Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1918, p. 5

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oper 'THE «BARR 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------ : $675 COPIES | THE\BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING * Cb CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 55th Year MacLaren, Editor W. 6. 'Walls, Business Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) IE- EXAMINER 12 PAGES : SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 No. 49) ANNIVERSARY SERVICES --AT-- COLLIER STREET _ | METHODIST CHURCH Next Sunday, Dec. 8 REV. W. E. BAKER OF TORONTO Will preach Morning and Evening SPECIAL MUSIC Come and enjoy the Services ene TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, Dee, 8 Second Sunday in Advent 8.30 &m--Holy Communion 11.00 am.--Morning Prayer anid Sermon, "The Psulmist's Prayer' 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 pm--Evening Prayer Young Man's Safeguard' Everybody Welcome REV. H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar. | 4 Bible Clu: nd Sermon "A y F 999OOO00000006 Ch aH --_ Handkerchief booths; extra choosing a pleasure. For Women there are Handkerchiefs, plain Camb Fancy initialed, one corner Pa row hems, in all a variety thi spection. 2 in a box or 3 in a box, ta and very attractive @ Silk Crepe Handkerhiefs ors, special offering while th $1.50 Each. crease. LA AADAAAAAADAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE AAA ARAL RRR KS Irish, Swiss, Madeira, Japan, English, Etc., everything worth having finds a place in-Sarjeant & King's Christmas most comprehensive assortment arranged according to price and styl in white or colors, lace trimmed and also mart mourning handkerchiefs with nar- Handkerchiefs in Boxes--One in a box, 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, and $1.00 Handkerchiefs Galore for Everybody: Men, Women and Children, in booths'that will attract Christmas shop- pers. Handkerchiefs at prices to suit all purchasers. ... (5 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, and Annual Meeting of Children's Aid Society The Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid was held in the Police Court Chamber on Nov. 26, President A. J. Surjeunt gave a very grat: ifying report of the year's work, and this was on motion of Rev. H, D, Raymond, seconded by Sheriff Harvey, adopted. The reports of the Branches at Orillia, Midland and Collingwood mentioned the good work done by Inspector Justice in hia visits, Mrs, Cameron gave a financial statement showing money received and paid by the Ladies' Auxiliary und moved the adoption of this report which was seconded by Mrs. Stevenson and adopted, The Treasurer's report was taken as read and adopted on condition that an ad- denda be attached showing cot accovn'e more in detail and a memo of the invest- ment of Cot and Trust Funds presented to the auditors Moved by Mrs, Drury and seconded ty Mrs. Cameron that the Society at his Annual Meeting express ite thanks to Mr. Bert Mcleod for the valued gift of $100 from the Rev. Dz D. McLeod estate to the cot fund. Carried Afver other routine business the following were elected as the Executive for 1918-19; A. J. Sarjeunt, Dr. Little, R, J, Sanderson, H. D. Raymond, Sheriff Harvey, H. G. Robertson, 8, W. Moore, D. Quinlan and J. E. Morrison. --Wood for Sale--Good hard wood, cut and split to order. Lewis & Co. 4 >4 9OOSSO 0010 00000000000000006000000000000000000 > Buy Gifts at Sarjeant & King's ristmas andkerchiefs a We feature serving and a wear. You cz e that makes Na rown White, in fact plain Linen ric with hem, embroidered, right @.... at is worth in- The newest stily arrang2d @ in pretty col- ey last @ 25¢ Gypsy Ties white @. all displayed Crepe @... OVERCOATS $19.00-TO $27.00 NEWEST MODELS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Our Overcoat Sales this season have been phenomonal. There is a reason: --Our Values count. Our styles are appreciated and consequently our Sales in- The English Ulster--Double breasted, convertible Collar, regular pockets, heavy dark material in pretty plaids, a special Bargain at price quoted. . BIG BOYS' WARM OVERCOATS ' Swagger in style, sturdy in material and strongly tailored, convertible Collars in Grey and Brown, wonderful value @ ........... $ SARJEANT & KING LIMITED Hosiery that w made of 12 strand Silk and guarantee ors: Pink, Grey, Sky, Maize, Purple, we may procure it for you as we are direct agents for the makers. SARJEANT & KING FOR FANCY here and on display for Christmas gifts. French Satin Collars which are very new in Vestees with Cowl Collars @ Square Back Collars in Satin and Crepe, large or small @ Mourning Collars in fine Organdie and Cuff and Collar Sets in Satin, Pique, Organdie, Silk at popular prices. At last the casually lists ha | disappeared from the daily new: | papers. Pte, Etherington, whose mother | resides on Bayfield St.) arrived home last night. It is announced that the fight- | ing army in France will be allow- 'ed to return to Canada as units and in order of seniority |. Cpl. W. G, Spence, son ot James Spence, Bradford, who was killed in action on Sept. 28, while leading his gun crew for- ward ip an attack near Bourlon | Wood, previously distinguished [himself and won the military |medal. This was during an attack close to Arras on Sept. 2. Major Dougald Carmichael, M for this season a gift in ill be appreciated. They are in have them in these col- , Champagne, Black and if you want a special shade The prices are $1.69 and $2.00 COLLARS Vogues in Collars are now aia ihe Sate sete . $3.50 $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 75c to $1.50 in Satin assorted colors and $1.50 to $2.00 ¢ ngraione ese $1.00 and $1.50 75¢ to $2.50 15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI Capt, Hari Thos. D. es A. Callighen, Lieut. MeMillan, and Lieut. ry J. Grasett arrived home, Saturday night, and were given a very hearty welcome by many friends. Ple. Saunders, une of the 104 men who went over: with Capt, Macdonell in M reached his home in § }on Monday night. He says th are not many left of that party of 104. Toronto World, Dec, 2--Capt D'Arey Hinds received a letter jfrom 'his son, Capt. Paul Hinds, | yesterday, who went to Northern jItaly with an Imperial unit and hax been through the heavy fighting for the last few months, * spe | was to be completed by the first of Aug.st. - | It was not done, h e|not get any May Sue Board of Education Those who spparently are running the affairs of the Board of Education seem to have « faculty for getting things into s mess and incidentally placing unnecessury burdens upon the ratepayers in the way of legal fees, ete. The latest is » clash with the Agricul- tural Joint Stock Co. and uv lawsuit is said to be not unlikely. In the agreement with the Joint Stock Co. for moving the main building is a clause requiring the Board to put the building on its new cite in as good shape as it was before. 'This jowever, and the Co. could ction from the Board. Finally the Board agreed to do the wiring as required by Hydro, but would not con- sent ( put the sheeting on the club rooms and some other things which the Co, <ays are yet to be done. On Monday a meeting of the Joint Stuck Co. directors declined to accept the Board's offer und passed a resolution calling upon the Board to carry out its agreement and notifying it that if this were not done forth: with that the Co, would proceed with the work und charge it up to the Board When queried regarding the matter, one of the officers of the Company tated' that there was ample sheeting in the old build- ing had it been kept for this purpose as might naturally have been expected. He estimated the cost of this work that is necessary to make the waiting rooms of unv value during the skating season at fully $500. Every good housekeeper knows that she | will get only the best materials and iull | weight at Wisdom's, WEEK :-- , Maj wy (and is now in command of a Ge has heen ftanded 8 DS. |prison camp in the Trentino. pis is this soldier's sec | | oration, he having been awarded! It Was at first reported that m MUMAEY (Cenme aban & a party of twenty men would hand a halt age. Major. Gar. [@°tve al Allandale on Mon- michael has n wounded twiee, Gay, and for a couple of nights the last tine in the great push ai Preparations were made ty give | bho finish. He is a son of| {4m @ reeeplion and a supper. | (Mes, John Carmichael of Kirk-|S!Esequently at turned out) that cite tus party weld be made up of | men from this distriet Pene- jlang, Collingwood, efe.--but the |reveption would have Ol ceeded with had any formation been available, Ut séenis strange that the military | | aulborities could not sent in ad Vance the names of the men to arrive and the dates ¢ their arrival, If this were ab a peaper welvome could be given . j then Lt Anos, Jotinston is new am} Christmas be adie oat a et Thos news cane on Tuesday by | eable te his inather, Mrs. od Jobtsten. "This cable was dated 18 [Dee 3. ated stated alse that be | only Loita ek ae Previous fe that the last cont. Jouniealion fren this daring | Vous aviator Was a pesteard ays WHEE Ina German peisen eamp en Get 6 Tn this he saul, dust aobne te let yeu koew that bam well, TF ohepe to be walking Wa araind again in a month or so, We are bem visited about four times a week | German priest and he is certainly a fine PURE SILK THREAD HOSE man. He brings us apples, hand- kerehiefs, shirts, ete. He speaks English and fells us all the news, T guess if will not be long fiefore | will be back home again." Enjoyable Soolal Evening Trinity Parish Hall- scarcely sufficed to contain the congre- gational gathering which assem- bled there on Tuesday and en- joyed a splendid night of enter- tainment and good fellowship On arrival the guests were! heartily welcomed by Rev, H. D. and Mrs. Raymond and repre. sentatives of the various organ- izations in the parish. A very fine programme was given by the choir and the audience were not jslow to manifest the enjoyment |which the various numbers jalorded During the evening, Mr. Raymond. on behalf of the Women's Auxiliary, presented a Purse and a walking cane to Mrs, Russell, whose happy suggestion led ta arrangements being made for this most successful and en- joyable function, Spy Play at Grand The workings of the German propagan- dists and the intricacies of the spy system are worked out in Barton King's play, "The Man They Left Behind,". As Sanford Reymond, & member of the United States diplomatic service, Mr. Walter S. Howe does a good piece of acting. The part is an exacting one, portraying the highest ferm of patriotism, which is willing to sacrifice parents, home, sweetheart and good name for love of country. All this Mr. Howe manages to do without indulging in heroics or centimentalism. one is let in to the secret of the story early in the |Church was beld in the church on Wed- ¢, Fragrant Clover Honey in pint | ceee «5c | rup, quart sealer, 40¢ | 5 O'Clock Tea, an Indo-Ceylon Blend clling at 60c_pound Cleaned Currants.....35¢ Ib. pillu bars and Lemon squares, cecseeceeesteeeeccees 206° ID. Fresh Sausage arriving twice weekly and Bee ceeetece cess 25c pound only Fresh Salmon Trout and Plaice atl5c Ib. Large sound parsnips at ...... 25¢ peck 50 Barrels of choice apples just in and priced according to grade, Cull and sce them, Remember our phone number is 117 Presbyterian Thankoffering The joint thank offering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and the Young Women's Mission Band of St. Andrew's nesday evening of Inst week. Rev. Wm. Guuld, a returned missionary, who has In bored' for 26 years in Formosa, was the speaker of the evening and told of his ex- periences in that country, dealing especislly with women's work smong the natives. Miss Gauley sang a solo during the count- ing of the thankoffering, which amounted to $161.75. Of this amount $101.35 went to the Auxiliary and the balance to the Young Women's Band. Collier St. Methodist Church Rev, R. J, Fallis, Pastor. 52ND ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, Dec. 8 The Rev. W. E. Baker of Toronto will preach morning and evening, "The hoir will give a special inspiring service of song at both services. Do not fail to hear this gifted preacher. OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday Dec. 6 and 7 WM. S. HART --IN-- "SHARK MUNROE" A brand new production in which some of the most re- markable storm scenes are shown BIG V COMEDY Monday and Tuesday Dec. 9 and 10 --IN-- "EASY STREET" You have probably seen this picture before, but see it again and you will enioy it more than you ever did. In Addition "LOVE'S LAW" WITH GAIL KANE will be shown Adults, 16c. Children, 11e. COMING "THE KAISER" (Beast of Berlin) Dec. 16-17 G. W. Vet. Benefit Who'll Be Warden? At the county council last week, the: wardenship for 1919 was much diseused. The opinion seemed to be pretty geoeral that the fight would be between Reeve Todd of Innisfil and Reeve Jamieson of Nottawasaga. Reeve Jobnston of Orillia also is after the honor, but he has been & member of the county council only two years and many think that he should wait awhile before aspiring to the presiding chair. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows during the period. play 'the interest and excitement is well kept up, and there are touches of humor now and then which brighten up the ecenes which threaten to becgme too tense. Al- together "The Man Left Bebind" is an enjoyable little play, with plenty of scope for good acting--The Mail and Em- pire. At Grand Opera House, Barrie, Wed. Dec. 11. Trinity Boys' Club An organisation which promises much in the way of pleasure and benefit for the boys of the "teen" age in Trinity parish was formed last week. This is the' Boys' Club which has for ite object the all-round development of the lads. The sports will be under the direction of C. B. Lawrence and it is proposed tc*ave junior and senior hockey teams. Boys uot connected with any other Sunday Schools will be made welcome 86 members. 'The officers are:--Hon. Pres, Geo. Vick- ers; Pres., E, Lewis; Vice Pres., Geo. Pow- ell; Secy.-Treas., Keppel Lally; Executive, Messrs. Rand, Browning, Reburn and Gall- Read the Adlet Column save. Interest months. --THE Paid-up Capital - War Ends there will be many opportunities But they will need a little ready money to "swing them." The question is--are you willing to save money mow to grasp the opportunity then ? Decide, now,to let us help you to Bank of Nova Scotia % 6,500,000 A. G. MACLELLAN reconstruction paid every six uM

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