Thursday, October 31, 1918. THE BARRIE EXAMINER fe AAT AT A TO | Graham Wafers One satisfied customer said: "1 never knew Graham Wafers 'could be so good until I tried Telfers. They are perfectly de- licious". She's right. YOU try them. Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers. Telfers ; "The Buy Word for Biscuits' AANA ATT tT { CSM News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents EDENVALE STROUD Oct. 28.--Owing to the influenza epi-| Oct. 23.--Miss Margaret Warnica of Ham demic, all schools und churches have been | ilton is home on a short visit. closed for over 8 week and will likely be; Mrs. Wood is visiting her daughter, Mra Tonger, although no casex have as yet been |W. J. Simpson. reported here. | Sehools and churches are all closed on ue: 'The farmers are busy full ) count of the Spanish "flu". some are nearly through. Much' sympathy is extended to Ben, Webb Our khuki-clad lads who have been gruut- und family in their sed bereavement, in the edya leuve of absence until Oct, 31, have sudden death of Mrs. Webb. ended until Nov. 15 ; Much «ympathy is extended to the Reid corge Beeton iy on the sick list. |family, who recently received word that reported | Pte. Duncan Reid had been killed in action. ix district, Albert Maw having nearly | Mrs. Matt. Robertson had the misfortune 1 bushels to the acre jto fall last week und bresk her wrist. Mrs. Hirons and Miss Watson of Toronto: Mrs, Armstrong and son of Newmarket, spent w few days last week with Mrs, James | visited Mr' and Mrs. E. T, MeConkey last loughing snd | Maw | Sunday |, tobi. Tribble andl family have moved into their new house LEFROY Mr and Mrs, Warrington Hughes of Tor Get. 28. On Suturday, Min S, Smith at fonte are visiting Mr und Mrs, John Hughes tended the funeral of her cousin, Pte. And Me and Mrs. Will Bouke and family unit res a Mr und Mrs. James Boake of Thoraton Mrs, A. Grose has rented her house to visited here last Sunday WoW Love for the winter and has taken, Mrs. M hu» gone rontus in Barrie oi South Creek Frank MeCullough, son of Charles Me | Mr. his Cullough, died last week of pneumonia aul | iugh'er, Mr for the winter was buried at Kinewd, Sask. His sister, | Much ¢ymputhy in ¢ (to Mr An w+ and Mra, Wiley in the death of Pte foward Andrews, Miss Violet Sproul is visiting her mother, He ena. Mr and Mrs Graham of Braden's spent ne of © Grose. Mun returned from Hum ye, of Midlwnd, has been ill with inthy | ' t tuble as at home on 9 Longford, and F. fount of school being closed spent last week ut the tive homes | Mie Ethel Gwenn has returned to Hamit here. their schools being closed, ton after visiting wih Miss Jean Nelson, end them e lo-morrow e from 12 lo all the. Cun- lo be kept in ys alone cost ionth, > would VICTORY LOAN A SUCCESS. CANADAN eded through matter what and the army mancial sup- ule the world but we have ills. Victory purpose. ry Loan put 1; the second there. Buy WORLD. CANADA HAS COME TO YOU--HER STRAIGHT BUSINESS PROPOSITION. th Half' Lot 16, of Innisfil, Coun- Jo contain 100 to be two frame 'non stone foun- housing of tare ete, with box commodation for n with cement hogs. farm is in ex- = about ten 'acres: highway; con- Also 8. 50. acre pnveniently situ- appiy on prem- or F. W. Bate- W. W. EVANS, Bradford. G. G. SMITH Phone 82 Collier and A Business Proposition CANADALOOKS TO YOU FOR HELP IN MAKING THIS GREAT OURS IS A COUNTRY WHOSE INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS ARE MORE 7 PROSPEROUS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE THAT PROPOSITION, IN A NUTSHELL, IS THIS: "| need Three Hundred M¥lion Dollars to help finish up my business over in*Europe. Lend me the money fora short time at 5%4 per cent. interest, payable half-yearly, and I pledge the return of every cent of your loan." Plan to take all the Bonds you can possibly pay for. The payments are as follows: fal lowing 10 PER CENT. ON APPLICATION f telfphiome and d n 20 PER CENT. DECEMBER 6TH, 1918 20 PER CENT. JANUARY 6TH, 1919 ral coping 20 PER CENT. FEBRUARY 6TH, 1919 oe 31.16 PER GENT. MARCH 6TH, 1919 an Estate. Buy Victory Bonds . This space donated to the Victory Loan 1918 Campaign by THE BIG FURNITURE HOUSE OF Stroud on Tuesday on the severe illness of his son, Harold. Many friends are pleased to learn the little fellow is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ness and son, Harold, left on Saturday for their new home in Englehsrt, Mr. Ness being trainmaster at that point. STAYNER Oct. 28--The people of Stayner were startled when the fire alurm was given w' 2 o'clock on Monday morning and Mr. Glenn's house on Main St. was on. fire. The house was burned to the ground and niost of the contents The town and surrounding community hus been saddened by the death of a moa: highly esteemed resident of Stsyner in jthe person of Dr. J. A. Johnston, which occurred on Saturday morning, Oct, 26, after « week's illness from pneumonia, in the 34th year of his age. Dr. Johnston came to Stayner about-seven years ago' und | bad made many friends for himself, being of a friendly and kindly disposition, 'The funeral, which was private, was held from his residence on Main St. on Sunday after- | noon, Service was conducted by Rey. H. | Toye and interment made in Stayner Ceme- \tery. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and three small children, his parents and several brothers and sisters, besides a host of friends. Much sympathy in ex- tended to the family. Glad to report. Dr. Smale to be recovering from influents, although he is still quite ill. A young' medical etudent from Toronto is taking up his practice during the doctor's illness. Rev. A. J. Gooding with bin wife and family left on Monday for Moorefield, which will be their new field of Iubor. Owing to the churches being closed for the past two Sundays, he was not permitted to preach {his farewell sermon. Mr. and Mrs, Wilmot Lager are. visiting friends in town a few days before leaving us missionsties to West Africa, The best wishes of their friends go with them for every success in their new work. 'There ure still several cases of the 'flu in town but with the exception of a few cases it has heen mild The body of Mrs. John Garrod of Toronto of Milton Woodard wax brought yer on Saturday and interred. in the Stayner Cemetery Her desth was due to pneumonia, What migh* hive be cident occurred | John Carru rs of Si way home from shopping in town nat out of town, her horse became frie! ed, throwing her from the buggy # hreaking her collur bone, and ax there was and _siste tos ery serious ac when Mmy je was on her ne doctor in town able to at to ber she hud to be driven ins car to Colling won KNOCK Oct. 20.--Mm. F. Hogan, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, T Connell for the past two months, has returned to her home in Port Arthur accompanied by her niece, | Mis Florence Connell Mra. and the Misses Apperley have moved to Toronto, John Martin hax gone north to spend a few days hunting in Muskokw | The annial meeting of the Red C {Sewing Circle will be held next: Wedni at the home of Misx Cowsn for the purpnse of electing officers for the year IEEDS MORE MONEY. CITIZENS---WITH A & CO. Bayfield Sts. Specia "Buy RV. HOSPITAL IS WELL MANAGED (Continued from page 1) Fapenditures acon, ele. $1035 § 1039 4 Drugs and medicines. Medical supphes ... Beer, wine and spirits Bedding. ete. ... Brooms. brush Ice . . 26 63 Salaries and Wages ... 4186 70 Taxes and Insurance . 130 89 Contingencies B18 99 Repairs, ordinary...... 750 40 Repairs, extraordinary.. 1347 31 $17475 09 General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure Balance carried forward from 1947 Receipts $22557 a '4)0 ohare B1T475 Accounts outstanding. .' 1635 Due on X-Ray machine 2433 1013 5 Expenditures Cash balance The Women's Auxiliary raised $310.16 (including $93.43 balance from last year) practically all of which was spent in supplies. 'They made 110 sheets, 143 pillow cases, 104 towels, 80 night robes, 14 operating gowns and 8 other articles. Mrs. Gallie is President; Mrs. W, J. Shannon, Secretary; Mrs. Bosanko, Treas. The Hospital Sewing Club, of which Mrs, D. M. Stewart is Presi- dent and Miss Nora Radenhurst, Secretary, made about 150 ar- ticles for the hospital during the year. Officers Elected Hon. Pres.--G. B. Strathy. Pres.--F. R. Porritt. Vice. Pres--Donald Ross. Secy.--H. A. Sims. Treas.--L. F. Cross. Directors--Dr. Ross, Donald Ross, T»Beecroft, J. A. Mac- Laren, hev. Dean O'Malley, A. J. Barjeant, F. R. Porritt, L. F. Cross, H. A. Sims, Geo. Ball, Dr. AND THE FOLLOWING WEEK OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTH COATS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN ON SALE AT BIG REDUCTIONS. IF YOU NEED A COAT, SEE OUR VALUES. FURS ARE GOING HIGHER IN PRICE. BUY NOW. WE ARE SHOWING AN IMMENSE RANGE OF FINE FURS OF ALL KINDS. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN THE MARKET VALUES TO-DAY. SEE OUR VALUES IN MEN'S CLOTH CAPS, GLOVES AND MITTS. "They Fight" Simmons & Co. FURS, HATS, COATS, ETC. Is for Saturday "You Lend" Victory Bonds" Warden of the Count Dean 0} ley and J. A. Mac- Committees--House, Dr. Ross, | laren; Finance, T. Beecroft, A. J. Dr. Arnall, Geo. Ball and J. R.|Sarjeant, Donald Ross and L. F, Donnell: Property, Geo. Ball,|Cross. WRIGLEYS WAY Bi. 1--Steadies nerves 2--Allays thirst 3-- Aids appetite 4--Helps digestion 5--Keeps teeth clean 6--It's economical reasons Keep the soldiers and sallors supplied! hess } Chew It after every meal Arnall and J. R. Donnelly; also the Mayor of Barrie and the The Flavour Lasts!