THE BARRIE EXAMINER MINESING ! Mre, Wm. Grant is quite ill, Nurse Me- | fs $ Gregor is caring for ber. Her many frieu's | hope she may soon be better. | Skipper Wm. F. Orchard is home on leave 14 from Halifax. He looks hale and hearty | i THRIFT ---~\ after nearly two years of life on the sea. 15 (fre Weithree Sa' Sunday, the evening Service { Thrift, personal and national, is the grest- te ae ure ae evening, service ip est need of the hour. " Waste not, want 'Miss Ella Rowat of Hillsdale visited over 4 not" is the lesson every Canadian must the week-end with ber sister, Mrs. Irvine 14 learn arid practise, Soe aioe-ct Goo: Lith 1B | St arn e remains of vingston of Bar- bea ree Your first contribution rie were laid to rest in the cemetery here 5 = and your country's welfare--a con Monday. + The service at the grave was < Vohse Savings Account in this Bank. Interest conducted by officials of the fraternal or- "~ t Paid at current rates ie der of which decessed was a member. Lhe firs $935.00 prominent men who followed 'the cortege from town and took part in the burial, > UNION BANK OF CANADA 'cunt the Sten nd' Henny ted te | Which of these pices amous Proverbs fits = Picture ? 2 ise + WINNIPEG, MAN. the deceased by his associates, George was Lcdcre: peace. Giond, 'recive peoyeue Were tara, sitio: CH, - A, LESLIE, Manager. an old Minesing boy who was known by [asovered thst foreus-i th seiest. of Organ COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. McMILLAN, Manager, ae ire, Std 'bis uatiinely, Gearh scans & THORNT: at_shock, The bereaved mother ani fail point the same war" tent 'ON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. Foci Keve the aympathy, of thar many, they of pet the sameway 8 Seno, friends in this community. ee 34-yrly oe sais ORO STATION Bove wore ott be, How to Enter this Great « : . ° Nov. 19--Mre. Bert Graham's health is ra big aches. Only the Get of this series of proverb News from Neighboring Townships ||ie:ov: Peace one Mrs, Smith, of Orillia, spent Sunday a with her sunt, Mrs. D. MeCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Kissick and Mise Hilda, of ueie a As Told by Our Correspondents Orilhs, spent Sunday at Jas, MacLelland's alata Mac, Elson, of Toronto, is spending a Our fine 48-4 iop Bt (Held over from Ist week) ae Te Be Me dwuphte| | nembidmenttedeenee | 1 phe rete Ftar are visiting at A, A. Bell's Evil conduct Is the root of ery. | gine are conducting this great contest HAWKESTONE ; MIDHURST The Quarterly Official Board met at the I deeds basp on thy soul. Ercan are assured ef ie atuclute tah ele Nov. 19--Mrs. D. B. Barnhardt and{ Nov. 20.--Miss Mubel Barrett has re- | Methodist Church on Thursday last. All Bee LE OPUee Uo Give mn ouual chavice to every com 5 Chote ( daughter, Beatnce, left for Toronto on a|turned home ufter spending some time in| parts of the circuit were well represented, | Proverber sad sl the reoverbe neseemecs ber ti few weeks' vacation Barrie with ber sister, Miss Maud Burrett.| Rev RJ. Fullis, of Barrie, and Geo. H.| of twelve pictures have been chosen from this book terest: $ | Mrs. J.C. Fellows und her daughter, Mrs,|_ A. Dwyer has returned home from the | Clark, of Orillia, were present und explained | fotrer evens Noy cope and ti fhe book ses for- Marshall, of Midland, are spending a week |unting grounds and was one of the lucky | beneficent promise made by a Toronto | complete series of twelve proverb pictures which com: sronta), with Mr and Mrs. Fellows ones to get a deer Jleyman for increasing the salaries of all -- plete the contest. Thus, there will be no waiting oF : Miss Katie MeKay 'ollins, NY. is W.W. Boyce, P.M. and mail courier, was | pastors under $1500. The board decided to | a ---- Sei. Atthe piture wil be Lyrae tan irchison Spending «few weeks with her mother called! away to Toronto this week to attend |make an advance of $300 on present 'ein You your share of these wonderful prisrs- ms All our hunters were euccessful this year, | 'he express robbery trial umount, and will wt once organize to do so. | tach brining home: a deer lis Maggie Shanacy of Toronto is hol wih at once orga | d FIRST PRIZ E TC. m. Leigh is on the sick list but I un- | 'daying at her home here. sae: derstand 1s improving Mrs. G. Kightley has moved to Brechin| DALSTON Several carlos of live atock were sip | for the winter ig 8 Plurbing about completa Magnificent Chevrolet Touring Car ped this w » local er, J. Row ss Lillian Schandlen has gone to Tor lo Puiston PStise Pollard io very 'il' bug at the ate {onto to apend the winter," TY") "the furnnee of the Methodist Church will World. piace cating aves Value $935.00, and Over $1,500.00 in Other Grand Prizes of writing J reported to be improving Mrs, A. Cuchrune is spending a few diaye | be Baie this week by: Moffett & Parr, Piano. Valuie $§00.00 Seageher Maselfeent, Prise tn this conteg: surpass any. ir, Jordan now has his gris in Alliston vath her daughter, Mrs. J.T. rn 4 gts San tee Bie wt mil oT Ale : The many rede of eo, W, Livingston ananppauze | World Famous Ceclian Player Piano, value $800.00; Our teacher, Miss E. M. Gilchrist, or | Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron of Orangeville |Of Burrie, "were shocked to hear of his | Beautiful Brunswick Phonograph (plays all records), ganized a "Tag Day' for Belgian Relirf {came here to attend the funeral of the |(euth on Sunday Beutel [f yalue $241.00; Singer Sewing Machine, Frants-Premier -- on Saturday last wl ' latter's sister, Miss Inez Monteith, who| Howard Barnger is leaving D, M. Coutts Pi hy Vacuum Sweeper, Waltham Watches, Lovely Shetland yy lyst which realized $17.00 | ; , , haat Tr ri ise Sit100 | Pony, Furniture, Kitchen Cabin The children tagged with all diligence for | passed away in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, | and going to hie home in Toronto owing Value $241.00 OOO, Blovelec: Electric 2 their unfortunate sisters and brothers across )0n Sunday afternoon. Interment took place |t0 the illness of his father. . Bicycles, Electric Cooker, f Judi- in devastated Belgium. in the Midhurst Cemetery on Tuesday of.| Mrs. A. E. Bell has returned to this Bia. 16: {5-Page Illastrated Prise List Will Be Sent To You Free 8, Con~ Rey. A. A. Jenner preached from Isaiah terseon Much sympathy ia extended to the ae after some two weeks' visit al Oro The 75 Grand Prizes That Will Be Awa: ded 52:10, for Thanksgiving reaved ones. ation, FOURTH Professor Weir mie ee doetoring various | Russell Lynn of Collingwood is spending a PRIZE THIS CONTEST IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF EXPENSE ie pianos and organs here during this week. |few days at his home here. IVY Lunia. one te taut and bent Snows pubtiaaing hocane iy Genwce Mr. Jocelyn and Mr. Kendall were for-| | Miss Ruth Horton of Barrie spent the | x. 19 othe hunters have returned Fativel te tunate enough to secure three deer between week-end the guest of Mise Elsie Wallwin. |) 0 sa snfles, with four deer 'them, - Mins Mubel Lougheed is spending s conple i hie MANN airy SR eat UTOPIA of werks with her mother, Mrs, & Burton, fe'senk 10 on' eithou charg. teenune ee want Jou landale. Now, 2 Sixth Line puted to {to recuperate after a severe attack of in 5 Improved bvarywersa Toronto Mre. J. Fellows returned from Lindsay on | in a Groce tat Se erste te | ena Scots sree cgereon marie Slizabeth Thursday. ken in for the monthly shipment 18| Harold Arnold. D. Gauley, Mrs. R, Ar- four of your trendy or helghbours, who wil 187 Their friends were glad to see Mrs. Phil | ee ie nvjamas und 20 pai socks nold und Miss Minnie McLean motored to Pe MeLeod, Miss Jobuston, and Roy Ratcliffe |W yy qiounmas und 10 palm socks. | oronte on Saturday and spent the seek sates eiErh PRE in the 'church choir on Sunday, and ute |i ymcks' hunting. teip, end with friends there. even sand yon copies for each Gia, Bros. Famous High Ov sails pleased to heur that Mr. McLeod ix exiniog |e Tey Tabuey. who teaches ot Tor-| WC. Banting i suffering with an at } OTHERS HAVE | WON Bic PRIZES Range. Value $7200" ' strengtb. |tenham, hus returned home as her «chool |tack of the 'fu' } | Barrie. ---- hhas been closed on account of the "flu" SI \ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria | epidemic Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper | ws i | contest, and che Hue ' ; peste aotee Sete rang breve pone st WAR PROVERB EDITOR, CONTINENTAL PUBLISHING CO.,LTD. 90 CONTINENTAL BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. THORNTON PARISH OF INNISFIL, --_| Te 8. 8. of St. Paul's subscribed to, « ov. 18.--Miss Josie Doane bas left here | _ The fourth Anniversary of the t| engey Bond, principal spe. nteren to be GY |for a few months' visit to her sister, Mrw. |St. Paul's Church will be held oo Beciun, [Banded over to the M.8.C.C, on of A on Sunduy, | the Indian and Eskimos missionary work. R. B, Beynon of Thorobill.....Miss Laura | December 8, Services being held at 11 a.m. rid , Barrie Thompson of Toronto is visiting for a|and 7 pm. The Rev. A. L. Flemming, who| The W.A. of St. Peter's Church packed a month with her sister, Mr. J. W. Henry... |has been a missionary to the Eskimos has | Y¢FY fine box for the Gordon Indian Sebool -Mr. and Mrs. G. C.'Allan of Lefroy spent | kindly consented to be present, It was in the shape of an outfit for a Tororo, Sunday with Mr. snd Mm. R.D. Henry.| On Sunday, Dec. 1 . _ ' gitl of the school and amounted to $45.00: - -Miss M. L. Simpson of Philadelphia is | wit! be held boc' in' St Pahoa ie | The W.A. of S:. Paul's has been meeting A visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. | Peter's at 3 pee The We keene, St: | every week at different homes, one week sley Ste. Allen foro few weeks.....Mr. and Mrs. | Scyed 'eavecialiy to be present ember Fe for Red Cross and the next for missionary lp McLean of Barrie are spending a few days | "* th many te af apread at these ter-| sewing, study and prayer Two quilts were with their son, J. E. MeClean.....Milton | cet, The women of the chureh in Canada ' prepared at the bome of Mrs, W. J. Leon- O'Dell has gone to spend u few weeks with {Male 8 strong. and successful effort to) ard, Tuesday last. Three bags ef apples at friends in Toronto... This village was | MEsone in the differcar' chucchor ae S| Were pared for drying at the home of Mrs. ye at shocked on Tuesday when the news came of | 4usons if the different churches on St.|{ 'Smith to be sent in the bale, day. the sudden desth of Mrs. (Dr.) D. B. Hen- | Andrew's Day, which this year falls on Sat- Throat To. (nee Mise Minnie Ball Deceued san | urday next. As this is not practiced in the aaa ym. aad one of our Thornton young women and was {fl Parts, women ate asked to gather for| Found Parents Dead, Children Dying much admired and respected by a host of |* SPecial service. While bringing out Harry Baker of Mid- . friends, To the sorrowing husband and con | _, Wednesday evening last, a memorial eer- | land (who was badly injured in o shooting _ much sympathy is extended,.., Mise Trim. | Vice wus held in St. Paul's Chureb to offer | accident while hunting in the woods near ss ble of Flesherton spent over Sunday with | tribute of respect snd honor to Fred Bar- | Parry Sound) the party had oceasion to her sister, Mrs. W. Taylor Hodgson. clay, who fell in action on September the |call at a passing farmstead. Receiving ---- One of the most successful Anniversaries | 30th. He had received a slight wound on' no reply to their knock on the door, they ELL was held here last Sabbuth in the Methodist |the arm, and preparing to have it dresced |entered, 1 find the man und wife both Church, Although the day wus rather | W#8 instantly killed by a sniper. Fred had |dead in bed on the ground floor. Hearing Toronto cloudy ond wet, the attendance was good |been a very much respected employee of | what seemed u noise, they investigated up Bairie) especially at night when the church was fil-| Harvey Hughes, a member of St. Paul's stairs und discovered three small children ell, CAL led to the doors. At both services Rev, |choir, a regular attendant, a fine type of /in a dying condition, for whom they sum 1 Dr. Sparling of Brampton preached eloquent | English manhood, well informed, browd|moned the neighbors . sermons, which were listened to with great pat ae sympathies, consents; is pam interest, The church looked beautiful be- is passing is much regretted by & artment. ing lighted by the new Hydro lighta and |large number of friends, He hed purpose Children Cry . a5 tustefully decorated with flowers. The ser- | at the end of the war to return and begin FOR FLETCHER'S vices were very much helped by the excel- |farming operations on his own behalf in alter. . Tent music by the choir, At the morning |the neighborhood. CASTORIA to come rowing ogether servige u solo entitled "Builing' for Ele | qe isfction &. nity" was given by J. W. Henry in bie us: one 19k. R i i ual pleasing style, while in the evening W. offies HIS aged couple, mellowed by time There can be no doubt that this it T. Hodgson 'eang Gounod's "There is ACCURACY AND EFFICIENCY IN BANKING and the experiences of life, are hap- pily growing old together. They are happy, because they are healthy. Life is still full of interest to them, and they are wide awake to new ideas. These are the kind of old people that everybody likes. For, in spite of the ment contained exactly what was required to build up Mr. Leard's system. We are constantly receiving so many letters of this kind that we can, with the greatest confidence, recommend people of advanced years to put Dr. Chase's Nerve Food on trial, as a means of restoring and maintaining health and vigor. Green Hill Far Away" in excellent style, The thank-offering was a most liberal one reaching the handsome sum of $900.00. The Pastor, Rev. G. R. Kitching, is to be heart- ily congratulated on the splendid way the work is progressing under his directions. Many Excepted from Jury Service A man cannot serve on a jury if he is a postoffice or customs official, a sheriff, actions. This Bank pays specia modern Banking Service. accounts are invited. Comp! The customers of The Bank of Toronto are assured of accuracy, promptness and efficiency in all their trans- 1 attention to this phase of Your business and private lete facilities at all Branches. Here is another interesting letter. This a coroner, a jailer, a constable, a clergy- time from a lady: man, barrister or' solicitor, physician or surgeon, and, peculiar to say, all officere, years, they are cheerful and optimistic. It is dhly natural that the blood should Capital....... $5,000,000 Reserved Funds $6,555,300 get thin and vitality wane as age advances, but there are ways of keeping up the quality of the blood and maintaining health and vigor. Very many men and women 'have found in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food exactly what they need to restore energy and strength and keep them healthy and happy. As an example Mr. Stephen J. Leard, North Tryon, P.E.L, writes: "At seventy- five years of age my heart gave out and Mrs. Joseph Lalonde, Hydro Glen, Ont., writes: "I have to thank you very much for what your medicines have done for me, especially the Nerve Food and Kid- ney-Liver Pills. I was so run down and nervous last summer that I was in bed most of the time, unable to do any work. I have also been troubled with my kid- neys for over twenty years, and tried every doctor I knew of without any per- but I can say that Dr. Chi Nerve Food and Kidney-Liver Pills have made me feel quite different. Bince taking this combined treatment I have been able to do my housework, and although I am now 76 years old, I feel non-coms and men of volunteer corps; a registrar, treasurer, clerk, folledtor and assessor, 8 teacher, editor, reporter or print er of any public newspaper or journal, rail- way employe, telegraph operator, fireman or miller. It's Certainly Needed At a special meeting of the Orillia Town Council it was decided to ask E. A, James, engineer for the County of York, to visit Orillia, with the view of advising ss to the best method for improving the roads. The Council felt that before permanent THe (Incorporated 1855) BANK or IORONTO BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE became very irregular and weak in action and would palpitate. My nerves also became weak, and I could do nothing but Ie in bed in a languishing condition, los- ing-strength and weight. In that con- dition I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and am cured. Had I not obtained this treatment I would now be in the box with the roof over my nose. At eighty-one I hrve an energy which means go, and I am writing this letter so better than I have for years." ("T know Mrs. Joseph Lalonde, and believe her statement regarding Dr. Chase's medicines to be true."--W. P. Flannery, Postmaster.) Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Only the genuine bears the portrait and signature paving is undortaken some definite eye- tem should be"--iopted, and a plan laid out that could be worked to year by year. Midland Hunters Shot ~ eek M. Tremier was shot lame toothache, ear that old people Ike myself may prolong of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt both while hunting north of Parry eee Ce ane c Oe cians Sevnath Dy Seine: the Book author, on every box. Sound. by: ancther hunter. He was re- pate hanes Seb i Boe moved to the Parry' Sound hospital: where CO. he remained for several daye.--Argus.