SSS SS DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE ACTS QUICKL His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire wants a share of Canada's Second Victory Loan. The following SEARCAREAR A MORE LETTERS letter explains why: Oltawa, October, 1918. My Dear Sir Thomas, I shall be glad if you will again include my name in the first list of subscribers to the Victory Loan of 1918. This loan 1 am sure is of the utmost national im- portanco in connection with Canada's continued effec- tual prosecution of the war, and the establishment of Imperial credits for the purchase of foodstuffs; muni- tions and other supplies urgently required by Great Britain and the Allies. 1 have every confidence that the patriotism of the Canadian people, which has so nobly sustained every duty and obligation imposed by the war, will again re- spond to the appeal and that the Victory Loan of 1918 will be even a more striking and notable success than that of last year. Believe me, my dear Sir Thoma: Yours very truly, (Sd.) DEVONSHIRE. Hon. Sir Thomas White, K.C.M.G., Ottawa FROM MR. DYMENT (Continued from page 1) (Copy of Telegram) 8, ONE (1) 21 in. x 8 ft, Fay & Scott turret lathe with 1% in, hole in epindle, eom- plete with counter-sbaft, price $376.00 ONE (1) 22 in, x 8 ft. Lodge & Shipley turret lathe with back gears, 2 in. hole in spindle, friction head, three step cone, 4 in. belt, double cut-off, slide and power to feed turret. ... .$650.00 THE BARRIE EXAMINER i | | purchased and which will be in in about two Barrie, Ont., Oct. 7, 1915. The Co-Operative' Used' Meby. 'Co., 50 Chureb St., New York City. Have you on hand six heavy turret lathes twenty to thirty-six inches, Thirteen | engine lathes eighteen to twenty-six inches in good condition. Wire approximate lowest | price und delivery. These machines to be used for making sixty-pound high explosive and subject to our inspection before ship: | ment 'The Cunads Producer and Gas Engine Co. Limited. (Copy of Telegram) New York, N.Y., Oct, 8, 1915 Canada Producer & Gas Engine Co, Barrie, Ont. Cun furnish immediately six heavy pow- erful turret Isthes twenty to twenty four | inch also thirteen engine lathes eighteen | to twenty six inch price fifteen to twenty thousand dollars depending on your selec- tion, Come here quickly if you want these smachines, We also have s number of engine lathes which we believe you could use to over good advantage, und quote you as follows: (1) 36 in. x 16 ft, Fifield engine lathe with compound rest, power cross feed, chuck, counter-shaft, and neces- ] sary' wrenches. This ix an exception- heavy pattern lathe with a good deep | j bed und heavy carriage.......$900.00 ; ONE (1) 36 in, x 14 ft beavy pattern taper engine lathe with compound rest, power cross feed, 2% in. hole in spindle, complete with counter shaft. Weight 12,000 Ibs, This lathe is practically as good us new, Price... .$1250.00 | ONE (1) 30 in. x 18 ft. Ames engine lathe, compound rest, power cross feed, | counter outfit, and wrenches. .$750.00 | ONE (1) 26 in. x 10 ft Ames engine lathe with compound rest, power cross feed, chuck, and wrenches. . .$600.00 'These machines are all in good service- [able condition, better than the ordinary run of second hand tools, and could be used [to very good sdvantage on 6 in. shells. We thank you for your enquiry, and | | you have your mind made up as to just Canada Producer & Gas Engine Co, Gentlemen: | Replying to your telegram of this date, | Canada Producer & Gas Engine Company, we are pleased to quote you on Bi ONE (1) 24 in. Gishoit turret lathe with 6% in. hole in xpindle, taper attach. | ment, rapid traverve hexagon turret with six 3 in, holes as 24 in, three Jaw heavy chuck, turret tool post, rnd countershaft complete, .. ONE (1) 21 in. Gi The Co-Operative Used Mchy. Co, | (rust to be favored with your order (Copy) The Co-Operative Uxed Meby. Co,, New York, Oct, 9, 1915. Barrie, Ont. jolt turret lathe with | atrie, Gentlemen :-- | In referring to our quotation of the Sth instant, we note un error in the wording of the fourth item, which should read, 1 | 22 in. x 10 ft. Lodge & Shipley quick change | $2,000.00 | gear lathe with turret on bed. | We also note in the third item on the Yours very truly, Per G. J. 'Thompron:| New York, Oct. 12th, 1915. Canada. cross feed, compound rest, 144 in. hole in 4 step cone for 3 in. belt, complete with countershaft, price $350.00. two jaw chuch, price $450.00. 1--22 in, x 8 ft, Pond heavy-type Engine Lathe, with solid spindle, 4 step cone for 3 in, belt, compound rest, power crom feed, in good order, price $450.00. 3=22 in. x 9 ft. bed New Haven Engine the with power cross feed, solid spindle, 4\step cone for 3 in. belt, complete with countershaft, price $400.00. Ih addition to the above we have about ines, which we have just weeks, In this lot is included five (5) Lodge & Shipley Lathes from 18 to 22 in, and two Bradford Lathes. Some of these Inthes are equipped with taper attachment, and zome have turreta on carriage and tur- rets on bed. Just as soon as the lathes arrive here, 50 that we can get an accurate description of them, we will advise you. There are also in the lot » No. 4 Cin- ginnati plain Milling machine, No, § Becker rainerd plain Milling machine, Drill Pree- sea, etc. Wo believe it would be worth your while to make us a visit et that time und go over this lot of tools. Trusting we will have the plessure of hearing from you soon, we are, Very truly yours, G. J. Thompson, (Copy) Oct. 14, 1915 The Co-Operative Used Machy. Co., 50 Church Bt., New York, N.Y. Gentlemen:--We have your favor of the Sth and also of the 12th, and your wire in answer to ours. The reason we wired you, we wanted to know if you actually had this machinery on hand before we applied to the Govern- ment for a contract for making shells, This 'hasbeen done, und we expect an answer from the Government at an early date, and if we are successful, the writer will be in New York ax soon as possible to look over the machinery. Very truly yours The Canada Producer & Gas Engine Co. Limited. (Copy) New York, Oct. 17, 1915. The Canada Producer & Gas Engine Co., Barrie, Ont., Canada. Gentlemen: We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th inst., and note that you expect a contract from the Govern: ment for a large number of shells, and that you expect to place order with us for come machines. 'We would suggest that just as soon as what you are going to purchase, that you immediately wire us The few machines we quoted you on have since been sold, but we buve snother lot of machines coming in, among which there are quite a few machines you could use to very good advantage. We have not all the machines priced up as yet, but in the list is a 22 in, x 10 ft, Lodge & Shipley Engine Luthe with 2 in. hole in spindle with taper attachment, and in first 'law con: dition, practically as good as new Price, $1,000.00. Also 3--18 in, Lodge & Shirley Engine Lathes on 8 ft. beds, 5 step cone, 24% 1m. belt, two with taper attachments, com- pound rest, power cross feed, and in first OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS 'The proceeds ef this Loan will be used for War purposes only, and will be spent wholly in Canada 'Tux Muonsrea o7 Fuuscs og Tux Downnow o Caxapa offers for Public Subscription the Victory Loan 1918 $300,000,000. 5%% Gold Bonds Dearing laterest (rom November Let, 1918, and offered in two maturities, the cholce of which ls optional with the eubecriber aa follows: 5 year Bonde due November 1st, 1933 18 year Bonds due November lat, 1933 Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Mlalster of Finance and Recetver Genera! at Ottawa, of at tbe tie of fe Aeiaae Reccver Cesc Hallas, Se Jones Charttictones Monta, Torsotc Winaee, Reda, Clesey Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and Interest, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Interest payable, without charge, hall-yearly, May lst and November lat, at any branch tm Canada of any Chartered Principal and Interest payable in Gold Denominations: 650, 6100, 5500and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued Interest Income Return 52% per Annum Pree from taxer--tacluding any Income tax--tmposed in, pursuance of legilation enacted by the Parliament of anada, 'The proceeds of the Loan will be used for war aly, including the of grain, foodatutts, tons and other eupplice, and will be epeat wholly tn Canadas" ase Payment to be made as follows: 10% on application; 20% January 6th, 19104 20% December 6th, 1918 20%; February 6th, 1019; 31.10% March 6th, 1919. The last payment of 31.18% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.16% representing accrued interest from Henastic tees nt ten of ar opeine eotaieeene ie -- Meee ot 'A{ull half year's Interest will be paid on May let, 1910, makifg the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. Buabscripth be paid in full at the time of application ut 100 without interest; instalment due date thereafter toretier with accrued interest at the rate of BSS5e por annua. Misia ae This Loan ls authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both peinci terest are a charge; cofMeuaated Revenue Puss. iin Shanes noe Soe 'The Amount of this leaue ts £300,000,000, exclusive of the amount for by the surrender of bonds prsvioustee Ti Miclter of Fisance, however, feverves ie Nght to alot Sa wha any pected cee eases eel 'exceas of 300,000,000. Conversion Privileges Bonds of this issue will, in the event of future Issues of like maturity, or longer, the Government, the Ws made abroad, be accepted at 100 and ascrued fatten isnt oft the remaining period of the War, other than it ty Ioterest, aa the equivalent for the purpose of subscription to auch issues. ia ae Payments All cheques, drafts, etc., covering instalments, made payable to the Credit of the Mintst nance. Faure to poy any ipstahnent wien doc wil fender Table to forfeitures and the aloument ts conection Sabscriptont must be accompanied by a depoatt Carnwvansere will fi scriptions or any branch in Canada of any C Subscriptions may be paid in ull at time of application at 100 without interest; or on any instalment due date th after together wih jcorued interest to time of making payment ln full. Under this provisou, payment of subscristions any 'ade us follows: If paid in ull on or before Nov. 16th. 1918, par without Interest, or 100%. I remaining innielmente posd on Dee. eth, 1018; balance of 8095 wed iecerest, (990,48 per 8100 Ue Feianing nstalments paid on Jen 6th 110, balance of 70% and Interest, (0.60 If reruaining instalments paid on Feb. 6th, 1918, balance of 804; and interest, (851.04 per #100, Af remaining lostalment paid on Mar. 6th, 1019, balance of 30% and Interest, (631.16 per 8100, Denomination and Registration jearer bonds, with coupons, will be lusued in denominations of 850., $100., $500., and $1,000., asto principal" Poe Bist coupon eteiched to there bonds wil be due on May tet, 1010. SUnGO seal aye seatsened Fully rexiatered bonds, the interest on which in pald direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be iasued in, Genominaticns of 850., $100,, §500., $1,000., 8,000, $10,000, §28,000., 850.000,, $100,000., or any multiple of $100,000, Payment of Interest 'A full half year's doterest ut the rate of 534% per annum will be pald May 1st, 1919. Form of Bond and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their application the form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities 20 Indicated wi be delivered by the bank upon payment of the subscription ia fu = Bearer bonds of thie isnue will be available for delivery at the time of applicattcin to aubscribere desirous of making to/prins payment in full, Bonds registered ua to principal only. or fully registered as ipal and Interest, will be delivered to Mibscribers making payment in full, as soon a8 the required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber. Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished to all subscribers who desire to pay by instalments, These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber's bank for bonds on any instalment date when aubscription is pald in full. carried und regulation turret. Machine | second page, the quotation reads taper En- Y i .! class condition. Price of the lathes with has 2% in, bole in spindle, rapid tra-| gine Lathe. This should read a 36 in. x 14 Ce eet: 800,09 Keely anid Tar the one without the taper attachment, $750.00. We also have « number of 20 in, lathes back geared and friction head, hexagon | Larmon gap Lathe, with compound rest, | with power feed turrets on the bed, and we $1,000.00 | power cross feed, 14 hole in spindle, lathe | are quite sure that among this lot of tools ONE (1) 22 in. x 10 ft, Lodge & Shipley |swings 26 in. in the gap, and is complete | there will be a number that will interest verse, counter shaft, some turret tools, |ft. heavy pattern Draper Engine Lathe. and wrenches in good order. .$1,500.00| In addition to those lathes we have ONE (1) 22 in. Bullard turret lathe with | quoted you on, we also have s 20 in, Rahn turret, and counter shaft quick changed gray lathe with turret | with countershaft, in first class order, Price | you. bed, complete with counter-shaft | $600.00. " . $1,150.00 Winter Is Coming. You will need some, New | ---- Underwear [= WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF STANFIELD'S IN ALL WEIGHTS ~ Red Label ........ : $2.75 per garment | Fleece-Lined Underwear, $1.00 per gar- Blue Label ......... $3.00 per garment ment Black Label .........$3.50 per garment | Penman's Underwear, $2.00 per garment Other Makes, $1.50 to $3.00 per garment | Combinations ... . .-$2.00 to $6.00 REMEMBER, WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF OVERCOATS AND SUITS AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS R. A. STEPHENS 22 Dunlop Street, Barrie 59000000064 0006600001006608 6400060606600066666000004 We wish you success in your contract, 1--Flather 18 in. x 8 ft. bed with power | and trust that we will hear from you con- Form of Bonds Interchangeable registered Fr thereof, of from any branch in C Je without coupons, wt a 'of application may be obtained from Subject to the payment of 28 cents for each new bond lagued, holders of fully registered bonds without wil sinive che UUbIres co the perme la with coupoos and holders of boada with Coupons wil hare tie ciske a cosent hei y time, on application to the Minister of Finance or aay ¢ Receiver Official Canvasoer, ff Victory Loan Committee, or member 'hada of any Chartered Bank. vom any mae Subscription Lists will close on or before November 16th, 1918 Derantwent oF FINANce, Ortawa, October 28th, 1918. Behind the Gun the Man - Behind the Man the Dollar Make Your Dollars Fight the Hun 3 cerning the machinery at « very early date. Yours very truly, legal business only When publishing the corres- office, and we will be pleased to show it to any person who might The Co-Operative Used Mchy. Co, | pondence between the Shell Com- |be interested in seeing it. Per G, J. Thompson. |miltee, Mr. Boys and ourselves, The date Mr. Boys says he re- quested Mr. Greaves to go to Ottawa was on November 11th, 1915, just nine months after we, took up with the Shell Committee the matter of a Contract, and seven months after requesting Mr. Boys' assistance, and this conversation look place on the train when Mr. Boys was going to Ottawa on his own business, and Mr. Greaves was on his way to keep an appointment in Quebec the next day. Consequently, he asked Mr. Boys to see the § Committee, which is another evi- dence of the Company's desire to secure a Contract for the manu- facture of shells. Mr. Boys did not think (he matter of a report on this requested interview with the Shell Committee (if it was ever made' of sufficient impor- tance to make it to us, until the 9th day of October, 1918, through the Press in a public way. The Contract for 25,000 eighteen pound shells he says he secured must have been for him- self, or for some other person than this Company, as he never mentioned it from the time in September, 1915, that he says he secured it, until his wonderfully important letter pf the 9th of Oc- tober. 1918 was writ®'n to the Citizens of Barrie. Mr. Boys has been in the Com- pany's office once, and only once, The Collingwood on shell business, but made sev- eral calls during the time he was pithe solicitor of the Company on we purposely made no comment upon Mr. Boys' letter of June 28th, 1915, the last clause of which reads as follows as orig- inally typed. "I am of cuurse assuming that you either have or will install the machinery neces- sary to fill any Contract that I may succeed in getting you," This last word "is seored out in Mr. Boys' original letter, destroy: ing the effect of making one be lieve that the Contract mentioned was for this Company. If it had been Mr. Boys' intention to secure the Contract for this Company, ell . me iwe ask why was it necessary for him to score out the only word ithat he wrote to indicate that it was for the Compan This letter is on file it MEN WANTED FOR SHIPYARD All classes of skilled help, also common labour. Good wages paid and excellent pros- pects for advancement. Apply by letter or in person to our) | ee i oa Yours Truly, The Canada Producer and Gas Engine Compa 8. DYME! Marlatt's Spe emoves GCEIIRY vont 'are often caused by Gall Stones, and mis! ¢ ape at peor 'until those For Sale at All pProegists Recommended by Wm, Cross Druggist, Barrie, Ont. Ohildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA _--, only Base torn and but thing hallo that shell badly witho Th yeste ear b holida The since has bh