Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1918, p. 8

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-------- ~ FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, (Page fight THE RARRIE EXAMINER THE AOLET COLUMN JUNK of sll kinds, wanted. H. Levit, B field St. Phone 384 12°28p-tf FOR SALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 Dunlop St. 27th PROF. D. E. WEIR-- Tescher of Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen St, Bume. 48) --____..mt[|_* FOR SALE--Improved Brantford Windmill in good condition, 40-ft tower, Apply to this office. 42-tfe SS HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Mulcaster Street. Immediate possession, 'Rent $8.00. Ap- ply on premises 42th. WANTED--Small building, suitable tor poultry house, reasonable, Munesing Station. Geo. Hogan, FOR RENT---First-class brick residence, all conveniences, on Brock St. Apply Gar- rett's Music Store. 40-6 FARM FOR SALE--Lot 8, con. 10, Innisfil. Will sell 100 or 200 acres. Apply W. D. Cochrane, Allundsle, No. 2 40-45p FOR SALE. Team of well-matched Clyde | colts rising 3 and 4 years. Apply JAH. | Bisckmore, Lefroy, RMD. 2. 42-47p | ----_--__"_ THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO DIGGER for Sale by D, C. Howard. Call and see them at 124 Dunlop St ant |] FOR SALE House, shop and lot (balf | acres in Stroud. Apply to Alex. Cowan, | Barne, or H. Young, Stroud. 40-45p CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old like new by Hurry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop St STRAYED. From Lot 1, eon i. wo-year-old steer, dehorned, pure wider please advise Norman H. | Wire, Craigvale 48-45 p FOR SALE 3 'Shropshire Ram Lambe. Shorthorn Bull, 3 yrs. ob Bulls, 10 mos. old) Bell Bros, suit and overcoat can be made to look |! ---------- PONY AND OUTFIT FOR SALE- peply, to - 44-440 Local News - Save for Victory Bonds. --Pictures framed by Dougall Bros. 5 Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at W. A. Lowe & Son's. 43-tf The November meeting of the Barrie W. 1. will be held in the. Police Court'on Friday, Nov. £ at 4 o'clock, { W. D, Minnikin moved this week to his new premises in Mary St., just two doors south of his former location. Saturday. Nov. 2, will be St. Audrew's day at the Red Cross rooms, Will members please send in their contributions? Wood for the municipal fuel yard will not be available until sullicient snow falls to permit it being hauled to the cars, Mrs. Robinson, Dunlop St. died this morning afler a long illness. She leaves two daughters, Misses Ada and Hattie Robinson, ! The annual county sale of Jands fur taxes will be held at the} Ireasurer's office, to. row Friday afternoon The regular monthly meeting of |s the W.C.T.U. will be held on Mon Owing to the influenza, the Fall Assizes to have been held last week were postponed until Janu- ary On the list there was one civil action and three criminal cases. The Town Fuel Commissioner Proposes to see that the people who have no coal get a supply. Steps necessary to secure this coal are set out in an advt. which appears in this issue. \AL 2 am. last Thursday the firemen were called to Hagart's house, Bradford St. F started beneath a dresser and jburned part of it as well as a portion of the wall. Loss, $175. On October 28, Geo. Cameron shipped 1 car hogs, { car lambs and 2 cars of cattle, paying $17 |for hogs, $10 to $12 for cattl jand 813 to $14 for lambs, 25 {head of cattle belonging to the 'estate of James Quinlan brought ¥3572. John Shepard loaded one a_ baseball player Barrie fans, hav- ing played here with Archie Burton's team, died in To vba fast week. He took the "flu while nursing his wife in her fatal illness and survived only a few days. They left a daughter years old, The body of Geo, Nye of To- tonto was brought to Barrie day, Nov. 4. at 3.90, at the home ofthe Misses King. 13 Poyntz St A telephone Pane has | imstalled inthe Customs! Vins will be greatly ap- ed by business men pacti pree ularly ---------- BEDROOM SUITE for Sale. Apply at 11 | Peel St., Burrie, 4444p STRONG BOY Wanted to help in Bakery €. Brown, Barrie, ait E. Bingham, Barne. i GAS RANGE FOR SALE--Gurney, double , oven, 'burner. 18 Eccles St 44-440 | SMALL 4 ROOM HOUSE to month. Apply at 27 Vespr: $4.50 per Mt. 43-43 Out RIS. Phone | FARM FOR SALE: West half 1 and West | qnarier 2, Con 4, Vespra; goud build Ines, well watered. Apply on premises RoI Cook, Fergusonvale. 40-45 STGRM WINDOWS FOR SALE Get our pre list showing cost oof windows, dag et canplete, any size. Halliday Com peony. Box tl, Hamilton 4245 ART CLASSES Punting, drew port r W ae Boi po wai Pace Ovonden re 1030-125 FOS Wilhaws! London amas', 261 Dunlop St or DANCING SCHOOL Reopens Oct. 1st-- dches for chil every Satur: wun from Three to Five pan ts, apply to 2.0" Box Fort Mary St TO RENT OR FOR SALE- Business prop- erty, resilience and stables, corner Eliz abeth ane] Mary Sts prosent tenant, W. D Minnikin Apply Mrs, Meaford Webb, 26 Small St. Phone 119, 38-tfe FARM FOR SALE or Rent--Lot 7, Con 9, oon, Cookstown, 109 acres, all ckeared, gnod clay loam; frame house, large buris hingham, 26 Small St, Easy terms. Andrew Cun- Phone 119. 38tfe. STRAYED From Lot 25, Con, 12. Innisfil, 3 yearling cattle with nick in left ear, one with white face, one red and one gry. Finder please notify H. B. Arm strong, Rural Route, 1, Allundale, or er, appurently three yeurs old. paying Crnigvale WORTH INVESTIGATING--Choice hy ding Jot, fine fruit trees, beautifully sit-| uated west side of Toronto St. on brow of | hill, Exey distance of new Collegin'e. | | expenses. acrifice for quick sale. Apply Box K" Examiner, 42.37 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -- Lot 6, Con, 9, Eas, near Cookstown, 109 acres, ail cleared, bank barn, frame house, goad orchard und water. School and Church one-eighth of 'mile. Mm. E. McKnight, 13 Henry St, Barrie. 40-45p con." 2, Flos, 100 seres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and Lush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving hed and outbuildings. Possession, Mur. 1, 1919, with plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston. 25 I FOR SALE--A two-storey Brick Cottage at Tallendal, three acres land, good stables, geod apiary, first-class location, no foul bundance of good water; ideul for w retired farmer, gardener or orist. Price right, terns easy. 'W, J. Foudfellow, Allandale, 43-480 eS FARM FOR SALE--The James Quinlan homesteed on the Penetang Road at Crown Hill, 5 miles from Barrie, con- taining 200 acres land and buildings, first class, 150 acres cleared, 50 ucres choice Khardwood bush. Apply to Andrew Quin- fan or Daniel Quinlan, Barrie. 43-140 FARM FOR SALE--100 acres, lot 8, con. 4, Oro, clay loam, in Al state of cultiv. ation. " 15 ncres of fall wheat. Large Brick house; three barns, two with stone basements; 'also drive house, Well fenced, plenty of water. Apply to Jos. T.-Cavanagh, Edgar. ~ p 'WOMEN TELEGRAPH Operators are in de- mand by G.N.W. and CPR. These sys. tems will promptly place every Graduate of Shaw' at a good salary. We therefore ask you to prepare at once. Write for particulars, 'W. H. Shaw, President. Gerrard & Yonge, Toronto. 37-52p - DRESSMAKING--Miss Shannon 'Telegraph and Railroad School | WANTED--Elderly or middle-aged couple 'OTTAGE FOR SALE--Large lot, central, Apiily WJ. Lennox, 11 Peel St! 40p-f FURS REMODELLED und Repaired. Miss M MeArthur, King Block, Barrie, 37-tf¢ YOUNG PIGS (Yorkshire) for eligible tor res 1 OSV. Jones, O FOR SALE Xow and ten pigs H. D. Atherton, Burne, near Little Like 43 4p FOR SALE Good Democrat running Kear Apply T Ho Davis, 97 Colher St, Bar- 4444p FOR RENT Storage for car or goods, Can be found at 100 Owen St Enquire in premises 43:43) ---- FOR 5. Kitehen Apply 152 Bayfield St 44 Adp, HOUSE FOR RENT--No. 34 Ross St... all Vacant Nov. Ist 41ef modern conver Phone 33 or 54, ences. -------- OR SALE--House, lot, (about 2% acren! and stable at 56 Penetang Sty Barrie, | Enquire on premises 4 TO LET--Arlington Hotel, low rent, suit able for a good boarding house. Ten bed- | rooms. C. T. Devlin. dati wan igi LEE EEE Le FOR SALE OR RENT--Solid brick house, | 101 Muleaster St. 9 rooms, all conven: | iences C. T. Devlin, att | has re. opened her dressmaking parlors over Mcr- rick & Litster's store. 43-45p ca lata al I WANTED--Thoroughbred pullets, any var- iety, send particulars by letter. Kelly Poultry Farm, Allandale. 4444p 200-ACRE FARM--Suitable for all modern furm. Good house and barn, in Flos Township. Apply Box 178, Barrie, 44tfc MEN WANTED--To cut about 200 cords hardwood near Painswick, Will pay top price, Apply R. A. Carr, 148 Toronto St, 44-46p 44-44p. TO RENT--In Barrie, comfortable house with barn, and half or one and one quar- ter acre of good garden. F. Lawrence, 4 James St. 44-44. FARM WANTED--Hundred acres in Oro, Flos or Vespra with fairly good buildings, State price and cash wanted to Box "W" Examiner office. 44-44p BARGAIN--Young work mare, dark color, rising 5 years, splendid worker, absolutely no faults or blemishes, used to the road. C. Harmer, Codrington 8t., Barrie. 44-44p FOR SALE--Three. Pure-bred Leicester ram lambs, also one good cow, due in December, 'and one due in February. A. W. Partridge, Crown Hill. Box 26, RI, Barrie. WANTED--by December 15th, competent general. Barrie in the summer, Toronto in the winter. Salary $30 to $35. Apply Mrs. Charles Phillips, 271 Havelock St., Toronto. 44-450. tp work market. garden end poultry, on experience not altogether necessary. "oO" Examiner, "4. CAN YOU SELL?--Are you a book lover? if you can answer "yes" to these two questions, write ua to-day. We are well- known publishers requiring a high-grade representative for Barrie and district, and you may be the man we aré looking for, The. position is: a. permanent one -jon the Great Lakes, Nov. 9, 1913. terday for interment, He married (0 a sister of Mrs. Geo. Handy and was an unele of E Harris, Two sens and two daugh- ters survive. He was a copper- smith by trade and was born in Kent, England Po see what sort af speed they} could make on a long up-hill| What Is We are within sight of Now is the moment for money. EASY PART, is ours. Shall And what are we asked Simply to LEND to our in vain. No thinking man or of his or her ability. She will pay us interest Bonds backed by the count in convenient denominations years as we may desire. OVER-SUBSCRIBE THE V grade and also ty test the regular Pressure af the highest hydrant in town, the brizade was given a practical run ta the corner of Owen and Bast streets, Tuesday afternoan. Very fair time was made and the pre found to be goud Between si0d" and S500 mn eash stolen from a drawer ni the offire of 'Tony Bak Proprictor of the Olympia Co Works. Lindsay, Saturday on The loss inetodes aq dare mim--t ber of oshincplasters" whieh the preprietor had been savin up! Tony Rake brother of | Gee Bakogoor and wast in the e will his brother | Andy seme years age Maple nishes. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs RLM. Ness of Toronto was in town yesterday Capt Whitby as new an Parr Sound as a representative of the Metropolitan Life s Phe tony friends of Mr aud Wes. Harry Fisher. Gookstewn, will te learn that Mrs Fisher is very dangerously ill Miss Ella Ganley won the Chevrolet touring rooffered My the lingwood Enterprise {he person securing the greatest Number af votes in its subserip- [+ tion contest Mrs. Dro AL J Polede, Ohi Dr. errett of Rochester, D.C Walton of Toronto have been visitors of Mrs. Meaford Webb during the past week, Miss Euniee Webb, who has been seriously ill for the past four weeks with Spanish Influ- enza and pneumonia at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. E. Plowes 215 'Carlton St., Toronto, is slowly recovering. Jackson of and = Mrs, N.Y.. and Death of Dalton McConkey As a shock to his many friends eame the news of the death of Dalton Gilbert McConkey, who breathed his last at the hospital on Sunday, after a week's illness, from pneumonia following "flu." Mrs. McConkey also was in the hospital with influenza, but was able to return home on Sun- day. Deceased was 33 years of age, the third son of the late W. D. McConkey and Mrs. McConkey. He was born near Churchill, but his parents moved to Barrie when he Was a little lad. For five years he travelled for the DeLaval Co. and for. the last three years had been with the Renfrew Machinery Co. He was a clever salesman and had advanced to the position of District Supt. of Agents. Mr. McConkey is the sixteenth em- ployee of the Renfrew Machinery Co. to die of "flu". Eleven years iago he wedded Miss Edith B. Hudson of Barrio. There are two sons and two daughters. His mother lives on McDonald St. and there are two brothers, George and Agar, of Barrie. The oldest brother, Ed- ward, was lost in the big storm The funeral (private) was held on Tuesday afternoon, interment being made in the Union Ceme- tery. Chopper Started S. J. Fisher's new chopping mill was put in operation Tuesday morning and a number of. farm- ers were on hand waiting to have grain turned into chop. The lack of chopping facilities has been aaa a good income, Box "Y", = . |sorely felt by the farmers. of The Victory Loan? in a false atmosphere of security. The men are there--and always fresh ones to go. They must continually be fed, clothed, and supplied with ammunition. The work of supporting them, the NO, A HUNDRED TIMES, NO ! 7 finished for us, and that the sacrifices made for us in four years of war shall not be And Canada makes it very easy for us to do this though. THE VICTORY LOAN 1918 Let us get right down to business, OUR OWN BUSINESS--AND HELP TO BUY VICTORY BONDS This space donated to the Vic tory Loan Campaign 1918 by The True Meaning Victory, and now, less than ever, can we afford to rest a grand rally, an irresistible push forward with men and any one of us fail them at this end? todo? What is it that Canada asks of us? own country, more money, that the great fight may be woman who realizes this can fail to respond to the limit at 54% per cent. on any amount we lend. She offers us ry itself, the highest security in the world, Bonds issued of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000 repayable in 5 or 15 ICTORY LOAN 1918. And let us do it NOW. WHERE MOS T PEOPLE TRADE DIED APPLETON 118, Mary, wife of Chas. D. Appleton) aged' 29° yeurs APPLETON --In Collingwood, on Oct. 30, 1918, Chas, David Appleton, aged 30 yeurs. ARMSTRONG. ~In Barrie, Oct. 27, 1913, Alexander Armstrong, in his 78th year. BALL--Suddenly, on Oct. 18, at Hunlun's Point, D'Alton Irwin Ball, only son of James Irwin ond Hannah Muria Ball, Burnie, aged 20 years. BRITTON---At Chatham, Ont., on Oct, 27, Jessie Britton, wife of Geo. Britton, for- merky of Crown Hill Interment at ale. DUFF--Killed in action, in France, pre~ viously reported missing sinee Aug.' 11th, 1918, Lieut. C. F. W. Duff, 126th Peel |who departed this life one year ago, Nov. In Collingwood, on Oct. 29,} pre. Lewis Cole, 3317283, who died of wounds on the 25th Oct, in the King George Hospital, Stamford St, 8. E., England. He bravely answered his country's call, His life he gave for one and all, His heart was good, his spirit brave, He sleeps in peace in a soldier's grave. Some loving hearts may shed a tear, For us in anguish sore, - For the life so fair that is ended here Away on that alien shore. precious darling, Thelma Mary F. Gi IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear brother, When we life's mystic stream hath crossed And moored our barque on yon bright ore. Mother and Father. --__ Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Isase Boone wish to thank the members 5c te B. of LE, also the members of ¢! Lodge and the many friends and acquaintances who helped by their many acts of kindness and expressions of sincere sympathy, on the death of their beloved son, Jack Boone. Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, IN MEMORIAM In sacred and loving memory of our Card of Thanks I wish, on behalf of myself and family, to thank our many friends of Stroud and vicinity for the many expressions of con- rose, | dolenee and sympathy, in the lom we have ain recently sustained in the death of wife and Regt, eldest son of Mr sand Mrs. Geo, |8rd, 1617, age 10 yr, 1 month, mother, Mmm B- Webb, who dnd on" Oct i is " There was a little angel band, , 1918, . Pe re Pt be aD a 2, Wan as onto, Mrx. Joseph Farr, sister of 'Allan |TB¢n Jesus called our sweet, gentle Thelma Watt, Allandale, in her 71st year. HART--At lot 19, con, 12, Vespra, on Ost. |We shall meet again, the loved and lost, 29, Miss Catharine Hart, uged 82 yeurs, HELMKAY--At Painswick, on Oct. 26, 1918, John Francis Helmkay, aged 43 years. LANE--On Saturday, October 26, 1918, Edward Franklin Lane, dearly beloved husband of Edith Annie Bromfield, and youngest son of the late Charles James Lane, in his 34th ye MIDDLETON--In Elmvale, on Saturday, October 19, John Middleton, nged 72 years, 3 months and 14 days. MALCOLM--At the Military _ Hospital, Bramshott Camp, England, on Thursday, October 24, 1918, Private Walter William Malcolm, C.E-F., third and beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. George Malcolm, Shanty Bay, nged 24 yei McCONKEY--In ;Barrie, Oct. 27, 1918, Dalton Gilbert McConkey, aged 33 years. McCULLOUGH--At Kineaid, Sask., on Thursday, Oct, 24, Fran! Charles McCullough, years, NYE--In Toronto, Oct. 28, Geo. Nye, nged 68 years. SIDSWORTH--From pneumos on Sun- day night, Oct. 20, at her father's dence,136 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, Sadir E. Sidsworth, daughter of Geo. Sidsworth, in her 19th year. IN MEMORIAM PADDISON--In loving memory of Pte. W. N. Paddison, killed in action Oct. 31, 1917, buried in Ypres Prison Cemetery. If we could have raised his dying head, Or heard his last farewell, 'The. grief would not have been so hard For us who loved him well. We think of him in silence, _ And his name we oft recall But there's nothing left to answer But his photo on the wall. Friends may think we oft forget him 'When at times they see us smile, But they little know the sorrow . Which that smile hides all the while. Family, Card of Thanks To fill the vacant seat, IN MEMORIAM + In memory of Capt. R. A. Ireland, 76th Where parting rends the heart no more | Batin, killed in setion Oct. 20, 1017 SINGLE COPIES 4 CENTS Owing to the increased cost of newsprint--now almost double pre-war prices--The Examinér finds it necessary to raise the price of single copies to four cents each. The new price will take effect with the first issue of next month, November Z. Single copies will continue to be sold at the local newsdealers' and at this office. RE-OPENING OF THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BARRIE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOV. 4-5 Mary Pickford --IN-- How Could You, Jean? Her very latest and best. é First Show 7.30, Second 9. ' Adults 16c, Children 11c.

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