Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1918, p. 5

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iy Ltd, NT Président Crossland THE - BARRIE - EXAMINER CIRCULATION . THIS WEEK $ 3600 Copies THE 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED: BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 | 12 Pages : J. A. MacLaren, Editor BARRIE, CANADA. OCTOBER 31, 1918 W. C. Wallt, Business Manager 55th Year. | Per annum [im advance! $1.50 No. 44 13 HUN PLANES ATTACKED HIM Some Thrilling Experiences of Flight Lieut. Amos Johns- ton in France. thea ivetien weatten te daock Hom ti sept te, Platt Lawn \ 1 ve ath ' Vin avalon s thrilling | : secftnatl fore nit | . Wits shat aap] taviens | Last Mei 7 i wield Rubhet b vet say whether Pe } We were at alias when if haipened and 1 von baie taal Crane te lea thie | The Late Pte. Leece Jfowr be Wt feet and: the Mis dane bowen Maple As fan wat bt Fakkers Hy reeset word out the « believe nn vowave mie al beath ot te Pe Hebert \ ren oreteptenn. binges drew Ad eoTst Canadian elfaek well belutt the line Hattatian, Uh Mided f $F teeth abent 200 the tip Jom Sept. 27 auub shed et Sn iniy mateline Vite GSth Biliste denn 1 Friday. Sept 6. bwastin the tate iar Hritisterred fut ad evant treet We Tath i vei et Powe dawn an eartiet OV few weeks oat te Lhd seconde af reoeh elapsed te « Pave up lege \- Vhleat parenting one Faas liek litppenied Pavtiiets tie tind buisterent white ' Thies thew tr Hsin treneh al yey slat omy . Niel tran tee Titers wd taoke ' ' \ bain eat 1 White Linenased tae hn Haulames shen | i " an . wl h heifan and bswotelent ts \ ' auth eeavity a ian i Wten se te wens aay ha bere ening tek, whilelh Hoth VAM sat erst ona wh h celine Te stayed 1S Seon haat Vis rt tier bese stine: sheb woth ev bitidess prenuietaa sand wat back was P[ Picts a epee Ph fot a Finn ty tat i ta > oowhen he fa Lowered. rie \ Saree hoe aan te branes Hf was te bind a ' se weotiritenl bel woul vow feht Thy ' ' Hint V feat wars i Jrossitite ais Lost! net tur | fier tent bar ") with madbter Bat at auy cates! sins hy nel [healed towards | Meat oan pt I tanned aN Ere tie ane) started hn Hes Vite " Pe oily Piterehed Ef i nett in owiet, We passed ony ae few Lit he dnt net mirot ret Wondred sards fren each other, the trent cout wars fertiog oor but neither opened tire Bat alhyas 'he same Posed the niceties sts Vt ye thes farmed cot tie trate the erenip sett» Wildien otwhe tial thee hit aye = VL binipes " His frthes Wut meth: te ammennt te ane. [Neher Wet thes day att thar 1othen ean port Ihe ' tea Thun [hits set Tetlbven are Poste they ther Wp Bn aversens 7 tat Powis Tat Cee strove! ent Penebatis St. iharres * seo they pulled it daw His resi Walle Dement had wy wind up mete Brampton was killed in dint Pthink ot foothis wear Vettes eur trent: Tie teh the Richard Craven, wis kille fe land hut as vib ted Serie tHelitine nde contrel of at Derashed ina fits inather's, Pte, dedi Lanadeay sont the Vedeal Corps. wits Mout of itfhilled im a moter aeentent ar the front (We years age Mrs. Lesee halt holiday [Hts mimerens other relatives now serving in this w shell hele, "Phe machine was] fern adly damaged bat f without a They rday, and Pwent to Boulogtie Va ster | aut Lawrenee'sfevery dba the past week or se However i clears up quickly and aitise we de nat get moet rest, but it's very hard on the sing Sister Mon When we do ee trouble fa get a motor }of eourse hut the trouble is that thy |infantry Volidays are few and far apart The weather bas been fine ever me te Franee but there a vain storm almost sister Ni Barwie web Picture framing, W. A. Lowe & Son. iB-tf Save for Victory Pynds. Victory Loan Should be loyally supported by. every citizen. This Bank gladly furnishes full information, and is pleased to co- operate with intending subscribers. .-THE Bank of Nova Scotia AG. MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch paid-up Capital 8 Reserve Fund Resources 'THE "FLU" BAN IS. Pie. tee, Hrittingbam, sen af) W280 Frost wits oiftenelly netis | | tee, BY taper Tearanerly ae fret 1 that tn Sar ihe |Regular Services on Sunday-- orut the Ki Iwvard Hated ist Caplan Geet! Frost, | i Ineerye, wine Wille ie action. gon Qet. [fas wotidesd iy eTOCs ; Business as usual next week: beh (rents new Live an] tte etest Oetober Uh He has in Schools, etc. Teron > coved cibles beth fren J * Me, Walter Berry, sen af thet ae Mis Pheer wall bea wale lupe ate Chas Berss. Paaudep tas | ' ' Pawan eat week" was the wets Med na atet The vaatl PMEtatee THE Ae re de ae Phe Eyananer = with the to Ba, Hes veld " nel Ine san bat battle, MOE, Pte Win Berry. ted in ee A EE SRR AEST ery as to the Hatidey Akasa! TESTA ACHAT Mina M y Wharran SRN: ATM bea. Paneth feeervenf werd ea neral states Thursday thal thea 5 iy Seca baleen Shop IhoT Ronn WHERE towel the vonting resi ' forers UC ittsstng: sitter Sept. 30 leimnpearedl withianaug vlliet aint Franee steak tne qnaited tn tite « with the batt Cipalihitss' Saidthedache tee be ateheal fine Canadian was transfered ce the "Bevin edt nua Gaeaniein j ports het Utter shan the middle oe Mug, 16, 2210. he wate wot RE TES EEOGE URC hei Nea). nN f Novem Peapsportation ts led in the thigh After te hed The Late Pte. J.D. Reid 11)", \Unesday morning shownd neested luring the Gheistias been back an the tiring tine a) Pte Hanes Dunean ihe nai: at re cent ie seasen, amd these whie are sends stert tae bee wins vn with [youngest sonat the late Mr, and tere th in families where parcels te thear Gaends an the trenel tes Vito Boeland. Mrs sph Weritast eagsale awl tine cticeecs ches ree fo post beni dle hud res this aint kalbet am aetion, Sept. ae, pats oa fruriy if Mies wiele te have them retarnest t fine dais | Where thee sported elt maine fag eae OF 9 mild type aud gettin \alelive Yeo Christinits Before be dtisaqepecured jm i sliver, Ne aha dinninicameiieehee ee, AU) Oat deve lan Ue AeA se anette the ws of ORB, RINE fats coud chumaity, --enttetine Noelle whieh de malient wih the Path Gattaion. Athen finenligement. sae Sbiwiee trans at Caray sen there, However, poople are take Sent overseas With that nt In ine every precaution andl slenne Orteher (O96. When his Hat Hitthe a4 so there as cate [Hen was broken upon Engkout he lance ata serious outhresh. Was traneferced te flue Tank En.) 7 ae and Werll te Pranen en Maw 4 sacle ve (ET and bat Gieken pout an thus heavy felting of Hoe suiter, foe Mtb That the MOL tas de Wate gitssed on New bathe type, filet lec rentiove the elosing order And Wats sent te Lavetpond Hespe. MMteh has been in eteet for tw Weeks etraent he ve h Churches and Sunday Sebel vohebb ll oh hoe thar servic ext Sturliey Pa beat MI the seticads will recepen oe eine there andy tive weens Memtay the enty eanditien bean hoawerd was reeeneadt that be HBtE te ehabdren Prem infected Wad heen balled an aetien. Ln dias Weties te thawed fe atten fitters hunni: earsalenes whi Phe Pabhe habeary will again fal ane bresht, an rae per dhs dors Beat Lote How rifine, bis hi We WATE be Mheeteuns tly atisun te hein written on Sept before Deters bene putin errentatien Soltis up the tite. He wits a tem. again The Late Pte, J. H. Priest The Late Pte. Geo. Pringle her ond Cramvale | Presta tern Theatres. pool roomie, ete. alse Wis TC aup tenant, Kockiens, Mp. Ste ws fullest in actin an Franes, on ae (Ch ntel amid hauh nutny: friends hy ate allowed fe restime busin au Oer SS NTS teaiber, 27, 118 whore hee yilh tae Iotiissed, on Monday = illo Teves Tecmieurn hits loss, ci Ne Danger ba Pat Heel ve it 4: fests. ie th tye hired brother te Crt Ce Ci We iesstr the conntey is faly a= te hes Ln whee becane a terepliate send Peters i Barrie people thar there is ne. dange [ete Honan} Ream. ibberil well eetiiiittes at Che batnrte Cf seeming te Lown to do: Insiness Kroeger Aarean Me smith the ot Nepagenms sd ste will ehert=ty For the Boys now? asked 'Phe Exaniner hea Woltitie bene oo tus | Wore of the big delle IPH Ni sacgin "L think vou are quite safe i i Kaiianuel ko staith, Whe crowded aeound ter, ine con uae ekereeais bese uiving them that assurance," re Hat Pte Mites wits on tap etna the fee that relic at Novem Be ae, Plted the MAO Pheo situation ee 2 Ver, Meet sew htt Hen al the inethers Wes tie tae: te pet 24h Ri wai is past the alarming stage and is Site ek, Aub lie: Swope efit Many a TASS ieee wile me. fa bie juekead atid AOU Ue: every, daly rharaed, tlie bal oy seni ver tnaages never fiadled aud -esely niet nti pre Good Work by 8.0.8. Girls thes creek. he ald ue ACEIEE NESS] HELD | 'til attention.{, PWo dozen volunteer" workers sand Lived some tears --- | Seo and tie tied teen An Indian Hero yy Weebs 1 Private: Ben Simece, the Rama | centection wath Che apprehenston qpduan who was recently a ob detinadters, the Military Medal) ots Private bred 8. Walker, wher David Simece, whose Indian died of Wounds on September a. as Waydabsun, meaning Sune Heeutin tert i i 1 att ¥ ETin Boneless Chicken ' 1 i 1 betwee teste Franee, this box ie a whines: Have been employed almost con- Cake Maple Sugar ;linuously the Jast ten d al : : jhave won golden opinion Coke Soldier Choe Cake Vietory Pot 'the medical men as well as from . . the people to whose homes their }pract . bearty and sympath Tininistes is have proved such the, Tin Plam Padding Hox Faney Biscuits, iio the Chathin Hospital Base He cones ef a waren: Vin Grossi Fish Saraiies, [boon Mere have ax laid, Wats the second son et day al-gramdfather, John Sit Rus Neilaon'e Rosebuds thig{MA8Y a8 eight cases in one Walker. By-Reeve oof Oritha India name was Windess, Sk jw ehanged for eigaretiie [Uoure: thei work has been very VPawsushiyp. and owas bern at was hawne who was| if desired i heavy. There is still a good deal jttite He went West seme with Tecumseth, the greatest of), Of this work to be done while the tes age, subsequently learuing all Indians with whom the white) [Leal sugar Jpatients are convalesei fthe sinbalning busitess. Was ian has come in contact, at Ds Delivered anywhere in Franee lather volunteers fe portion jfuoeral director fer a Orme in trol! and Queenston Heights, of the work would be very gladly ) Port ja Peairi ng trem where he found a kindred spirit AND NOTICE On Church, |weleomed. Miss Goodall is the there to Curlew, Alberta, G0 1916 in General Broek, and also at}Society or Club orders of ten | seeretry jhe enlisted ima eonsteuetion bat-° Moravian Town, where the beroic |boxes or more we will Ko anne ry and went over- Shawnee chief laid down his life, he transferred while Proctor, the pusilanimous nd served with and unworthy white General, fled iby gun- ineentinently. After the | war,| An older - ego vemarned in Canada, and s again in the field with the Tnyalists an 18 He settled first al Toronte and afterwards at Christus tsland where be died mali The Shawn nd Chippewa Won't Forget This Little Lady = foneurs are closely related. For The troop train drew up at his part in the war of 1812 he Sepigai! stalin, THE soldiees (WAS BINED ia. Hnitish "Ateunl,. sath hoard were totnd bo Ue farttiest (ls are AOR, Ree Bel Ma ded te the family laurels. Pts | Idan wineh the allies as Mis -ondinted on | fo the then till he was wour shot in the face: brother, Sapper tra Do Walker ts in the Bagineers. Another brotive is in traming at Winnipes, 4 ts shortly expects Lo ge over f Ben Simene ar baton the Fores wf the ewes jth Hathahion, wae bran hey were Ganaiins who bad 82H ferred to the tath. and went to spemded to the eal for Suunto [France with the 116th, Rama ts Teati gew Lo ac alop aden HUGO EMME, aC the: here whe ha brovgeht honour to himself and io| woman with the frost of sears on her hair. ran alow the platform, wating a small Union Jack. As she ran her eyes swept the boys in khaki, and a friendly, motherly | Pte, Lewis Cole, sen of Mr, and simile fell upon their ree} Mrs, Sylvester Cole, who was had the patriot. little woman |wounded im the hip en Oet. 6, died startled down the platform before jin King George's Hospital on Or a brawny soldier raised his voice [25. thus paying the supreme sac- Died of Wounds in greeting and then cheer upan|rifice for bis country cheer fairly swept her aff I sed was 23 years of age feet, nor did she seem to touch dand was one of seven sons, Don- the ground se lightly she flew the |nine 'the Khaki on Jan, 24, be length of the train, | Soldiers |went ove two weeks later hurriedly left their places in the}and had been in the firing line en and crowded out upon the fonly a week when he reecived his platform to shake the hand of the |fatal wounds. Refore enlistment little woman who giving them |he was werking in a shell factory one of the finest "send-off." they Jin Midland will receive on their journey] Two sisters and six brothers aeross Canada, Happily she pre- |survive, vi7..Mrs. Eugene Lesser, sented the boys with the flag,|Torantoe: M. +, L. Jenkins, Kettle-- which at once became the ecom-|by; Wm. Cole, Barrie: Fred Cole, pany's colours. Not amanofthat}Anten Mills: Ben, Ward and train-load of soldiers will ever 'Henry Cole, Toronto. mail, with ne cha packing Istering and frniture neatly done oy compe- men at Dougall Bros. tf tur bes orf repairin A.D. WISDOM Co} tent wor MONDAY, NOV. 47H MONDAY and TUESDAY there will be presented DOUG. FAIRBANKS and Alma Reubens --IN-- "THE HALF-BREED" from the story by Bret Harte Wednesday and Thursday WILLIAM FARNUM "PLAYING FAIR" a_super-de-luxe production Along with TOM MIX in the Farce Comedy, "A ROMAN COWBOY" Friday and Saturday BESSIE LOVE in "How Could You, Caroline?" Also Harold Lloyd (Luke) in "Move On" Usual Prices Always 10-15¢

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