Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1919, p. 1

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THIS WEEK 56th Year w. : 9625 COPIES | ThE B WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED--------_ + ARRIE SATURDAY MORNING BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919. Copies 4 cents Sin, $1.50 Per Year (in advance) NO. 3 --- two cars of wood per day. Mr. iments which secured 'the Boar ANOTHER CREAMERY |$\,.75.5)" 4.2%; 11919 INAUGURAL SELF LAUDATION of Education, were prepara by /EURE DESTROYED for the wood bat the winter is : 'AS our solicitor: whie su MAY COME HERE) "130. Sic! 8s sens) QF MAYOR SPROTT/ WAS THE FEATURE): *!!"" hy. me, ad which STEAMER ISLAY --= iW delivered the dentaud would oj . --_-- saved the Board and ratepayers 5 3 " He had been urging | Gi iri ' inestimable expe 'lay -- se B Asks Concessions of Couneil jiu contractor tu, speed the "une | Gives Some Valuab le Sugges- | OF Retiring Chairman Wall-} no. oniy. in' savings bial Incendiarism Suspected --Car- --1918 Police Court Cases |i. But really he did no tions Concerning the Work| win's Valedicto --Ti but also in baying contracts »x-| Tied Man i cursi Small Hank the contractor needed f the Y. Credi 8 eculed in a lawful and b ud = eursons les wy o paride, _ of e , . Pe Ley wrhul and USsiess= it on Record. spuriie for the (atter had 10. ear t for Many Things. [fit manner that will aveclngcn| Some Years Ago. ---- 800 cords cut for Hamilton, Kit . <= ---- misunders -_ cIBR (AU the an ees were present lehener aid Barrie aunlif he could | pep ay cunaratulating the mem. |, Mk fhe ineeling wf the Board | fnot No dey setiia ahem ie the stat Times--The burning of © fuday ght when the Townl aut getit shipped te could not | ects Ubon being elected to the fe! Education on) Mundas He lwore meu whelling | (20 Str. Islay last Thursday: 1 Council started upon the gusie| eee sh ! scuull nell Town Council," Masur & 'hairman Watiw jncurred tn the remodeling | 5, : ee Sol wal caiditOn a ; Sprott aliwin re fule fof old adi oe ong | 2 the passing of the tess for 1919. 'The busiiess was|s itepivuie te Deputy Lowe, air] 80M om to say:--"Mueh of a [lowing farewell add fiisteen sonthe see ee of the large pleasure hoats that testy of a routine natin Au} Sith said the Town bad already |Mentous nature has trans. his being the last cegulur|ally all these difficultion were|{2" Years sailed the waters of Heusaten Was the appointment | yard s3.75 per cord for cutting | 2" during the year which has| meeting of the 1918 1 rd uf|straightened out ai wate | Utkes Couchiching and Simcoe. of a lady te the Public Library | 2000 cords aud 43 cents per cord UM wlosed. AC its opening the |Education, of whieh Twas chaite |eoneatmatads tie knee and| go.nbe fire, which there is little Aeete flies Eintoa King being) an tivo cords far. roads aad | NOTES st comiiet was at yan. if is but natural that q}today we have a building, in {UOU2t was' of incendiary origin, be eh dds tobe thus honored | ss amping thing to, qhean (ere auy- [should review ny stewardship point, of design and workman. [84 ained considerable headway We Gouneu. Another i eee lies said? Hie Te meh ie gee whieh side | for the term, su the people may| ship, without any equal in, the {Lelere being noticed and thougie ure in the w Of apperntie teceieens a] mught achieve the vietory, ex-|kKiew what has heen done during {Quunty of Simeoe. : "|the brigade responded to a calk Mas placing a member uf the |S11 5 pun cord) Barnes sua, |cepling that the Allied nations [that tine. vl guaiitd the shew 'Boayi from box 36 it was found im Ti pomeha phar vt Health |enmds is all cut as eertitied ny | Mere, entime a Mebteus| | Un Kebruary sth, 1918, 1 was [assiduous and complete 'the act possible to do anything to save He Poucher beng named furl supt iarilett and cannot pe] sale' 1 unpreeedeated her.) chosen as your Chairman, not im} pa Visions tithe doomed boat. In te the police court business Mehe de lies dan , )j Has been won hy the Allies, and] that time all that was ace. M oe i ree smouldering 1b a i so there is ger of anyone ' hat Was accom t . be ng hulT and a hea 1018 the analkestt any ve Slew gelling tne weed, Canieact the greatest victory ever record-| plished towards rebuilding tC Building: -{tommittze, the school] twisteg iron, Dp of reeerd. athough the nes ain logis tar delivery of all Barrie's (Od i Wistary' has been won wn [selection of the plan und este [eet ei eeaey (OP occupation! "The Islay. originally known as costs ran up to $780. A ereaine | wood by Feb 43 and und sea. How magnificent. |mates, hut nu site Three site hast _ {the Steamer Orillia, was built j ers fri, thinkmg af locating in| Standing € (toe Px fhe pengbe at our town have lwere propose: the old-one, the| ae, Mavens with the teaching |the autumn of 1884 by the late Alluntlite, asked ennlutie meat Standing Conmmiltees Fesponded by the gmat eause: |Harves property tiv cena, the | tats Of both the Public Schools| Captain Charles Metoneee ate tens Mothe meeting in the morning | lt reertiting, in Red Cross work. |raiepayers of the { air Mand Collegiate have been most|was the first steamer to be a . after the ne! re had take a ie cing Five . ' . OPO TE rmonious, y r - ie Bg Asks Rebate? Tunes after the memnbers had talk Dihe | ar supplying etd Comforts, ia fand the agricultural site owned| Mitmenious., and 1 would he-/ structed in Orillia, 'The jworte Mrs. Julian MeDonell mmnuitibe. seam. cee Linted, Jo Insite Ved work, i Women's jhy the town which was. aps ont nd rach and every one a! was done by a shipbuilder named phieation for a rebate Cott Nica renee 'craty, Lustitote work, ant in work of Broveal by a majority vote in Se aan bylawe-and: ee Noler who, with his men, was Hastie Upmersuerep rarer intee| senite weve Craig, |varinus other organizations--/anuary. Or the ace a{? sent bylaws brought here fi er: Wa bik" Iron tv alate of ite wad, SS soloed without any came |there semaine searrely anyone [ete titten ene gt RTC ae to he amended at anee tO allow (threaten tet' tom, Buffalo for Hee ar es ttre, ees Following are the con.) whe las failed requisite, bul even then no wie {Ol such inereases--for in all the |launched. ftom. the shone font Ligh ACHE rst nawed in eae!) Phe sear upon whieh weehase Ries how far back. the. line setiools wa have teachers doing least nt the CP, Reatatiane US vies. Sees " ne bets chairman pentered may he one nf the most {Would need to go te get thei atimost for the welfare of) crhat same winter Capt. Me a wees aie teen | PINANCE and Assessment |eriiieal. Great opportunines. le [Necessary area pupils, and" their sucerss is {Innes purchased Starvation [ec wthecs petitioned: for a bight an], Lowe, Huxtable, Beelliy, | Defure the eouned of 119. Ha een shown in the results of the De- land in lake Simene. renmred 4 ssa St, near Ne. 167. [heren, Bhaeliers [dreds ot thuisaids. of saltivrs faust tts fespeusibility the! partmental Examinations, Strawhorrs" aha Call eit Vea Hail ieee en Agee NARS aU Sebrs--= Mill FodMeHe ee chu eters r vy was mains stints andi would, therefore, respecttully) iq rannertion with t fhe betel i and i ee ef moving the agrie |. or them Substantial 3 B Phe Fire Underwriters wrote [lone Crag, Wisk, Rell, Brother, returning, and it will he cequired |enitaral huihdines wleeh Mae Oi speak for them substantial it~ | steamer ran far many years, 'Ten SIL reference te eertane im] Basie, Pearce, Clark Of us te take them back ite liversally snppesed tobe impres peta Commensurate with vears later, in 1895, the Orillia's provenwents in the Town Wall! FIRE: ANG paldcre= cil Tite aud find a place ford sable withiait tearing dhawn and | erieations and commercial aeeominodation proving Imad Siang when fad net down ears Rusk, Beelly, Gratton them, We whe Lem as they nvaded iations tor ant nuederstand. (oes exiting. «, [iilate, she was drawn out at Barc eat [Bearen [Sent toy fehe our battles, ler us fine and arecnent with the fe awenmmodation: First! rie, longthennd and tecohristens swith stated that moter) MARKET UNDP VIKS Reel. receive tien ith sprit atiite an [Jorn eae ere SM the He Cinteal, Pewvisinn shld be ei the kek The subsequent Lrreeved of an inereise x, Rent, Webb, criften, Gras, hearts, and with a place fur Meir Society. and the. weltuie cod RNa fee atte addition of at least that she ran between Orillia uitin an tie "Tower Hall seo PRINT ESC, INDUSEON and Bree BN Mh Setanta eis rant iit ones. tron the Pow run thae Sa ian. aiid eetie H Jackass | Both aud ber year Reception Breather, Crane, Risk] Provistan sheuld be uade tov lplished without cansiteraite vie phuittes: far same should be taken lights and Sanday sehool pleniea Keronstruetion Sy Mutable, Webi Chirk pubhe receptions ter retur pesitien on the part of several Le ae et he West Ward. [to the latter spot will always re. From the Canadian Reeone [ie INDIGENT -- dluxtable, Laws, men, that the ssinpalliy of ei members uf tliat tide, \i ae MH the exeeption af (wo rooms. /main. some of the most. pleesnek Shiite Asenstatinn GHIA. a 4 (bration, Gray. Pouches, people ta these mien inay tind! the ahewe wae altin tie Isa hovel: and in this school) memories of ald Oriiians. quest fin the cooperation of aL AAYATEM AND LIGHT Peator expression [polished and. isenure Trewr four te six wore modern! Amongst the eruwd whe watched Ravn Council an providing em @Qeit, Ravi, Webb. Tyrer, Clark! tndusteially tada stands [able work on the part polices thant should be provided her spertacular ending were Mowment during readjustment tel 333! Ladys on Pineary Board Upen the threshold af Che great= or four, andy, af the men fate eateries ancl plats te many whe spoke of those old peace: combi tons. sHewine apporntnen's et artivity ant deyelopement Ta this Heard. Aion gant aust. | elelling acted upon withent de times and their les held more felis Wanted: top! Nee ot what eaten! we are to participate (inks atid conf <owh Woth iilecrane te the heallh Gt hot | 280 hint of sadness and regret. Gailiies A Lreland, = Gennnssten AS HL im His as fer as te determine. {ening An UBM Wasser etratts: (on the reat both) Nfter the death of Captain Me- ol the, Wellington Beli and 1A. Maedaren Let us net be satisfied to mark ! rive tee money teachers and students, This, i Innes in 1913, his son. Mr. Joha Po Arthur, weote that thes er Library Goara Miss Kuna, Pte ad expect success to come ceanivaels sited, amd operations ae serene out McInnes, kept the [slay running cutemplating the «stablishinent [ting feos. but pee fetus peach cnt wider the whole sae. ! aitats: now paid: for ontside| 2", two more seus after. a nery in Allandale and |= Pe Board oof Health Ro \.)8d hy au efforts comming: sus | fen a litle ough Tne mentale interest von | Stich. the war rendering the eloexeiptien from taxes tor] Steptiens, GW. Poneher and I x i weeks rita: RRAQiTeed, bo vam) making of necessary repairs in- fen years of a fived assessinent, [&. Channen Aaah the war is over there] Ni. we to ainsi Uf siti | net ot ennatencliuy and. &¢ ayivieable, she lay off Courhfobing cats < § jeonlinn oO exist 8 x ch has been sian ade of AE ls 4 - | Beac! k i : . alse a flat r rate | Motion of Condolence [Shuetage nf {0d SUBpIG AE Le ene eth cucmmele made fy eammodation which would con-|Anctrnctoe a conan AY ber Uwe catated that thes mde) ayy sutiun of Hveve Craig-aud lait he nhebsauty Wer we deter ltoat always in _nppesition. [Serve the health of all concerned. ! hey tite began and in Gon che ever half a niillion pounds 1) sig) payne, (he Clork Was I-/ relay inoue aifturte ik M ebesitun <1 Inotice, with astonishment, the 'a Reaping: wil opcnts huttar last ar and paid out, x in ur efforts of the and a part of the press:-- ly " |ching's keeping will her bones " yeihn iy: producers We { structed te convey to the famuly iutaiting "Great. /in' Febrnary De. Spotton was ]Pesult at the polls, whieh defeats |remain, along with many of her 2 of the late Sherif Harvey the |. production" nf food. Ktaken over the ground and ine {me as a member 'of this Board, | predecessors. 3 epeame. Chief King's Report Chief King reported upon police court proceedings -- for as follows: Assault jail 1, breach of by pach of Revenue Act 20, 1 . cutting shade Trees 3, cruelty to animals 1, disorderly conduct 10, housebreaking 4, fraud 3, insult anguage 1, M.S. A. 2, Motor es Act 8, Ontario Temper- Health Act 1,| 3 The total munibe 98, the smallest for any year on record. The most serious crime during the y of he ing, The culprits are no ing a short term wilh the hope of reformation. During the year 279 communications were receiv- ed and answers written and 113 communications sent from the office. A great deal of this corfespondence was in reference to Food Control and M. 8. A. 'There were 56 L. D. phone calls attended to and 33 sent out and 29 telegrams received. Ten ap- plications were made for permits to purchase air gums and revol- vers, of which three were grant- ed. Four lost children were re. turned to their parents. During the year weight of bread has been tested 14 times, coal tested 35 limes and 58 loads of wood measured. Convictions by constables and fines collected were as follows: Con. Hagart, 30, 379; Chief King, 21, $531; Con. Lambie, 3, $5.00; Con. Raynor, 1. Total, 8615. There were $165 from other prosecutions, making a total of $780 fines and costs during the year. Town Wood Supply A query from Ald. Payne as to why the Town wood was not coming forward brought out the only discussion of the session. Fuel Controller Smith explained that it was due to lack of snow al the shipping point and to the influenza epidemic which had completely disorganized the con- {ractor's camps. Last week the contractor said he expected to be able to go right ahead and ship sincere sympathy of the couneil in their great bereavement Continued Growth of Assets Continued growth of assets is a feature of the annual report of the Union Bank of Canada for the year ending November 30, 1918, which has just been made public. It is evident, however, that this growth would have been yet larger but for the occurrence of the Victory Loan payments just before the making up of the balance-sheet, which have caus- ed in all the Canadian Banks a considerable shrinkage of sav- ings deposits. In the case of the Union the savings Qeposits are actually five million dollars less 4han in 1917, but this loss is more than made up by oth classes of business, so that t total assets at the lose of 1918 quarter are nine and -- thre million dollars more than a year ago. » Those assets now total $15 181,451, and are responsible for the very large earning power f the Bank. Current loans in Canada, which a the measure of the Bank's to the business community and the chef souree of its profits, are now 74 millions of 'dollars, an increase of over 15 millions in the year and of 2 millions in two years. In spite of this expansion in loans, the liquid assets still amount to the respectable total of $73,368,327, and represent more than 51 p.c. of the public liabilities. . With current loans thus in- creased, it is not surprising to find that profits were much larger than last year's. _They amount to 8824,175 as compared with $763,464 in 1917 and 86514,- {84 in 1916, "But in both of the last-named years the profits were subject to a deduction of 8150,000 appropriated for meet- ing con{ingencies or depreciation of assets, whereas no such appro- priation is necessary this year, and the directors were therefore able to make the first addition to Rest Account since the war began. [his addition of $200,000 with our own efforts to supply an adequate wood supply, will ensure a proper supply of fuel at reasonable prices. During the war period little has been done to maintain our nain streets in proper repair, and il may now be necessary meeting the labor -- situation which is almost sure to confront us. Our other town, in common with towns, throughout -- the has been visited by a vide epidemie -- Spanish Influenza. We have been most fortunate in having a small number of deaths as compared with other towns of our country. 'Too much credit cannot he given the M.O.H. and those who en- rolled themselves as "Sisters of The reply was received and re- ferred in the usual way, by mj self, to the proper committee to act pigeon-holed by and not dealt with. surprised to learn that the eom- '6 { munication consider the matter of street {@nswered; nor was I acquainted paving and improvement. 'This |°f this until after two members may, in a measure, assist in! (opposed to the Agricultural site', and the press had*this in- up ithe matter by telephone. and had it adjusted in the course of received by telegraph. for the removal of building, plan and building, for the untiring efforts and de= votion to duty of the ladies of Barrie. This year there is little like [formed us that the site would libood of much suffering from approved, bul advised us to make|@?n portiqns of the Town, who fuel shortage, Early restrie- application to the Departinent of | Have been for years clamouring tions by the Fuel Controller com-|Education in the formal way,]f0" # central location for the hined with comparatively mild{and stated that it would be re.|COllegiate. At great personal weather have done much to|ferred to him hy the Department, | S@¢rifice (I may be permitted to lessen any hardships, and these,!This was done without delay,|8a¥) it is owing to my personal effort. above all, that has been upon; but, instead, was the Secretary Later I was had not even been tion. TI immediately took o or three days, sanelion being Arrangements and estimates specifications for removed and binding agree- Few persone are in a Service" to combat The readiness and sacrifice the plague. those who so unselfishly gave position to he impressed with the tl eplendid success that has been achieved in 'this work, nor will ing for the sick is agair criterion of what Canadian womanhood To conclude this address with- out reference to what has been accomplished by the Women's Institute of Barrie and like or- errr brings the Rest Account up to $3,600,000. Past experience has shown that the reduction in savings de- posits of the Union Bank like the! loan flotation is purely tempor - ary. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the savings de- posits of the Union Bank, like the other items of its business will again assume an dency in a few months. themselves up to the task of car- ithe those who gave so much and earnest stands for in the hour of need.|so Se RE ever fully appreciated. the it is earnestly hoped that the ganizations throughout the coun-icommittee on Finance and ty would be unpardonable. The}asgessment will devise some wonderful success of the Barrie; moans of improving the system Canning Kitchen speaks volumes | now in use, ° been hastily reviewed and now the future lies before us fairly bristling with opportunities. If we apply ourselves unitedly and|trust that the incoming Board with common resolution to do,|of Education will we may achii'2 our we have none better,and few quite{that confront them, and that the so good, in this Dominion. us not fail upward ten-|Barrie industrially what it should be. sacrifice and devotion of time successfully carried on be Some attention should be given matter of assessment, and Something of the past has by the central, west and south- consummated against the opposi- tion of all three new members elected from the body of the Town. But I have this satisfac- tion: that the new Collegiate is where | worked to have it--and there it will remain, an ornament to the town, and as years go by it will be more and more appreciat- ed by all citizens, irrespective of wards. . T cannot close without paying tribute to the members of the Building Committee for their loyal support, some of whom strongly opposed me when the present site was first moved, but who, after the people spuke with their ballots, helped heart and soul in the work, These trustees were, Love, Fisher and Sinclair; and on them--and them alone (with myself)--have devolved the whole and sole work of the pre- sent building up to date. During the past year there have heen many changes in the teaching staff, owing to ill- ness and resignation, all of which have been dealt with efficiently; and as chairman of management, Trustee Love has had no easy task--for it entailed much work and sacrifice of time on his part. A patent has been obtained from the Government for the old Collegiate grounds and will be held in trust for all time, for school purposes only, and conse- quently cannot be sold or other- wise disposed of. In conclusion, I speak for my something for town. As a_ residential Let this year lo make successor a loyal support and be able to demonstrate to the people that The day of the large pleasure Steamer is over for Couchiching and Simeoe,. their place being usurped by the dashing little motor boat, but it is questions able if the speediest of launches will ever impart to the children of the present and future the thrills of delight and the happy moments afforded those children of past times when, on Sunday school pienie day, they stepped aboard the Islay bound for Straw- berry Island. Those Sunday school picnics with the boats, both Islay and Longford, crowd- ed to their usmost limit, with their whistles wildly. shrieking a last call for Mr. Herbert Cook, Without whom there could be no pienic, and with somebody's Willie risking life and limb in his climb up the stern of the boat from deck to deck, they, like the Islay herself, are only memories how, but memories that will long be cherished by many a boy and girl of former years 200 pairs of women's first quality storm rubbers, all sizes, medium and high heels, at Hurl-- burt's Shoe Store, for 75¢ a pair. -Sarjeant's 'Coal is much cheaper fuel than Woed at present prices. --The Hurlburt's Shoe Co. have 500 combination pencit boxes, with ruler attached, some. thing every scholar wants, with pencil and pen. These are given away absolutely free with every pair of school boots bought at Hurlburt's Shoe Store this month, -------------- TOWN WOOD SUPPLY __ 'The Town wood is now eoming in freely and orders will be de- livered on. receipt of payment be- ing made to the Town Treasurer. Place orders without delay as wood delivered direct from the cars will cost 50 cents per. cord they are equal to the conditions improvements pointed out above will be accomplished. x War Savings Stamps pay well. less than wood that has to be unloaded before delivery. As wood is being handled at cost it is necessary that it be paid for before delivery. 3-4 A, W. SMITH, Treasurer

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