THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN (°r2,jii? WANT=> Avo wR, y HOUSEMAID WANTED-- t Oven- BOARDERS WANTED--Apply to 22] "Go Cotioge Apply at Oven- Local. News Fridays and Saturdays are Money- Worsley street. 50--4p S =a : r - z Ww) . EY. Wi ---Farmers may ol in all : WANTED--A good girl, apply 29 William priate ie. BS 'tee | sizes of Coal al Sarjeant's. Saving Da Ss at This Store Strect, Allandale Lk GAS HEATER for Sule, weary oom apy | oglOUNtY Council meets on Jan. y' i Ke gorstg or Sale, nearly new, apply, 28. Ps a L . PUREE of fl kinds wanted. Ht Levit) Bey: "Box "K", Examinir 8p) "AL the present time there are ties of If you walsh: this space and our witdows each week you will seé oppertin: _ et y i S of securing goods and articles you want at a considerable saving over regular MAID WANTED--At once. Apply Mrs. | OMY four prisoners in the 1e: Iz ge yt WOOD FOR SALE--Good hardwood, cut 7 # county jail. 4, . ' . . | and split to order, Lewis & Co: 2tfe|_ Hinds, 181 Elizabeth street. S30) --Don't forget the: "aiitiuat prices. Secure your share of this week's specials: ! } RAW FURS WANTED-- Highest prices.| WANTED--BUFF ORPINGTON_Roosters.| Meeting of Barrie Union Cem- ip RAW FURS WANTED Highest prices.| "Apply E. V. Wilson, Shanty Bay. 83 | etery. MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS { M. Rosenfeld, 33 Collier St, Barrie, 1-2p John Gordon left on Monday This will be your last chance to secure one of these 'FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss | ARM FOR SALE--Penetang Road, lot 17,: for Thessalon with a carload of coats at the money-saving cuts we have made on the Oro. Write M. E. Parkhouse, Barrie.3-5¢ : a _B- McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 97-tfe Horses Powell, Sr., has sold his prices. We have only a few left, so act quickly. } DRESSMAKING by the dy--Miss McGill, bart? a ae hg Thee. | residence in Worsiey St. to Wim, Men's Coats, worth $20.00, Friday, Saturday $15.00 { phone 452. 33 Alfred street, Alles $3p ro land. he b . Men's Coats, worth $25.00, Friday, Saturday $18.00 ' 5 ce on the bay is nearly ten PROF. D. E. WEIR--Teacher of Piano and Violin. Pisno Tuner, Barrie. LADIES' TAILORING and Dressmsking} WHITE WYANDOTTE Cockerels for sale, done, Miss E. Gosney, Adelaide Street,| pure Regal strain, utility birds. J. A. Allandate. 51-10c| MacLaren. 3-3 inches thick and cutting will soon 6 Owen "7 "Cammence 3. fe inaugural meeting of the W. and L. Commission will be held Friday afternoon. farm for spring Thompson & Son, office 15 Owen St, Barrie. 3-3p The fully registered Victory SNAP IN BOYS' SKATING BOOTS Sizes 11, 12, 13 only, McPherson's Lightning Hitch. Men's Skating Boots, sizes 6, 7, 8, 9. Both lines worth $3.00 Friday and Saturday ............... _, $2.25 MEN'S CORDUROY AND KNITTED CAPS $40] Bondsof the last issue have ber The corduroy caps are in fawn and brown, are of received by the local banks for | good weight, with ear laps. The knitted ones are 4 FEW CHOICE RHODE ISLAND RED Cockerels for sale. Harry Oaway, SP WATER METERS REPAIRED--We carry in stock a full line of meters and repairs. Moffatt & Parr. . HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Mulcaster Street, Immediate possession. 'Rent $8.00, Ap- ply on premises. 42tfe. FOR SALE--3 female Beagle pups, 4 URS-- Cash ps df . . . See ee ot ce tire eietat te coe] soothe ald, pars bred, in perfect health, sal a Saciek' Hane thick and warm, and come in pretty heather mix- Furriers, Dunlop St. 47--3mine.| _248 Blake street, Barrie. FP) ui play in Harrie tin Jan: tures. They are worth 50c and 75c. TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, all! FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all] The Intermediates play in Mil- | On Sale Friday and Saturday............ m conveniences. Apply to Mrs.| kinds of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran: | land, Jan ' ) a Smith, 60 Mary St 3p| teed. Bary Levit, Phone 384, Baytield Women's first quality: strap GIRLS' READY-TO-WEAR HATS HOUSE: FOR SALE or Rent -- Sere a RN On Me eee te ce re About one dozen, assorted styles and colors. The and Henry Apply to Jas, Brunt. | MITTS TAKEN from cutter at Barrie Tan | eee ayale REREAD S shapes are of felt and velvet, very nicely trimmed and by, Rt. No, 2, Burnie had Mar Act Nr a Ma tt We have cash buyers for a of splendid quality and in pretty colors. $1 49 © TO LET--Aciington Hote 'ow rent, auit-| ix to be avoided 3-3e nub at ae farms aa? mn Worth $2.50 and $3.00, Friday, Saturday . able for » good bounding house, Ten bed- | -- = -- wor waupson & Se ic a se Mattes or adtancet mine pune or |Win' intces eluth tur | BEARSKIN BONNETS, TAMS AND HOODS BOYS' WINTER FIRST CLASS BEEF AND PORK. By| instruction on Piano and Theory. For (yapstins, wonlulined salt cant} W ool Sets, caps and scarfs to match in fancy pat- OVERCOATS fee L Son Mlnabth Se Sack, |_ Sere inauire at 80 Mary street" 886 edinns and high I un sate) terns, White Corduroy Bonnets, etc., an assort- . : | TENDERS WANTED--for about 7 cords of i) fuer ane > Shge Store for ment of broken lines, worth up to 75c 39° Made of heavy wool frieze and eee octteeut, habe made ta kit] ardwood, "School Section No, 12, Innis- Encourage the Directors to clear Friday and Saturday ......... tweeds in splendid patterns, in mit and ereies ae ne ie Me lect fil. Tenders will be received by C. M. hi ive a urea Heal ot tone * oo brown and grey. Mostly in ike sew by Harry Twins, Row Block,! Srigiey Allandale, RR 2 ue ted ho give a great deal of tine 2. Te | Sree, Allandale, up to Jan sratuitously, hy attemling the TUQUES FOR BOYS AND (FD) trench style with belt. The 7 - annual m Pat the Barrie RLS : A ° TO RENT OR FOR SALE Business \rop- | WOOD CUTTING--Having purchased Me: Union Ceime cu 34 (iO yean Ay aad ote) to asty, rracente end stele. 6 bea Fadden's machine, | am prevared to saw furl Shee Store offers 4 an) i a i J a , 'y sheth ond Mary Sts. Apply Ro He! wood on short notice angwhere in town fits ' RTA etna Maieaines A good heavy, knitted union 4 5 rie 3 Webb, Barrie Bette) i : week 120 pairs af M 1 ' . . in lot is good value at the reg: ebb, Burs S| Gham Kelly Leave orien at Wiee's huickin wonl-lined (Overshoes, all tuque in large assortment of ular price of $15 ae parher shop 3$p fiae ; Heeeliwlio, 7 a fs FUNERAL, DESIGNS AND BOQUETS ~- | sires Far S195 a pairs same style colors and color combinations. ' Sil 50 artisticully Choice Cut Rows | LOST A hound, since Christmas, large, 1) boys' Overshoes for S169 pr Gal - andie i orth 35 ; 'gaz Friday and Saturday . Reet eerie Phom aie: FEMME white anid black, with tan coume heed. Reports frei several mvdiesl These are well worth 35c each. Aya ae pe WA Harris, Phone 718; 1-5r/ whire streak on face, answering to the men shew avery. wreal talline . : SAM RAT iG zi co, fame of "Bugle" Kindly return to Wo iff in the Spanish inflocura tan Friday and Saturday 25¢ WARM COATS CRUE Me nett tot 2 coe, Tegatie | Gosling, Barrie, Phone 361 Reward Stfe i (uw aint monntne me ae : FOR SMALL BOYS al acres, tot-28, con, 4, Townebip ' of Ox, with 924 feet lake shore frontage ; av mai fletts Siein h nearly Shan "Baye apy to duh 'Seca, QUALIIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 1," BOYS' SWEATER COATS Neatly made, double breasted Byrrie pone, close to Barrie, Good Saliry, (M#'Y people availed the There are stilla few leftof these styles, buttoned close up to the ; : " wa| When writing, state phone address Apply HF the eoppntiinnity af here are stilla few lettc oa neck, made of warm tweeds in AT ONCH-- A capable: howe | 1. ar Stigley. Allendale RR, Nes He ssonderfal ° pictirs, Navy Blue and Brown Sweat kerper, to take full ebare of form famie | oe phone ng 3 Bar ade" Honbts cl tine Woehle last weok tye Bile and Blown Owen brown and grey. These are Fiske Wid tls A Bind. sealoa : = {Mer Powell is to bi continent er Coats for Boys. Sizes for extra good at $5.00 and $5.50. sth nt home, one half nile from i rcinh tt menses ea Fe SETI Bees Phe 10 and 12 years, worth ggc To clear Fri., Sat. at $3 95 BS Stroud. Apply stating partie ) fin pee ce ' die ts Beapeni Webb, Stroud PO, se me aver: nigh ate ny | Dow't ferget the annual $1.50, Friday, Saturday a rs iy of phone. Ite] ty Me MoPateen Ameer clog ee | eas iN i i hen [aie a RENT CRAM. WANTED ne, Ont 18 ictnde's, lunes sia qi ff WE GIVE A Se COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, £ AGENTS WANTED--Men to establish | Tha Tar inenthiy meeting WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE i small loe in every county to tothe Weonten Tearhers Asscen, Collier St. Methodist Church | jivniite the Famous European Reteeute ine | fs ena ai He eeu ehahae 1 Rev Automebile Tires | Puneture and blow Thies, dan. 9 when Miss ; out proof Cost half asm . : . es 9 Sunday, J) 3 tires and wer tony uve ery able avhdpess on if am --Rev. W. B, Caswell, B.A. Vices} live men, Dominion which the quent. rorin. College 144 Confederation Life Tobeth interesting and Ont 7.00 'p.m.-- Prof. Mains, Victoria College a HS 1 TTT 7 OTT * sa MUON NTT DTN TTT The Story of 1918 The results achieved by The Imperial Life netruetive tes Assurance Company of 'Canada in 1918 as indicated by the figures given below will be very gratifying to policyholders and others interested in the Company's progress: Assurances in force Assurances Issued & Revived * » 1908. 1913 1918 $23,723,050 $42,632,377 $72,741,582 = 4,714,5' 8,365,210 15,013,517) == ae \ can be taken for pea coal att. 6 Seatt's, 3-3¢ The Ladies' Aid of Burton Ave, Methodist Chureh, Allandale, 'in- dan, 28. Supper will be served from 6 o'clock, after which a splendid program will be rendér. ed. For further particulars seo large bills. 'The following pupils of Barrie Business (i recently accept- tend serving a victory supper on} | Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Higginson, Utopia, de- sire to express their sincere appreciation |of sympathy shown them in their recent wad bereavement. | Card of Thanks | ies. Walter Exell and family wish to [thank the Barrie Tanning Co. and its | employees and other friends for sympathy shown in connection with the death of) Mr. Exell. Card of Thanks IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, Robert Winkinson, Angus, Ont., who died Jan. 12th, 1915. Gone is the one' we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for our thoughts to reach. Wife and daughter Nellie and son Thomas. 1N MEMORIAM CHAPIN--In ever loving remembrance of Belle Stewart, beloved wife of H. C. Chapin, who died at Thornton, Ont., Total Assets 4,553,844" 9,111,395 15,448,031 ed positions: C. Douneliy, Bank! ge and ay W, J, Miley and fay | Janu 1th, 1017," Policy & Annuity Reserves 3,458,046 7,256,110 12,247,529 = Prine stone Dep, North Bay Bus | Siete sepia shat hearths thanks for] Never shell ber museorsrfaiey i Premium & Interest Income . , 1,095,699, 2,071,288 3.522388 = College: "Jamieson, pesistant | to them in thee reeet beresvement "| L00g thoughts will always, Unger, j Payments to Policyholders "175,292 451,343 1,760,662 = lnslrugturs Battle Buse: Colleges tad ot Thanks Husband, Father, Mother and Brothers. : Toronto | firms; H. Padgham,| Mrs. Ernest Desjardins, Brentwood, de- _ tain them, - oi policyholders' security The difference between thjs 8% rate and j the 'high «tate ft Bai 'carne Vt e ; For @ Hed amy of our exile Repo _[| THE' IMPERIAL "LIFE ASSURANCE i voy ¢ Coy f Canada \ iB: HEAD OFFI' ee e interest actually earned by the a: Company. gives art yexceptionally., wide) margin for ity and policyholders' profits. The twelve'million dollars of Ré@erves held by The _ Imperial Life are caleulated,on strong ly basis that interest earnings' of only 8% ' ent sufficient to main- n ¢ TORONTO, CANADA = Bank of Toronto, Barrie; J. Wil- son, Lally's Brokerage, Barrie; G. Catlin, Bell Telephone: V. Handy, Firstbrook's, Penetang. W. A. Boys, K.C, M.P. was en- gaged as Crown Prosecutor at the Port Arthur assizes last week. Two of the cases were murder trials, one pf which was postponed after the Grand Jury had brought in a true bill. In the other the prisoner was found guilty of murder but was also found by the Jury to be insane.. Mr. Justice Rose committed him to the' Hamilton asylum for criminals. This week Mr. Boys is conducting the Crown work at the Haileybury assizes where he . Thompson & Son., 3-3p buyer. W. "45 Owen St. Barrie. has several important cases, the sires to thank her many friends for hind- ness and letters of sympathy in her sad be- reavement Card of Thanks Mrs, J. M. Knapp and family of Minesing wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement, IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of Mary E. Walker, who departed this life on January 13, 1918. CREDIT SALES On Wednesday, January 20th--Fred Ayerst, at lot 5, con. 9, Innisfil, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- Conkey, auctioneer. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1919--John Hill, lot 8, con. 2, Innisfil, farm stock and implementa. Sale at 12.30 sharp. H. A. Grose suc- tioneer. 'Thursday, ee ee Gilpin, lot }, con, a, farm stoc! plements and household goods, H. A Grose, suo. tioneer. Jas. Speers, Clerk. -------- Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &. FURNACE PIPING\ must be carefully made and in- stalled, and this is where we shine. We have completed many installations of this kind and all Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie i ey, OK 120 chief of which is a charge have given complete satisfaction. §, 5, McConkey, ) ae 1 . Agent against three men named Mor- We use the best of materials and - R. Devins, Branch Manager, Barri rison, Jackson and Cooper for only expert workmanship. All. of the murder of Theadore Toglay, our piping and furnace work is i their motive being robbery. carefully inspected before we - Mie turn it over to you. Everything } Cee wi) Farm Wanted | in sheet metal here. é 4 & SS mted, have cash 4 is x < ga ser fan, wea, 'MOFFATT & PARR