Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1918, p. 5

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4 WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------ .RRIE - EXAMINER THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 12 Pages : J. A. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager 55th Year. BARRIE, CANADA, OCTOBER 24, 1918 TERMS--Bingle Copieds ox. Por annum [in edvance) 51.59 No. 43 duits--the Bell Co, or the! Council. Examine Kidd's Creek The Board of Works foreman was instructed to inspect Kidd's $10,000 LOAN , FOR FIVE YEARS Pte. J. M. King of Lefroy is re- | Death WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI eral of hi Mrs. E. H. Firman, 90 Burton |Eachern, to on Friday attending the fun- eit AleBacher was in Toron-| CLOSE CHURCHES ON SUNDAY NEXT 3 brother, Thos. A. Me- who died on Wednesday Asked by S. J. Fisher Instead | "reek culvert and the course of|ported wounded on October 2 in|Ave., has received word that her after being ill only one week with Order of Board of Health-- of Power Grant--Total cost make a report to. the Council. pputy Horsfield said F to Town $1650. aie |people would deepen the creck}, There was very little business! vert is ample. before the Town Council, Monday !that much damage had been done night, and the session was over)to the properties concerning by nine o'clock. In the letter) which complaint had been made box were only three communica- Upon the suggestion of Ald. tions and reports there were] Pearce the Board of Works was none. The absentees were Alder-|asked to report at next meeting men Reid, Finlay and Clark regarding traction engines hav- Mr. Fisher Asks Loan ing proper entrance tu St. John's A new proposition wi foundry by 8. J. Fisher as follows made oH . of Chairman ds Ithrough their properties, the cul-|peeds, Barrie, was wounded in the 2d has ton Surrey, Canadian facings. Pte. Bergin Clayton, after be ing in England for the last year from wounds, has lo go back to France shorlly with a moonted machine gun corps. 54th General Hospital, Arbenguo, in the left foot and is now in B. Sanderson, son of /England. He enlisted in the 109th /late Thos. McEachern of Barrie <i in Lindsay at the age of 16,/and was born 37 years ago near 's three | Beaverton. He couldn't see} leit arm on Sept. 29. Sergt.-Instructor Gerald Clay- is now at Frensham Pond, the stream through the town and|the left arm and is now in the|son. George, has been wounded | Spanish i Registrar of | Bu Sanderson, been vverse ears. Iis brother, Charles, was wounded at the Somime and has} returned home spent in putting the through -- their England, boys ceived word that their youngest |had been sou, Sergt, Gratton Clayton, had |yardman [heen wounded in the knee by | whe was capture of Cambrai. He is now) sen. jcuperating, 'This makes -- the | rento. "tn view of Couneil not having|, Ne etmmittee inceting having, Pte. J. W. Hardy of Lefroy is units sonsconv@leaciiig) in England seen ils way clear to submit to/heen held last week, the Cleck!ranorteq wounded in the thigh un Bee Bercow: Gedibe the ratepayers the proposition |"* authorized to pay alljoctober and is now in the, 1st) gy cee Cet te ear titi Hecommended by. the committes | accounts when properly certified southern General Hospital, EdS- notion trom Ottawa catia that nea denling with Ube. application for | by the respective chairmen. | haston, Birmingham. per husk Hie (i i eeerow. (oe assistance in connection with the Heoat the Loan Lieut. Charles D. Clayton of) yaq heen admitted lo No. 30! tahuilding of the Fisher. Flour|, 4. D- Harvie wrote asking the {he American Army writes home Ca luyiiy Clearins i Nee 30 jintluenza Mills, I her leave to submit fo Counril te press upon the cil. from Waco, Texas, that he has ility of giving «l!) heen appointed Military instruc- t to the Victory! tor Loan by subseribing and other-| miles from Waco. Pte, Clarence West, B.C.D., son Reeve McLean and)of Mr, and Mrs. A. H. V as 'That this Council! gamitled to Queen Ma' heartily concur in the request of| Huspital on Oct. 12. Mr. Harvie re Victory Loan and] from Barrie's objective | thigh. zens the advi you another proposition whieh 1 7°05 1 trust may meet with your approv- al. 1 would respectfully ask your | honorable body in addition to W'S? granting a fixed axsexsment of Moved by $3000 for three years to make Ald. Tenn a loan of $10,000 without interest for five years, re-payable in in- stalments of $1000 every six "@ feel that months 7 will he speciily reached Tf ila pRSRoda areas aeningene: CME He Gouneibwduld Brags onde approval it will enabie the Com- \\ojary r pany to complete arrangements their ability for the early re-opening of the : mill ' sup] . sjawie duty, the councilors decided they |he had died of wounds and later jo : the priest It was pointed out by the Clerk pad done enough for the night;came a message that he was Lime he was wounded twice. Then | hip relurn that granting the request of Mr. (RU {VN Ott [eee eA followed pleurisy, which caused |time of h Fisher would mean the paying of f esirmone umd Bell. son of Mis prolonged illness and return | pracehridge $1650, figuring the interest at 6 a '| R While in E i fief oenk Mr. Marlin Is President Mr. and Mr |B. Bell, sas 21V6n | cy Me ated - i : z i sain .ja very arty weleone by ye v is s "| Vietory Pigs Killed by Dogs The recent canvention of the f renee h 'eturn | Hickling was chairman of the y B 5 's North Simcoe Teachers' Institute [People of Stayner on his Pelurn | other ? extended a hearty | onal security. jAlex. Cowan wrote ox follows: see eee ee dat] hame, He: was in the ith Battery gathering, and extended a hearty "On the night of Oct. 9, 4. aU may t GFA, and teak part. in) the; Seleeme to the & Se , 5 a 5 ' vies el eowing te the Coll wood teachers | °" be : i js and his bride, Other short ad-|W A. Lowe & Son's. Lowe, butcher, had six pigs dee one at home. their trus-[battles of V4 Ridge, Lens and | Greeses were given, and refresh- stroyed in his slaughter house See eeeeetnere value (fers bring afraid they might take at $102.00. or $17.00 each, He fhe Mn ewsmeen tt had them inspected by Dr. All the addresses given were i Morren, VS. so. that thors |@ practical nature and were very ile would be no question as to the ly tr fjohn W. Garvin, {8 amount of his loss, which 1 trust ie address OF Ie ba RA. as a revelation fa the you will adjust at an early date . as very few had the Rome Flooded Gelinc Hee ee the guamtity or[ safely. 'These troops have since | {97th Bn. was kjlled in action on Mrs. Marjorie Martin and sis-!quality of the Ganadian poetry failed i ek epurind ad | tren otherratepayers on Penelang written during the present war Plea Sn eee aie vcral, Pte. Robt. A. A. Leece Killed St. petitioned for the repair of af seted initted te 7 Ganalian | v e ope i drain on the north side of that) Hospital. Le Treport Frane Mrs. Jane Lecer, Maple Ave., = | | Pres. Barrie 1918, sufferang from gunshot} notified last week that her street, said drain al present being | blocked and causing the water to} flood into adjacent cellars. Vice etang. Secy,- Treas --F. eo-Miss Sneath, Pen- Laying Phone Conduits ale ie june, He was attached (o the | Pte. Leece enlisted with the 157th A bylaw was pas eonfirming| 'xeeutive Com.--Miss Taylor,| 20th Bn. but transferred to the 76th and an agreement made with the |Singhampton, Longman.| Mrs, W. A. Cooper, Owen St.,;went overseas with that unit. Hell Telephone Co. allowing them | fo open certain streets for the! purpose 'Of laying underground | Morrison, Allandale. conduits. Audilors--J. KE. Morrison, 'An audible smile passed around |landale, D. A, Metauchlan, Ba the Council board when Ald.!rie Adamson asked who was paying| Hep. to 0. F, the construction of the con-| Barrie, D. A. Norris, Penetang. SARJEANT & KINC----------SARJEANT & KING Attractive Bargains This Week at the Big Store OUTSTANDING VALUES IN FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR The advantage of anticipating our needs is manifest in our present prices, while the best Canadian makers are represented in our COATS FOR THE GIRLS Coats that will keep little Miss School Girl cosy and warm, however cold the day may be, and with a smartness that will please. Cord Velvet, Goats, trimmed with fur, in 'sizes 6 to 12, in Navy' Bue and Brown only. At each .......ee- bebe ae cece $10.00 Plain Navy Cloth Coats in belted style, in sizes 8 to 10, special al ...--+++- seees $8.50 Stylish Cloth Coats with new collar and bolt---Goats that appeal to the young lady of 12 or 14, in Grey. Brown and Moss Green, at eoecceeesestoces veeeeees $16.60 and $15.00 LADIES, SELECT YOUR COAT NOW As-the Variety is lessening every dey and the Prices are bound to increase rather than drop this season--The Velour Coats in all the novelty shades of Grey; Brown, Burgundy, Sand, Navy and Tan, are here for you at the popular prices of . . $32.00 and $40.00 PLUSH COATS--We offer this week three only Plush Coats, one each size, 16, 18 and 20, at 85.00 below present prices. Now only .... splendid range. At_'$1,25--Ladies' long 'sleeves. "Watson's guaranteed." short sleeve, @.... At §$1.50--: SPECIAL SHOWING OF WOOL TARTANS We dffer this week, as shown in window, a special purchase of Fine Wool Tartan Dresegoods, in all the leading clan designs. They are 40 inches wide and exceptional value at price quoted--Per yard ... SARJEANT & KING THE STORE OF SATISFACTION -- ansport "Lhe a" suk | {he pier in rk harber| ficial notice has been re- re nee out tw sail. The |ceived by his brother and sisters Vests with V neck A good winter Make," A special Leader @.. .$1.25 At $2.60--Superior Wool Vests, in sizes 36 and 38. Made in V neck style, either long or in a beautiful quality. Special apes $2.50 al Loan to the utmost of| peter To this|in August, 1944. Conflicting messages have been yin doubt as to his fate, This week Having discharged this patriotic !, calle was received stating that Passchen: Pte, Oto Craig, sen af Mr, and | 1 oat sank in tically racture in the left leg. left Canada with the 76th Bn, im Shear, Allan-| April iss Kennedy, Allandale, received word last) Frida Collingwood, J. E./18, that her husband, Pte, W Cooper, had Aj-{wounds in left hand, thigh and) son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rickaby chest and was Camiers Hospital. . Ple, Gooper/enlistment was __-Miss MeColl,|want over with the {57th Bn. and School staff, has heen awarded beon through several battles.|the French Croix de Guerre for At $1.00--Ladies' Fine White Vests with high neck and lung sleeve. sizes 36, 38 and 40, @.-.eeeeerereee $1.00 Fine Vests and Drawers. and elbow sleeves or with . Natural Drawers, in medium value as they are selling at last year's price Sept. 29 with gunshot wound im the side, Pleo Farrow enjist {with the 75th Ba. in August, 1915, )p jand went overseas on March 26, | 1916 i ; A pleasant gathering took place y Miliary in the OM School, Seventh Line, | . Vespra, on Wednesday evening wounds in left) nye CER Toronto ist when friends of Pte. Art! |separate Chappell, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Michael's Wm. Chappell, met and presentod |; : him with a tray of silver Con-|ejiass taining forty-eight pieces. Pte.| where he Chappell returned to Barrie on Tuesday afler being over three years in France, during which Camp MeArthur, three rie Mr. K to Lindsay and made chief des- patcher, a position he still holds. The son was educated at Lindsay gunshot He enlisted in 1 by the relatives of Pte. (er, Angus. leaving them | Theology. | ments were served at the close. F. Craig, was on the US.} EM Cralgvale Soldier Killed fat Dunean igvale that Pte. James Reid, formerly of the 25 mineles bul pra all on board get asher ~ Robert Andrew Addison had «ied on Sept. 28 from wounds received the day previous. Pte, Hill |sen, Pt 1916, and Sergt. Rickaby Decorated Sergt. Harold Colman Rickaby, received gunshot admitted to afof Orono, Ont., and who before on the Central bravery in establishing commuit- ation in the battle in front of jAmiens. Sergt. Rickaby, who was recently recommended by his commanding officer for a com- mission and is now taking an officer's course in England, went overseas with the 2nd University Contingent in the spring of 1915 and on arriving in England was drafted into the Princess Pats. He went to France as a signaller and has been there in continu- ous service since, with the ex- ception of a few weeks in the summer of 1915, when he was sent to England with trench fever. Pte. Geo. Pringle Killed On Sept. 27, Pte. Geo. Alfred Pringle. son of Mrs. Geo. Pringle, Townline, Allandale, was killed in action. He was born in Grand Valley 24 years ago. For four years he lived in Barrie, being employed for a time with sale. Bros. and for over three yéars as driver for Mrs. Lowe's dairy. He was at all times faithful in the discharge of his duty and was well liked by his customers. Very comfortable in weight. which means "wear Woot 'Vests and a PrICO wee eee cseeesceceteeeeeeendesseeereess ss $8.00 and large sizes, Exira ||, saving Barrie at the end Of A large range of silk mufflers in very latest patterns and hampton, he shortly afterwards sive. Solone="Grean Purple, Red, Blue and Grey. signed up with the 160th Bruce Bn. and, after training at Walkerton and Carling Heights, went overseas two years ago. He went to France in March of this year. On Sept. 8, he wrote his mother {at he had been through a month's hard fighting but had escaped without a scratch. His father died three years ago. One brother, Henry, lives with his mother, and Mrs. Geo. Sher- ring of Stroud is a sister. T Come Maple Leaf paints and var- nishes. W. A. Lowe & Son. 43-tf Big Victory Loan Saving at Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Deceased was the son of the years he was employed as brake-/ {onary man on the G.T-R. at Allandale, |Board of Health, the Spanish in- \lr. and Mrs. John Glayton re-/and for the last eight years he fluenza has been steadily growing Rev. Dr. Kingsisy's Death Rey. Father Kingsley of Braco- Thanksgiving visit his father, died Saturday of buried ther r. Kingsle the gold medal in his graduating } 5 at Then he went to Romo |to this effect being issued by the lreceived the degree of Doctor of A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK MUFFLER8--Dozens of new silk mufflers in a large range of patterns. Heavy Swiss Silk Mufflers in extra large shape and new- est patterns with fringed ends TICE saves Japanese Silks, paisley patterns, large reversible shay with fringed ends. ti e TIES--We make a specialty of men's and always have a large stock to choose from. a dozen broken lines of Japanese Ties, extra large 3! a. To Clear at largé range of patterns in all colors. IM Sale AL vececevccceccrcececeecscessesseseres BOO Sarjeant & Kings OLOTHIERS nfluenza. About 300 Cases of Influen- za in Barrie. Most of his life was Barrie. For several], Despite the very wi measures e precau- taken by the engaged as a C.P.R. in town. The last few days an in Toronto, His wifo,|@verage of twenty-five new cases a Miss Daly of Sunni-|fas been reported daily, and the machine gunshot, received at the dale Corners, survives with one total is now nearly 300. The One brother, Alex.; and one southern portion of the town has Firdale Hospital, Sheffield, re- [Sts:er, Mrs. Brown, live in To- the most cases and this is thought to be due to the railwaymen hav- ing to run into places where the epidemic is much more severe and in this way bringing the germs back to town. In the total num- ber there is only a small per- centage of very serious cases, though there are several people very ill with pneumonia develop- ed from the "flu", A feature of the last few days is that the new patients are nearly all women and children. In several houses thera Latiel way franefarced (Sila te, Guaer™™™ mh AER Church Services Cancelled Last Sunday only the morning School and. at. St.[setvice was held in the churches. College, where he took ho went to Lind: holid: y for to and pnenmonia, and © on Monday. studied four years and|Board of Wealth today. Asked as to the reopening of After being ordained to|the schools, the M.O.H. said he hood in Rome a year ago [could make no definite statement. ed to Canada and at the| If the epidemic were checked is death was a curate in|by the end of the week, he might permit the opening of the schools upon condition that the Board of Bonds guarantee na-|Edueation guarantee that no children from infected houses are Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at permitted to attend. 43-tf (Continued on page 9.) TEES Farmers-- Bank Here By Mail Just mail your cheques to us-- we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow- ledgment. gage ap cnet ca sesiona your cheques mail, too, sending the money registered letter. ms " We understand the farmer's problems and gladly assist him in every way pouille We will welcome your account. --THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital r . Sepliat $ 5.500009 AG. MACLELLAN 130,000,000 \ fai RNY at Sty. A real nobby muffler. fashionable neckwear, Reg. $1.00. 'en dozen ties of assorted silks and goo' shape. Extra Extraordinary od value, in and inspect our Fall Showing of Overcoats and Suits. See our Window Display of Mufflers es at ail, an order © surnam

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