Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1918, p. 10

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Goltre Cure 'Don't Use the Knife Your Goitre (Thick Neck) Can Be Cured By Siccantia cation, stainless, Not one failure recorded in fifty years. An easily applied remedy, positively guaranteed tg cure. External appli- YOUR MONEY BACK If SICCANTIA fails after a fair trial. One bottle is suffi. cient in most cases--more than two seldom required. $5.00 Per Bottle Ask us te send you the mames of persons in your locality who have been cured by this simple, coloPless remedy. THE MARVEL DRUG CO., Limited 2834 Dundas Street West, Toronto News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents (Held over from last week) HAWKESTONE --| There have been ubout thirty cases of | influenza in the neighborhood, some quite serious, but I am glad to say that no fresh cases have been reported since Saturday last. In Phil MeLeod's home, ull were sick at once, and help had to be called in. Arthur Stone returned from the Univer: as that institution has closed epidemic. A few here are preparing to go north for the hunting season, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MIDHURST Oct. 22.-The Misses Fern and 8, Fer- guson of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, James A. Coutts, who were quietly married on Oct. 10, in Toronto. On Thursday even. ing, 'miscellaneous shower was held et the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Craig in honor of the bride and groom. Many val- uuble and useful presents showed the es- teem in which the young couple are held in the community. Threshing and potato picking is the order of the duy here. A gloom was cast over the commifhity THE BARRIE EXAMINER and highly respected resident of Vespra, had passed away after nearly two weeks of suffering, which was borne with patience. The service was conducted by Rev. J. A. Lecce, ut the house on Monday afternoon xfter which interment took place in the Midhurst cemetery. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved rues, Miss Mury Boyce of Elmvale hus returned home after spending a week with friends Te Albert Pearsall of Oro Station is spend- ing © few weeks under the parental roof The Plsecal id Concert held in the ie Social and Concert held in the Town Hall 'on Friday evening, Oct. 11, was weil attended, Afters the programme was rendered, refreshments were served by the ladies. Proceeds amounted to about $45.00, Mrs, M.A. Dwyer has returned home after spending a few days in Barrie with her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Robinson, Miss Olive Cochrane and H. Kehoe of Toronto spent Thanksgiving holidays at A, Cochrane's, The Church and school are closed ber until further notice on account of th Spanish influenza spreading so rapidly: Mrs. Bell and Miss Catherine Pearsall are visiting friends at Oro Station, Wedding bells are ringing loudly once more in the village CUNDLES Qct. 23,--Mr. Ferguson of Toronto, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. Brown, for some time, returned home last week. Mrs. Dodds of Rochester, N.Y., visited |her home here, Mrs. Goodfellow, her mother, [returning with her for the winter Mrs. Guest and von, who buve resi dents here for two yeurs, have moved to |near Stroud, Mr. McKeever and fumily now occupy the house recently vacated by Mrs. Guest. Mrs, Forbes and her daughter Luura, are confined to their home with influenza A serious accident happened to Sydney Knapp yesterday noon. After bitching his team to the wagon they run away, smashing through a close bourd fence, plunging on an old well 85 feet -leep, The planks gave way which let one horse in and but for the harness breaking would have taken the other. Everything possible w done but the animal died before it could Le taken out. It wax a very valuable mare and u big loss to Mr. Knapp IvY Oct, 22.--Jumes Lennox has sold his last Saturday morning, Oct. 19, when it vas farm to Mr. Gallauger of Alliston learned that James Frankcom, Sr an old] A number around here are suffering As the sun of life sinks toward the west Life has been said to consist of a constant succession of breakdowns and repairs. In old age, the former predominate. The body machine is more or less worn out. Diges- tion is less perfect, elimination of waste is increased in quantity, but reduced in efficiency. Tence, constipation is particularly pernicious, Con- stipation means mece than mere failure of the bowels to move regularly and thoroughly. It meams stagnation of the contents of the intestine, increased fermentation, putrefaction and germ action, the prosuction of irritat- ing and poisonous substances. that are absorbed into the blood and carried all over the body. This is always gerious--in old age it is especially dangerous, Constipution cannot be cured by drugs at any age. 't is. especially harmful to an aged person to use pil salts, ant similar strong purges in order to force the bowels to act. But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation is not only safe, it is in every way eflicieut. : Nujol is ot a drug, does not act like any drug. Nujol helps nature to re-establish easy, soft, therough bowel evacuation--as "regular as clockwork,'* Nujol softens and keeps perfectly moist the intes- tinal waste. Nujol mukes it easy for the intestinal muscles to act, and prevents them from overwork. Nujol absorbs poisons and carries then out of the bly. Get Nujol from your draggist and: take it according to directions. ; « NUJOL is sold only tu scaled Warning : Sooty ony ta reales Mark, Insist on Nijol, Voursay suet ivom subatitutes Send for Samples of Literature CHARLES GYDE & SON P.O, Box 875, Montreal CAMADIAN SELLING AORHTS FOR Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) NEW YORK CITY Qiao to rise. On the following morning with a heavy eold, Mos Elsie Speers hus returned from Hamilton as the Normal school iv closed on account of the influenza being so bad there, Our teachers are spending « few days ot their respective homes us xchool iv closed on acedlint of sickness Mrv Perey Buscomb's little scape on Sunday morn: ing, The child was playing outaide when _[he fell head-first into a tub of water Fortunately he was discovered in time by his mother, Mr. Sharpe of Toronto epent Inst week with friends here, T. Whitehouse wus taken to the RV Hospital on Tuesday with an attuck of influenza Ivy extends sympathy to Mr Stewart Cochrane in the lose of her sister, Mrs Atcheson, of Toronto ' STAYNER Oct. 22--There are quite a number of cuses of influenza here, The people of the town were pained when they heurd of the deuth of Mr. Wicket, manager of the Bank of Toronto. Mr. Wicket came here Avyeur ago to take charge of the Bank and had made for himself many. frients His death was due to pneumonia, The re- mains were taken to London where his parents live, for interment. Sorry to report Dr. Johnston to he ver- iously ill with influenza. Mr. end Mrs. N. Daley and Mr. and Mr. A. Moore motored to Toronto on day to attend the funeral of their brother. in-law, Mr, McBachern, Ervin Jackman of 'Midland parents a few days last week. The remains of Mrs, Henderson were brought from Gravenhurst Sanitarium to the home of her fsther, Wm. Thompson, on Saturday. The funeral service was visited his Barrie, interment in Stayner cemetery, She leaves a husband and one little girl MINESING Oct. 21.--A very unusual incident occur red here lust week. On the 17th, an sero- plane, No. C 1048, alighted sin J. Maw's field on acequnt of running out of gasolene. By the time they got gasolene it was tow there were six other ueroplanes from Camp aléo alighted in the same farm, They all landed in good order except one which was not intending to' land but was doing 8 few stunts when it came too close to the ground and turned over. One cadet bad his arm broken and his head injured, while the other had his head injured very badly. They were taken into Mrs, Maw's aud taken care of until Dr. Spence of Barrie cume out An ambulance from Camp Borden took th= aviators back to Camp. The truck and mechanics came out in the afternoon for the remains of the aeroplane, No. C 1043. The other plane before going back did some grest stunts which the people enjoyed very much. EDENVALE Oct. 21:--Mrs. James MacDonald is spend- ing a few days with her son, Alex, of Orillia, Mrs. John Maw spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Free of New Lis- keard are visiting with the latter's father, James Dixon. Mrs. Bert Smith, of Toronto, has returned home after spending a few days with her cousin, Mra. Jos. Fralick, Mrs. McLean of Stayner spent last woek with her sister, Mrs. H. Adamson. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Rupert visited with friends in Thornbury last week. Dan McDonald has purchased a Ford car. Pte. J. G. Maw, 2 member of the 157th, who has received his discharge, is spending 8 six days' pass under the parental roof, Owing to the outbreak of Spanish "Flu" schools and churches here are closed for at least a week. Try an Adlet.in The Examiner More people are reading the Adlets every week. in this terrible war-- "For men must work And women must weep." Theirs has been the worry and anxiety. The watching and waiting in constant dread of what. might happen. Because mental suffering is far more distressing and debilitating than physical pain and discomforts women have had the greatest burden to bear. The strain has been both severe and long, and the result is an alarming increase in diseases of the nerves. Nervous head- aches, neuralgic pains, nervous Rrostra- tion and exhaustion, restlessness, irrita- bility and melancholy. These are some ofthe indications of nervous breakdown, ~ The building up of an exhausted ner- vous system is oftentimes a somewhat ted process, but with the persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food you can be # sure that restoration is both natural and + lasting, { Get out into the fresh air as much as 1 possible. Svek the. companionship ou" [' is the women that have suffered most cheerful people. and depend op eure So enrich the blood and sup- The Dreaded Message ply to the depleted nerve cells the nourish- ment essential for their Apeoration, Mrs. S. N. Hurst, Barffe, Ont., writes : "About thirteen years ago, owing to a shock I had received, my nerves simply got the better of me. 'I could not sleep at night nor work in the day time. I suffered from a trembling sensation in my stomach, which kept up continually. I doctored for about a year and a half without getting any benefit. Then someone advised me to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I did so, and at first was nearly discouraged, but as I Was finishing the first box I found I was getting a little better. I then continued the treatment until I had taken six boxes, and during this time seemed to be getting stronger and better as time went on. The trembling in my stomach ceased, and I was able to eat and sleep without any difficulty, Iam very grateful for having been advized to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, as I had about given up hopes of ever getting any relief. I therefore gladly recommend the use of this treatment to any one suffering from nervous trouble of any kind." In order to be sure of ggtting the genu- ine Dr. Chase's Nerve Foofl it is only nec- essary to see the portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt Book author, on the box you buy. 50c a box, 6 for $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. conducted on Sunday by Mr, Beatty of | 2, CLOWES Oct. 21,--No, 13 cautionary measure epidemic, but no ca: pol is closed as w pre mst the prevailing © reported here mong those who were week-end visnors | Rev. Ho D. and Mry, | y of Tottenham; Miss | ° London (Ont.) hos. pital: Miss Kutie McKay and her niece, of Collingwood ; Miss Pearl Ford, of Toronto; Walter Gray and son, of Orillia Mrs. Hewston of Midland hus heen visit ing her mother, Mrs, Gray Ewart Emms, who has been in Orillia for some time, ix home. Gunner Arthur Wilde, formerly of this place, hus won the Militery Medal in the recent fighting in France. | Oct. 22-- After visiti T. Connell, for the past companied by Miss Florence Connell [timber for this culver, as they thought ORO COUNCIL All the members were present at the October meeting, The Reeve reported that he had been unuble to get anyone to build the Luck bridge. Councillor Thompson was asked to try ang have this bridge com. | pleted forthwith, | The Reeve reported that Donald Cameron complained that the township was a portion of his land as a public highway, line betwen concession 2 and Range 1, Ridge Road to lake. He wished to enclose this land by fence. The Reeve was re- quested to get necessary information and interview Mr. Cameron re this matter, The Reeve further reported that J. T, Emmis hed completed repairs required on Emme' road at a cost of $12.00. Ordered paid Councillor Scott reported that the people in the vieinity of culvert on townline, Oro, and South Orillia, lot 16, refused to cell should be cement. On motion of M inlay umd Thompson, Coun, Scott was <ructed to have cement culvert put line, con, 12 und 18, and asked that 'it be removed. Clerk to notify Messrs, Reid and Roe to have fence removed before Dee. 1, Councillor Scott also. reported that he interviewed owners of timber, Ict 11, line con. 10 and 11, and owing to ob- jections to the sale no' action was taken, Mary Haines asked funds to purchase fuel, etc., as her physical condition hud not improved. On motion of Scott and Thomp- son, $25.00 was granted. In answer to re- quest of Provincial Fuel Administrator re appointment of 'a Fuel Commissioner for the Township, George Crawford, farmer, Oro Station, was appointed. A number of accounts' were ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. H. J. TUDHOPE, Clerk. s aeeEREEESIEEEEeee FURS! ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. MoKERNAN Bruce Cowan is attending the Ontario | Councillor Scott also Agricultural College, Guelph. Middle Aged Women for Their Troubles. Freemont, 0.--"I was that fence of Reid and Roe was on road Are Here Told the Best Remedy reported 8 complaint 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the symptoms inci »tobe, I feel g through of is like # to the t nothing 'overcome taking ft, and the annoying symptoms have disap- Feel alee 'M, Goppxs, 925 Napoleon St, Fremont, North Haven, Oonn.--"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- vie c \d restored my health after everythin pe re symptoms." wen, Conn,

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