ae What could he more aceept- able as a gift than a Kodak or Brownie? They are su easy to operate; a child can use them, and will take great pleasure in faking pictures, Our stuck of Kodaks and Brownies range in Price from $2.00 to $60.00, Brpephesphites, Wild Cherry aad Creseate [ COMMENT OF THE WEEK One of the contetbuting factor se Ordba's Victory Lean su wits The work of the live publics Cont tee Not only a they avoure several full pages of special advertising for the Loan, bul they prep the eopy which was as effective as any that appeared in any of the pro. vineial papers A rather striking cartoon ap- peared in the Toronto Telegram on Tuesday. It pictured, Ger. many standing at the seashore in a starving condition pleading for food. In reply, Father Nep_ tune, with the words "Eat what you sank," pointed him to the depths of the sea where lie the| fargoes of wheat, béeon, flour, sugar and other foodstuffs sent to the bottom by submarines Twenty-five Collingwood mer-! rhants combined to issue a full.! MANICURE GOODS Little things that are most the woman or man who values per, rases at prices from £2.00 t e knives and orange-wood you can desire in a the dainty soft one for the baby to tke larger ones for the the family can be procured here at prices from 2: We have a collec: tion of combs that will certainly stand able to buy even in yle and size and each comb urance of lasting satis Wm. Crossland DRUGGIST, BARRIE "Nua Qu DPS --_s as sold with 'ass semen ineach of the > advising the {country that t at been lifted and it Was perfoetiy dentally they emphasized the Collingwood as a In view of the jabsurd rumours th Jeulate when there t 5 an epidemic, coming from such a | representative arried conviction with it, as a good bit of enterprise businessmen brought its own numerous suggestions that Day he set for all pend as nearly as the declaration of that is to say, the |time to corres possible with the armistice WHEN YOU GAN GET ONE ----__----_ i GET ONE ~ AT THESE PRICES? If you prefer a winter weight, and not too long--wh --Come in and see what we will get an ide: and what won 'a of the style we offer at medium. prices derful values our overcoats are. $10.00 - $15.00 - $18.00 - $20.00 - $25.00 - $27.50 Heavy Tweed Overcoats in collar, straps on s to 42. Special value at Heavy Dark Brown Tweed made in same style season's price ..... Plaid Tweeds in Trench S| natty cloths. dark grey cloths with shawl leeves and belt on back, sizes 36 or Chinchilla Overcoats-- as above. Sizes 34 to 40. Last hte e eee eee eens $15.00 tyles, sizes 33 to 40, Very ++». $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $27.50 Thick English Frieze Cloths and Tweeds--Made with on back, double breasted style. A below the knee--In fact a Coat. Prices $18, $20, $25 DEVLIN & MURCHISON large collar, belt Coat that come teal good comfortable minds. The day will stand out in h For history of these wvenkful days articles and pictures bearing on the limes, beginning with Mon- day, Nov. 11. Incidentally for a Much good work along the line and especially is th in respect to Miss A. Red. mond's contributions of two Vol- however, it net too late ta adopt the suggestion offered by our lady correspondent. The more en- gaged in the work the greater will be the amount of valuable those who come in the years that will follow, The Weekly Sun--The Hon Dr. Cody comes back with a new jducational policy, which com mands at once our sympathy and interest. He proposes to offer to the returned soldiers the op portunity of training, for teact. 'ug in the publie schuols. How Practical the scheme may be it remains for discussion amd in. mMiry to show. Tt will not be permitted, we hope, ty lower the stuidard ef education in the Publi schools but, despite the pretensions of modern peda tis, perhaps, possible tu strike oul fads and shorten the cours: of study without lowering the standard of education. Whether r net, governments it is wise or will be foreed, by publie opinion, fu ge far in providing employ. ment, But) the sound -- rule Wo be observed in that pe. spect is that the employment should be productive and profit. able. Canada cannot afford now to lose capijal or ty fix it in un- iPreductive Investment or ta em- ploy her labour unprofitably Speaking in Toronto recently, Col. J. A. Currie is reported to have eriticized the bill which abolished patronage saying thal neither he nor any other return- ed soldier has any chance or in- fluence in securing an appoint-- ment. Already hundreds of return ed men have been placed in the civil service, which disproves the Colonel's statement that soldiers have no chance in securing a position. As far as the influence feature in appointments is con. cerned, the on't suffer Overcoat of the average at we call a medium Coat are showing. Then you teeeeeee se. $10.00 each should appeal to all orderly i one which tory so long as rivers flow and mountains stand, and surely if there ever was a day to be thankful 'for it was Monday, November 11, 1918. re to come.--Toronto Saturday Night. Collingwood Bulletin--A sug- Gestion received in the editor's mail this week comes from a | lady. It is that we preserve the by making scrap books. she suggests the preservation of serap book an old magazine of the larger size might be usrd, set out has doubtless been done, the case umns to the Huron Institute, It, ly historical material preserved fur! ogy, j Robinson Crusoe [|-- Yy BY EN HHL r a 4. Where the Flows ('Cello) Duquette Beriiner: Gram-o MONTREAL = iver Shannon Vi W "Look for the trade mark dog on it"| RECORD ne2zIGOa2 _- "His Master's Voice" Records for December Fy Burr) 916939 Lis Watch, Hope, and Wi 4 = es Seersiess OUT TO-DAY seetnisis Same Price before the War--during the War | N $ ea --AND NOW THE WAR IS OVER | \ Gras Pee ; , WN : 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided RS LY == Christmas Eve (Kiddies The Rose of No Man's Land v airol) y SS Christmas Morn ( S SS Frolic) Little Girt Henry Burr S S Come, Thou Aueithn Kae ) 4 (Hymn) . McClaskey Just As TAm (Hymn) aise) Harry McClaskey " 216041 Annie Laur,e | 'Cello) 4 12 Almi ing' has Raoul Duquette bee martes may King H--= are two excellent "cello solos et favorite with everyor Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer na up to $597, sold on easy payments, if desired. for free copy of 620-page Musical Encyclopedia ' listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records, -phone Company y LIMITED 179 Lenoir Street "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer Don't Forget There are no othera! You cannot purchase ese Records at any but our authorized dealers v Remember--There are no others! new "His Master's Voice" 183254579 LPs 'fe i " q : os ¥ : Bs { ot x : 4 ' 'C4 __ \\ RicoRD » : ne 2i60ae in its remo No longer Possible for Col. Currie or any other politician to hand out parly rewards at the country's expense by appvintments to the civil service regardless of the fitness of the appointee. Re- turned soldiers -vill, undoubtedly and quite properly. have the pre- ference when positions are be-- ing filled, yet they must be com- betent, for it would be manifestly unfair to have the public ser vives crippled by the inefficiency of employees appointed to posi- tions for which they are not qualified. | "Cinderella" Coming "Cinderella--an English pan- tomime founded upon the fas- cinating fairy-story of the same name, will be the attraction at the Opera House on (Qhursday evening, Dec. 5. 'The production, which is in two acts and eleven superb! scenes, i$ under the personal direction of the well known author-manager, F. Stuart. Whyte, whose previous panto. mime _ offerings, "Aladdin" and + Provec such sensational successes here in the} two seasons past. Many of the favorite artists of those well-remembered offerings are still the company, in- cluding Miss Zara Clinton, 'who it! will again be the "principal boy", playing the role of Prince Charm-, ing. The most noted addition to the personnel of the cast being Miss Sue Parker, a dainty litle RAND TRUNK Sycresr duplicate of Marguerite Clark, THE DOUBLE who plays Cinderella. Not only has Mr. Whyte pro- vided a "wonderful cast ai chorus, he has built and assem. dled a production which promises {surpass anything ever altempted before by a touring company. ------ . --W. D. Minnikin has moved his undertaking parlors two doors south on Mary St., occupying the Property purchased from Mrs. W. A, Pae, 46-470 TRACK ROUTE between " MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO - Unexcelled dining car service . Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day eee trains, FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McCKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or ©, E. Horning, . District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY eet tepot Ay Phone 6b YOU CAN SAVE ON TUBES, TOO Barrie Steam Vulcanizing Plant--37 Elizabeth St. \G. G. MOORE ee