SJ ~ ities as gan umler~ employ a firm snd trustworthi- | This is ao lat churacter ANNIKIN " 34 Mary St. vf out former loess 'ING AND CLEARING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? 'We know hovw-. MAXWELL & CO. Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. PHONE C. BROWN 250 20R THE BEST IN ' BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: 'Bw. Elizabeth and Small Streets The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mery Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln. Drying 1 Specialty. Dressing done ly. 2 Conautt us with your building. . THOS. ROGERS Phone; Office 163, Residence 353 ---- "e Liniment Cures Garget in Cows : THE BARRIE EXAMINER 'HE PURCHASE OF LIVE-STOCK 'sirous of assisting farmers to ack and is prepared to give sideration to applications as for this purpose. NCH--L. F. CROSS, Manager: ee --vawwwaaaouur J)! iwns Count Phillips Oppenheim Little, Brown & Co. ights secured by The Examiner, gement with owners of copyright. eek) | understand what you're getting at now. rll nave! You can't suggest that I am to leave these fellows ulone und not give information to the police?" "The character of the pluce," ured him, 'is already perfectly «el known to the heads of the police. The nvat {ter will be dealt with, but not in the way suddenly an obli- tT am you suggest, And so far as regards Fis or with eher, I do not wish him interfered with for ed you the 'present.' situa: "You do not wish bim interfered with," Graham repeated. ""Where the devil do you ou how come in at all? wardly, "You can leave me out of the matter for ow yen the present, You want the formula back, to the don't you?" | can I don't "My God, yes!" Graham muttered fer for January Now on Sale (Same prce as before the war) You will wartyeveral to start you happy on the New Year Several which will prove big favorites are li ed below. Hear them at the earliest opport sity. They are but a few of the many sple: 'id records which make the new list an exceptional one 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided How Would You Liks 10 Be My Daddy ?--and-- A Little Birch Canoe and You--Waltz Miro's Band 216050 Blueblrd--Waltz--ard--Geraldine-- Hesitation Waltz Miro's Band 216047 Sweet Hawalian Mooulight--Campbell ond jurr--and--I Wish I Had Say Good-Bye to Henry Burg 216046 The Bluebird--Henry Brr--and--The Little Good for Nothing': Gis4 for Something After All Campbell and Burr 216048 Lae' be Gress Big We id ba Bes «ey be Proud oc Thelr 0. Bi C mpbell nd bs 216049 Sun of My Soul--and--Rescue t, » Perishin; (Hymns) wry McClaskey 216045 'Waters of Venice--Ws Alexanider--Fox Trot 'When Tony Goes Over the Top Morning: Mry Zip-Zip- 'Arthur Flelds ind Peerless Qt. Mary--Fox Trot--and--Rock-a-Bye Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's fe hd Baker 18499 Fale Marea 18510 18500 Red Seal Records 'When You.Come Back John McCormack 64791 Andante Cantabile Elman String Quartet 74575. Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer's Viérolas from $34 uth $597, sold a ents, fred copy of 680-page Musical Eneye clopedia, li over 9000 oe , 16272.320 Master's = Veo! Records, GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT vently, "It's all very -well to give one a pencil and a piece of paper and say, "Write it out," but there are calculations and pro- portions--"" "Precisely," Lutchester interrupted. "You want it back again. Why fot let Fischer do the business? He has an idea where it's gone. The thing to do seems to me to follow him." | "To follow Fischer?": Graham repeated | vaguely. "Precisely. |in England, Fischer will stay in Enj [If he thinks it has gone abroad he wil |abroad. If we leave | watch which he does." Graham swallowed half a wineglassful of go him free we can jthe brandy by bis side. Then he leaned forward. "Look bere,' he said, "you'll forgive me if I repeat myself and ask you once more-- | what the hell has all this got to do with you!" "Just this much,"' Lutchester replied, "that T insist upon your taking the course b of action in this matter which I propose "You mean," Graham protested, work- | ing himself gradually into u state of wrath, "that Tam to go back to my rooms as though nothing had buppened, see Holder | ness and the others to-morrow, and not huve a word of explanation to offer! That I jam to leave those blackguards at Henry's | to try their dirty games on some one else, and let Fischer, the man who was fully inclined to become my murderer, go away Junharmed? [think not, Mr. Lu'chester. T am much obliged for your help, but you are talking piffle "What do you propose to do then? "LT am going around to Scotland Yurd. myself." Lutcheater rose to his feet | "Stuy where you ure for a minute, please," he begged He passed into 4 smaller room, and Grahum could hear faintly the sound of the telephone. In a minute of two his host returned : "Go in their and spesk, Gruham,"" he invited. "You will find some one you {know at the other end Graham did ws he was bidden, and Lut jchester closed the door after him, For & few minutes the latter satin his chair, smoking quietly, bis eyes fixed upon the fire, Then his unwilling guest reappeured. He came into the room a little unstendily and looked with new eyes at the man who seemed so unuccountably to have taken over the control of his affsirs "[ don't understand allthis," tered. "Who the devil ure you, tchester * 'A very ordinary person, was the quiet reply he at ut 1 cun assure tisfied, 1 suppose, that my advice is good 1" "Yes, Tut satisfied," Grubam answered nervously. You know that that Pa un ler arrest!" Lutchester nodded. Well, you're not asking for my ym pathy, T suppose' he observed drily The young man flushed T know that FE behaved ke a fool," he admitted All the same I pave worked igh: day for weeks om thas T haven't even been up to biwn Tomust : think they see in chned ty be bard on ny Ne one is gomg ty be the least bard on you. Lutchester assured him 9 "You have conutatterl a fruh ful indiseretion, and all chat i usked of you new ts to ke mouth shut Tf you de that, T think a way vill be fount for y f But what as to become of me deratuled 1 understand that you are to be take to Norchumberlund to-morrow," Lutehester unfortued bin, "There you will be lowed every facility for fresh experiments. in the ieuntume, T have promised to give A shakedown here for the night, You will find » soldier on guard outside your doer, but you cau treat him as your servant "You are very kind," Graham faltered, uw ittle vaguely. "Lf only T could under avant Lutchester rose to his feet, Hix manner beewme more serious, his tone had mit a note of finality "Cuptuin Graham," he interrupted, 'don't try to understand, 1 will tell you us much as this, if-it helps you, Henry's Restaurant will be placed under the closest surveillance, but we willh nothing disturbed there at the moment until we have tis covered the future pluns of Mr. Oscar Fischer." . "The big German-American," Graham muttered. "He's the man you ought to get_hold of." "Some day T hope that we may." int: chester declared, "For the moment,ehow- ever, we want him undisturbed. You wou |searcely believe it, perhaps if I told you that the theft of your formulas is only | slight thing compared to the bigger busi ness that man has on hand. 'There is |something else at the back of his head which is worth heaven and earth to us to understand. We want the formula and we | shall have it, but more than anything else in [the world we want to know why Fischer | has pledged his word in Berlin to bring this |war to an end within three months. We [have to find that out, and we are going to find it out--from him, You rec, I have treated you with confidence, 'Captvin Graham. "Now let me show you to your room." Grabum put hie hand to his fore- "T feel as though this were some sort of nightmare," he muttered. "I've. }.nown you for several months, Mr. Lutchester, ahd I huye never heard you say a serious word. You dance at Henry's; you made a good soldier, they said, but you'd Pad enough of it in twelve months; you pley auction bridge in the afternoons; und you talk about the war as though it were simply an. irritating ciroumstance, And to-night--"' Lutchester th..w open the door of his own bedroom and pointed to the bathroom be- yond. "My man has put out everything he thinks you may want," he said. 'Try and get 1 good night's sleep, And, Graham." "Yes "Don't bother your head obu: me and don't ask any more questions.'* 'The Lapland was two -luys out from Tilbury before Pamela appeared on deck, followed by her maid with an armful of cushions, and the deck steward with her rugs. She had scarcely made herself comfortable in a sunny corner when the was aware of the approach of a large, imiliar figure. Her astonishment was enticely.-genuine. Mr. Fischer!" she eacisimed. 'Why' how on earth did you catch this steamer? T thought you were coming on the Thurs- day boat?" If he thinks the formula is | ' | Beef, However, you | | MARKET ITEMS SATURDAY MARKET Only fair sleighing was reported from nearly "all sections on Saturday, eo there | Was not a great lot of heavy produce, such as beef, potatoes, ete, in, All lines' were greatly depleted after the Christmas trade, on the tables inside the building also. The atcendance was not up to normal. The few 'turkeys that survived Xmas netted 38¢ Ib. to their owners. Duck must be pro- hibited surely, there seems to be such a seurcity of them this winter. Chickens, as usual, held the largest exhibition space, and they retuiled about the sume us their neigh- hor the goose, 26 to 28¢ Ib. Butter was 50c a Ib, all round, very few asking more or receiving less. Eggs are still in a class themselves at 70c 8 dozen--nearly St. Lawrence market price. Everyone antici. putes pullets sturting to lay early owing to the mild weather so far. Vegetable offer- ings were smaller than usual, though secin- jingly ample for the demand. Eggs, per dozen... Butter, Ib . 'teken, dressed, Duek. Ib. . Fowl, Ib. Turkey, Ib Goose, Ib vast, quart, | Milk, quart Apples, basket miles, Redd Pound, = 65-700 Ib. i bbl Onions | Onions, basket euch euch Pumpkin, | Squash, {Citron cel Canhitlow Cabbage, each Radish, bunch Beets, basket, a wel Purstups, bunch Horve Radish root, bunch, | iarsley, bunch | Sage, bunch Home Radish, half pint bottle. Pork, dressed, ham, Ib Pork.~shoulder, Ib. | Lamb, Ib Ib York: hire | Hay, new | Wood, 4 ft. long bunches hewil Pigs, young pair, NEAR=BY MARKETS (December 26, 19181 Elmvale--Wheut $2.10-82.13, peas $2.25, oute T5e, butter 45c, eges 55c. dressed chie- ken 25-27¢, turkey 87e, hogs 817.00, potatoes 90-$1.00. E --Butter 50-: c. chicken 22 Bradford $2.08-82.13, peas $1.75- £1.80, outs 7 hogs $17.00 ewt., pota- tors 90¢-$1.25 bag. hay $20 ton, butter 45- | 48c. eggs 60-70e, chicken 25-32¢, geese 20- 23e Orillia Ti 1c, PRRs 65-70c, paese en 22¢, Whe: Wheat $2,08-82.13, outs 70¢, peas Jumb, Ib. 23e, mutton 16- 35-40c, geese 28-30c, butter 46-480, eggs 60-700, hag, $1.00, hay, ton, $17-$20. Creemore "Wheat $2.08-82.11, oats Se, eae 81.7: .00-$10.00, potutoes hag $1.00, butter ange my snind," Mr. Fischer replied, drawing a chair up to her side. 1 guess that's so! "OF course, I'm exceedingly flattere Pamela observed, "or rather T should be i I believed you, but I don't see how you | could leave a supper-party at flency's and go straight to Tilbury." ; y, how did you know I was supping Henry's!" he inquired. "Because I wus there for luncheon my: self, as you know," she answered careless! "and T heard you order your, table for supper." Mr. Fischer nodded reminiscently. "T always wind up with a little supper at Henry's, on my last night in London," he remarked. get down to Tilbury, but it don't take me long to start for anywhere when IT once make up my mind, That's the American of us, T suppose, Besides, I- never need much in the way of luggage. I keep clothes over on the other side and clothes in New York, and | o grip always ready packed for 4 journey. "You're so typical," she murmured, smil- a "1 don't know about that," he replied. "My business makes it necessary for me to be always on the go. Have you heard from your brother lately?" Pamela shook her head. "Jimmy is the most terrible correspon- dent,"" she complained. "I don't think I've had 'any mail from him for two months." "You didn't know that he and I.were sharing rooms together, then, in the Plaza Hotel, I suppose 1" Pamela turned her head a little and gaz- in "Sharing rooms in the Plaza Hote she repeated. .... "You and Jimmy?" "T guess that's so," Mr, Fischer assented. "We were doing business together one 'lay, and the subject cropped up somehow ot other. ing @ move, und I'd just been shown these side for me, I made him an offer ind be jumped at it." | "T hope you're not leading James into | extravagant ways" she remarked anxiously. | "T loved his litfle apartment in Forty Second Street and it was so inexpensiv "Your brother's share of these rooms isn't anything more than he can afford," Mr. Fischer assured her. 'That I can promise you. I guess his firm is doing well just now, If they've many more clients like me they are. "It is very nice of you to put business in bis way," Pamela said thoughtfully. "I wonder why you do it, Mr. Fischer?" "Why shouldn't 12" "Well," Pamela went on, her eyes travelling out seaward for a moment, "you seem to be one of those sort of men, Mr. Fischer, who never do anything without en object." "Some powers of obsérvation," he ad- mitted blithely. "*You have an object in being kind to Jimmy, then?" Mr. Fischer produced a cigar case and selected a cheroot. (To be continued) "Tt left_me two hours to | ed_at her companion in genuine surprise, Your brother was thinking of mak- | rooms, which were a trifle on the large | Bo mel "|W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. "Meaning me?" ; ina B, Laie ECA. Rs MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.G.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. = _ In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M. degree in both piano and vocal; « also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams. i Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any ! examination, practical and theoretical. ' Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown | Barrister, Solicitor for obt probate of wills, guardianship and administration, aod General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete Offices: Hinds' "Block, No, 8 Dunlop St Money to loan, BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyancers, Ete Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offgges: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for- cecupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. ©. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont, G, Gordon Plaxton DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Burne. Money to loa: CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- veyancers, ete. Money to loan. Offices. in Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. MEDICAL DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. C. W. Plaxton. DR. W. A. ROSS LOS, Edinburgh; F.C.P., 'London. Physician, Surgeon, ete. Office und Residence, Dunlop St., Telephone 165. OR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Di R. S. Broad) Office und Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY Phone 61 Barrie, ollier St., Barrio. DR. VICTOR A. HART |Gruduate of Trinity University, Torouto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Diseases of Stomach. Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta Office open until 8 p.m. daily. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 9L Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diséases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throut |Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m, ond by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2. : ACCOUNTANTS TELAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL ; Chartered Accountants Phone Maip 6874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto (Phone he gerd . D, Campbell, CA. - | oftice: W. & Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department. JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. to com duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction 120 Bayfield St., Phone 191. Orders left at A. F. A. Malcoimson's office will receive prompt attention, ---- ee SIMOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie, G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best mater- val used and first-class workmen employed. Brass Tablets a opecialty. Prices always right PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at Lowe & Son's. 43-tf