Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1918, p. 12

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| I | Page Twelve ee es "|BUY SOME BONDS r a THIS IS THE TIME TO PUT OUR SHOULDERS TO THE WHEEL IN VERY TRUTH. BH = SWE. ARE ON THE BROW OF THE HILL-- LET US MAKE THE SUPREME EFFORT. 8 BUY VICTORY BONDS TO THE LIMIT OF YOUR PURSE THEN BORROW AND BUY MORE. Rene We ee ve SPACE AND POSITION DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE BY THE SALADA TEA COMPANY ee eg Se RE ah { news FROM THE RAILWAY WARD Mrs, Geo, Wilmott of Orillia visited with her daughter this week, Charles Poucher of Toronto has been with his family for the past few days. Frank Hill of Falding was visiting at his home for 4 few days this week. Mrs, E. A. Crawford hus gone to visit her parents in Orillia for 0 few days. Mr. und Mrs. H. Hamilton are visiting friends in Newmarket for a week or two. Mre, Geo, Gates was in Hamilton this week visiting her brother, who is seriously il. Charles Marehall, of the C.P.R. office, Toronto, calied on a few friends here this week M. J. Kenny has moved his family to Toronto, having secured a good position in that city. Allan Watt was in Toronto this week attending the funeral of his sister, Mra. Joseph Furr. Mr. cud Mrs, Ro Nichols huve returned home after spending their holidays in Acton and Hamilton. A. Riddell and C. Farnfield are in Mont real attending the Tyainmen's Conference now in session there. A. R. Walker's rink sueceeded in holding the Currie Cup on Suturday lust whe defented a strong rink skipped by W. Hook hax been promoted by the Cana: dian Express Co. from porter to ussistant messenger. He made his first tnp to Hamilton this week. J. Desourdie, who for the Inst eight yen hax been Mail Transferman ut Allandale, has resigned his position. His pluce has been taken by Mr, Liscumbe, who formerly f on con, 13, Innisfil vices and Sunday School in Burton 'Ave. Methodist Chureh next. Sunday, Nov. 3rd at the accustomed hours, Sacrament 'of the Lord's Supper will be conducted at close of the morning service. Also re. member the Epworth League on Monday at 8 p.m There died in Vancouver, B.C. this week, an old Allandale boy in the person of J. W. Whitely, a well-known organizer of the Orange Order. He formerly was Provincial Grand Master of this Order. He was born near Toronto, but spent most of his boyhood days in Allandale. He was well known throughout Orange circles all over this Province. He leaves one brother, Geo, and two sisters, Minnie and Maud, who are all living in the West. The Late John Boone A well-known resident of North Bay, in the person of John Boone, passed away at his home on Friday aight, Oct. 18. He was a son of Mr. und Mrs. Isase Boone of Allandale, and was at the time of his death an engine driver on the C.P.R., where by his sterling integrity and strict attention to his calling he was counted upon as being one of the most capable engineers on the road. Besides his parents, a brother, and two sisters, he is survived by a wife and one child, 'The remains were taken to Allandule for interment on Monday night, 'secompanied by a-representative of the Bro- therhood of Railway Engineers. The de censed was also a member"of the local Or- ange Lodge, and was well up in its degrees. He wax a splendid type of citizen, with o disposition which made him a favorite of all with whom he came in contact. Chas, E. Hammond of this town is an uncle of the deceased. The Advocate extends its deepest sympathy to the sorrowing wife and rela- tives--North Bay Advocate. John Hammond Boone was born in Allan- dale 29 years ago. At the uge of 13 he be- gan "calling" on the G.T.R. and was a gen- eral favorite with officials and employees, After leaving Allandale be went to North Bay where he had been an engineer for several years. On Sept. 27, 1911, he mar- ried Miss Anna Wood, of Parry Sound. Hie surviving brother is Pte. Eden Boone, who returned home from France three months ago. Mrs. Chas, E. Gordon of North Bay and Mrs. Grover Kasbner of Allandale sre sisters Deceased wus an uctive member of St Andrew's Church, North Bay, snd the foneral services on Oct. 21 at the home of his parents, Bradford St, were taken by Rev. W. J. Watt of the Allandale Presby- \teriun Church, Among the many in st- tendance were members of B. of L.E. and |Orangemen. Many beautiful floral emblems testified to the esteem und eympathy of a lurge cizele of friends, Interment was made in Barrie Union Cemetery. Another Young Couple Taken * Last week in these coluzuns was recorded the exceptionally sad bereavement of Mr. jand Mrs. John M, Dickey, when their son | anc his wife died within a few hours of exch other. This week Mr and Mrs. Henry Robinson, Bradford St, were berenved under similar circumstances, when their daughter, Mrs. Mary Appleton, and her husband' pussed away in the Collingwood hospitul Mr Appleton took ill on Mond Oot. 20, and on the following Saturday his wife, who bad been attending him, slso was tuken down with the influenza, "Both were removed to the hospital on Sunday sadnesy of the situation their two little childreh Charles, aged four and Bessie, aged 15 months--occupied cots near by both seriously ill with pneumonia. day evening, and the double funeral took place this afternoon from Smith & Co.'s chapel to Midhurst Cemetery. Rev. Wm. Arthur Robinson, A. Godden, Robt. Griffin, Gordon Bidwell, W. R. Ferguson and Har- vey: Corbett years ago. After living in the Sdo for seven years, they moved to Collingwood, where Mr. Appleton was a foreman in the the Congregational Chureh, . Mr. Appleton's parents and bis sister live in Beeton and one brother in Toronto. Mrs. Appleton's family conskts of her futher and mother; two sisters, Mrs, Albert Godden, of Barrie, and Mrs. Robt. Griffin, | of Orillia; five brothers, Clarence and | Harry of Cleveland and three at home. Very deep sympathy is felt for these |two families in the double bereavement which has fallen upon them. GRENFEL John and Harry Travers have gone to | Seguin Falls for the bunting sesson. VICTORY LOAN 1918 It is the duty of every citizen to purchase Victory Bonds, and this Bank is prepared to assist wage earners by making loans for this purpose at 5% %, being the rate the bonds bear. Wherever possible, the bonds will be held for safe-keeping, on behalf of small subscribers, for one year, without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE The Sewer Outlet Pipe is one of the most important and vital sani- tary arrangements in your home, It must always be in perfect condition or the health of your family will suffer. All of the drain pipes, too, should be in order--and of eourse | b8 the cold and hot water supply pipes. Bend for us before freeing weather arrives to see that all is in first class shape. MOFFATT & PARR sees Owen | bevese pee ae Hipkin officiated. The pall-bearers were | Jardine, Anderson Mr. und Mrs. Appleton were married nine! Township. of Innisfil, including the. Village | Shipyards, They were both members of |Cookstown; W. H. Martin, Thornton, Georze -- THE BARRIE EXAMINER AND BUY EARLY Campaign is now on with Fair- ly Good. Returns--District Rg ye al e unsettled public feeling i the "flu" epidemie it was decided to call off the parade with which it was planned to open the Victory Loan campuign in Beftis, Monday afternoon. Short addromes re matie at the Market Square by W. A. Boys, K.C,, Rev. Wm. Hipkin and ©. R. Kendall. Tuesday afternoon thirty _ueroplanes came in from Camp and scattered Loan lit- erature over the town. For balf an hour several planes gave an great exhibition of fancy flying that was much enjoyed by the Pe number of people who witnessed the thrills. The Campaign Canvassers throughout the county ure finding thet the work is being considerably retarded by the prevalence of influenza. As result the returns for the first two days are rather light. However, the "flu" is getting pretty well spent and next week should see the campaign in full swing with | a determination that this district will go "over the top" People are urged not to delay in subseri- Ling. Every bond sold is an encouragenient to the workers and gives impetus to the campaign, While everyone is expected to buy to the limit, those with only small sums | to invest should remember that every sale, even if only $50, helps along the good work, | Buy your bonds early Two Days' Results Figures recived ut the Headquarters for the past two days were us follows:-- Barrie .... - $43,951.00 Collingwood 7,850.00 Vespa ..... 9,950.00 Sunnidale 2,800.00 Nottawasage 7,800 09 Tonisfil . 7,359.90 Essa & Toss'io 25,100.00 Gwillimbury : 13,550.00 Adjals & Tecumseth The Organization Following is the organization in charge of the Victory Loan Campaign in West Simcoe District, which began on Monday -- Chairman --H. J. Grasett, Barrie, Vice-Chairman--W. T. Allan, Cotting: | wood. Organizer--W. P. Scott! Secretary--A, D. Harvie, Barrie | 21,300.00 | District No. 1, (Town of Barrie) -- Publicity chsirmun,----W. A. Boyy, K.C. M.; Special Subscriptions chairman --W. A J. Bell, K. C.; Teams Committee chairman, | |--Thos. Beecroft: Numex Committee chuir jman,--Walter Scott; Canvassers,--D. J Reburo, J. J. Moore, DM, Harvie, W, A.) Sibbald, A. J. Wallace. | District No. 2, (The Town of Colling wood) -- Chairman W > T Allan W. Thom Special committees have been formed to look after publicity and handle the canvas, District No. 3 (which comprises the Sreretary.--R licity Committee, C.F, Wattie, Canvis night where Mrs. Appleton died at 7.30 | (iY Commuter. (. F Miat pam, Monday, her husband following her | Heine ee on Tuesduy at 10.30 a.m. To add to the 2 jstfict No. 4 (which comprhes the Township of Sunnidale) Committee Chair man,--Jow. Spicher: Secretury,---T. F. Bur rows; Members,--John Huth, Win, Gilroy, R. Beecroft, A' Somerville, James Marun | The bodies were brought to Barrie, Tues. |Canvassers, Robert Carter, H. M. Barker prises the Township of Nottawaxagn! Committee Chairman, hields, Trumpbell Canvuswers ure being appointed to thor. | Joughly cover the entire Township \ District No. 6 (which comprises the | of Thornton, but excluding the Village of | Cookstown--Committee Chairman, Eben Todd, Churchill; Members,--H. Coleman, | Leslie, Allandale; G. C. Allan, Lefroy; Cai vassers--W. J. Ralston, Lefroy ; Eben Todd, Churchill; James A. Jamieson, Thornton; R._D. Henry, Thornton. District No. 7 (which comprises the Township of Essa and Tossorontio, including the Town of Alliston but excluding "he Villages of Thornton and Cookstown and that portion f the Township of Essa boun- ded on the West by the ninth (9) conces- sion of Essa, on the north by the lines be- tween Lots Five and Six of Essa, on the East by the Town line of Essa and Innis- fil) --Essa, Committee,--Chairman,--Jas. Moore, Alliston, Thos. Pulford, Everett; Canvassers--H. A. Bayeroft, Alliston, J. C. Hendereon, Alliston, W. J. Asaph, Alliston, '#H. W. McGill, Everett, H. A. Jamieson, Barrie. Canvassing District No. 8 (which com- prises West Gwillimbury and Bradford and Bondhead but excluding the Village of 'Cookstown)--Chairman,--P. R. West, Gil- ford; Canvassers--A. E. Scanlon, Bradford, M._B. Hipwell, Bondhead. istrict No. 9 (which comprises 'he Township of Tecumseth and Adiala, the villages of Beeton, Cookstown and Totten- ham and that portion of the Township of Essa bounded on the west by the Ninth concession of Essa on the north, by the line between Lots Five and Six, of Essa on the East by the Town line be- tween Essa and Innisfil)---Tecumseth Com- mittee--H. W. Carter (chairman), Thos. Fleming, Cyrus Dunham, Frank OX, Barry Jebb, Wm. Lilly; Adjala Committee-- Thos, Walsh, Loretto, (chairman) ; Canvas- sere--Wm. Lilly, Beeton, T. E. Reynolds, Beeton, Dan McCurdy, Tottenham, James Bradley, Tottenham, Thos. Goodeve, Mono Mills, James Sheehan, Athlone, T. Mc- Knight, Cookstown. 5 Campbell--All On Saturday afternoon, October 19, Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, 'Homewood Villa," Orillia, was united in marriage to Mr. Geo.} N. Campbell and Mre..Campbell, aon of the late George Campbell and Mrs, Campbell, Guthrie. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. N. Campbell, of Oro, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives, The bride, who entered the drawing room on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin wedding march, played by her sister, Miss groom. i handsome set of furs, to the bridesmaid |bridal couple left on the 4 train for a|Thos. H. Clougbley, Grenfe an onyx and pearl rng, and to the grooms: [shor trip, the bride travelling in'an ame: |bride of Mr. Lee Bible pete tant ee man a pair of gold cuff links, 'The house | thyst suit of broadcloth with taupe hat | and Mrs. Stephen Brooks was very tustefully decorated with autumn |and furs, ts of Coopers Falls. leaves und flowers, After the ceremony --: rs a buffet luncheon was served in the dining: Canvassing District No. 5 (which com- | room by four of the bride's cousins, Mixs Marie Allun, Miss Katie Harvie and the Jamieson, Jas. \Mimes Elsie and Marjorie Cramp. Amid {on Saturday, Oct. 12, when Mary Gladys ~ MOORE'S WEEK-END SPECIALS IN FINE FOOTWEAR In this time of high prices, these special pricings will be greatly welcomed by those who wish to save money. People who know shoes and recognize big values when they see them, will not hesi- tate to take advantage of our timely offering. WOMEN'S LACE BOOTS, with 8-inch Tops, made of selected Havana Brown Calf Skin, with medium weight Leather or Neolin Soles and Rubber Heels $6.45 pr. WOMEN'S LACE BOOTS, made from well graded Chocolate Kid, High cut Tops, Medium weight sewn soles, Military and High Heels WOMEN'S BOOTS in Black Kid, with 8-inch Tops, lace style, substantial sewn * soles and Military Heels........ in 6 ems wATOETE we BETONETE TS 3 nisi eons $3.85 pr. MISSES' AND GIRLS' BOOTS, in lace style, made of Dongola Kid, Medium High Tops, stout sewn soles and Low Heels, Sizes 8 to 1014.......... $2.00 pr. Sizes 11 to2... $2.20 pr. . BOYS' AND YOUTHS' BOOTS, made of a "good quality Box Kip, Blucher Cut style, stout Leather soles. Sizes 11 to 13% wo... eee c eee eee eee $2.45 pr. Sizes 1 to 5'%.. coe wets . veeeees $2.65 pr. SMART NEW SPATS In anticipation of their great popularity, we have made a point to assemble a good variety in all the popular colors, including Fawns, Greys and Browns, in 10 and 12 Button styles, also in Black, 10 Button style, at $1.35 and up. Township of Vespra! Chairman of Pub: | gt . ed The groom's gift to the bride was |showers of confetti and good wishes the | Rutherford, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. second son of Mr. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. B. Smith, Me'hodist minister, of Orillia. The bride was unattended and wore a Brooks--Cloughley navy blue suit with black hat. A quiet wedding took place in Orillia, Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, BE CANADA'S BANKER The individual who buys a Victory Bond becomes his country's banker. He shows a banker's confidence in the progress and future of Canada. The country's business is your business. has a future; that she is worth all the blood her sons have shed in order that she may be secure, you will buy Victory Bonds. If you believe that Canada Canada cannot carry on war and face the problems of peace unless her citizens are willing to finance her with an open hand; the security she offers is the best in the world--the whole resources of the finest land on which the sun ever shone. The reward of the man who buys Victory Bonds to the fufl extent of his ability will not be merely the reward of thrift, but of duty done and of obligation fulfilled. Patriotism and Self-Interest join hands when you-- BUY VICTORY BONDS This space donated to the Victory Loan 1918 Campaign y The Bell Telephone Company; of Canada

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