Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1919, p. 10

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Dr. J. W. Sandlin Has Found Tanlac to be Great Remedy For His Patients. 'The following letter from Dr. J. W. Sandlin, one of the most Prominent phy: ern Texas, has been received, at the Tanlac office and gives in- disputable evidence as tu the value of 'Tanlae as a reconstrue- tive tonie for persons who a recuperatiny from the afte effects of Spanish [ifluenza, His letter fallow Humbe 5, 1918 Dear sir Just a few lines in reference to Tanluc. [ have found your preparation "to be a Wonderful reconstruetive tonic, and in iny opinion i bas no equal in. its fine, To have found it te be the best tomie tu be had to build up my patients who have had Spanish Influe: I have treat- ed within (he past month about 1.400 cases, and have never been able te get sulfiewnt Tanlae ts supply our peuple. Your very truly, Signed Dro J. W Sandhin Dr. Sandlin not ouly enjoys very large practice as a) phys ician, but he ts alse a man uf wide influence and ranks as a leading citizen of the enterpris- ing little city of Humble, Texas As a practicing physician. of xteen years' experience, Dt Sandlin was quick to recognize the superior tome properties of Tanlac other veredies aid unhesitatingly and voluntarily gave Tanlac his unqualified en- dorsement over Although the tufluensa deme zreatly subside, short foie. it is today heeaking out anew in its very worst fori from practically one emt of the country to the other and) con. tinues to claim ils victims by the thousands cording te late reports, aver yi 350,000 peaple have alt from the iisease. Persons whe haye had Infla- enza are offentines left ina very Weakened, run-down condition and unless the greatest care is taken, both as ty habits and diet, sérious complications are apt to follow. If yeu are in this con. dition, nothing on earth will build you up and ste nethen you like 'Tanlae, as is clearly proven by the experiences of Dr. Sandlin and other well known physicians who are using it se successfully in their daily practice. As a reconstructive tanie anid body buil Par is without an eqnal and contains the w elements needed hiy, the system to. you to your normal strength and weight and ta fore fify your system against alt In connection with the lae Treatment it keep the bowels restore king . samples Iuded with every Tanlac sold in) Barrie hy Geo, Monkman, in Orillia by M. H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. J. MeGuire, in Lefroy by G. Ry Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay. 4p Waubgusheng by Georgian Baty Tumher Co.,Ltd. in Port Me~ Nicoll by P. A ton by Robt. FE. Little, in Gilford»: James A, Blain, in Tottenham b Chas. A. Weaver, in' Penetang- uishene by Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, Richart Rumble, *C. G. Millard, in . Gerria, in Brad. Campbell, in Stroud Beattie, in Allis- ford by W. I. by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst s & Son,'in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vic- toria Harbor by 'T. W. Brown. Advertisement. The Marvel Drug Co., Limited 2834 Dundas Street West, Toreate *}2a and ss they are very mild eases tnd » B. Schell, in Lisle hy} .| rink are opened again, LEFROY : Jan. 13.--Pte. Geo. Irving, in-' valided home from the Front, is visiting A. Kirkpatrick. Pte. John Parsons, who came over from England on the North- land, spent a day in this village. School re-opened on Monday with Miss Ramsey in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Gulston of To- ronto and Charles-and Harry of the wireless department of the Navy spent Saturday calling on friends here Rev. Mr. Jamieson, from near London, had charge 'of the ser- vice in the Presbyterian chureh on Sunday evening Miss M. Aiken of Bradford Japent Suuday wilh Miss E. Ral. ston. Geo. BurehaseNis spending few days in this village J. Boyes shipped w earload of jeattle and hogs on Saturday, Mr. Douglas and wile from pin HAWKESTONE | A very pleasant evening was spent in the Methodist parsonage on Wednesday last, by the members of the Ladies' Aid und their husbands, and the choir and a few other friends. Gumes were indulged in by young and old, efter which refreshments were served. On a motion by R. Reid, seconded by H. Newman, a vote of thanks was tendered Rev. A. A, and Mrs. Jenner for the evening's entertainment. At the League D. Smith gaye an address on Indi, and showed the great need of 'further missionary endeavour, Mrs, T, A. Stone has gone to Toronto for o few days Mr. and Mrs. Jamex Smith had quite a scare lust Thursday, believing that the house wus on fire. A search revealed a 'faulty chimney us the cause of the smoke. The Methodist Ladies' Aid is presenting a new hynin and tune book for pulpit use. James McMillen ix taking out loge to Mr. Jordan's mill UTOPIA . Jan, 14 All those who have been laid up with the "flu" are improving nicely and no new case are reported. School did not open until yesterday ow ing to the fact that the teacher, Miss Me- | Crucken, had not sufficiently recovered to take churge of the school last week | W. Bird of Newmurket ix spending a couple of weeks with F. McCann There was service in the Anglican Church again last Sabbath after being closed for three Sundays. Nurse Lower of Barrie ix atténding Mrs W. Miller Sr., who is confined to her bed | with an attack of bronchitis a pster attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. J. Arnold, at Cookstown on | Saturday last Miss L, Dobson returned to take charge of her school at Tottenham last week after spending the vacation here Pie. A, Tiffin ha returned home. | BELLE EWART | 14.--The Lake Simcoe Ice Co. have ted louding cars sx the ice is from 6 to 8 in, now, It will! take considerable time to repair the damage caused by the expansion of the ice on Monday, Boat houses are tilted up, two bows that were lying on the shore ure smashed und heavy posts are {snapped off like pipe stems. The slush | tower in leuning-and one conveyor ix twisted |like the letter S. Thix will make con- siderable work for 4 number of men getting things straightened out reudy for the' ice Reason - Therg ure few cases of Spanish influen- 'Dr. Pickard has quarantined them it is to | be hoped there will be no further spread of the disease. Mrs. H. A. Whan is'in Toronto General | Hospital for an operation on her tonsils, STROUD Jan. 14.--Miss Ferguson, Aurora, and Harold Jacques, Ottawa, are guests at D. |W. Lennox's. | Mins Margaret Boyes hus returned after a two-weekw' visit with friends in Oro. Miss Lillian Whitney is in, Toronto. Misx-Hunt has resumed duties after an j attack of flu", The churches, schools and the skating The "flu"' epi- demic seems to have abated almost en- DALSTON 14.--The young people have been ing a few nights' skating on the pond. Miss Minnie Wood has returned home. of girl friends on Thursday evening. Miss Mabel Wateon has returned to Bar- rie, Mr. and Mrs. F. Osborne of the Soo are visiting the former's brother, A. Os- borne. Miss E. Beelby of Thornton is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Myrtle Beelby. MINESING STATION Jan. 13.--Pte, H. Elliott is in Toronto getting his discharge, H. Anderson, who Has been spending the holidays at his home here, has returned to Midland. . There were quite a number here sick with the "flu" but I am glad to say they are recovering nicely. Mra. Thos. Elliott has returned after visi- ting in Midland. The public school has been closed for the Past two weeks on account of the 'flu'. ORO STATION Arthur Bell's family are sll getting over fe. "flu", also Bert Grabam, wife and aby. Saskatchewan are visiting at the | will be pleased to hear they have quite se. of tis brother-in-law, "',/¢overed from: the 'flu', | es Miss Ida Lavender entertained a n@aber of KNOCK oe 14.--Our schoo!" opened for the win- r term with a fair attendance, Mi Andrew, teacher. : pec. Donald and Bruce Cowan, after mnd> ing the holidays under the parental" roof, 'ave returned to Toronto and O.A.C., res. Pectively, Miss McLeod, of Toronto, a former teach- @hy visite! Mrs. Reynolds last week for @ few days and called on other friends, Miss Lillian Reid has resumed her studies in Toronto after several weeks" absence. Knock Sewing Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Cowan on Tues, Jan. 28, fi. \SHANTY BAY ere' was a good congregation at thi Methodist Church on Sunday. 'The pasos spoke from "I am not ashamed of the | Gospel of Christ," and showed that in THE BARRIE EXAMINER - News from Neighboring Townships ee "A OWNADIpS As Told by Our Correspondents thing for us? since the twelfth day of ti spite of "the world's strife, and present Wrongs, there was less need than ever to be ashamed of "The Gospel of Christ." It is the one great need in the world } Rex Sutton is visiting friends in Toronto, | The many friends of the Sutton family | Some ,.8imooe Crop Figures 'The crop bulletin issued by the | Oulario Dept. of Agmeulture gives the following statistics for and clothing for the boys, 197 Huts for Soldiers. 1,200 uniformed workers, 45 ambulances. Labored for the Master, Given the Simeoe County: Fall wheat, 18, ares, 20.0) bus. pep were; spring wheat. 19.965 acres i bus. pera 7 acres, $4.3 bus, per ver | ares, (LL hus, pe rye, 15.495 ueres, 16.80 bus acre: huckwheat, 17939 | 20.2 Dus. per acre: peas, 8,089 | feres, 20.5 bushels per vere | beans, 2464 uere 2.8 bux. per! mere: flax, 28! ED bus. per corn far husking, 562 aces bus. wcre; fda cern, 10.785 aeres, FRY Dus. per acre: Dotialoes acres, 120.8 bus per aer ig S10 bus. per acre: giange aeres, 424 bus. per acre Fouts, S04 aeres, 8050 hus, per acre 338 arres, 198 tons | ay and clover Hi8Ia acres, | Mher g pasture 7 ae mit lings, 12.gvi: | volts ¢ 5: sheep and lambs bulls, 1807: mileh cows, calves, 30,5 steers, His swine, sor | The annnal meeting of the Oro! Plowinen's Association gill by held in the Town Hall, the afternoon of the 17th of dav. Immiehately follotmge the mee ing of the Agvieutural Society other vatile, re any Pit Thrift Stamps, spare "quarters into | Read the Adlet Column foo Nervous To Sleep Nerves Wrecked by Accident = Was Afraid to Go in a Crowd or to Stay Alone--Tells Of His Cure. | Much sympathy was felt in this olty for Mr. Dorsey, who met with a dise treusing accident when his foot was smashed in an elevator. The shock to the nervous system was so great that Mr. Dorééy was im @ pitiable condition for a long time, He was like a child in that he ree quired his mother's care nearly all the time, He feared a crowd. could not stay alone and could not slee| because of the weakened and excl! condition of his nerves. Detroit doctors did what they could for him, but he could not get Lack his strength and vigor until he fortunates ly heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, | It is no mere ficcident that Dn Chase's Nerve Food pfoves to be ex actly what is needed in eo many ft exhausted nerves. It 1s compos of the ingredients which nature re- quires to form new blood and create new nerve force. For this reason it cannot fail and for this reason It suo- ceeds when ordinary medicines fail. Mr. Laurence B. Dorsey, Stan street, "London, Ont., writes :."Aboi three years ago I got my foot smashed in an elevator in Detroit, which com- pletely wrecked my nerves, I doo- tored with the doctors there, but they did not seem to be able to help mé.- My nerves were in such a state that Z could not go down town alone or go any place where there was a crowd. Sométimes my mother would have to sitvand watch over me at night, and sometimes. I could not get eny sleep atall. But one day last winter I com- and before I had completely used the first box I could see a difference im my condition. I continued using these pills for some time. The result was splendid. I feel so much better, oan sleep well at night, can go out on the street and attend gatherings like thi rest of people, I am so pleased to able to tell you what Dr. Chase's Nervi Food has done for me, and to recom- mend it'to other people." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a Armenian relief collection inthe Metho- dist Sundsy School amounted to' $2.65. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Davis are reported aé having, arrived in. Japan, where 'they stay for a while, ' ' } box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.75, ay all dealers or Bdmanson,| Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do Bow'be talked into accepting a substi- | tute. 'Imitations only disappoint, ' fodder LN87 acres mer 4.800 oreh acres; hy fruits Stallinns : menced using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, ANnten Mills The Salvation Army is give liberally, Toronto--subscriptions . Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: 3 SIR EDMUND WALKER 1 Toronto OBITUARY 7 John Reid Thee death eecured ut his home ed had been a member ot the Prestytertin Chureh, but of late The Salvation Army Million © MAIL -YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ONE OF THE TREASURERS B: OR TO COMMISSIONER RICHARDS, 20 ALBERT ST., TORONTO We MUST provide for the need of the : Soldier and his family! ° Tt is absolutely necessary to ensure certain safeguards and comforts to our boys over there and over here, so that \they may be re-established in Canada, strong in body and soul, contented that we at home have stood by them to the finish. What sacrifice can we make for the boys who were prepared to sacrifice every- What the Salvation Arm: Done ; It has provided comforts for fighting men Hundreds of thousands of parcels of food Tens of thousands of beds daily use in France, England and Canada, Thousands of War widows cared for, Looked after soldiers' families, Helped iO promrve the home ties. OTHER touch to lonely men. Soldiers Home January URGENT AND PERSONAL needs--needs made a general appeal for funds to carry on this work until now. Give and you are not certain that your contribution will be taken up by a canvasser, send it direct to the Hon. SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMITTEE Headquarters: of age, and was born in Arthur, Comity of Peel years in Barrie, Dollar Fund © , Iw, ° What Remains to be Done "Keep the Hostels open and open more, so that every returning goldier can get a clean bed and wholesome meals at a price he can afford to pay. he War. in Hostels in Provide comforts and safeguards for our boys, advancing into Germany, as well as those coming home and needing a place to cat and sleep, in Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, London, Chatham, Winnipeg or Vancouver, Guide and assist soldiers' families, especially the widows and orphans. Coming Campaign ! 19th to 25th , equipped and organized to take care of the soldiers' that are imperative. It has never Treasurer, Sir Ecmund Walker, will be acknowledged. "God loveth a cheerful giver" Treasurer New Brunswick: JAMES M. CHRISTIE Bank of Commerce,St.John,N.B, B: Treasurer Nova Scotia: DONALD MacGILLIVRAY ank of Commerce, Halifax, N.S. vrunto. Deeeased wa 'ars! rie and in comete She lived for 45 and for the past Minard's Liniment Cures Garget. in Cows 120. run Th dnnisfile in| 28 Years had lived in Toronto, eee Jan V1, ef one ot thatdaiwnship's| SB! Was an active member of blest planers in the person-of{ St Helen's Church and also (F NDT N RAILWAY John Reid, in his 86th year My, {ember of the Ladies' Auxiliary SYSTEM Heid wits bern in ireland, lav. rule Hoo Ht i Locomotiy: Ine there when 200 v4 wh raiumen, Six children survive, fie Seotland, where he spent the]! af Whom are married Law. | MLE TABLE CHANGES. Hest Owo years, He then came tap tener of Parry § Ernest, Canada, settling in Nottawasaga | SHO. lives home: and three Th Whence he eae to tinistil | Overseas, Addis, 3 ; | BI years age. He was, marred; There tances: ai's:|A change of time will be made bout 48 years age ty Mary Jane| Lynch, at the Junction, one in - Famsted, whe pp ide Ubn Saskatuon, and one brother in on , hy three years. A family of twes ee ' ' See sens and one daughter) survive he body was brought to Bar- j These are Wed MT an Mes JANUARY 19TH, 1919. Erama, allot Craigvale. Deceas years had attended the Metheedisi io i sea ttt Mberateyp ttn rend INSTANTLY. RELIEVED With | |/2formation now in Agents' ae hands. Mrs. Annie Parker Mrs. Parker, widow of the late * 7 a Joli Parker of Vespra, passed | | ORMONEY REFUNDED. ASIC ANY DAUGGIST away on Friday at the age of 74| [orvtitetyman-Knox0o., Montreal, P.{. Price 6c. i BICUINGELEY, years. She was a the late Win. Carson born on con. 7, Vespra. daughter of and was Her hus- band predeceased her by thirty. five 5 ars. She lived with her Mrs. J. Robson, Shanty Bay, until recently, when she cane lo reside with her sister, Mrs. Cameron, Small st. She was a membe of the Collier St. Methodist church and endured her lengthy illness" with great patience and christian fortitne To mourn her death there are three sons and three daughters Albert of Regina, Geo mis, Lambert Barber of Sardis, Simpson of Simpson, Mrs. J. Robson of Shi There are also six twelve grandchild uf Noke of Oulgary, BO. Mra. Mra. and Ray, am ----__ Jno. Marous Knapp _John Marcus Knapp of Mine- sing, who had been ailing. for some time, died on Jan. 4. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Knapp. Kingston, and was seventy-four years of age. He came to Minesing when quite young and settled on a farm' then in a state of natural wildness, He married, forty-five years ago, Miss Janet Aussell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Russell, Russellton. Of a family of ten only one brother survives, A. C. Knapp, Barrie. He leaves a widow and seven children to mourn his loss, Herbert, Allandale; Irvin, i David and Earle, Toronto; Mrs. D. Campbell, Min- esing; Andrew and Jean at home with their mother, Deceased was a member' of the Baptist church. Especial sympathy is felt for the' family, who have been thrice bereaved by death within nine months, ~ is Mrs. Rose eo Mrs. Rose Byrne, late of Bar- rie Ont., died on Tuesday, Jan. 7, from neuritis of the heart at her residence, 235 Brock avenue, Phoos 6b Yeoot Agent = ST ERM FFER of ally NR does it by improving digestion, assimilation and elimination --- NR Today-- Relief or No Pay: three vital processes of | rheumatic. pol of 'nourishment ie i ie "meth boca jon jourishment of - slustnation cf" ihe | seas of Nature's hceae est See interfere with' th medicines procestes ictenene be interrupted or talaga improperly carried on, and alckness t 'of some kind follows, that 'in turn often hacer in Doverlahed" Sloe 'And Nature's Remedy ts i , jurete Remedy ts not oniy tones the liver, ie rte a:

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