Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1918, p. 9

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rood, innot qual- as ts at sale on Dec. --<---------- In your Re- oars nuke a very even if the Try this:-- g putin the ill with boil- table napkin jug in a pan 20 minutes cup of cold ve.» You will result. LEY MERCHANT mas baking ried ers Shelled Nuts "46-48 esides 50. Nhitneys, 3. nity, O Thursday, Nov. 28, 19148. THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Niné * KEEP THIS * STORE IN MIND AT... ALL TIMES The fact that our rent is exceedingly low and our 30 PER CENT. ON ALL PURCHASES OF DRYGOODS, BOOT: overhead expenses a mere trifle, "Cudmore's O Quality and Low -Prices Go Hand in Hand Here - Save Your Dollars. Buy out of High Rent District is surely AGUARANTEE THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU FROM 25 PER CENT. TO 'S AND SHOES. YOURS IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO INVESTIGATE QUALITY AND PRI- CES. SEE OURS FIRST. WE MENTION ONLY A FEW BELOW. LADIES' FINE MAHOGANY TAN CALF BOOT, NEOLIN SOLE. Reg. $7.50 pr. SPECIAL--$5.98 LADIES' PATENT, WITH DONGOLA UPPERS Reg. $4.75 pr. SPECIAL $3.26 LADIES' FINE DONGOLA LOW HEEL BOOT, FELT LINED Reg. $5.00 pr. SPECIAL $3.49 LADIES' BLACK CALF BOOT, LOW HEEL AND FELT UPPERS Reg. $3.75 pr. SPECIAL $2.98 VOILE WAISTS IN PRETTY DESIGNS Reg. $1.25 ea. SPECIAL 590 LITTLE GIRLS' CORDUROY COATS Reg, $3.60 ea. SPECIAL $2.49 LADIES' BLACK FLEECE-LINED GLOVES Reg. 750 ea. SPECIAL 460 REMEMBER the Place CATALOGUE PRICES Remember Ladies' KNITTED UNDERSKIRTS FINE GREY KNITTED UNDERSKIRTS A WONDERFUL VALUE Reg. $2.75 25 ONLY LADIES' HEAVY SILK POP- Reg $7.00 ea. SPECIAL $1.49 e2. SPECIAL LIN SKIRTS SPECIAL $4.98 e=- 20 ONLY Reg. $20.00 -- $22.50 SPECIAL Reg. $7.50 We carry a full line of Dominion and Maltese Cross Rubbers. . All firsts, no sec- onds. Men's, Ladies' and Children's at lowest possible prices. Also complete line of Men's heavy, high-top, snag-proof Rubbers, in both Leather and Rubber tops. aa RUBBERS! RUBBERS! RUBBERS !! Id Stand MEN'S EXTRA TWEED SUITS $25.00 SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST $12.98 - $13.98 - $14.98 MEN'S FINE MAHOGANY TAN CALF BOOT WITH GENUINE NEOLIN SOLE AND RUBBER HEEL SPECIAL $4.98 pr. WB GLADLY BX- CHANGE GOODS BUT DO NOT REFUND MONEY MEN'S HEAVY OIL TAN WORK BOOTS. SOLES PEGGED AND SEWN Reg. $5.00. SPECIAL $3.98 MEN'S HEAVY SMOKED PEARL EIK BOOTS. DOUBLE VISCULIZED SOLE Reg. $7.00 pr. SPECIAL $5.75 ------_--_-- MEN'S BLACK CALF BOOTS. LEATHER SOLES Reg. $4.25 pr. SPECIAL $3.25 Eee HEAVY BLACK, LEATHER LINED BOOT Reg. $6.00. SPECIAL $3.75 ---- MEN'S HEAVY RIBBED UNION UNDERWEAR Reg. $1.75 per garment. SPECIAL $1.25 -- OVERALLS--HEAVY QUALITY PLAIN BLACK AND BLACK AND WHITE STRIPE Reg. $3.00 pr. SPECIAL $2.25 MEN'S HEAVY, SWEATER COATS SPECIAL $2.75 BOYS' SWEATER COATS SPECIAL $1.98 CUDMORE'S 2 DOORS EAST OF MARKET IS IT WORTH MONEY FOR YOU 'TO COME HERE ? THEN COME OLD STAND COMPLETE RETURNS FOR VICTORY LOAN Revised figures for the Westy week reported a Simcoe Victory) Loan district below the half mull shghtly increase the total and} On Tuesday $178,950. leaves to Sunni-jand it has dale the unenviable distinction of|from the court figures add nearly $10,000 to} mired. Vespra's already good showing. Collingwood, 1918 1918 1918 Div. Objective Total $445,200 1298 498,850 a 105,050 4 Barrie $300,000 2 Collingwood 3 Vespra 4 Sunnidale 5 Nottawasaga 6 Innisfil 7 Essa, To! & West ¢ villim. 9 Adjala, Tecum since { $513.000, drops afternoon, H. J cat a few other changes. Chief |Grasett, Chairman of the disttiel of thesé is to put Innisfil in the | organization, bregentrd the dis |, > + class with a total of | triet flag to the County Council, honor flag class nly Conneils house flagstaff E | where its » folds and hand- being the only division that failed] where its ample folds and being 1? its objective. 'The new | some design have been much ad- Gorreeted retuens for the dis- which was last| trict are as follows 1917 1917 Applications. Amt. raised App. $350,000 934 310,450 8338 74,700 118 46,600 103 204,050 456 159,700 350 258,300 531 148,150 255, 300,650 52 5719 8 Totals 850,000 $2 Livingston--Bauloh The home of Mr. and Mrs. g. | sent. Fred Baulch, {9 Maynard avenue, DD. 0! Toronto, was the scene of a quiet | Zown _Wwa: wedding on Wednesday, Nov. 20, (Her niece, when their daughter, Helen. El- | Was freda, was married to Mr. Nor- man Gardner Livingston, Rev. W. Barrie. Owing to the recent death of the bridegroom's trather, only the -- immediate | ae | Woollens 3 QUALITY CLOTH ings. prices below the cost of the inferior goods. Call and inspect the range or write Phone 39 MERCHANT TAILORS officiated. The of silver grey 'ot |of the register. Livingston will reside in Toronto. -------- Read the Adlet Column (852,600 4110 friends and relatives were pre- R. Young, B. bride' flower girl and Mrs. E. H. (Davis, sang during the signing PARTING GIFT TO REV. D. A. MCKENZIE (Continued from page 5.) McKenzie and of the pleasant [relations which existed among all {the churches in the community. b. W. Lennox performed the duties of chairman in his usual good style and everyone enjoyed his humorous reading "Cautious John." During the programme Mer. Lennox called Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie to the front of the church and G. C. Allan, on behalf of the congregations, read an address and also presented them with a cheque for one hundred dollars. Mr. McKenzie made a very ap- propriate reply and thanked the members of his congregations for their kindness and wished them all success in their church work. The programme was brought to a close with a selec- tion by the male chorus and the National Anthem. i Rev. and Mrs. McKenzie during '| |their five years' stay in this com. silk, {munity have made a host of ots Margaret Taylor, [friends both in and out of the church who are very sorry in- deed to see them go, but the best Mr. and Mrs, |Wishes of all follow thei to their Large Purchase of AGREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY TAILOR MADE CLOTHES MADE:OF OLD Having bought the Cloth and Trimming Stock of a Merchant Tailor of a neighboring town, we are of- fering old time values in Black, Blue and Fancy Suit- This purchase enables us to offer old qualities, at for samples. Alex. Milne &So Barrie new field of labour in the Master's vineyard. Address to Mr. McKenzie Dear Mr. McKenzie:--Knowing of sour intended departure from our midst, it is with feelings of regret that we have gath- ered here tonight to bid farewell to you and Mrs. McKenzie. During the time you have been our Pas- tor, we have learned to esteem your many good qualities, and admire the whole-heart- ed way in which you devoted yourself to the work of ministering to us in the Mas- ter's cause in every department of our eburch. In our homes we have always been hene- fitted by your visitations and in times of sitkness and trouble your presence has always been a help and a blessing. 'We cannot help but regret the severance of the kindly and cordial relations which have hitherto existed between us and we can assure you thet the many faithful services which you have so freely and cheerfully rendered us as our Minister, -viil not soon be forgotten, but our loss will be the gain of others and we wish you God- speed and continued success in your new field of labor. So tonight we wish to ex- pres our appreciation in some slight ce- gree and ask you to accept this cheque, not for its monetary value, but as s token of our regard and friendship. Signed on behalf of the congregations st Churchill, Craigvale and Lefroy. Thos. Jacks, Chairman. D. W. Lennox, Secretary. Address to Mra. McKenzie Dear Mrs, McKensie:--What a world zbis is of sunshine and shadow, of pleasure and pain, of greetings and partings. The frieud ships of to-day, become the memories of tomorow, they cheer and strengthen us when we have need of it. It seems such a short time since we welcomed you to our midst thet we can scarcely realize five We are gathered bere to assure you that the many quiet deeds of kindness will re- iain in our heurts a fragrant memory so long us Ife shall last. We wish also to recognize your faithfulness in discharging the duties of President of our Society und was sbundantly manifested Our best wishes accompany you to your tion of your friends in Churchill. you of those you have served so well. Mra. Annie Allan. THORNTON her parents in Hamilton. Miss Belle Scott of Toronto spent a few days recently with ber cousin, P, W. Scott. Frank Dutcher is spending a few days |with friends in Elmvale. | giving services will be held in the Metho- dist Church at 10.30 am. and 7 p.m. All who are truly thankful to see the war over lin some church. the local League served refreahments. All present enjoyed the gathering very much, Auctioneer H. A. Grose conducted a large sale for Fxldie Ross of the 4th line, Innisfil. The prices realised were highly satisfactory and amounted to the sum of $3500.00 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria a SS Barrie Markets | Thursday Wholesale Prices. Fall wheat -92.10-82.12 Spring wheat *$2,00-82: Oats. Buckwhest $1.25-$1.35 '$11.00-815.50 Ducks .. .. Butter, Ib. . Eggs, doz. Hay .. Potatoes ee Flour (Ontario) per bbl. Flour (Manitoba) . Wool, washed Deer Skins Lamb Skins . x ut bars pussed since then, and yet MADE NO GRANT your steady perseverance therein, even | utation waited upon the Council in sup- though not plways encouraged and sup- |port of the application made by the Navy ported as you should have been, We would |League of Canada for a grant of $18,000. liso ucknowledge our indebtedness to you |Cupt. Coles, the organizer, and W. A. Toys 'as Bible Class teacher, a phase of public were the principal speakers, a few words service where the same earnest endeavour | of commendstion alo being added by Rev. H. D. Reymond and J. F. new home, and we sincerely trust you will|Canada's present situation, pointing out curry with you the assurance of the affse- |that while the burdens from the war must | necessarily mean greater We ask you to accept this book, as @|people of Canada have no cause for des- slight token of our appreciation and es- |pondency, rather should they face the fu- teem and hope it will serve to remind |ture with confidence fully determined to}79 of wood. work out the rich destiny in store for this % Signed on behalf of Churchill W.MS. |great young country so rich in possibili-|79 of wood. Mrs. E. Todd, -- |!ties. sideration of the League's request, recom- mended that, ss no provision bad been made to make additional special grants Nov. 27.--Mise M. E, Paton has returned | this year, the matter be left over for the to work after spending a few weeks with {consideration of the incoming council at the January Session. | Next Sabbath special patriotic thanks-|son was burglarized And victory won abould present themselves | From the top of the buffet were taken two 'The Newton Robinson Epworth League|tray and a large visited Thornton League lust Friday night | bowl. and gave « splendid programme after which | was a lot of flat silver but it was not touched. SALE OF SAW MILL, TIMBER & FARM LANDS FOR NAVY LEAGUE Tenders will be received at the Head | Office, Henry Wise Estate, St. Catharines, \Ont,, 'until Dec, 30th, 1918, for the sale of the 'following Timber and Farm Lands, also Saw Mill, lying at and in. the near vicinity of the' Village of Craighurst, Coun ty of Simcoe, at the convergence of the Townships of Medonte, Flos, Oro, 'and Vespra. Township of Flos--(approximate) Lot 42, Con. 2, 100 acres, 95 of timber, new barn, silo and house. Lot 42, Con. 1, 100 acres, 70 cleared and under cultivation. Lot 42, Con. 1, is cleared and has the dwelling and barn on this land. Lot 43, Con, 2, 100 acres, 30 of timber. Lot 44, Con. 2, 100 acres, 25 of timber. Lot 48, Con. 1, 100 acres, 30 of timber, (Continued from page 1) On Tuesday afternoon a good-sized dep- | Craig. Mr. Boys also devoted some time to taxation, the Lot 47, Con. 1, 100 acres, /30 of timber, Lot 41, Con. 1, Village Lot with Board- ing House. Township of Oro-- Part of Lot 37; Part of Lot 38; Part of Lot 39:--300 acres, 200 of timber. Lot 5, Con. 4, 60 acres, 30 of wood. Township of Vespra-- Lot 36, Con. 2, 100 acres, 10 of timber. Township of Medonte-- Part of Lot 11, Con. 6, 125 acres. Lot 51, Con. 1, 100 acres, 20 of timber. Mill Circular (Capacity) Hardwood 25 M.; Hemlock or Pine 50M. ; The Finance Committee, after due con- The report was adopted without debate. Mysterious Burglary The residence of R Sander- st night and not the slightest trace was |2 85 HLP. Boilers; Steam fed, automatic left to show how. it. was done, |*8 sharpener. completely outfitted with etl necessary equipment to begin operation Highest nor any tender not necessari'y accepted. salad | ss Sanderso», also way casseroles, a silver silver In a drawer, just beneath,| belonging to Mrs. containing over $25, A hand bag| taken. Your Storage Battery The winter season is at our door and you will now want to prepare your automobile for the attacks of Jack Frost. You can protect your radiator by anti-freeze, but not so your battery. It must be kept in first class condition, fully charged, or it will freeze in zero weather, Frequent hydrometer tests to determine its condition and the adding of distilled water are necessary. If you lay your car up during the winter months, send your battery t us and we will store it for you, give it careful attention and keep it full: charged for nominal storage fee. : If your battery has been in service more than ten months, we will put is in "dry" storage for you if you desire, This means that it will be carefully taken apart and the plates properly cured for the suspension of deterioration, all parta cleaned and stored in @ dry, warm place When springtime come: we will reassemble the battery, put in new separators and electrolyte, thu: making the battery in good condition, ready upon the touch of your toe to start the engine spinning, insuring for you business efficiency or real * joy riding" next season, All this for a mere nominal fee. We maintain a battery service station for the repair and recharge of «i! makes of batteries, being Ber presentatives in Barrie for the well known and popular Prest-O-Lite Ser , and Distributors of the Prest-O-Lite Battery Your battery troubles are over when you leave it with us. BARRIE GARAGE 147 Dunlop St. F.VAN PATTER Telephone 147

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