Is not a gamble, but a sure thing that you are getting the greatest possible Quality and Value 'to the limit of your expenditure. TRY - IT. [ ' Remedy for Pneumonia (me of the best New England physicians states that be has never lost s patient by this disease, by the use of this simple rewedy. At any rate it is perfectly harm- lea. Take six to ten onions, according to size, and chop fine. Put in a large spider over hot fire, then add sbout the same quan- tity of rye meal and vinegar enough to form a thick paste. In the meantime stir it thoroughly, let it simmer 5 to 10 minutes, then put it in a cotton bag large enough to cover the lungs, and apply to the chest sz hot ss the patient can bear. In about 10 minutes apply another, and thus con- tinue by 'ing the poultice and in a few hours it is said the patient will be out of danger. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Taste and See 'OU are not asked to accept Kim on any one else's say so. pasteurised separ powder form lis in its natural Machanged mille flavor. Taste aad see, One end ten pound tins IN WOMAN'S REALM © FIELD COMFORTS Mrs. Stewart and the Field Comforts Inde are good. Substitute mixtures should be baked LEVER 'BROTHERS LIMITED. < ° "T never knew Telfers. licious"'. , She's right. YOU For sale at all grocers. Telfers One satisfied customer said: could be so good until I tried They are perfectly de- Packed in air tight packages. i "The Buy Word for Biscuits Graham, Wafers try them. Cuff, A.B... FIELD COMFORTS FUND Statement of Receipts and Disbursements ". to 4th January, 1919 = SSRaSSSRSES SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSSSSSssssesssssssssssesssssssssss Coutts, A Boo ee Calderwood, Mrs. Flugh .. .. M4 Cowan, Miss Kathleen . ; Cowan, Alex... .. .. Carson, Andrew Crew. Thompson .. Devlin, B.. Dyment, Allan... Dyment, Harold .. .. Dyment, Simon .. ; IB 7 worker would like to take this opportunity eae John . 10 of thanking all the men who so faithfully | Donnelly, J. R. § stood behind their work by means of the Davis, Stanley . 15 Bank of Commerce Fund. Their gratitude Eqwarda Justin 46 to Mr. Cross can never be expressed. His | Feten, G. H 46 work in connection with the Fund is be- | Felt, A, H. 46 yond praise. Several contributoms sent | Forbes, C.J... .- BS 16 money regularly to Mrs. Stewart for to- Fletcher, RJ. rae ee | bacco or postage and ao do not show on the |Foley, W. Eo... -. eS GE 5 j list. Capt. Basil Morton tfansferred Wiis Fowler, W.J... 0... 0. cs ses. 12 monthly gift to the Tobacco Fund und | Fisher, 8. J... ons ony 28 sent it regularly until he was reported mis. in. rs) sing. Col. MacLaren contributed dirvctly , 5 to the President most generously all the | Gullie, Wm 21 time he was away and since. Miss Crew | Garrett, A. F. 46 and the Misses McPhee gave regular dona-| Gilmour, J. F. - e 1 tions to Mrs. Stewart every month. Mr.!Grandy FON... u Fisher, Mr. Simon Dyment, Mr. Hinds and Griffiths, W. A . 12 Mr. Lett have sent in small amounts siuce | Griffiths, W. D.. Jr 12 the books were audited, adding $14.00 to! Grusett HJ... 12 00 the total. All this money will be sent to|Hambly, JR. 16 00 the Canadian Field Comforts Commission | Hunter, W.C... .. -. -s s+ 2. 46-00 at once, There are a few amounta out: | «finds! C. C. coe eae 4400 standing which may be given to Mrs. Stew- | Habbiek, Alex wa od oy os. 46:00 art or Miss Spry. Hubbard, G. D. : vee 4400 Socks will be gathered on Friday, Jan. 17. | Higgs Archie 3 Mr. Stewart gratefully acknowledges | truyrable. T. R. 0 $7.50 gathered by Mrs, Turley in Utovia | Hurlburt, F. H. 12 and $10.50 donated by the Women's Ins- | Hart, Dr. V, 1 titute, Oro Station, Irwin, Geo. . 5 SEE, 45 HOUSEHOLD HINTS | jeceaene SEF 46 Try whipping cream in small glass globes | Jamieson, H. D. .. 46 such as are used for gold fish. It does uot | Johnston & Warren 10 spatter. King, Byron .. . 46 Prunes stuffed with stiff orange marma: | King. Misses, E, and F. 44 Kennedy, Hunter Kearns, Peter more slowly and longer. | Kearns, P. J. . 1 Honey should be kept in a warm, even | King, Oief . a4 hot, place. Knigh', Victor . 35 In cakes and puddings one does not have 44 to use so much sugar if raisins are used. 46 There is little fat in fruit, but apples con- 45 tain more thun any other sort. | Fi When cooking honey keep an asbestos 6 mat under the saucepan, otherwise it may | } 5 burn. 2 : 48 | 2 Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at As W. A. Lowe & Son' 43-tf Bie 48 00 MacLaren, D. H... 6. +. +. -» 28 00 me Marr, Fred 2... 2. se we ee ee 96 0 MeeLaren, J. A. + 46-00 Milne, Alex. 46 00 McAdam, 8. 20 00 McCandless, Jes sees 48-00 Maleomson, A F. A sete ee 46 00 McCarthy, Mrs, Jeffrey... 13 00 McLean, GB... .. ss + ++ ©» 10:00 Merrill, Len... 0... + La 44-00 McLeod, D. D. .. .- , 1000 Monkman, Geo... .. + see A200 MebMartin, Joo os og oe oe nes 44.00 . « Franko. te ee ee There is as much difference be- Mote Oh 00 tween Sunlight Soap and its Morton, Basil 50 imitators as there is between sunlight acd Milne, JD... .. 12-00 artificial light. WhyP Absolute purity McKinnon, W. D. 12-00 . with superior cleansing povvers--more real Maley, N. W. $2 00 soap for your money--you get them in Sunlight Soap. QB 0 TORONTO. ONT. 48 00 47:00 500 12 00 22 00 p 3 32 00 Tr 10 00 3ra 13 27:00 46 00 Brow haowSSalw asa wh SSSSSSSE SS S8 ons Sr SSSS8SSSS8SSSSS3SSS3SSSSS3SSSSS3S3333S | i s «THE-BARRIE EXAMINER... RED CROSS NOTES This week the first answers lo Christinas Stockings shipped by Karrie Branch were received. 'The Congregational -- churen hud charge of the shop on Sal Jan. 11; net receipts, $74.63. Allandale Churches will have charge on Sat, Jan. 18, and the following Saturday, which will be Wie last for the Red Cross Shop, will he in charge of {he Baptist 1 and Salvation Army, Committee this, week, Mrs. Little, Mrs. MacLaren; next week, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. A Carson, Book-keeper, Mrs. F. R. Porritt Donations to Shop on Sat., Jan. 11: South Line Ivy, $6.40; Utopia, $1.00. hop MoCabe--Green 'The home of Mr. and Mr George J. Green, "Bayview, Allandale, was the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding on Wed- nesday afternoon, January 8, at half after three o'clock, when the Rev. E. B. Taylor, rector of St. George's church, solemnized the marriage of their daughter, Floreuge Reta, to Mr. Clarence L. McCabe of Fort William, son of Mr. John and the late"Mrs. Mc- Cabe of Allandale, in the pres- ence of only the immediate friends. Mrs. Fred Green played the wedding march. The bride was unattended and looked charming in a dress of silk oriental lace and taffeta over net, and wore the family wedding veil and orange blossoms, carry- ing a bouquet of pale pink roses and fern and wearing the groom's gift, a gold wrist watch. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served. The numerous presents receiv- ed "testify to the popularity of the bride and groom. Before going to their home 'in Fort William they will spend a week with 'friends in Barrie and vicinity. Independent Audit of 8. A. Books The thirty-sixth Annual Fin- ancial Statement of the Salva- tion Army for Canada East, New- foundland, and Bermuda, 'for the past year, has just been issued from the office of Commissioner Richards. Some of the chief in- stitutions Army's funds are: Thirteen Hea- cue cand Children's Homes and Hospitals from London 'to Heli- fax; .Men's Hostels atsBowdony Hamilton, Quebeo, St. John, N.B. St. Johns, Nfd., Toronto, Mon- treal. and Halifax; 'Training Colleges, Young People's Work, Prison-gate Work, Salvages, and many other branches of the) Army's activities which call for considerable ouflays of money. The books of fhe Salvation Army are audited by independent auditors and wre on -fyle and open for inspection of the public. The business of the Army is con- ducted on modern principles just as any large commercial or fin- ancial institution is conducted. Every account is kept separate, and the financial management is in the hands of Lieut.-Colonel A. E. Smeeton, who is a chartered That the poliee have not been much troubled with evil-doers lately is shown by the fact that the lock-up has not been used se far this month. The price for notices in tha Local Column or for any other reading notices in The Examiner is ten cents per line. 45-tt accountant of ripe experience. Every year, dress fabrics You may feel quite free to about the washing of them. to injure them. supported by the]. pare water What Everywoman Knows are becoming. sheerer and sheerer--the colors more dainty. The ordeal of trusting the delicate garments to 'soap and water", however. is done away with by the use of Lux. buy the daintiest blouse or underwear your purse can afford--without a bit of worry . You keep them fresh and new.the Lux way--simply dipping them up and down in the-creamy, copious Lux suds with never a bit of rubbing Lax won't hurt anything . that 'paler self may "touch LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. 50 y