Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1918, p. 9

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there's to beat | Wool ues at , $1.50 all your 85c pr. 1 values 4 (ume of taupe Mr. and Mrs. Barrie, brother of the bride, le. The bride e recipients of wingle will be rourt Ave., To- ber {. litt Sale s heavy gloves pairs--to be st at 500 or 2 me quick and And by the loney saved by re in VICTORY unter Clothing NDED OUT tra demand for a considerable matter is held . «$60.00 . + -$50.00 - - $45.00 «$50.00 845.00 .. .840.00 -- -$38.00 to $50.00 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY HEINTZMAN & CO. AND OTHER 'HIGH GRADE PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS-THREE OF THE BEST THE COLUMBIA : THE BRUNSWICK THE PATHE Play all records with or without needles to change Everything in Folio and Sheet Music meeting two weeks age the sani- capacities, tary inspector, im his various drew more salary than the Chief. It might be well if the Police Committee secured information from other towns as to methods of policing, sanitary inspection, truancy prevention, salaries, etc. It would appear that the Chair- man of the Board of Education and the Chairman of Manage-| ment have a poor opinion of the | public school teaching staff. When the closing order went into | effect, the teachers, instead of be-| ing politely requested to remain in town so as to be within reach when needed, were peremptorily | ordered to report to their prin- | cipal at the school every morning --as though they were children who could not be trusted, pri- SMART FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE PRICES Our showing of winter models comprises masterpieces in style and originality, soners on interned amd is indisputable: evidence that real stylish boots can stilfbe purchased at reason parole or UP-TO-DATE SHOW ROOMS Cor. Mary and Phone 259 -- COMMENT OF THE WEEK :- Elizabeth Sts. P. O. Box 178 VICTORY LOAN The terms of the new Victory|all of which affords ample evi- Loan have Sir Thomas White, and while the ~ nominal amount is %300,000,000, the goal set before the people is 500,000,000. The selling cam- paign is to hegin on October 28 and to last until November 16. 'The stirring deeds of our troops during the last two mionths will he the inspiration .of the peopl of the Dominion in what it 18 hoped will be the last great fin- ancial drive of the war. The Government has every reason to expect 8500,000,000 will be forth- coming. When it is remembered that the raising of this money is absolulely essential to the carry ing on of our part in the w there will be no hesitation in any quarter, for the people were never more determined than they are today that victory must be won Wealth has been accumulating in Canada due to the new indus- tries that have sprung into ex- istence because of the struggle. The British Government has spent in this country more than twice the amount that thé Can- adian Government now seeks to borrow from the inhabitants. 'There is more money today in the than A Great Display of Overcoats at R. A. STEPHENS' Call in and See Them exceptional value. Fur-Collared Overcoats, $5.00 to $18.50 $10.00 to $40.00 * Buy a Victory \during any period of our history, Melton Overcoats, with V been announced by! dence of how easy it will be to- \subscribe the amount required for war needs. Government, not the minimum sum of 300,000,000, but the imaximum of half a billion, we \will be sending a message of en- |thusiastic hope and support to our soldiers overseas. It will be me that will cheer them on the 'last lap of their journey to a |peace which will rid the world of \all the horrors that have over- shadowed existence during the 'past four years Md 'from the Mayor if the Town was |paying for the conduits now be- Jing put in by the Bell Telephone Co. Doesn't he think that the new rates will hit the public hard enough withoub expecting jthe public to pay for the con- .struction work as well? Chief King was right when he told the Council that most towns jpay the chief of police more than the other constables--presum- By lending the leq for hoth and three signed for Adamson wanted to know} aliens, Much adverse comment was elicited by this insult to the teachers, and this, no doubt, had a good deal to do with the can- cellation of the order after it had been in operation @ couple of days Angus Wants Hydro On Tuesday night the citizens of Angus held a meeting at the Dominion Houge, D. MeMackon presiding. Rov. A, Shepherd and Me MeMackon were appointed Lo get iPetitions signed for house and \Street lighting. All present sign- power. These petitions will be presented to Exsa Council by which the necessary bylaws lwould have to be passed before jthe 'juice' could reach Angus A resolution was passed authorizing the taking of steps) to secure light and power from the H. E. Commission. The Com- mission ix willing and the Angus people are ready to pay the cost, and it is up to the Essa Council to take the necessary action 4500 Pairs of Men's Gloves and Mitts 98e will buy two pair of Gloves lor Mitts this week al Hunter's 'Clothing Store, This is the time to make some money and whew Y make it. invest in Vietory nds. Mr. Goldman, organizer for {Central Ontario in the Victory Loan campaign, met most of the jably upon the same principle that the head of a school gets a higher salary than the other members fof the staff. ccording to the at the council Trench Overcoats, up-to-date styles for young men. Price .. Price... Ulster Overcoats, with large collars, suitable for driving. Price. . .$15.00 to 32.50 with heavy quilted linings. We also have a large stock of Boys' Overcoats and Suits, ranging in price from ° Men's Suits in Blacks, Navys, Grey, Brown and, Tweed Mixtures; prices from 22 DUNLOP STREET elvet Collar; these coats are made with raw edge and are Price. ..... .$18.00 to $35.00 We keep an up-to-date stock of Men's furnishings. Call and inspect them. R.A. Stephens| vice ecanvassers in this district at the 'headquarters here on Monday. He is mast enthusiastic on the out- look for the campaign, despite the interruptions of the "flu." -$18.00--$35.00 ++s++ $25.00 to $30.00 md able figures. For Women we offer a very soles, Military heels. Sizes 8 to 10% Sizes 11 ta13 "Yat.. Men's Boots itt the wanted For Boys and Youths we have a Boot of good qualit medium weight soles, sizes 1 to 542 at ..... attractive model in a Dark Brown Calf skin, lace style with high tops, serviceable weight, sewn soles, Military Heels. with Neolin soles 4nd rubber heels.. In all sizes at ....-.+++++ AStylish Boot in:Chocolate Kid, with high tops, lace style, In all sizes at...... ayaa For Growing Giils, 2 fine Black Calf Boot, High cut tops, medium sewn soles. and low Heels. In all sizes at ... Same Model in Black Dongola Kid, witlva Military Heel at .... For Misses and'Gixls we offer a stylish: boot made of Dongola Kid, medium High Tops, stout sewn soles and wide Heels, lace style.. Sizes 11 ta2. Yn Box styles at prices to suit every po The same model $6.45 pr. medium weight, sewn .. $4.35 pr. . $3.85 pr. ..» $2.20 pr. esneinseree $2.00 pr. Kip, Blucher cut style, w+. $2.65 pr. oni Ruse oe oo.» $%.45 pr. ket. from $1.35 pr. and up. | ee atte ON SUNDAY NEXT (Continued from page 1) Many Doctors Down In this epidemic an unusually are affected by the disease. Dr.) Campbell of Bradford, Dr. Piekard of Churchill, Dr. Horton of Thornton, Dr. Cunningham of Alliston Dr. Johnston of Stayner, Dr. Murphy of Phelpston and Dr. 'Adams of Hillsdale are all report. ed Lo be down with the "flu". Be- tween Barrie and Newmarket, Dr. Stevenson of Bradford is the only Pi 'an able to attend to his practise. An exceptionally heavy burden bas been laid upon the Barrie medical men, they being called upon to do a great deal of country work in addition to their regular duties and the inereased number of calls in town. The people are reminded that it would be of inestimable value to both themselves and the med- ical men if they would send in their calls for medical assistance early in the day. In this way the doctors will not have to retrace their steps over the same: terri~ tory and can plan their work for |the most good to the greatest number. Sisters of Service Valuable assistance in caring for those afflicted with the di- sease is being given by the or- ganization which is popularly known as 'The Sisters of Service'. On Sunday and Monday Miss {Thomas and Miss MeCullough of Toronto were in town giving Nectmres to those inclined to help in the work and also aiding in the organization of the Barrie Branch of the Ontario Emergency Volun- teer Health Auxiliary. For this branch officers were elected as follows :-- Hon. Pres.-----Dr. Little. Hon. Vice. Pres.--Mrs. Calder- wood, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Shanacy, Mrs. Drury, Mrs. Gallie, Mrs. Ord. Pres. Mrs. Turnbull. 4st Vice Pres.--Mrs. (Dr.) 'Thomas, 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs. Garvin. Bee --Miss Nellie Goodall. Froin twelve to eighteen of these volunteer workers, mostly Soldiers' Aid girls, have been do- ing good work in the homes assisted by some undergraduate nurses from the hospital. They go right into the houses and in addition to caring for the patients attend to the children, housework, uw. OL. e [SA Seah ttc. not being at ail backward Many women this winter will wear ov from a viewpoint of conservation and economy. We have a large assortment in all the most favoured colors, at prices ranging abo CLOSE CHURCHES |; Orillia, STEVENS--BOOTH--In St. Catharines, on | your purchase of VICTORY BONDS and true Canadians SPATS t laying their hands to. am hing that requires doing. H. Cloughley, Grenfel Cooper's Falls. large number af the medical MeN | cAMPBETLALLAN--At Qrillis, on Sat-| Do not let anything in this advertisement interfere with To do our duty isnot a task, but the absolute test of loyal ergaiters (or spats) with low shoes--this son af Mr. ané Mm, John M. Dickey, Butrie, aged 23 yeurs, DIXON--In Orillia, Oct. 24, 1918, Geo. MARRIED Dixon, of Allnadale, aged 27 years. eS Coperaie, on Monday, Oct. 21, | BROOKS--CLOUGHLEY--At Cuillia, by | iafaot son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neely. the Rev. A.B Smith, Mary Gladys tuth- |PULFORD-- Ia, Allandale, Qet, 18, 1018, ine Rey Aiguier of Mr. aod Mra, Thos.| Caroline Pulford, wife of Robt, Pulford, 1, to Mr. Lee Brozics, | _sged 78 years, . roakt | SWITZER--At lot 19, con. 6,, Vespra, om Doknage Switsen Oct, 24, 2828, Edward Mere dee 19, 1918, by the' Rev, N. SMITH-At 536, Brunswick avenue. Tor, Campbell, George Neil Campbell, of | North Orillia, late of Guthrie, to Allison Pearl, eldest' daughter of Robert alla, | Oct. 10, 1918, by the Rev. Dr. Rateliffe, | Ficst Presbyterian Church, Mrs, Annie | Booth, of Barrie, to W. Henry Stevens, of St.' Catharines, ! SWINGLE--LAWRENCE--On _Thursduy, Oct. 17th, 1918, at the Church of the Epiphany, Toronto, by the Rey. Canon | Dyson Hague, C. E. Mildred Lawrence, Barrie, Ont., to Walter W. Swingle, Tor- onto, fo of Barrie. DIED ANDREWS--Accidentally shot at Chicou- ' timi, Que., Oct. loward Andrews, son of W. J. year. BARRAND--At Big Bay Point, on Sunday, Oct. 29, 'Dorothy, three-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barrand. BOONE--At North Bay, Oct. 18, 1918, John Henry Hammond Boone, son' of Mr. and Mra, Isaac Boone, Barrie, aged 20 years. DICKEY--At Toronto, on Oct. 20, 1918, Clara Gertrude Dickey, beloved wile of John N. Dickey, in her 20th year. | DICKEY--At Toronto, on Oct. 21, 1918, BES act bye iat A a HH wie elgirier al wnt lel HI i ij i f ul i 3 | John N. Dickey, dearly beloved and only Potatoes 'Sceew DAWER. TACK PULLER. CAM OPEN! CIGAR CUTTER. BOX OPENER. TANK i ' i Hd i i q £ f {3 i i 4 3 HE He : re ! li are i i ill H Ei i i cE ut i ef i : I t t : r l a ' i i i i fis if il i onto, Oetober 23rd, 1918, Private Harold Egertos Smith, Cenadian Army Dental Corps, of pneumonia, in bis twenty-thi year, fermerly of the staff of the Imperial Bank, grandson of the Inte Major J. F. Smith, Barrie, und nephew of Misses Jen- nie and Clara King, Barrie. Funeral st Burrie, Friday, from Station, on arrival of morning: train. WALDON--In Toronto, on Monday, Oct. 21, Mrs, Waldon, sister of Mr, Win. Bry- son, Barrie. Interment on Oct, 23, im St.' Paul's Cemetery, Innisfil, Barrie Markets . 22, Pte. rdtews, of Holly, aged 27 Oats Alsike clover seed per bus. Bran, ton .. Spring Chicken Old Fowl .. \ Turkey .. Ducks .. .. Butter, Ib, i Eggs, dos. 'Hay... re. No] Apostenst . Wine qrascopisezreenieaine sh today. Adare! '189 Spadina Ave, TORONT? \ a

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