THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, January 16, 1919. Page Two SS Now families tims to the © has broken more, everyone needs a tonic. 'Those who have not had this disease need lonie to safe-guard againsl if and those who hi 1, to restore them their natural good health, Creophos is the best Conic known of to build up the system Price $1.00 bottle that many have fallen vie- Flu", which out once 50 © had to ---------- What a nice record nf the baby can De kept with an autographic kodak. All events worth pictur- ing are worth dating, and splendid series of events can be recorded and kept for future in one of our photo "Albums." We have all in these albums priced from ... 180 to $1.75 Kodaks from .... $8.00 to $60.00 Brownies ... - $2.00 to $4.50 ADF ior. Wm. Crossland DRUGGIST, BARRIE a sizes man of the Board had to assume the duties of that office; other- wise there would have been. no site selected yet. It is not for- gotten either that as early as September, 1917, Dr. Wallwin helped to vote down a resoM- tion--to submit to the flectors the question of the Agricultural Park site. If he had then sup- ported the resolution, which was afterwards adopted in December, there would have been plenty of | time to negotiate with the Joint Stock Co, and the Agricultural Society before the question was {voted upon. When the site was approved by the electors, what did Dr, Wallwin do to have the jauestion taken up with the so- Jeielies mentioued, before their | jannual meets ? Nothing. | It will be observe that he carefully avoids reference lo the lying plan that was submitted to the Department in connection }with the site approval, He says that it was upon his respansi- bility the survey was made and as the plan presented to the De- partment was based upon this survey, ordered solely by the |chairman, it naturally follows jthat the chairinan was respon. sible for the plan, It will be jmembered that this plan had in- ihed upon it the ste Li? acres deeded awn in perpetuity as Jgrounds la the Board of F Jhon. + When The Bsamin [posed the gross deceit t words by the ven oN wae ut | being practised upon the Depa the Chatrman eon tas ment loaded tects I miner promptly | the arch @ that af Phe haut not exposed th COMMENT OF THE WEEK ~ | L Trough he was kaown for seme. le accomplished in conneectio! tine to he oun delete healll, with the new eollesi has bee Sher! Harvey's death, neverthe. consummated agaist the opposi- less, cane ts she fe tus | ten af all th member: many friends ue Barthes and elected from the bedy of th throughont the eomnts He was! Bown is abselutels Gntrie Th aman of steching Werth aod} gentlemen peferred to all sup landly dispesition aint disehars- i) jeeted the coutral site, and whil ad the duties of tis aitiee with, fhey, tu conned with iaany ath dignity and courtesy. "The great citizens. may have erit Joss Mrs Harvey and their sor ab the objechonabl bave sustitied Will be tinethods of the chairman, aoth hetienily red oby aime that thes sant oor did rout number ot trend= he constr as opposition t aimee He completion af the sehnet o That Valedictory Address the site ted by the orate Vhe Esamimer has ue desire payers to detract from the valor ol any real servi perforined by Une eT ust lave enn te th late chairman of the Board of qiembers of the Bu a sure Fduewtion, bal as miiny of the peise when they te Wall statements contained ty fas Gire- win ela te have dene well address are inacent We puch ty secure The present stl feel fo cur duly to day the ftets | for the collegiile They have an before (he public Vrerzotten t When he was ap. ae pointed chairman of the + weowish fa committee tn the spring of 191 atement that all he would not act and the chair realed/. LOOK for the- sealed package, but have an eye out also for 'the name | WRIGLEYS That name Is your pro- tect ion against inferior imitations, Just as the sealed package Is pro- tection against impurity. The Greatest Name in Goody-Land -- Sits : avour' Sealed Teht 7 Lasts nein a Made in . * n Canada z ~ : = " Chaareman would net rhed the false record Similarly he now tries to lay thy blame for his negligence In th matter 6G site approval upon the | houlders( of the Seeretary -- asking the public to believe that air, the have dist n u Zl the tyhig of a decumeut by the y[Seeretary justified the Ghairaan "Lin completely forgetting a vital {matter sueh as this if Were the atgect ef tis neve Jnet se palpate, tis sudelew ade VW Pvocaes af inereasing: the salaries | "lof the teqetiers would be sie. | Dopesing. In mndsinmer, 1917, | Wawhen the teachers made apple ration for tagh laries, Tr rae Wallin inuiediately op te the lady teachers December of L8l7 it was pre posed that a hens SAO he | ' anted to all the huly tewehers, fit This alse wat apposed by Dy Wallwin ind as contd net be Jone imnimetiely it was derid Votedrap xeon site te help the THis new-fomnl + ine [et eatae OTL in the public schools is en a par wath his diseay nviety that the} archers shy get mere s Wallwin was ao ments towed on antesbellune days Jwhen Initding costs were bow and when there eullesiate Peuhtng expenditure fer the rate payers ta shontder Inere aceomingdation was ales much needed then as now; t West Ward school was as much Lohovel as il is today, ing the one would thought this man of was one euse, thal such indefatigable energy and remark- able driving power, capable of | smashing J regardless of all] obstacles jas per valedictory ad dress would have had all these | changes made long age. Not so, however, Only when he is reliev. ed of responsibility does he suddenly discover that these' im provements should be carried out without delay. This bit of camouflage will deceive no one, it being obviously an effort td] load up the new Board as much | as possible. | The most signifieant thing about this valedictory address! was the manner in which it was| rece With the exception of his trusty lieutenant, Mr. Love, none of the collegues with whom he has been associated during the year--and some of them for] several years---had a single word of commendation for him or an expression of regret at his ser- vices being lost to the Board, +On oceasions such as this when a presiding officer is retiring from his position it is almost a universal custom to make kindly references to the departing one. That those serving with him and in the best position to place an accurate estimate on his per- formances should allow him tc pass out of office "unwept, un. honored and unsung" is striking evidence of how lightly his boasted achievements 'are re- garded by those best qualified to judge, notwithstanding the nigh value he places: on his services himself. * Education Board Election Concluding an editorial deal- ing with the defeat of Trusteo n, the Advance, last week, methods adopted by - his ay. || = = UNION IBA OF CANADA 54th Annual Statement--30th N The Fifty-fourth Annual Mecting of the Shareholders. of the Union Bank of Canada was held at the Head Office of the Bank, in the City of Winnipeg, at twelve noon, on Wednesday, the 8th 'nstant. The President, MR. JOHN GALT, in the chair. DIRECTORS' REPORT The Directors have pleasure in presenting their report showing the result of the business of the Bank for the year ending November 30th, 1318. During the year owing to the depletion of the staff caused by enlistment for military service, the tollowing offices were closed :--Coatsworth, Eastons Corners and Toledo in the Province of Ontario; Adanac, Guernsey, Jansen,.Major, Netherhill and Salvador in the Province of Saskatchewan; of which all except Adanac have since been reopened. The number of Branches and Agencies in operation on November 30th, 1918, was 299. The usual inspection of all Branches and Agencies has been made. Mr. S. E. Elkin, M.P., of St. John, N.B., has been elected to filla vacancy on the Board of Directors, , JOHN GALT, PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance at credit of account, 30th November, 1917. : seaiiees Net profits, for the year, after deducting ex- penises of management, interest due deposi- tors, reserving for interest and exchange, and making provision for bad and doubtful debts and for rebate on bills under discount, have amounted to. i ; Dividend No. 124, March, 1918... Dividend No. 126, Dividend No. 127, ' December, 1918 Transferred to Rest Contribution Contribution to Hal Branch......... ciation Overse Contribution to Sal Contribution to Bel Contribution to Ki Hut Appeal... President. $106,624.34 Sailors' Week November, 1918. Dividend No. 125, 234 1918... 8 September, 1918... Written off Bank Premises Account. . Contribution to Young Contribution to Navy League of Canada, War Tax on Bank Note Circulation Balance of Profits carried forward ovember, 1918 Which has been applied as follows:-- } 214 per cent pall 8 5119 500.00 per cent., paid Ist June, neee 142,500.00 b Skiba, Seat paid rd 2,500.00 214 per cent, payable 2nd, Account... 200,000.00 75,000.08 Officers' Pension Fund. 10,000.00 lifax Relief Fund. 5,000.00 Contribution to Canadian Red Cross, Manitoba jiaiaarwausnatnmanteaats 5,000.00 Men's Christian Asso» i seeeeees 8,000.00, wation Armj+ Overseas 2,000.00 ian Relief Fund. . 1,000.00 ghts of Columbus, Army General Statement of Liabilities AS ON 30th NOVEMBER, 1918 and Assets LIABILITIES rt: ee ee cocevsegeeceseeeycn, $ 5,000,000.00 Rest Account rs ' $ 3,600,000.00 Balance of Profit and I.oss Account carried forward... 126,298.90 $ 3,726,298.10 Unclaimed Dividends . 10,261 Dividen 127, payable 2nd December, 1918. ividend No. 127, payable 2nd December, we enaa 8,849,060.33 Notés of the Bank in circulation. . not bearing interest Deposits bearing interest De; 58, 68, 207 (37 490.47 Balances due to othgy Banks in Canada ; 424,601.94 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada.......scsceseereeeee Posen 1,751,177.75 ----------_ 141, 553,127.02 Acceptances under Letters of Credit... Liabilities not included in the foregoing ASSETS Gold and Silvér Coin.......- Dominion Government Notes. 15, sin Canada,..... anking Correspon s sovernment Securities not exceedin tnd 'British, Foreign and C dian Legsuasecnste ures and Stocks not exce thi mat 'oloni Securities other tha nd other Bonds, Debi and Stocks Call and Short (not exceeding 30 days) Loans elsewhere ¢han in . Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Ca interest) % . Real Estate other than Bank Premises. Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank Overdue Debts, estimated loss provided for... Bank Premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off Liabilities of customers under Letters of Credit, as perecontra. Other Assets not included in the foregoing H. Report of the Auditors to the Shareholders of the Union Bank of Canada. JOHN GALT, President. In accordance with the provisions of subsections 19 and 20 of Secti to the Shareholders as follows :-- ' We have audited the aboye Balance Sheet with the certified returns from the branches. Bank. yerified the securities representing the investments of the found them to be in agreement with the entries in In our opinion the Balance Sheet is proper! state of the affairs of the Bank, according to the and as shown by the books of the Bank. st of our information, but it certainly would be in England. It would be regarded as a breach of {ballot, for advertising purposes, it might be well if he would turn the Corrupt Pratices Act. It would be | pack the fyles of his paper for Considered intimidation, "It is permis {park Ute fle of his paper for ible to issue fictitious names, as a | : ys of fiide fo the electors to show where: |< Option campaigns. If he they. should place the cross; but to sso, he will find almost. an Fexact reproduction of the ballot, bearing a big X advising people jto vote against Lecal Option. publish s copy of the ballot paper. with 8 cross against certain names, is illegal" | The use of the card to which! In the article above quoted the the Advance takes exception could; Advance very plainly suggests not by .any reasonable person|that the electors of Barrie w be construe! as a reproduction! intimidated by the distribution of the voting paper. It was not! of those cards. It is unfortunate like the actual ballot in shape,| that his comparatively short res- color, material or printed mat-jidence here should have led the ter. True, it did contain the) Advance man to place such a Jow names of the candidates and alestimate upon man of the few words describing their oc-| townspeople. However, we hope cupations for the information of) that he will consent to pardon the electors, with a cross oppos-|our shorteomings in this re- ite four names, suggesting that) spect and overlook our crude the actual ballots be marked ac-' colonial way cordingly. This "rm of ection. we may, und advertising haé been d-in'in due season arri many parts of Ontario for years measure of perfection as will en- and its legality has never been uble us to at least approach tha questioned. jhigh standards of England, to 'whieh he so frequently refers. opponents, of reproducing the ballot ith a cross against the four wished ; When the editor of the Ad- vance is cogitating over the hein- ousness of holding up. before the electors any reproduction of the W. A. Lowe --All sizes Coal, Sarjeant's. Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at & Son's. 48-tf ing market value hort (not exceeding 30 day's) Loans in Canada, on Bonds, Debentures Canada. Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate of interest) ja (less rebate of 'We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required, that the transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice have been w 7 U6 $153,181,451.52 940,446.58 113,307.00 $ 16,053,753.58 '260,000.00 . 7,800,000.00 : 763,793.00 92/051.67 356.72 2.9 12,527 ,087.82 15,720,338.76 2,501,824.71 ket value ial Public 7 74,021,028.40 1,94 ,112.28 2,708, 467.08 166,159.25 $153,181,451.52 B. SHAW, General Manager. ion 56 of the Bank Act, we report books and vouchers at Head Office and with the ind are of the opinion in. the powers of the In addition to our verification at the 30th November, we have, during the year, checked the cash and Bank at its chief office and the books of the Bank relating ¢ drawn up 60 as to exhibit a true and correct view of the Principal branches and 0. and the explanations given to us, / T. HARRY WEBB, E. S. READ, C. R. HEGAN, Auditors, of the firm of WEBB, READ, HEGAN & CO., ie Chartered Accountants. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of Simcoe In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Fagan, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, Chapter 121, Sec. 56, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, and Amending ta, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Thomas F' a whe died on or about the Fourteenth day of Dec- ember, 1918, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Alexander ' Cowan, Barrie, Solicitor for the Executofa on or before the Thirty-first day of January, 1919, their names and addresses; and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security held by them, duly verified, and the said date the Exeeu- tors will pr to distribute the assets of ithe said "among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the -- of which they shall then have bad notice. Dated at Barrie this 30th day of Decem- ber, 1918. , ER COWAN, Solicitor for the Executors. 1-3 Barrie, Ont CLEANED, ALTERED AND 'REPAIRED MISS M. 58 Small St, Barrie. Phone $23