Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1919, p. 5

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A Ee ' THE - : 9625 COPIES RRIE: E. 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATE! , THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING |_12 PAGES - wo Wil ees eager \..__BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1919. Sian eS as | | WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI |) oecersrao ! | CIRCULATION ; ax SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 56th Year NO. 2 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP | Clarence W. Robinson A Unique "Personal" ui Mrs. Henry Robinson Mrs. Harry Marr, Mary St. bas received ( Trooper Chas. Hirlehey arrived at the | un bereaved during the 8 copy of "Lu Liberte"', published ut Mons home of bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Hirlehey, Frederick St., last week after be- st week when their third sun, Wilford, passed away ta ing on active service for four years. He/on Dec. 6, 1918, which was of specr ine] th' Ht Hospital on Sat. Jan went overseas with the Fort Gurry Horse. | terest to her and her family hecause of | © it Viclim to pueumonia, fallow ace x Pte. Lawrence Reeve, son of Mr. and Mrs. | the following item, which wus the only |'2 an attack of Spanish influ- Notice is here given that W. L. Reeve, returned home last week. He | parazraph of the whole paper pruved in | en7at . P az went over as driver in u battery and was | English Iv April, (916, Clarence was|ff the partnership existing later transferred to the engineers with | "Driver Roy Skerritt and Driver. V.|inarrind tuo Miss. Durie Prince . . [hich branch of the service he war en | Murr of 4th Division C. DM. T Co, Sap: |itangtter of Mr ant Mrs, Avcvar|{f UNder firm name of Bry-_ gaged im Frunce. per HS. Stewurts and Sapper FC.) piven. ern AMter ining in |i] gon Bros. Bakers i The quality and Civer of trest ! | W. A. Copeland of Collingwood bas re. | Daugherty of 7th Battalion, Canadian En- Barre for over a ) Where hy ' vers have the pleus yi ' si. , Tull aad Vexetables i perfeetty | big maleate GE deat or evi Ob Mee a Mme V. Tena ok ae ewocked fir (ie 7B Confectioners, is being preserved ti ote eared | Guges, 49, Mons.' G they moved) to . 3 As We euaranter this dail beste | go und wus invalided to Englund. He| I would be pretty neatly a afe pucs| thence to dissolved on Dec. 31st, - fate te tellus al acean i musati leaves a wife in Englend }to say that one of the Canadian soldier } wits empl The Aluminum|l] toqg fartory anid we will replace at . | mentioned was a printer and weat inin the | Castings that city. He Lieut, Bernard Moberly, M.C., wax the | Site und set un (he tarasaph bins \ Neidard peas, any brand, per guest of Barrie friends for few days during | UiC* "Ad set up the paragraph hiniself. ean pois Hier aan to AND NOTICE IS FUR- can 150 the past week. Mr Moberly went over- spend the holiday with his. par. : » Sweet Wrinkle peas, pet ean 200! = = ges oe 8 prvate in a CPR construction | yy bolipite Ais ites in Barrie {T'S ANd wife, who had been here|{l THER given that all panaiear Petit Peas, jer can 260; Capt Clarke Wins Milltary Gross battalion and saw much service on several en Oe ee moung {sinee early fail, On Sunday, Dee. accounts due the under- campicin, hinge ear 1B0; Fine af thuse who received fone, He won. his promotion on the field | vcunds in France on Oct, 30; has been | 29: le and his wife were both un Bakes beans, phan 1 Tb eat (Be tatitary decorations inthe King's a8, tee [he milan crow for ie vey [awurded. the Miltary, Crop. The news [kre (0 the hospital, Clarence If gs Hodden Wax heise, per ean 200) New Yeas tae Wis Capt 118 6 eee als einer tbat Jreached bis parenta, Rev. Joba and Mz. | Dits-ing away the following Sat- signed must be settled on pune marmalade, ¢ ile UW 8B@ Kuwes Churke, VM IA, Seer. hdd been used in their operations, be got | Elder of Chelsea Green, in « letter from |urvdav. His wile is segovering ||] or before Jan, 20th, 1919, Grape frit marnidade. per qar pir, en senun thie 1) in behind the Germun lines in the Ca ap tent a ob Horie of the aah Bh fac i « Ho . was ecuptured ut 2 He ret er 1 other eer. is i Ov, rence Was but 26 years : . Wikis doll. eta age 2 EE harms FV ALAA. acer ewe" by" tbe" eae [38 an heete a few of he wors de | gyi trene = bul 26 sear fll! An parties having claims suet a zs Bue TATA ESN Aad eu Maheriia. ean es us a prisoner | B01 know whether you will have heard or i V churet m wet 4 we Fos shied at Tan ieee. an Bi Meters seme mo setts (2 Toor eb mee ae el Heer ay cige|ff OF contra accounts against st an, all ery. th a ' pre a re: reat deal | that Juck had been awarded the Military g pli be A aeaaa sa A ue 1 i ethers sie fart he id aut feds reat eal | oe ate Heck eeead we dees ene oe ms of England. Hes']} the undersigned are re- to complain of considering all the sreum, ' Tete i 5 it lake Sguecht und sbould bave had it at Viuy, 18 months | Many friends speak well of him Wisdom S ve weds iW "The Blond Tend correspondence of the €% und hud earned it in every. show | He leaves fa mourn his loss, his || (ested to present same i Wetly coun forts Bradford Witnews last week had the follow: [nee then Whis was aweanied for some of | father ane wuther, his we aml for adjustment at Office The Allandale Cash Grocer: for thy nut hater for atem --""Lieut, Vincent J. Lyne of |i ment @berations that the Battalion fone sun, Gerdon, aged foarte ¥ ibis: servupas ii tli leit Aries of) Beer abe bee Wat returned to Bis huis Bee wea nee that he mever wae nionths, two sisters, Mrs. Rabect ] in Elizabeth St. Store on 7 the Cavrutions last stan there, was theeguest of Mr and Mrs, ip. |i 10 wear the decoration, | The cro Gritiin of Orillia and Mrs. Albert THE WEATHER 2 well on Friday lost" He returned on the Tree fee tari re, alae course | cation Rarrie, and four |} OF before Jan, 10th. ' i ypic und hud charge of the troop truin u mm jie Sena |brathers. Arthu Clifford and WIN Few High Ran Stew! Big Business Olympic an '3 cat i ynch Benhew of Mornson, late English Dev 12 (uk ii. alleen CLL ci eee eee eee section, | Manter' i: Barrie Collegiate, un iqrun's thas tired Pot ume an qi of BRYSON BROS. 4 FOE OT bees deeetced ty PS Grafton, | When thgt battalion was broken up in Mute af Taeut, Elder ull through his ter evoluad Olja, che Mail el} ' ; ee ; } Ina, he, with two, brother sffweers, (&t the BCT They little knew that in wy bates were anany and beautiful a ' a re i , Ke a mune Sirus a yous ae Hiywell und Lieut, RH Ach demi htt ree they would be fighung to: The funeral took place an | ei ia ' © Manutaehiners dite, jieut, J 5A | gether in France an. Z te Lon 16 ' ts taie iftasiisl stitacea "Taviniddee transferred to the Motor Machine Ga in Res ctior asics oq (Liveday, lin. 7. from ts fiwe sisterw wha reside in Wine a * jen eal aliens Turia Cor and went to France with the 1st Can | A Foe ee Hattie acted ME ol i inithy ak Uae's chapel' ty Midhurl pew, Her futher pre-decense ii 0 , HAA eee eee oo Bride ee ie Cynch, war battalion, in which he sud "It with the [Cretery. ane Was conducted "hia hy about two months. 1% 13 : Se HA Me tert Newt [aire 98, ant in Jily' Lieut. Uyned wee eine af Beary thar T Wile: to aies en, RUN: (ico Abin Gustar "at Slo The funeral ser ait 1 oe Be TE Hea ee ae ee ia Ciee- [ASM MthIEd in. tbecInnacefsour-oplendidsuns | API chureh. pall dueted hy Dr, € hi +4 Nanedint = Sale for petits | Wench tover. "Lies. Ay T do not think T have ever met a finer snd i learers we Mbert Godden. st, Stephen's chureh and By PavahTe to poliewholters en rere [many more unselfish disposition than John had, | Halert Grittin. Kimerson. Coak i ik a bver S| 80,000.00 jand I dearly loved him. He was my signal Cartan Bidwell, William} ba NS Phe Barrie eifice alone reports One Home, Another to Come Ling officer for practically the entire period vyrciviy qual Kslward Prince, frien the f oe i OMEN Hew tuisitiess al over &190,.{ Sergt A W. Newall was erroneously re- {he was in France. and was eomidered. the , ' iFriends of Ihe family Vu 1, bene about over ported to have arrived at the home of bis |hest signalling officer in the 4th Division, Vhis is the seeond timte i the uw ONIONS record Abit due; ot [father, ALB. Newall, con, 8, Vespra, The "and one of the best in the Canadian Corps.) tt three nuenths that Me. and Arthur Mayne 6 Wee Maes sates ar jenn to reach home is Lieut. GS. Newall ee Mrs Robinson have been berea=! cry death eccurned on 'Thurs i 4 14 feotit «itil polinstachters.. mint His younger brother, Sergt. A. W. Newall, Former Barrie Boys Won Honors ed, having last their eldest night, Jan, 3, of r 0 1 OTe ene a ent RET [>| MAC. is convaleseing in Englund after be- | ss. ceaders of The Examiner whe duzhter, Mary, on Get. 28, alse she et a Hh dest evidence of satestactien Snunded (he second time, Both went "xuminer w Mayne, Collier SL. from pneu- 0 "2 Ms ing wounded the secon ME] Mr and Mrs. Wm. M. Campbell when a aeting of Spanish influenza i p r if bo Pa the Maanufarhurers is die only |gueayeay an privaten, with Col Sharpe (ME snd Mm Wns Mf Cun monia, following an attack of wie Partai Co. with a Domanien | pattadion in July, 1916, and won promo: plesaeit' trea OF thatthe: i 's 7 Spamsh influenza, He was in his jae = Chhartey oltenig prin rates aon om the fe, Senet Newell winnie oe Tots ai Rogge ot Haare bone) | gre a ae Rhine ee Mice [28 year and had heen in Can- dan ' Anil ferns Lo abstaniers nlso the military medal. made for themselves in the war|, Mls we (mee misstada for the last fifteen' years, : i PAPG Etat hbridge Herald of Dec, 7 gives the u valle Jay fonee wee te 5 i re from Leighton, Eng- gi i | Buys a Thrift Stamp. particulars enifver Hospital, Winnipeg, on or a number of years he tg | Elfat Hockey -Next:WAeah | One of the mont thrilling atoriew of the | Dee. 26. 1918, of double pneu-|hag been employed in Hanmer's 5 4 | Baprie hoekewists start the was hus for its hero Reggie Campbell, young | mania, following a severe attackleigar store. He was married 6 a sehedules next week, the dnte OKE & co son of Wo M. Campbell, K.C, of Macleod, |of Spanish influenza. The de- fourteen years and Mrs. : re mediates. playing in Callingwooat -- TQ + [we hae ust heard of the exploit. which !roused was ill just eight days and| Marne end tour elitdres cures 8 29 an Monday and the dhaniers in . j Prue es High Honor ges renee jin spite of all that science could |'the funeral took place on Jan. 4. 9 aan Stayner the following -- mucht BOOK STORE ©. | ihiey Reger other, Hugh Campbell.) dq "she passed away about 3.20 |" 'uncral | brother, Leonard, "Below zero Among the intermediate ron made desperate efforts 10 be taken en | PM om the day mentioned. Mrs.| died in New Lowell on 'Puesday, Meeking. €) Rooper. Dyment, Pugsley Dry Hardwood and Hemlock {Villiers aml 'Tudhape rh abs now being purchased at re_| Juniors include White, Bogar Rosenfelt, Bertram, Ri ark, Allandale Books - ¢ the strength, but lack of proper phyweal | Scanlon was well and favorably condition defeated hix purpose, So deter- known in Winnipeg, having taken mined was the young man, then only sbout/an active part in curling and 18, to go to the front thst bis father sup-| other sports. She was a valued plied him with money to go to Englund! ski}, of the Stratheona Curling WOH. BUTTERY | are Dot leaving a wife and two dan. 7, small children. Walter Exell Stationery on riees, Our price is drop. | Fishe . lan a ning necordingly; 'Get nar prive Lyneh. O'Brien and others Magazines - - Toys [in the hope that he would be able to ivin| Glu and the opening games| ,, Valter Exell died on Monday, hetaré busing Siuk weet l0ad. af the Imperials. But in England ugain he was! 'haduted for Friday were post. 02" 6, at the age of 67. He was efore huving your next lead 0 . 3 "3 disappointed, the medical board turning hun | "Ch eduled foi 'ay were post-!born in England and had lived wood--The Sarjeant Co., [tu Read the Adlet Column Picture Framing - Daily Papers | down boned out of respect for thelin Barrie eight years, most of ry Undaunted by two refusals of his offer, men of this popular member. 'to serve, the young man paid his way to! The deceased, who was 25 POFSOOOOO909000060000000000000000060900000000001. Traly, where he succeeded in joining one of | years uf axe, had lived in Winni- this time being employed by the Barrie Tanning Co. He is sur- vived by three daughters and > jthe services of the Italian army . 'peg about 14 years, having come 2 : 3 i z _. The car of Bell Pianos. purchased for the holiday trade is nearly all disposed of. The sale of these and our high-class Raonographs brought in a certain num- ber et Pagans in exchange. |These we are offering at very special prices to clear. Look at these : . 1 DOMINION ORGAN, 6 octaves, 12 stops... ......... ... . 1 KILGOUR ORGAN, 6 octaves, 11 stops... ............... . . $20.00 1 DOMINION ORGAN, 6 octaves, 8 stops... ............... .. $25.00 1 KARN ORGAN, 6 octaves, 10 stops..... ... ......... ... +++» $30.00 1 DOMINIQN ORGAN, 6 octaves, 8 stops... .......... $35.00 1 DOHERTY ORGAN, 6 octaves, 11 stops... ...... ... ... see ee. $40.00 1 THOMAS ORGAN, piano case, 6 octaves, 11 stops ... tee cee eee $50.00 1 DOMINION ORGAN, mouse-proof pisnofase, 6 octaves, 11 stops ... $60.00 THE ABOVE ARE IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE AND WILL PLAY AS WELL AS WHEN NEW. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS In addition to these we have a number. of other organs, but do not put them on sale now, as we offer no organs until they are thoroughly overhauled and put in good condition. * : J. G. Keenan EVERYTHING IN MUSIC OPPOSITE POST OFFICE -- $15.00 Bargains in Used Organs He was not in the front lines owing to his physical disability, but one day the opportunity came for him to display the | stuf' he was made of. The Austriuns de- livered a very strong attack in mast on a| bridgehead, and it looked serious for the | Italian defenders when young Campbell | and two Italian comrades organized a party |for # counter-attack, The Herald has rot the details of the fight, but it ix known | that the Macleod soldier and his Italian comrades were able to beat off the Austrinns killing » great number of them, The feat was reported to. King Victor of Italy, and he himself pinhed on the breast of the young man the highest decoration awarded in the Italian army. Fuller details of the MacLeod boy's feat will be obtained by 'The Herald and pub- lished Inter, but suffice to say that Mr. | Campbell, with one son, Hugh, just home from the front with a Military Medal des s:- ation, and his other son a hero of the Ttalian forces, is one of the happiest und proudest men' in Macleod todas Hugh Arrived Home Macleod, Dec. 6.--Lieut, Hugh Campbell, json of W. M. Campbell, K.C., of Macleod, |arrived home from the war this morning on the early train, His father met him at Medicine Hat. Hughie, as he is known at home, joined the 13th when it was first formed, 'and was with them until they arrived in England, when he transferred to the Strathconas, and with which noble hody he has been all through the war, and of which he is still an officer. He was with them when they were infantry, and fought his way through all the various battles of the past four years, and in several of the big events led his men successfully through them. There were some times when only 1 few of his men answered thé roll call after the battle was over, but through it all he came. With the exception of a few wounds, now healed up, he is in fine form, and delighted to be home. in Macleod." Thanks for Support T. R. HuxtabMesiree to thank the rate- payers of Ward 4 for electing him as alder- man and will do his best to represent them fairly and energetically during 1919. Save by the W. S. S. plan. from Huntsville. She leaves behind: to mourn her a husband, two girls, aged 71 and 9, also a boy in his eleventh year. There are also her mother, two brothers and loss, three sons, one of whom is serv- ing overseas. * A large number of the tannery employees showed their respect for the memory of the deceased by attending the funeral on Wed- day afternoon through a Bank account. --THE Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund'. Resources Children Can Serve By Saving One of the great lessons of this War is the value of Thrift. Let the children learn it, too, by saving of Nova Scotia There is no more useful "nest egg," when college or business days come, than a substantial savings account. - Bank of Nova Scotia AG. MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch

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