Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1918, p. 4

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Page Four | a, | THE BARRIE EXAMINER | | : | T in Nov. 28, 1918. sia ead Rep oat aver ee ee December Ist to 31st house, which was in danger, ; 9 'A large number from here attended the . '6 memorial service held in Churchill Presby- e e terian Church on Sunday for Edgar Ralston, killed in action Nov. 4, Mr. and Bre. MEN'S FURNISHING #4 CLOTHING STORE 9 {72 sazes sz, 2ve tbe ozmpathy of bereavement, two of their sons having been killed in action in three months. FOR MEN WHO CARE ag aa Bie ro. At Moore and Armstrong's We accurately fit men of all builds in suits or overcoats. ) | he meson wrnce ai ay ni attended You'll sacrifice no element of quality, style, service, or fit, (- tan Rela, at Stroud on Sunday. s e y in buying our clothing. rs. Lucas has returned after spending .and gain significant economy in buying o rs ont ese bas, etter nen 25 DAYS OF BIG SELLING OVEROOATS--Complete range in latest styles of overcoats ( |Noble, of Churchill, who we quite il nale:by us, ranging in price-from........ . ) |butis now going around again, are offered for sale.by us, ranging in Beige fPOM ns oe Te Re en eas co . $16. $30. held on Wednesday evening in the Pres- i 3 i byterian Church. Officers elected were: Sie rea in latest trench and belted styles, ranging in Robt. Stewart, Supt.; Mise Della Woods, rice from $18.00 to $30.00 Sec.-Treas.; Miss Hazel Morton, organist. Tt was decided to give a public entertain- READY-TO-WEAR--We have to offer in ready-to-wear suits nent batts Chee Every department will join in making the last 25 a wonderful value Fox Serge Suit, plain or belted $28.00 business days of 1918 the biggest yet. To accomplish OUR TAILORED CLOTHES--We have a large stock of fancy ORO STATION this purpose we shall put forwar i . tweeds and worsteds, Tailored, prices. .$28.00 to $45.00 Nov. 25.--Reeve Alex McArthur ix at- Purp' P d many, lines of de sirable merchandise at prices much below regular. With 00 . nding the Co Couneil ny ' $40.00 to $55.00 tending unty Council meeting im all fabrics, whether Wool, Silk, Cotton or Linen much Blues and Blacks. . lues ant Barrie this week. NECKWEAR--We have just received a wonderful range of Mra, James Leagh is laid up with influ. . ' Pee Scarfs, Fancy Silks. Price from.....-.. $1.75 to $4.00 ( lear ne eee i* Had up with influ higher for spring, 1919, it will pay you to buy here Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis are starting for during December. SHIRTS---All the latest patterns and designs with the patent € [rheir' home in' Chine on Thamien eye ed double wear cuff. +» $1.00 to $2.50 } [Davis will be greatly iissed by her Oro Fancy Silk Fronts... + $1.50 to $2.60 ( friends but all join in wishing them 4 «fe 2 . d pleasant voyage. i GLOVE8--Lined or unlined. Storey's washable cape kid, "Mr. Charles Bell' and little daughter, grey suede, tan kid, chamois and buckskin dress gloves Clara, have gone to Toronto 10 muke eit Hage : $2.00, $3.00 an extended visit with her brother, C. Lined gr - $2.25, $3.00 Williamson, Mi Me visit M lex SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS--from....$3.00 to $8.50 [4.2% D MeCusig is visting Mm. tex Mac Elson of Orillia spent over Sunday Special showing of Ready-to-Wear Garments. Some splendid Winter Coats at reduced prices. A Saving on Millinery. White Flannelette worth 35¢ yard, 25c yard. . CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS NOW READY COME IN, AND SEE US UNDERWEAR--Peniman's heavy woolen underwear pectic estes eases $2.00 and $2.25 a garment \ | bone ber om here e Penman's wool combinauion eee. 0c. cence eee ee $3.75 Wie' antiscury: neraee batt These are only a few of our lines and values. Fur real Paigech: lat | Kanday ii i | g Mus Dora 'ell ww teaching at No investigation--Call and see them. 17 while the teacher is laid up with influ. | | Ne ea ae eee ena ° ° . The Epworth Lesgue last Thursday was 4 Jconducted by Mrs. J. Leigh, und Mr. Me | News from Neighboring Townships ||~ tel by Ms J Le who dared to preach bard truths" ae ee ECC CCC! | gratifying number were present, 'snd it is | @ | As Told by Our Correspondents hoped this will continue. iat te motion service next Sunday in 1 A Former Resident fri offerings pars: smal tenimony of | European Cost of Living je Methodist Church, vote will be taken | A well known former resident of Barrie |the high esteem in which be wee hea iy . SHANTY BAY THORNTON as to whether the new hymn book will be | passed pescefully.away on Wednesday, Nov. |. The pallbearers were six of his compun- Miridn eae Pease, how the Th finance committee at the Meth-| Next Sunday, Dec. 1, the general thanks. | Mtfoduced or not. The old ones are get: | einber 20, in the person of Robert Hamil. |ions, namely, J. Priee, W. Dixon, W. Duf- in Europe: oilise, Church ia pompracd of Meare 3. (élving will be observed in St Judes Chow {ting scarce and out of order, and as more | ton Moore, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, |fin, 8. Nichols, C. Secord and G. Hocken,| tly, February, 1918--153 per cent. \ Sanderson, Caldwell, Ball, Fred Day, F.|et 3 o%chck Mek Le Gos Teurch old ones are not to be purehused itis | Thos. Moore of Hamilon Besides bis parents he leaves to mourn his| Norway, March, 1918137 per cent. Pu ced He Pak If things oot ooke | Welle sedan Gogea "been, arith ner [Beceseary to decide what co do. The hoys| Although net being in the best of health |1os three sisters, Mimes Edith, Eva und| Sweden, March, 1918--134 per cent. Sy cnr th 1 wa ay Ha go rs tg in ek, ren, Sa rt [Gsm WD eas | Gee, events set ae Ge page ' jess want to sing. It's up to the people |shock. being taken down only on 'Sour. {ilton reat Britain, June, 191! per cent. Mim (Re Hens Bey contin to verti 5 hha 20m wills tem ae aac hs Swieaad Bctakes" 1935, ber roa for good rot. A speedy recov: | the reat struggle in which be took a par | ett Chay S008 KOUDHIN At the Ag vier bene fegcticalls all bis life in Bar- | Collier St. Methodist Church |ccst severe: NMS: ae ery is i to be hop ; aed 5 5 per by trade, yea . Ty 1s hoped for. of this opportunity aad bear Mee eee we hear few rs Johnston. cend wih 28° BE Moved with bin parenta to Ham- " fae Dec. 1 confine (Paria), January, 1918-91 per , addi = iss Myra Reid spent the week-end with | jfton. 8.m.--Fellowship service, 2 Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows 'Qu Wedosidey; Nov. 27, at 7.30 pam, a {Mi® Muriel Irwin at Dalston Being of bright and genial disposition |11 a.m--The Pastor, Pitend, March, 1918--82 per cent. congregational meeting will be held sa uke he mace numerous friends wherever he | 3. p.m.--Sunday School, jenmark, February, 1918--78 per cent. | baseinent of St, Jude's Church to deci : IVY went, He was member of Allandale | 4.15 p.m.--Masonic Thanksgiving Secvice. NOTHING LIKE INTER- |" arrungetnents for the Annual Fowl Sup. | Nov. 26.--Congratulations to Mr, und| Presbyterian Sunday School and church Sermon by Rey. G. A. Brown, Look at the Dressed Dolls at per held on New Year's night. Mrs. McLennan on the arrival of 4 aon. * Bu bs et LE ico tees Hie 7 p.m--Rev. W. 8. Irwin, the Field Comforts sale, All members and friends of the Woinen's | School 1s closed as one of the teachers y, Novern bert es Heya: Reme| Good muste: Everybody welcome. rice for ces NAL BATHING FOR Institute who feel that they wouly like va |# sick with influenee on Friday, November 22, to Hamilton Cem Rev, R. J. Fallis, Pastor. I The dss for notices in the ply the needle and thread for thy 4 Mrs. Murphy of Alliston is visiting ber | €t*ry. the services being conducted by Rev, socal Column or for any other 4 CONSTIPATION hours, will be cordially weleomed. to' [daughter, Mew G. Carruthers A. H. MucGillivary, of St. John Presbyter reading notices in The Examiner . J quilting bee ut the Temperance Hall at | There 'is unother outbreak of influenza {ian Church, The numerous and beautiful; Read the Adlet Column is ten cents per line. tt oy If people only knew what Internal Bath: | ge clock on Friday ufternoon, Nov. 19, |'",thie neighborhood ing is doing for thousunds of others there |A cup of tea und light lunch will be served | Tht anniversary of the Presbyterian would be fewer Pills and Laxatives swal. | 4 stimulant before dayening Church hud to be postponed ngarn tll lowed und very much less suffering from | Oe 4 ge _posount ot i" mh tke ess. \ Constipation und the accompanying Storn he W.MLS. of the Anglican Churel ' uch and Nervous troubles resulting from LEFROY Be ian ee, tame oe Mr ' . : ag ROY aug uf Bee es d Chance to Buy a Chester- Mrs. CG. M. of Strathroy, Ont. writes: | Churchill the L.O.L. gave « farewell supper Men ibe) Spam in honk meh, eighth rom aACE tO uy a ester "T am pleased to have this opportunity of |to John Marshall "and his wife "wie are} ates. Cant of Barre ig ou nursing het . ° . testifying to the merits of the "J.B.L. Cat: ; leaving thir neighborhood to Ive es ' : nursing het fi 1 S cade bate een wing i now for year dale enon (0 H¥6 Alla dauthin who i ll with the a eld-Sofa wit air an ocker to matc s with sutisfsctory results, Iam an old wo-| 'The Presbyterian WM. hel over r daiighter, Mra Ji Te lesen, te tha, but my health is so improved that T ber meeting ut the bome of Mimi Gasney | T daugbter, Mrs. J. T. Jennett have a renewed lease of life. You are at lib: !and the Methudist Wd & EDGAR erty to give my address to anyone privately Robt, Sawyer's house ome Ae EDGAR {he max desire (o write to me regarding the! Ivan Growe has bought the house and a| The anniversary of the Eilgar Methoslist Caxoude : {lot owned by A. Webb, who moves tu Bar- | Church will be Sunday, Dec, 1, the wervizes By the proper application of nature's! rie this week to be at 11am. and at 7 p.m, In the warater, by means of the ""J.8.' Mies MeConkey of Stroud is visiting|morning, the pastor will preach: in the ; y 'siting the lower intestines are kept Mrs, G. C. Allan evening, Rev. R. J. Fallis of the Collier r pownnous waste. Drugs force B. Long had the telephone installed |<treet Methodist Church, Barrie, chairman Nature, Internal Bathing assists her. in his residence last week. [of Barrie District, will be the special Dr. Chas. A. Tyrell of New York, a) Mr. Sawyer and two of her daughters | prescher Fecvalist on Internal Buthing, invented |of Toronto spent. the week-end at uke - ined peferted the "BLL. Cuseude," which | Hone of a Ralston, A Former Elmvale Resident hax done miore during the years | It is with regret that we learn that oi 5 restoring health nd Ie [teacher, Miss Tonitinson, has nent. in her |_,fimonton Bulletin--A gloom has heen fron all orher teans combi n to tuke effect at Xmax holidays, [fast Over The entire Innisfree community Ceossuud, druggist, Berrie, for Bow sore had the mifortage ne fe [PY the death of one of the most valued Why Mav at toy ieee Ire and egmene uifortune to tose fund esteemed citizens, LM, "Trace, who Fffictent" They will alo be pleased to {son's erop, 17 head nt cluding | pase! pencefully. away at 'hie "home. in shew umd explain the EBL. Cascade to thy fire, supposedly caused Ue botkeghtcg | Innisfree, on Sunday. November 17, after yon Cea i sed uckwheat !y week's illness from influenza and' pnou- | overhe evening. It was|monia, contracted while assisting nobly -- ---- secs | to fight the epidemic. Since coming west eleven yeurs ago, Mr. id Truce had held positions of trust. At the YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED time of deuth he was town bailiff, secretary: Sith the improvement modern plumbing | "easurer of the town, of the school bourd, d of the tural society, as wel - Boe i pe P ae : will make in your bathroog\ And the |is"manager of the local telecine office, A splendid design, like illustration above, with 3 loose Marshall)cushions and sally : Be : Dee : really modest expense at which we will |He was a member of the Methodist Church, pillow arms, covered in high-grade imported tapestry. . convert your present lavatory into a hand- | being particularly interested in Sunday some, healthy bathroom makes it advisable |School, temperance snd young people's ' work. jor you to make the change. See us about |" sities Mr. Trace was a Liberal, and " took a keen interest in all community uf MOFFATT & PARR _|fsits.. Hie place will be hard to fill The sympathy of all go out to the young PHONE 531 wife and four small children; also to the mbe! nged father und mother, Mr. and Mrs. Plumbers Owen St.| {tin 'Trace, who stil reside at 'Elmvale, CANADIAN PACIFIC DAILY TRAIN SERVICE | TORONTO--WINNIPEG--VANCOUVER . Leave Toronto 7 p.m. Arrive Winnipeg 12.10 p.m. (Second Day) Arrive Vancouver 10.05 p.m. (Fourth Day) THROUGH EQUIPMENT Compartment Observatio i i ining Car, First. class Coaches, Colonist one are, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Ci i . A round-trip ticket to th ifi i cr i ifie" i oi diversity of routes witheot he paoitio Coast via the "Canadian Pacific' permits » wide CANADIAN PACIFIC Nothing like this set to give your home a cosy, inviting appearance. Regular $235.00 for $200.00. Some others to pick from. THE QUALITY FURNITURE HOUSE GG Smith & Co. nas: "Simm sce CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS IN WESTERN CANADA OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND "Royal Alexandra," Winnipeg; "Palliser Hotel," Cal; 3 "Vancouver Hotei,"' Vancouver; "Empress Hotel," Victoria Passengers for Oallfornia should arran; thelr trip to Include the. Canadian Pacific Rookles Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, ad we HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.

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