eaacoose APITAL 4 RESERVE-- TOTAL ASSETS -- TH \: FASCINATION OF SAVING. Saving is a habit that brings true satisfac tion. 'There is something fascinating about watching the dollars mount up, A feelin, of independence and rows with the knowledge that you have Bank. re for future uncertainties by opening Tone Account with this Bank now, Interest allowed at current rates, UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE. WINNIPEG, MAN. BARRIE BRANCH, - A. LESLIE, Manager. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. i, Manager, THORNTON BRANCH, " W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. money in the News from Neighboring Townships BM oring _* Ownships As Told by Our Correspondents CRAIGHURST The first real touch of winter came on EDGAR Dec. 3.--Miss Mary McLean, who hi Friduy night in the shape of a snow fall, been visiting at her home, which at the time of writing looks like chal Scuare i, Monday. Mr. 4 A and NET CURTAINS iss E. M. McLucas of Mitchell Square 5, eee cotteniuet people are sorry to lose | Visited at Jus, Brandon's on Sunday." Worth $4.00 to $8.00 pair, for $2.39 ; Adams. He is moving to Toronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Addison moved to their ved his family new home at Craighurst on Monday. Mc Beg Tommon bas moved bis family new bom Jus, Gray have moved to the which Mr. Gray purchased on the 3rd to Orillia | and Mrs. Kiel bas returned to her home farm returned to Mit- der Wear for Children 25c to 50c each sacrifice. These are soiled from hand! Nets with Battenburg ti All Wool and Union Un- This ie an assortment of Vests and Drawers for ages 1 to 10 years, qual- ities you were >uying two or three seusons ago and lines that we can- Bot replace the sizes in--Thus the -.25¢ to 50c each 27 PAIR OF SWISS, NOTTINGHAM AND NOVELTY that it will pay you to wash them. after spending the summer with her daugh- ter in Frontenac County. Exeéutors of the Hill estate have sold the general store here to Irvine Addison of Oro, who tukes possession this week. The late Thos. Hill conducted the business most sucessfully for the last fifteen years. Mrs. Hill will remain here for the winter The remains of the late Jas. Johnston of Stuyner were interred in the Presbyterian turying ground here on Tuesday last, De- ceased was a pioneer of Flos Township, where he owned several farms and at one time. farmed extensively. His declining yells were spent with his daughter, (Agnes! Mrs, 'Fhompson of Stayner. He lived 10 be ninety-five and was around until about three weeks before his death. ees ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER FOR concession of Oro...The anniversary services of the Methodist Church, postponed from Oct. 20, were held last Sunday. In the morn. ing Rev. W. 8. Inwin preached a fine +er. mon with his usual good ability. In the evening, those present were privileged to hear Rev, R. J. Fallis, Chairman of the Barrie Distnet, whose sermon was highly appreciated by' a large congregation. 'The | members of the church feel their indedted- ness (o Mr. Fallis for journeying out over specially made for the the rather uncertain roads to render such YAN OPPORTUNE TIME good service. The offering for the ay amounted to 865 MILLINERY CROWN HILL Hate at... The Crown Hill auxiliary of the Oro Red Cross Society held a successful sewing meet- Other Shapes and Trimmed ing on Nov. 26 at the home of Mrs. W. T.| Discount. Partridge. The next sewing meeting will be Beld at the home of Mrs. 8. J. Dunsmore on Tuesday, Dec, 10, after which the regu. lar monthly meeting of the Crown Hill Women's Institute will take place..Work UNDERSKIRTS $1 Sample Lot of Net Door Panels. among them and all al Special Tables of Shapes and Trimmed done during Nov.--Oro Red Cross Society Comforts Society :9 prs. socks: ANGUS Harbor visited his mother, Duckworth, of Stuyner is visiting at Herbert Wilson's. visited at Miss Esther Mrs. (Rev.! Morris and son, Whittier of | very serviceable far or ARANT; Orangeville, returned home on Tuesday beautiful and up-to-date ITPA strats after spending 4 few weeks with her par pailletle Silks, and Silk a nace canoe ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bell, Salt's Eequimette Plush, hest quality Blae --_____ an Sale ....., 4 SUSPENDERS ORO STATION Dec. 3.--Peace services were held Inat for Men Sunday in St, Andrew's Church which wes appropriately decorated with flags aad Rev Dollar Val for 75 N. Campbell gave a splendid addres._cn ue. IC | Peatm 26, Be Boots ens eae home after epending some time with Mrs. D. Rob. berta..Mrs. James Leigh is improving in health. .Snow bus arrived onee more. Mrs Bert Graham ix doing nicely after" her operatipnn last week, DALSTON Dalston Women's Institute The meeting of the W. I. will be held on Thursday, Dec. 12, in the basement of the Methodist Church. Miss Annie Keat will give an address on "The Culture of Personality. There will be a guessing contest, for which prizes will be given, and also @ recitation. KNOCK Dec. 2.--Sewing meeting at W. H. Mar- tin's on December 4. .Donald Cowan, M.A., of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. .Mrs. T. Reid is spending a couple of ae remeeemens J. F. CRAIG'S. MEN'S FURNISHING *4 CLOTHING STORE FOR MEN WHO CARE We accurately fit men of all builds in suits or overcoats. 'You'll sacrifice no element of quality, style, service, or fit, and gain significant ecqnomy in buying our clothing. OVERCOATS--Complete range in latest styles of overcoats are offered for sale by us, ranging in price from..,... aw + $15.00 to $30.00 SUITS--Suits in latest trench and belted styles ranging in price from .. +++ $18.00 to $30.00 READY-TO-WEAR--We have to offer in ready-to-wear shits a wonderful value Fox Serge Suit, plain or belted $28.00 OUR TAILORED-CLOTHE8--We have a largé stock of sarez tweeds and worsteds, Tailored, prices. - $28.09 to $45. Blues and Blacks.... $40.00 to $55.00 (OKWEAR--We have just received a wonderful: range of NECKWI e have j eee The Strongest Made in Canada Extra Heavy Web Solid Army Leather Trimmings Reinforced in Back Steel Hook Supports Look for the Tiger Seal On every pair. At your Storekeepers or direct, postage free from The King Suspender & Weckwear Co' Toronto, Can. Scarfs, Fancy Silks. Price from. 7 we GT . Sale st 1 pm, W. A. McConkey,' suc. SHIRTS--All the latest patterns and designs wie Abe pelea We ne LJ, Bi Fielding, Penetang ed double wear cuff +++ G1, ad, (2% miles ni Barrie) will Fancy Silk Fronts... 2.1... -$1.50 to $50 Bar, (28 mies nerth of sie) will GLOVE8--Lined or unlined. Storey's washable cape kid, te, Rome, pies igements, Me Bale grey suede, tan kid, chamois and buckskin Fete Sigves Ps De is Witten eli aa Sit:a:4-e: 9) eateis aaa yi perewenig ese : i riday, Dec. 13, lot 10, Lined grey or brown mocha, al $2.26, 30 en Hig ores on SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS--from~.. - $3.00 to $9.50. UNDERWEAR--Penman's heavy woolen underwear.... 12 suits pyjamas, 18 handkerchiefs; Field Dec. 3.--Jerome Duckworth of Victoria Mry, Stephen last week. .Miss Bessie Milne Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves of Collingwaad | Groves' last wee'c | 50 only Black Sateen and Colored Teffetine Undersk 12 only Serge, 12 Panama and Nol this season's r Atherley..Horace Creasy of King- ted his sister, Miss Annie Creasy for a few days..The\ young people here are practising for a Xmas entertainment which they expect to give on Dee, 20. STROUD ter gepending & couple of months with apent the friends here..John Bradley of 'oronto ins has returned after spending a few "lays in the city..Mrs. Nixon has returned to Toronto after visiting her niece, Mrs, John Beckie and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Forbes the city and spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Forbes Mrs, Amnold"is visiting her son, Geo. Ar nold..Mrs. Wm. Webb visited friends nore Inst week. An entertainment and Christmas Tree will be held in Stroud Methodist Church on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at which Santa Claus will be present. Admission, 25 gente, 49-50 CREDIT SALES Tuee., Dec. 10--Mrs. Leslie Clark, lot 2, + ¢08. 5, Oro, farm stock, implements, ec, $2.00 end $2.25 a parent These are only'a few of our lines and values. For real- invéstigation--Call and see them., Peninan's wool combination'... sone qualities and very special al $1.98 "DECEMBER SALE" BASEMENT ASSORTMENT COMPRISES MANY LINES OF NOVEL' MAIN FLOOR IS OVERFLOWING WITH USEFU! Moore & Armstrong BARRIE'S STYLE STORE 'ORE YOU IN YOUR PURCHASES. -IT IS OUR PURPOSE TO CLEAR 1918 WITH A RUSH OF BUSINESS. THE SLAUGHTERING KNIFE HAS BEEN USED UNSPARINGLY. . ; COME AND VISIT US. Less than the price of the Materials. and about 50 different qualities 8 Cord Velvets, ete., all on sale this 20 Skirts regular $6.25 to 87.98 . 30 Skirts regular 87.50 to $10.50 20 Skirts (not up-to-date styles, may be made into useful $8.00. Sarments These are the larges ling, but the reduction is so great Some lovely Swiss rimming, among them also 4 pair Nursery... Your Choloe $2.38 pr. Some a price less tt Blanket offered by 4 inches. + ald worth $3.00. - Bale $2.18 each Brown, TO BUY * ASTOUNDING VALUES IN LOVELY WINTER COATS An Immense Variety to Select from 26 Ladies' Coats, samples and no two alike. materials are Chinchillas, Blanket Cloths, Curls, -- Zibelines Plush. ete.. worth Ap to,825...,. $1.98 Hats, 20° good col > -98 Black and irts, heavy Lamb Tex Coats. moderately priced. Buy Ready-to-Wear Garments at Moore & Armstrong's 4 Card Velvet Dresses, size make but excellent mater: dinary wear Dresses, Poplins 36 to Is and .-. Sale $8.50 Materials are Taffeta $12.50 to $30.00 50 inches wide, $10.00 yd. 500 yards of good q worth a3¢. This week onl sizes 7 to 10 at . 10 only Drawn and Batt worth 82,25 each, CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS NOW READY. SUITABLE GIFTS DISPLAYED IN SUCH A WAY THAT CHOOSING WILL BE MADE EASY, 7 Fancy Linen, Etc. Dainty Blouses, Camisoles, Boudoir Caps, and Wool Ap-' parel in Ready-to-Wear Dept. WE INVITE YOU Completing the Home Circle 'There is no other force more effective in ae 'supplies this welding link in hi desire to be bound down tono! 'The Brant-ola is made in seven different styles. Finished in Walaut, Fumed Oak or Mahogany. It will play any make of discrecord. Ask your dealer to denion- strate this beautiful instrument to you. BETTER BUY ONE OR MORE OF THESE SKIRTS. 70 Ladies' Skirts representing about 50 different styles erges, Panamas, Venetians, week at bargain prices, . Sale $4.98 Sale $6.98 but with some alterations regular 85.00 to + Special Sale §2.98 CUT PRICE ON "IBEX" This week only $3.60 pr. (size in the Blanket costs more Price should be 84.75 at least. Cord Velvet, 1917 quality, in colors Cardinal, Special value in 60 x 72 Pink, Yellow ang Bl BIG QUANTITIES OF. PALM. Soap 150 for Cold and Vanishing Cream 500 for 430 Shampoo 760 for Taloum Ladies' "DECEMBER SALE" » We offer heavy Ribbed BI TY AND STAPLE DISHES, IL GIFTS. Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, |------------------------___ Moore & Armstrong 43-12 | 49.51 Cosy Littly Coats for Children 6 mos. to 3-yrs. Samples and at less Every season we contract for this manufacturer's lot of samples und customers save a 25 per cent. dis- count when they buy here, Bear Skins, Plushes, Curl Cloths, Cords, Velvets and all wool Serges, White only. Sale $1.98 to $5.50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS "Ibex" Blanket. The "Mex" and is without a dou the best the Canadian trade, Present retail +++.One week only $3.60 worth this season 81.00 per yard, Ruby, Taupe, and Plum, width 27 Sale 750 yd. vered Comforters, 6 PSone means Sale $3.50 Ikateen ue, inch Si OLIVE GOODS AT LESS . 120 LADIES' PYJAMAS $1.75 8 inches wide, + Sale 250 Flannelette Gowns, qual-ties procure al the present time, 1.75, $1.98, $2.25 and $2.75 ack Worsted Hosiery, THE XMAS STORE estate whose been received. DATED third December, 1918, DONALD Ross, Administrators' Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Strrogate Court of the County of Simcoe, In the matter 49-51 of the estate of Cornelius Frawley, late of the Township of Medonte, in the County of Simeoe, Farmer, i tice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, Chapter 121, Bee, 56, Revi Statutes of Ontario, 1914, and Amending Acts, that all persons having clamis against the 'estate of the said Cornelius Frawley, who died on or about the Seventh Day of October, 1918, are required to send by Post prepaid or deliver to Boys & Murchi". eon, Barrie, Bolicitors for the Executors, on or before the Thirty-first day of Decem_. ber, 1918, their names and aod full statement of. particulars of their claims and the nature of. the security held by them, duly verified, and after the said date the Executors wilf Proceed to distri- bute the-assets of the sai deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regand only to the claims of which he shell then have had notice. ropgted st Barrie this th day of December, BOYS & MURCHISON, Selicton forthe Beseuton, '