Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1918, p. 11

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kel that it Reed Us befor also reported if timber, ket owing to ol- mwas taken. to pilichae lition hud' not t and Thoup- answer th re ministrator re ninissioner for sforil, farmer, A number sid. owt the call IDHOPE, Clerk. ! pD REPAIRED NAN Phone 323 "| 'Thursday, October 31, 1918. THE BARRIE / Completing the Home Circle 'There is no other force more effective in making the home at- 'supplies this welding link in hundreds of Canadianhomes. Thosewho desireto be bound down tonolimited number of artists in their choice of records choose the Brant-ola because it plays all records equally well. "Those who desire'a phonograph inacase thatis in ke eeping with the other beautiful furnishings of their homes, find in the Brant-ola strument 'The Bran styles. Fi D. that combination of art and science that marks the work of masters. The Brantola is « truly beautiful in- to see and hear. ola is made in seven different inished in Walnut, Fumed Oak or Mahogany. It will play any make of diserecord. Ask your dealer to demon- strate this beautiful instrument to you. LOCAL ORALEE Cc. HOWARD Barrie, Ont. BRANTFORD SALES, LIMITED BRANTFORD, CANADA IN WOMAN'S REALM -- COOL DAYS TURN OUR Velvets for Dress Wear Then there ang those eversattractive (did add so much dignity 10 the gown THOUGHTS TO FALL | gists which ure box- or side-pleuted. APPAREL. in SCHOOL OPENINGS BRING BACK VA- CATIONISTS th The opening of school marks the return to town of the majority of people. This ik of course quite & ceremomious occasion for the children and even for the elder girls who are looking forward to entering high | school, boarding school or college is so much to look farwardyto. So muc planning and delightful imaginary things to dream ubout. 'And their clothes are not the least 1m: portant, 'These, in fact, come fint. But why not? I scbooigirl likes und_en- joys appearing at her best, The shops have on display many new smart models that are just the thing for studious days. The utility coats are developed in tweeds of charming colors, and Scotch plaids are in | evidence, Plaids are 50 youthful and are | worn to the best udvantage when a fresh rosy-cheeked Miss appear in a jaunty sports costume of this fubnie. * tw Snow-white fleecy blankets It patriotic duty--no less than an economic one--to make old woollens last as long as po: je in order to release the wool so much needed by our soldiers. This Hieans using that purest, surest, and gentlest of all cleansers-- Soap It washes without rubbing, clothes saver, Use Sut next wash day «1 yourself. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED 7 TORONTO 3 est need of the hour. learn and practise, paid at current rate, HEAD OFFICE . 'WINNIPEG, MAN. BARRIE BRANCH, . A. a COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. 'Manager, THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. wardrobe of all. fh (Panel at tended about from the neckline. quarter length, in a very becoming fashion. twisting, of wrenching the eereat at Clothes. It's @ wonderful cought tt work saver as well as @ to about her after looking and feasting my eyes 01 charming little creature, full of -possibilities. For haired cherubim seemed to fade in background while this alight, child was decidedly noticeable and admi able. THRIFT 'Thrift, personal and national, is the great- not'? is the lesson every Canadian must Start now! Make your first contribution to Thrift, and your country's welfare--e Savings Account in this Bank. Interest UNION BANK OF CANADA inks of is velvet elve years 8573 8555 A Forerunner of the Ankle Length © ] almost forgot the two little pockets that un | just perched out in the front panels; these i too, were faced with the satin. 'Thia little girl was dressed in perfect | taste, and although her hair, was just ox mus done | ty 58; Cookstown, 14; Bradford, 45; En yo forehead and | Mitchell Square, 75 and $1; Orillia, 48; Fe he ack 7h Ke 'Tete shell ng well, 9; Crown Hill, 48; Waubaushene, 13; focks bung straight down |Severn Bridge, 8 culders, trimmed in a nice |Mrs. Brandon of Edgar, 2. aight as can be imagined i clean-cut fashion, and I assure you that fralgnt aig |sent to the press, but as a request for the t Mhiz| total output came from the Government was very glad of my own Skirts Now at Ankle Length ith thie vey parent rohed miscellaneous fruits, 1023 tins of jams, 1874 "Waste not, want At an jout | so naive, yet 80 'once the curly- mother, To be sure one who was capable daughter's frocks would garb herself in equally good taste, What a pleasing, at- treetivé person she was. Confined to sim- plicity was her gown also. Sapphire velvet Claimed the design and absolutely refused trimming, The sole relief was the draped collar whieh stood up in monk-like effect and crossed over in front with one ride longer than the other. A novelty belt of the same shape was buttoned with two huge buttons of sapphire-colored wool. The sleet waa druped and was fully down to the ankles. o mettre NY $931 Braid and Buttons Are Smart Gradually the skirts ure coming down until even the walking and sports costumes | |ure flirting dungerously with the ground. | But they are +o graceful that s little com fort will gladly be sacrificed and become a! martyr to. thee cause. Following this course of the trend of gravity we sve traits appeuring on the evenings. Many women will weleonie these back ug they 'of the careful and nest selection of her | best thing that could happen would be | awa, 899, $5.630.21; Darlington, 48, $172.01 ; EXAMINER 'me say this to them very frankly; the very thst the loan should not only be fully sub- scribed, but very greatly oversubecribed. We are in the middle of the greatest exer- cise of the power of this country that has ever been witnessed, or forecast, and a single day of relaxation in that effort would be of tragical damage to our- selves and to the rest of the world. Nothing has happened that makes it safe or possible to do anything;but push our effort to the utmost, The time is critical and the an- swer must be complete."--President Wilson. Penny Bank Savings On June 30, 1918, the number of accounts tnd the belances in the Barrie branches of the Penny Savings Bank were as follows:-- Accounts Balsnoes Central 207 $1,415.23 East Ward South Ward 192 West Ward ve 218 Total "638 In Other Places Amnprior, 218, $705.77; Minesing, 20, 373. 4; Belleville, 947, $3,597.77 ; Blenheim, 120, $213.55; Bowmanville, 205, $961.93; Cape Croker Reserve, 71, $313.28 ; Carleton Pluce, 0.18; Cobourg, $336.64; Col- 619, $3,282.33; Cornwall, 348, ; Cornwall §. 8. No. 3, 8, $176.57; Fort Frances, 177, $373.86; Gult, 1200, $7,400.57; Goderich, 344, $1,480.88 ; Guelph, 1086, $5,889.50; Henover, 230, $384.03; Harnston, 31, $70.11; "Kitchener, 893, $3,073.96; Lambton Mills, 78, $250.37 | nington, 337, $795.32; Lindsay, 572, 31; London, 2758, $9,444.06; Mid- $2,957.42; Montreal, 772, $3,321.- 28::Ni | 368, $2,003.26; New Tor- onto, 209, $1,581.01; Niagara Falls, 1164, 4 Battleford, 323, $1,- $07.30; North Bay, 784, $3,705.63; Oxh- Ottuwa, 5384, $20,365.51; Paris, $2,- 509.68; Port Colborne, 344, $068.40; Port : Prince Albert, 484, 8, $2,702.49; Smith's Thomas, 940, 5,329.90; Sud- , 88, $406. 14, $3,200.03; Toronto, 40, ; Tweed, 108, $238.38; Wel. lund, 964, ; Crowlund, 17 03; Winchester, 114, $796.41; | $2,490.78; York 16; Total, 72.01 Ow ental Note Fabri | to the fact that this model uffords un Oe be | limited comfort, it is a favorite in the When recreation hours tre igh, the most appealing thing that one | Pore iu. "coloriuge that they bring chal: | is expressed in many of the muterials tor evening und tore informal wear. The More than ever is trutull being used because of the gov: | ens the imagination and bring Ht into Sound that swells to heaven? W YORK, Oct. 25, 1918 wenmient request to conserve wool. Sim. plicity ae usual marks the fyeck opening of one of our well-known schools T saw w particularly nice frock worn by & light-haired, blue-eyed little girl of a full play. Lucky indeed 1» the woman who Count on some gurment, whether it JEvening gown or negligee, developed in these alluring expressions of the imagine: tive Ei For street wear we have here illustrated 'The dresx was bluck velvet | Dig Fe one piece Hck velvet |g. good-looking models which are true to There ancl Fear Gea shoul te a tee (al the whims of the lutest returns from Paris designers, The braid trimming on the suit is 4 feature worthy of note. RED CROSS NOTES The regulur meeting of Burrie Branch will be held on Mon, November 4, at 4 p.m. | The following appeared in News Letter jof Oct, 22 The following cuble hux been sent to M, Poincare, President of France, by the Charman uf the Central Council: 1 have the honor ty inform you that the Canadian Red Cross Society desires you to accept # gift of fifty thousand pounds which sum they wish you to have expended for the henefit of thesrefugee men, women and chil dren of France, The funds sre being cabled to our Commissioner in London with instruc tions to forward to you." "Red Cros supplies for the British and Canadian forces in Siberia will be distribu ted through the Canadian Red Cross Coin: missioner, Colonel Dennis, Alrendy supplies from Canada are on their way from Vancou- | ver, while reports of shipments of - 600 | cases from Manitoba and 300 coses from Suskutchewan now on their way to, Van \couver have been received 'atthe Central office. St. Mary's Church had charge of the shop on Sut, Oct. 26; net receipts, $30.05. St. Andrew's Church 'will have charge on Sat. Nov. 2 snd the following Saturday Collier St. Methodist Chureb. Grenfel Khaki Circle's contribution to the packing should have been: 17 pyjamas, 12 prs, socks, 2 dressing gowns, 12 hand- kerchiefs, 6 Christmas stockings, 1 quilt. | Donations on Sat. Oct. 26: Stroud Wo- three-quarter ways down | men's Institute, $40 from un autograph The sleeves were three- | quilt; Mrs. E. Todd, $14 for Christmas 'd the cuffs, which turned | stockings; Utopia, $3.25. up, were faced with robin's-egg-blue satin. ----------_-- Simcoe Canning Centre During the week ending Oct. 24, 513 chickens have been received at the Kitchen, Stroud sent 91 and $3.80; Pginswick, 17 and $2.50; Monck, (S. Muskoka) sent 8; Exgar, 2; Thornton, 2; So far, only the weekly output has heen representative of Women's Institutes, the stock book has been gone through und the WY (following may interest the friends of the * talligent | Kitchen: intelligent |" Total output to date:--702 tins canned chicken, 5347 tins apple butter, 1476 tins of eanned apples, 521 tins canned crabs, 86 tins of crab apple marmalade, 499 tins fins tomatoes, 603 tins of other vegetables, 9 kegs of pickles. 'As the Kitchen will close Nov. 15 for the season, it is hoped that shipments of chick- ens will be made promptly. Children's Shelter les ; Field read ; Can ning Kitchen also made a nice lot of apple butter for us. Orillia Public Schools sent us $60.38 in cash, and Mrs, Redditt, $5.00 T. T. YOUNG, Seo. A rich splendor so truly of the Orient |, joea} reputation as a hortieulturist ond Save The Leaves For Their Fertilization (Owen Sound Times Rev. T. €, Robinson, who bus more than purreryman, writing to The Times this week says. "Can anything be done to miti- gate a process of waste going on in Owen I refer to the [burning of the fullen leaves of our beauti- ful shade trees along the streets, We sll Know when we think of it that the fresh | \{orest loum ix the richest oil on earth JOld. settlers grow eloquent over the won: derful crops raised when the country, was new. But the bgt forest soil is inferior to the fertilizer produced by the leaves that rustle under our feet on every boule- vurd, beewase the forest leaf mould is largo- Jy composed of decayed tree trunks which have very little manurial value, the wealth of the tree going to the folinge, Yet know. ing this one pays fancy prices for « loud of leaf mould while hundreds of dollars worth of leaves ure burned, Surely this ise cuse for 9 committee on conservation. The tesidue of this wealth can be utilized very simply, The leaves may be bagged up, carried into the garden, spread four or five inches deep and dug in without delay where they will tend all winter to keep the soil fairly loose and in the spring proceed to rot und feed the crops all summer with nature's choisest fertilizer--rich as stable munure yet free from fresh munure's ten- deney to scorch the routs. Or spread on the surface of the ground around strawberry plants with perhaps a few branches thrown pver them if the wind is too rampageous they make the best of winter protection. Left in place through the summer they keep the fruit clean, keep. most weeds down, while allowing easy passage for the hoe to abolish x stray thistle or other vegetable hun while the gradual decomposition of the leaves will gladden the precious plants. Or, if cow is kept, or 8 hore or chickens, the said leaves make the best bedding, the best absorbent, the best addition to the foliage. How 'many citizens will get into the front rank of this simple but very im- jon forBoys end Girls $1505? other Prizes = Ral tbe sees SS Reg ig ig enosgh for eae fee aes ae Shetis, wolld"rabeer aa palsy s[@] T7151 {1 [ielzs|- | 99 - WHEN etsts{sti last trtstatstiai : is Te lslenstel SBE OVER? "teat Seta! ce. you answer this question--When will pa THE PRIZES 'orvorewos'iaie Sano @ Horse Power Auto - $150.00 2nd-Dandy Folding Gamera > Feat ora ra ce 'Chain, of Girl's Wrist Sth_Electric Profestotcone. the 'war be over? hoy aad gic) ' mn a pea ale lente wee eta knows Youcanif youareable urd photo anereet oO toreadthis passe, The answer {9 contained 6eh--Full-size Football | = AG.' the Ae aquares above. What lo this Jeh eo 10th Selle FF eB Euswer? Solveit,and valuable prizes await you. aie sel Fevotsin HOW TO SOLVE IT 'Also 10 Extra Prizes tor Boya and 'The above squarcsbold the anrwer, It isin 7, itis each $1.25, = PE ee eT ES "os eran ter lg represented by a number, anawer upon darters. Each etter iarepreacnted Oy oictisrs aunsuilvas poatcan, Geonuse nainoen toad, ite alphabet For instance, Ale eprescted by the fgure 1,02 {t {0 fret in the alphabet, to of. Now, to help you get ws 'will tel you that the first letter (n the pussle Te" W. because W fe the 23rd letter In the Gipbabet. "Get to work end figure out the Gordes in the sentence, and try to find the Ehowes to the great quetion" When, will he over? Tt fe not easy, but it fe worth Diepeeempey heer fre aaear esontly awarded big prisee= Ghatland Poay and Cart, Halen Smith, Beatrice Hughes, Hasen. 'You willbe the Bary of all AN, EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD, Dept. 90 TORONTO, ONT, These Schools Did Best pays for the entire 1918 Vietory Lown. A prize wus offered in ench School Fair |They may reduce their obligations to the District to the school winning the most | Bunks monthly pr quarterly, prizes ut the School Fuir. In order to| -- The Bunks will also wecept from small in- vrake the competition fair for the sinall | vestors for safe keeping without charge Wihools considerution is taken of the num- (the interim securities aod later the bonds ber of spplications for seeds und the prize ' themselves up to a reasonable amount, for ullotted on a percentage basis, The results | the term of one y for the County are us follows Orillia Township 8. | "The success of the Vietory Loan is ab- Cesena g £ solutely essential to the prosperity of Camm oes Towne Hes da and every cluss and individual in Cana Hast Township . 8 \da."--Sir Thomas White. juntroon 8, No. Creemore 8. 8. No, 23 ~ Innisfil Township 8. 8. No.7 Tay Township 8.8. No. 10 Medonte Township S. 8. No. 14 Tecumseth Township 8.8. No, Il A, HUTCHINSON, Agricultural Representative. Banks Will Help Small Investors It i» announced that, in order to en- courage small investors to participate in che 1918 Victory Loan, the Banks will lend subscribers, on the probable certainty of | repayment within a year, up to 90 per cent. of the amount of the investment in the Loan, The rate of interest charged by the banks is 5% per cent. 'This should have the effect of greatly stimulating the flow of money when the big Drive o} Many people who 'were tincious to do their bit towards supporting the boys at the front were unfortunately restricted as to the amount they had avatl- able for investment, having immediate or future obligati yhich called for their ready capital, It is such as these that the Banks are ready to help. On reasonable security these intending investors may re- ceive the cash from the Bank at the rame rate of interest the Dominion Government Toronto's Select Liga 4 and Franslent Hotel just of Yonge Street and ene block from Parliament when you> use No Time To Let Up "Recent events have enhanced, not les- sened, the importance of this loan and I hope that my fellow countrymen will let Every housewife knows and dreads the old-time. wash- day, with its worry, its day- long rubbing, its exposure to heat and steam "It's All Right" Comfort Soap. It cleanses the clothes honestly, heartily and harmlessly--it saves time and rub- bing. Try it and have a brighter, cleaner, PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED, TORONTO andcold. But-- easier wash-day.

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