only person who went up just at that one 'payelological moment!" He hed bis pocketbook with him when he came in-- he told Holderness 60." "And when you searched him it was gone," she remarked calmly. "Dear me!" "How do you know that I searched him?" Fischer demanded. "How dare you ask me to give away my secrets?" she replied "Listen," he began, striving with an almost painful effort to keep his voice own to the level of 8 whisper, "you and I to: gether, we could do the' most marvellous thing, 1 would let you into all my schemes. They are great. They will be successful. After the war is over--" He held his breath for a moment, 'The tramp of approaching footsteps warned him of the coming of an intruder. The Captain came sto a standstill before their chaine and xaluted "Mine Van Teyl" he said, "there will be a mutiny in the saloon if you don't come down and sing." She almost sprang to her feet. The ship was rolling a little, and she uid her fingers upon his arm "L meant to come long ago.' she de clared, "but Mr, Fischer hus been 0 in teresting. You will finish telling me your experiences tinother time, won't you?" she culled out over her shoulder. "There is so much that I will want to hear." Fischer's reply was almost ungracious 'He watched their departure in silence, and afterwards leaned further back in his chair. With long, nervous fingers he drew a black cigar from his case and lit it, Then he folded his arms, For more than half an hour he sat there mofionless, smoking furiously: He looked out into the chaos of the windy durkness, he heard voices riding upon the seus, shrieking and calling to him, voices to which he had been deaf too long The burden of these later years of turbulent, brazen, selfish struggling, rolled back. 'He had been s sentimentalist once, willing seeker after things which seemied to have passed Itim by. At his age, he told himself, a mon should still find more than'one piace in the world. CHAPTER IX ; James Van Teyl glanced curiously at the small, dark figure patiently standing before him, and then back again at the wireless cable which he held in his fingers. He was just back from a tiring day in Wall Street, and wus reclining in the most com- fortable easy-chair of his Hotel Plaza sitting room. . .! "Gee!" he murmured. 'This' beats ame. The last thing I would have thought we wanted here was a valet. The fellow, who looks after this suite has scarcely thing else to do, What did you say your ir Yan Teyt curefully reconsidered the Ik certainly seemed to leave no room for misunderstanding. Please engage for our service, as valet, Nikasti. See that 'he enters on his duties at once. Hope land this even- ing. Your sister on board sends love. "Well that seems clear enough," the young men muttered, thrusting the form into his waistcost pocket: '!You're here to 'ay, I guess, Nikasti? I see you've brought your kit along." bE In case you decided to engage me, cir, the man replied ' "Ob, you are engaged right enough," Van Teyl assured him. ,*You'd better make the best job you can of putting out my. evening clothes. If you ring for the iloor valet, he'll help you. The bedrooms are through that door." Ve , sir!" ¢ "T am going down to the barber's now," Van Teyl continued, rising to His feet. "Just remember _ this." - Nikasti--whaf~8 name, by the bye!" "T could be called Kato," the man sug- ited, eetKato for me all the time," hjs oros- vective employer "Well listen. My sister, Miss Van Teyl, arrives from Europe on the Lapland this evening. If she comet in or rings up, say I'm here and I want to weg,ber at once, You understand?" "T undpretand, sir." Van esl sioled out and Kato dsop seared "into the inner room. The floor alt, dresed in the dark biue livery of be Hotel, was already Inying out his mas er's dinner clothes. He eyed the intruder Stamps. "heh the Adlet Columa 8 little truculently. "Who are you, anyway?" he inquired. -- >, Farmers find the service of this Han efficient and satis: factory in the discounting and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes supplied free of charge. The Pawns Count By E. Phillips Oppenheim through special arrangement with owners of copyright. y- |towards the open fireplace, SIR JOHN AIRD. Genera! Manager HL V. F> JONES, Ass'. Gen'l, Manager RESERVE FUND, - + $13,500,000 BUSINESS' re L. F. GROSS, Manager Little, Brown & Co. i secured by The Examiner, grey ashes with a sigh of Suddenly he started. The door of the sitting-room had been opened and closed. A tall, broad-shouldered man, wear- ing gold-rimmed spectacles, a long travell. ing coat and a Homburg hat, was standing watching him. Nikasti was only momen- tarily disturbed. His look of gentle inquiry was perfect. "You wish to see my master--Mr Van Teyl?". he "Where is be?" Fischer demanded. "He is dressing in the next apartment. I will take him your name," Fischer threw bis coat and hat upon t':~ table, "That'll do directly,"" be repl'c! you're Nikasti?" They looked atone another fur + ment. The facé of the Japaness «: smooth, bland, and imperturbable. His eyes were innosent even of any question Fischer's forehead was wrinkled, and his brows drawn close together "I am Nikasti," the other acknowledged --"Kato Nikasti, Mr. Van Tey! bas just engaged me as his valet." "You can take off the gloves,' Fischer told him. "4 am Oscar Fischer.' "Oscar Fischer,' Nikasti repeated. "Wea! . .. Burning something when T comp in, weren't you? Looked like a cable, el So "A dispatch from London," Nikasti eoa- fided, "Nothing that would interest_me, eb!" "It was a family message," was the calm response "It did not concern the affair which in between us." "How came you to speak English like | this?" Fischer inguired. "I was at Oxford University for 10 years," Nikusti told him, "and in the Em- bassy at London for five more.' | "My name is Nikasti,"' was the quiet reply. "Mr, Van Teyl bus engaged me as his valet, to wait upon him and Mr, Fis cher," The man laid down the shirt into which was fixing the studs That's some news," be remarked bitter: | "To wait on Mr. Van Teyl and Mr, ts cher, ch? What the hell do they want you for?" Nikusti shook his head slowly. He was | very small and his dark eyes seemed filled with melancholy, "It is not for a very long time," he ventured, "Long enough to do me out of my five dollers' tip every week," the man grum sled. "I'm a married man, too, and a good American. Blast' you fellows, coming ond taking our jobs away! Can't think what they let you into the country, for,"" "Tam sorry," Nikasti: murmured "Your sorrow don't bring me in my five dollars," the valet' retorted bitterly, "There's only two suites on this floor to | work for, anyway, and this is the only one worth cent." - "I am taking the situation," the other explained, "for the sake of experience. I | do not wish ty rob you of your earnings. T will pay you Yhe five dollars a week wile I stay here. You shall help me with the work." { ~LThatix"u deal, my little yellow-skinned kid," the valet agreed in a tone of -elief "I'll show you where the things are kept," Hix new coudjutor bowed 'The telephone ix ringing in the master's room," he observed * here, and I will answer it." That goes, Jappy,"' the man acquiesced "It it's w young lady take her name, but don't say that Mr, Van Teyl's about, For- ward young baggages some of them are." Nikasti glided from the room, closed the | door, und approached the telephone receiver "Yes." he acknowledged, "these are the Jrooms of Mr. Van Teyl No, madam, | Mr. Van Teyl is not in at present."* "There was a moment's pause, Nikasti's face wos impenetrable as he listened, but his evex glowed, "Yes, I understand, madam |noftly. "You are Mise Van Teyl, and you wish to speak to your brother. The moment Mr Van Tey! returns I will ring you up or fetch you," . He 'replaced the receiver upon the hook and returned to the bedroom. For solve little time he was initiated into the mys- teries of his new master's studs, boots and | shoes, and general taste in wearing apparel. Then the latter entered the sitting-room, and Nikasti obeyed his summons, "Any one called me up?"' he inquired. "No one, sir." fe Van Teyl glanced ut the clock\in an un- decided manner. "TI change right away." he decided. "Just set things to rights in here, fill my cigarette case, and hang round by 'the tele- phone." Nikesti bowed, and the young man dis- appeared into the inner room His new attendant waited until the door was closed. Then he removed the receiver from its hook, laid it upon the table, and moved stealthily For several moments he remained in an attitude of listening, then with quick, lithe fingers he drew from his pocket a cable despatch, re- read it with an air of complete absorption, and committed it to the flames, He warch- ed it burn, and turned away from the con- are often caused by Gal! and mislead bad attacks Marlatt's Specific will cure wi#®out pain or oper- | in Berlin, Have you been to Washington You shall remain | he raid | got to quit this. secret "Fischer grunted scornfully. ye Before you took up your present job, | ch? Nikasti assented silently. Fischer glanced | around us though to make sure that "hey | were still alone. "IT have the communciation with me," | he announced, "which we were to discus. The terms of our proposal are clearly set | out, and they are signed by the Highest of ull himself ~ The letter embodying then was handed to me three weeks ago to-da: Nikasti shook his head. 'T do not go to Washington."' he "You will understand that diplomi as you would put it, I do not exist ia it necessary. Fixcher nodded, "There need be very little delay, then,"" he observed, "before we get to work," Nikasti bowed ahd raised his forefinger in warning. | "I think," he whispered, "that Mr. Van 'Tey! hus finished dressing. Neither | 1 um here to listen." CHAPTER X Van Teyl, as he hastened forward to meet his friend, presented at sight very good type of the well-groomed, athletic young American, He was over six feet tall, with smooth, dark hair brushed back from his forehead, a strong, clean-shaven face and good features. Only, us he drew nearer, there was evident, 2 slight, unnatural quivering at the corer of his lips, The cordislity of his greeting, too, wax 4 little ovedone "Welcome home, Fischer! Why, man, you're looking fine. Hud u pleusunt voy. age" torms for the first few days---after right," Fischer replied ny submarines' 1 a aight of one that n Seen your sister yet? Not yet I've been waiting about for u telephone message She hadn't ar- rived, few minutes ago." Fischer frowned "I want us three to meet- you and she and 1 'the first moment she sets foot in "he declured. the hurry?" Van Tey! demand "You must have seen plenty of her en days" Fischer insisted, "was « different See here. Jimmy, I'll be frank matter, with you. He walked to the door of the bedroom, ; opened it, and looked inside, Its sole oc- cupant was Nikusti, who was at the far end putting away some clothes. Fischer cloned the door firmly and returned. "T want you to understand this, James," he began "Your sister is meddling in ceriain things she'd best leave alone." Van Tey! lit a cigarette. "No use talking to me,' he observed. "Pamela's her own mistress, and she's goue her own way ever since she came of age." "She's got to quit," Fischer pronounced, ; all there is 'about it. You and 1 to talk this out. Where are you a "I. was thinking of waiting for Pamela. * Van Teyl replied gloomily, "You leave word to have your people tet you know directly she arrives," Fi cher advised, "and come along with me. Van Tey!' sllowed himself to be led to- wards the door. Nikesti, with due sense of his new duties, glided past them, rang for the lift, and watched Wem descend. Fis- cher turned at once towards the dining room, "Thank God we're in a civilized coun- try," he observed, "'and that I don't have to 'change when I don't want t They found ® quiet table, and Fischer, displaying much interest in the menu, of- dered o somewhat extensive dinner. here, James, let's get to business You've got to help me with your sister." "But how?" Van Teyl demantled. "*Pam- {ela and I are good pals, of coume, but she has a will of sher own in all she does, and I don't fancy that anything I could would influence her very much " "There are two things about your sister," Fischer continued. 'The first is that she's vice business she's y got herself mixed up "Don't talk nonsense!" Van Teyl ex- claimed, "Pamela doesn't care a fig about politics." "You don't know much about your sister, young fellow," he said~ "Internal politics over here may not interest her a cent, but she's crazy about America as a country, and she's shrewd enough to seethings com. ing that a great many of you over bere aren't looking for. Anyway, she came hang up dgainst me in a little scheme I had on the night before T left Europe,-and <ome- where about her she's got concealed a doc- For Sale at All Recommitnned by ament which I'd gisdly buy for s quarter CMARKET ITEMS SATURDAY MARKET sotbe thermometer registered 10 degrees bo- low sero, Saturday morning, o there was ot over much brought in to. market. 'Dres- sed beef at 20 and 22¢ was offered by several farmers, Poultry went high at first het fell off towards closing time. They Chicken, dre Duck, ib,, Fowl, Ib. Turkey, Ib. . Goose, Ib. . Cream, quai Milk, quart... Apples, basket Potatoes, bag Turnips, bag ..... Onions," bag Onions, basket Squash, each Celery, 2 bunches ei Cauliflower, head ....... Cabbage, each Beets, basket, annals Paranips, bunch ...,...sseev-veers 106 Horse Radish root, bunch, Parley, bunch, -- Sage, bunch a Horse Radish, hatf pint bottle Pork, dressed, hum. Ib. : Pork, shoulder, th, amb, Ib. Hay, new Wood, 4 ft long -$21,00-$23.00 +++, $10,00-$12.00 NEAR-BY MARKETS (Jangary 10, 1919) Beeton--Butter 48¢, eggs 60c, chicken 28e. Alliston --Wheat $2.08-$2.13, barley 950, peas $1.75, rye $1.50, potatoes bag $1.00- $1.10, butter £2480, geese 25-27c, chicken 25-27c, washed wool 60c, unwashed wool d4e. Orillina--Wheat $2.08-82.13, barley 95c- $1 00, oats 68-70c, peas $1.75-82.00, pork $20.00-$23.00, dressed chicken 20-25c, geese 28-30c, potatoes bag $1.00, eggs doz., Gc, butter, Ib., 45-47¢, hay, ton $17.00-820.00, short hard wood $9.00-$10.00 cord, washed wool 60-65e, unwashed wool 43-45¢ Ib. Elmvale--Wheat $2 10 $2.13, onts 68-70c, butter 45c, eggs 550, dressed chicken 25- 27c, tallow 10-15¢ potatoes 90c-$1.00, dres- sed hogs $24.00. ) PILLS Keep the ctomach well, cours, the liver the bowels poicons snive c7gans, k a become. clogged, eqscs form i: the siemech tthe breath. Correct these conditions with Beecham's Pills. They promptly regulate the boci- ly functions an@l are a quick remedy for sourstomach and Bad Breath BN Nd HOW THIS NERVOUS WOMAN GOT WELL Told by Herself. Her Sin- Chi er, Ill.--'For four years I suffered from irregularities, weakn: nervousness, an: TT wstis.2 tar dition, Two of ye 'our best doctors 7 failed to do me any good. I heard so i much eee what '8 Nl Hees lone for others, I tried it and was am no longer ner- oe yous, am regular, and in excellent health. I believe the Com will cure any female trouble/'--| Christopher, Ill. Nervousness is often a symy of weakness or some funct i ment, which may be overcome is famous root as E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compot thousands of women have of a million dollars." iL (To be continued) War Savings Stamps "'romote thrift.. oles aeaees paguestions is regard © year alisect The result of its is Be Jong experience -. C. W. Plaxton. Thursday, January 16, 1919. music MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.QC.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vooat work special atention is gives: to Voice Production, Pupils prepared. for ALT.CM. degree in both piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or Univertity exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's iekew in. this [i Presbyterian Church. 19 B70 a ocas Ce sat, Hittite: | reucher of Voice Gulture, Plano, Organ ' che nearby marketa noted. Butter was |4nd Theory. Pupils prepared for say ) fo 586 & Ib, and sold out quickly, /examination, practical "and theoretical. ie baskets of apples braved the cold | Voiges tested free, Residence and Studio, wand found ready buyers Sweets ae [88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly i. cts, 'There were several loads of dressed |= beef and pork on the square, also some LEGAL wood. - Sees, pw eee ALEXANDER "COWAN Butter, Ib Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Soliciter for obtaining probate of wills, guafdianship and administration, ape General Bolici Notary, Conveyancer, ote Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop 8: Money to loan. BOYS & MURCHISON Oc | Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Coa- veyancers, Ete, Money to loan st lowest rates of interest. Offiees: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for- merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. |W. A Boys, K.C, M.P. D. C. Murchison | PLAXTON & PLAXTON ' -| BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. G. Gordon Plaxton DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. , Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- |cature of Ontario, Proetors, Notaries, Com | veyancers, etc, = Money to loan. | Offices: in Rows Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. ----_------------------------, MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residencf" Corner of Toronte and Elisabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Chureh. Telephone 167 DR. W. A. ROSS L.R.C8,, Edinburgh; F.C.P., London, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and 'Residence, Dunlop St., Barse. 'Telephone 165. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and 'adford Sts. Barrie. Office hours 9 to .m., 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105. --$--_--_ ere eee "Ww. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially, Phone 61. '36 Collier St, Barrie. DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Diseases of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta. Office open until 8 p.m. daily. DR. MORTIMER LYON v. will be at 9 « Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose ant Throut Consultation hours 11 am, to 5 p.m, and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, Barrie Phone No. 2. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge 8t., Toronto J. F. Lawson, F.C.A. (Phone 171, Barrie) HJ. 'Welsh Oe G. D, Campbell, 0.4. . Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department. JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser is County of Simooe. to com duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction Geist. 120 Bayfield St, Phone tt. left at A. F. A. Malcomson's offieg will 'receive prompt attention, SIMOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. Q. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Gréatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142, Ss'. Mgr. = = Congoleum rugs, all sizes; at | W.-A. Lowe & Son's. 43-8 arrie, every Saturday. <...