Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1919, p. 4

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APITAL & RESERVE--§ aoqneo: 'TOTAL ASSETS --_ #1300000 MUTUAL CONFIDENCE FOSTERS SUCCESS Mutual confidence is essential between two parties if the best results are to be obtained from thei business relations. Many businesses have been assisted to success Decause the firms or individuals took 'the bank into their fullest confidence and profited by the advice obtained. In your business transactions you would be well advised to consult our local manager. He will be glad to help you with his counsel. 287 [wy] UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPTC: MAN. THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. RRIE BRANCH, = __A. LESLIE, Manager. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T, McMILLAN, Manager [ news FROM THE RAILWAY WARD | CL Misses Kathleen and Gertrude) Wait for the Vietory supper te Edney of Bradford are spending | be held Jan, 28. 2 with thei aunt Sens of Ensland meet Friday: ine, Sanford St fat & pam. sharp in the Ovanve Hall. Mr. and Vrs. Bo Stone have TOOKE & CO. we to spend ten days with G. ied Henry at Thornton Mrs. Geo, Forrester of Port BOOK STORE Credit. is visiting with Mrs. W | Paddison, Vieloria AF .% Allandale Mise. Tene Campbell has) r6- " turned to Toronto after spendi Books - - Stationery |tmn days at her home in John St. . Messrs F. Whitney, A. Srigley. Magazines - - Toys | 4. Derrick and § side went ta Collingwood on Friday night Picture Framing - Daily Papers j j<1 t stD.D.8.P, Wo A. Tom ay or " HIS MASTERS VOICE Double Faced ECORD UUUCVDUUNONULAUOOERODAUAVODEDNDOENORNDDL ITE: --aatl'or the Two Scloctions (Same price as before the war) You will never be at a loss for enter- tainment, for with "His Master's Voice" Records you have at your command all the music of the world fauldessly rendered by the World's Best Artists 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Bluebird--W altz--and--Geraldine-- Hesitation Waitz Miro's Band 216047 The Bluebird--Henry Bur---and--The Little Good for Nothing's Good for Something After All 'Campbell and Burr 216048 The Rose of No Man's Land--and--Watch, Hope and Wait, Little Girl Henry Burr 216039 Mickey--Henry Burr--and--My Ain Folk Alan Turner 216040 Sun of My Soul--and--Rescue the Perishing (Hymns) Harry McClaskey 216045 How Would You Like to Be My Daddy ?--Fox : Trot--and--A Little Birch Canoe and You--Waltz Miro's Band 216050 Alter You've Gone--MCarion Harris--and-- Tm Glad 1 Can Make You Cry Henry Burr 18509 'Smiles--Fox Trot--and--Rose Room-- Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 18473 Un peu d'Amour--and--Ta Voix m'Appelle Enzo Bozano 263014 $1.50 for 12-inch double-sided Missouri Waltz--and--Kiss Me Again--Waltz Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 35663 Ori¢ntal--Fox 'Trot--and--Dodola-- alte Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 35676 Forget-Me-Not--Waltz--McKee's Orchestra-- 'ond--Felicia Waltz Markels' Orchestra 35639 | MOTION TUNICA UMM UMUC LILIUM Oe TTP Red Seal Records Dixie Mabel Garrison 64637 Lucia--Mad Scene Galli-Curcl 74509 Victrolas from $34 to $597 (ald on cony pay. on if ped, fet for free cory of Soda Mencte Voice Resear Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer's > factured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Manufactur: ry Moni am HVUATUEDMODONEOVONEADODSOUEQIUAUODEOOUQUOBADUNOUUONOUNOAUULICGRE GEO. VICKERS HUNAUUUUGVUGUONAUUNGTONNOAGEEOONUEUUEOVEEOEGEOUSUGOUISUNOCAQUOGIVNNGNENIQONGCONGUUDOUORQ0U00000000000UIROEEVOURUALOQONEUADUOUONONOOENOOQEUUNORUDUODUCONONGOUODUCOCuONUoNNOTOOeauY SHALVUAUAANUALANUDANUVNEOANLOAUIANDVEVERDOLYRGUUL ay other DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT THE BARRIE EXAMINER install the officers for 1919 of | Lodge Canterbury 8.0.E. ¢ Plot owners are particularly requested to attend the annual] meeting of Barrie Union Ceme- tery. ° Conductor k. Cannon is now running on the Hamilton and Meaford route owing to the ill- ness of Conductor W. Jardine. Engineer G. Firman was badly | sede last Saturday morning | wien aSsteam. valve burst in the cab as he was about to' pull out for North Bay on No. 41. splendid assortment of} men's, women's and children's fell Boots. ty be found ae Hurl burt's $1.98 A had wr ek, whieh fortunately was not attended by any loss of | life, early yesterday | | mornin » miles 'south of | Trout Gr The tender of the ational, nerthbound, left) the rails and with it down a steep embankment went bag: and express car. 1 j pulled followir aches, in whe Wee a number of peaple, we prevented from going ¢ engine Was tily pulled off the track, The baggageman gol 4 few bruises and one brakeman, who was shot through a window, had one leg rather badly hurt though not broken, Auxiliaries | from Allandale and the Ts and N O. cleaned up the wreek Rallwaymen's Patriotic Assocn. Last fall the Barrie [Division Railwaymen's Patriotic Assoen took up subseriptions fur the purpose of arranging for Christ | Mas boxes to be furnished ty) the Railway employees off this! Division on active service in| England, Frat and Belgium, , The sum-of S860.4% was realized and transferred to the Canarian Field Comferts -- Comtniss Shorneliffe, England, through Whose kindness boxes were ar- ranged fer, packed and shipped to the following sons eonerrned The eknowledgments have already been received: date Walker, Assistant rneers ON Roberts, 'Trackman: F. Pantis, Trackman' J, tac 6 Track man: Geo. Doherty, Trackman Jo M. King, Trackman: G. TO \ Kennedy, Brakeman; Wo Barnard Engineer: Ro 2. Teaterman Brakeman: AH. Gibsen. opr ter; C) Po Honter, Operaturs H. Metealfe, Prackman: Eo Me; Phadden Clerk J Ww waite. Hrakeman: Do Sergent, Trackman: JW) Lanwsern i ROA. Laws, Fires Death of Mrs. C Newman Mrs. Chas. Newman fell a vie~ Jt fe pmeanniogia, following Spanish influenza, at au early Loup on Friday morning Al the family tad been dewn with ine flnenza and she waited upon thei) unt compelled to take te bed] herself She was all about eight | days Mrs. Newtan's imaiden name was Isabel Richardson and she| Was born 35 years | ago, Abou rs ago she married Chas. Newman and spent | the rest of her life in Barrie, for | the past cighteen months living al 79 Tiifin St. Allandale, In addition to her husband and five small children, she leayes her father, John Richardson of Fa- gar, and {wo sisters, Mrs. Alex, Newman of Toronto and Miss Agnes Richardson of Allandale. Unterment took place in the Union Cemetery, Saturday after- noon, Rey. A. F. Owen taking (he service, : --150 pairs of women's fine boot: hlack and colored--some have high tops and welted soles, These shoes are worth np to $6.00 a pair, but are priced in two Ints at $2.98 and 84 pair at Hurlburt' Town of Barrie Assessors Wanted Applications stating salary re- quired will be received by the undersigned up till five o'gloek Monday afternoon, January 20, for assessors for the Town of Barrie; one for Wards 1, 2 and 3 and one for Wards 4, 5 and 6. The field books for each Ward as completed to be handed inta the Clerk's Office, wheré the Roll will be written up. System to be 'followed in connection with the assessment may be learned at the office of the Town Clerk, 3-3¢ A. W. SMITH, Town Clerk Barrie Union Cemetery Company Police Court Chamber, Colir St, Barve, Ontario, on Monday, January 20, 1919, af 4 o'clock pm., for the purpose of receiving the Annual Reports, for the election of Dir: ectors and such other business as may come before 'the meeting. : 'Thursday, January 16, 1919. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN. HIGH CLASS FURS OUR ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED TO BELOW PRESENT WHOLE- SALE PRICES. HUDSON SEAL COATS, MUSKRAT COATS, MAR- MOT COATS, FUR SETS, SINGLE NECKPIECES AND MUFFS, ETC., ETC. CHILDREN'S FUR SETS--THIBET, BADGER, WOLF, ETC. ETC. BABY'S CARRIAGE 'AND SLEIGH RUGS. 1 shi Model Hudson Seal Coat, THE Mink Sets, regular $100.00, on avgest Sable shaw! collar and Sale at 17.50 cuffs, a very beautiful garment. MOST bic ts ten at wad BS Regular $350.00 RELIABLE 1 only Australian Opposum Set, Sale Price .. 2... 2. $287.50 REPORTS large size. Reg. 875.00. Marmot Coate with Hudson Seal FROM ait Sale' $48.60 Collar, cuffs aml bell. Regular THE 1 only very fine large sat of S115.00 On Sale $92.60 FUR Natural Lynx. 00.00 MARKETS $65.00 3 ony 40-inch length Southern OF + only Dark m ° uskrat Coats. 00 only Dark Muskrat Goat, i5 On Sale $65.00. These Coats THE length, Reg. £100.00, are worth loday over $100.00, WORLD On Sale $65.00 PREDICT 1 Only Civet Set. Large Cape anil HIGHER Canadian Mink Muffs, i and 5 Melon Muff Set, Reg, 875.00. PRICES Skins. Regs 15.00. On Sale $45.00 IN On Sale at $35.00 Men's Fur Coats Black Dus. FURS Natural Wolf Sets, Reg. $30.00 Korean Beaver, Canadian and FOR ber set On Sale at $18.60 Australian Raeoon Some big bargains while they last vee Black Wolf Sets. Reg. $50.00, On Sale $30.00 Robes -- Robes -- Robes --Blavk 1919 . and Brawn Gnat. alse the AND Black Siberian Wolf Sets fainmans Nowhunds Tmt Bultale $10.00 1 $18.00 per =i Rolwe~ These are all materuil 1920 These are all greatly reduced Tyoredaced on Price These are only av 1 only Canadian Beaver Set, !arz« BUY the many bargains cape aad Canteen Mai, Ree ur stock consists ofa ape al i ing, ston Ou Sale $85.00 NOW plete assortinent. Also our very large stock of Ladies' Cloth and Plush Coats, Winter Gloves and Mitts, Woolen Scarfs, Caps, Men's and Boys' Winter Caps are included in these reduced - prices. SIMMONS & CO. HATS--COATS--FURS : THE FORDSON TRACTOR AS A GENERAL FARM POWER We have often been asked if the Fordson Tractor could be used as a general farm power. Here is what Mr. Bert Kennedy, Champion Plowman of Ontario, says:-- 23 RRR ARAN RAR RR Res Iz COPY : \ Mr. Fox, Manager Ford Motor Company, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir: 1 am pleased to give you an outline of my experience with the pulley, which you sent me for my tractor. Dec. 7th we used the tractor on a Massey Harris "Blizzard" cutting box, "cutting corn and blowing it into a 30 ft. silo, and it handled the corn as fast as four men could get it to the box. There were 7 loads in a pile close to the box, and we were not very long putting it into the silo. The tractor had plenty of power running with the throttle about 114 in. open. We have also used the tractor on an International box, size B. 14 in. throat. This cutting box weighs 2100 Ibs. so you will know it is a big one. The tractor runs this box, cutting straw as fast as the straw can be put into it.. We cut a stack of wheat straw, and blew it'into the barn in9 hours. It had taken 10 hrs. to thrash same, so you will know that we were not losing any time. For grinding grain the tractor works like a whirlwind. We have used it on a grinder with 8 in. plates, grinding wheat and oats, and it took them through at the rate of 42 bus, per hour, the grinder running at the rate of 2500 revolutions per min- ute. 1 think it would have sufficient power to drive a 12 in. plate grinder. To-day we have been sawing wood with a circular saw, and the tractor cer- tainly drives it to perfection. We were sawing beech and maple cordwood sticks and it was surprising how steadily the saw worked, without a governor on the en- gine. Several of the neighbors have seen it working and they were all pleased with the work it was doing. This tractor equipped with a pulley is one of the most useful machines which any farmer could have on his place. Yours truly, (sd.) Bert Kennedy. If anyone is sceptical about what the Fordson Tractor will do, we believe Mr. Kennedy would be only too pleased to answer questions. T.R.HOXTABL. Agent for Barrie and District. 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