. |Were able to enjoy a whole week . of such entertainment and edu- cational inspiration, We must send our money out of town to Bet coal to keep us warm. Surely THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Sept. 19, 1918, "His Master's Voice" Records same price as before the war 9 cents fer 10-inch, double-sided Two Delightful Red Seal Records Viking Song. Exnilio de Gogorsa 64786 Quartet in E Flat--Menuetto Elman String Quartet 74576 Hear them at any 'His Mager's Voice" dealer Vietrolas from $34 up, on easy payments if desired. Ask for free of our 620-page Musical Encyclo. pedia listing over 9000 "His Meeter's Voice" Recerde. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED Lenoir Street GEO. VICKERS "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer Don't Forget There are no others! or "His Master's our a -- COMMENT OF THE WEEK :- nevenient for sich a memerial | enhdent thal the pro Porwive sympathetic Whe tieasiire uf your deve fremont is your willingness thant th nh ter war eller Lian c support fram bath | wens gene | Sumethins ike fifty million no one, in this day and genera~ tion, will say education is not also an -- essential necessity. Where or how could we get moro of the cream of education, in music, oratory and information, than through the Chautauqua? Advertising! Bradstreet's state- ment that 84 per cent. of all failures are among non-adver- tiers is significant. Intelligent advertising has become an essential in every modern in- dustry, but what shall the ad- vertiser do in the face of the war situation when he finds it diffi- cull to get goods to fill 'his orders? First of all, it should be remembered that the founda. tion purpose of judicious adver - tising is to fix indelibly the trade-mark in the public mind. A let-up in that campaign must be fatal to any product. So we find Mr. George H. Charis, vice-presi- dent of the American Rolling Mill Company, declaring the com- pany's purpose to continue its} advertising although for two and a half years it has been unable to supply the demand 'for ies] product. "We are buildin ff! said "a permanent business | edifi have to buying the business and gond will of our clients if. they are forsaken in this ¢ eney." Vuless advertising is kept up! without a break, the advertiser loses the results of the initial effort. Here is acwarning to the! advertiser who neglects the dulld season in summer, When ad-| vertrse its are fewest as the, very time when a message to the attention. Ty is good "psychology" to push the! Grand Opera House, Monday Night, Sept. 23 FIRST MUSICAL COMEDY OF THE SEASON HARVEY D. ORR'S BIG MUSICAL COMEDY SURPRISE 'The Million Dollar Doll' A Musical Bubble with a Swarm of Fun and Music Dispensers | 22--TUNEFUL TUNES 22 | 40--PEOPLE--40 | 3BIG ACTS--3 | A SHOW OF YOUTH AND BEAUTY! advertisement of a winter pro- duct in the summer and of a summer product in the winter Leslie's: Weekly a | In announcing a forty-two mill! rate, the Alliston Herall says This town like others must face AX rate as the restlt af tlw | War conditions and cheerfully pay | the bill in thankfulness thay the} Hun has, not bee ee Vastate the Lawn -- win or the EXTRA ! which weuld ; The Students WII! Help | Throuzh the courtesy of Miss | Hid owt susie cargedy intended 5 geod ceitizen shoubt be) Burviss apd BOE. 1 students, two thet wesmamption Mees yiypep ' Wild welfare for ou} special features by the latter will reeentiy un the Abia tmeral spirtinal and )be given ar the Faur---Relay Rare Me Vis Pe sume extent 8 physical sievelopmone cof the tar the Ales by 8 teanis of parts plains (he she he ehilaren ot tadiy lepeneds tb Club Races by diner have te pur up walle these days. Qipdiiy and cha of the Senior girls and loys with | -- wt wrtiie Obl Jupiter Phavius played. a big part in the guseline sayin HUMpAEH bas! Sutelay When discussing the question if naht well Why is the sale Sunitay pernaitted salutely ie eh oas enh sims aracher WC jet andy saving the lives of Sunday he litt alse al giving vu Sal them an forall Bunitay > and tent comrd sit evelopment. In a weand other me wotiiely ane for Iaddres~ at supplies cu Sunday: should The Tovonte Exhibit, the Hen proliubited sik the ie, dhath, emllos! attention ta tinct Secreta leriyy riehts af ehildren viz, ff The sh Lhe other peaple fot he bern physieally, ly sound, 2 Wh ote tive with decent | wilh healthful surround. nourishing food and good Last week at when in town dhased seventy bosine pairs of eash-- hosiery tram a local mer=! innate fe Oe ba ne Mating that the sprive proteetiay agains! drunkenness iy, bbe e MAN WAS land neglectful parents. 4 The mah {right tn play. of) The right to tn ty: te The a sound edueation, Child) wel- store in Veoronnte fe eat bra, (fire Work ts dir making pur- mul towns while y there trips, finding that they sted along these jlin His one of the big move. nents af the day and one that jshould have the backing of every steeking: Ss are now Dee ate eter ueaey [eitizen in terested in human pro : wh B8- Terese and national development, qiudity: considered -- than they can in the big cities --= --= Answering some complaints (about the amount of jlaken oul of town by the |tauqua, the: Oshawa $3 says: "In what other way could the Cown secure more education, inspiration and reereation for. vr ' Wal amount? 'Thousands of of The Examiner. ft r zo out of town would seen fitting that some tion of a compara- permanent memorial {0 Ubose|tively few young people in. this connected with the seHool who/community, while hundreds are Aave sacrificed or aay saesifice /Imingering for ednealional oppore their lives on behalf of liberty |Umilies, which they never get. and justice in this great war, |BY tite' chaniauanns for & qu should be~erected in the new/that would hardly pay their fare DuiMling. The Examines tri |te. 'Toronto, where. they" might uilding, 'The Examiner trusts!hear one 'such artist." not "to that the staff and students will,| speak of their aduissing' 102 at an early. date, inaugurate alwhon they would get there. they the Barrie . two of the Lieut. A to in MONEY IN CATTLE Notional demands make it essential that more- cattle be raised immediately. 'We must go on or go under "'--the surest way to go under is by not keeping the Allied armies fed. The profit of raising cattle is enormous on account of the prices now prevailing and prices will continue high even after the war. + Raise more cattle as a duty to the nation and your bank account, If financial help ia required, Sonmult our local manager, UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN, 218 BARRIE BRANCH, - A. LESLIE, Manager. THORNTON BRANCH." W.'T HODGSON: Mee Ubout 1h to a te un. | CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY! Most Beautiful and Expensive Costumes Ever Carried with a Road Production The Biggest Success in Years HAUNTING TUNES, PRETTY GIRLS! The Biggest Show Ever Offered At These Prices:-- Seats at Malcomson's now. THE BIGGEST NOVELTY AND DANCE SHOW OF THE SEASON THE BIG WINTER GARDEN NOVELTY OVER THE HEADS OF THE AUDIENCE THE ILLUMINATED RUKWAY H CAPTIVATING CHORUS! 25°-50°-75° 4% $1.00 CLOTHS. A VERY SPECIAL COAT OF VELOUR, made in three different styles. One style has plush collar and cuffs, others are trim- med with buttons and stitching, all smart styles and wonderful value for .. $22.50 IN OUR WAIST DEPARTMENT A great many new numbers have been added, notably in georgette crepe, in black and white combinations, grey, piftk, maise, white. The New Collarless Waistishere in several pretty styles of white and flesh, at. .$6.50 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR COMPLETE RANGE OF LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND NEVER DID WE HAVE SUCH VARIETY OF STYLES AND IN PLUSHES AND BABY LAMB WE ARE SHOWING A GREAT RANGE OF STYLES, AND THEY ARE ALL 'SALT'S GUARANTEED ESQUIMETTE PLUSH' A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE HAVE BETTER VALUES THAN CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE POWELL & CO. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Just a timely word about this depart- ment. This has always been a successful de- partment in this store and the reason is very apparent this season. Never were the styles more varied and so decidedly smart and wearable. We make a specialty of smart matrons' hats and pay particular attention to mourning orders. om