Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 1

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fa Wine stad f nee ny", lofty nin weight. Led $7.80 um weight, $6.75 t display 2 that will ations are bet Prone tor Victrolas and Records is, Aug. BL, rth. wife oof aged 57 years, -- hodist Church allis, Pastor. tember 15th - subject--"The Story ing a solo at the close went CHURCH tember 15th after Trinity anion. o! yer und Sermon. yer and Sermon, . RAYMOND, Vicar. og taxpayers, and he believed nine-| Mayor, was present and gave in- r tonihe 'of the citizens would en-|formation as to steps taken by |overdraft, Ald. Lennox urged that|charge of machine "THE BARRE CIRCULATION THIS WEEK :. 3600 Copies 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------ THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING EXAMINER . SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 4 J. A. MacLaren, Editor 'W. C. Walls, Business Manager BARRIE, CANADA. SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 a {S--Blngie Chpiers ets. Por annum [in edvance) 51.50 No. 38 55th Year. ¢ : AIL ehould he supplemented (by Ron- $2000 FOR SAILORS laxpayers and brought' up to VOTED BY COUNCIL | something worth while. -- With this Ald. Tyrer agreed, Non Tax-Payers Will Be Can- | saying that eve should con- Pte. John WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI __|js.¢0°! Contributions were: aa baskets apples; 1 basket beets; |Shown at Barrie Fair--A Bar- Simooe Report Murphy, 125th Bn.,| The sad news of the death from waséed to Supplement this| "8!" 5. a. asnices vans, twan| NOMS, Nae Eiled He action |wounds at a dressing station in|3 baskets on August Amount. eve od by any member of the council, would be assed. To which Mr. Young added, "If you mea- sure up in the matter of grant, the Navy League, with ity 182 members, also will measure up to Its dut Mayor Sprott said that Barrie jdues not take less interest than other towns in patriotic matters, [Bas heen ave Lieut. Ke On Mond: Wt the member of the 'Town Council showed that they are uot usmindful of the services of "the silent heroes « the war') the men of the ime chant marine, Unanimously they Voled $2000 towards the million- dollar fund Ontarin is raising for the dependents of the 15000 who have already gone down and others whe may perish in the dis- charge of their perilous duty The matter was 1 the Council hy tion whieh included W KC. WP. TOT. Milne, Nee Geo disenssien the Council unan rs. Hey. Go AL Brown, Reve jyvagely De aia. Folin Callin; Recs Helis Ragiigniyl bas Renrered "be feline ald Ross. Goo. D. Hubbard. I!" Soules -- | Fletcher, H. A, Sims. T. Bee.! 1 2000 he pail fe croft, ROA. Stephens and others es requestod by deputation, [BY a fall ai Mr. Boys, the first speaker, the same to be paid in instal-}Sept. 6 showeck the splendid service the ments as can best be arranged twe days merchant me bas performed jugall asked permission {SHO bas and isp) ming fer the Em- i deat tree in front af{Aueora p in this war Bul fer there Cadet David ixted as jsome With respect to manufae- res it is not as easy to raise arge sums here. If a grant to Sailors' Relief makes an ove draft necessary, never was a de- Charles F ficit more justified ported mist without any Presbyterian Angus C eit before depute A went overse: a half in Fr An arn pat the sum Ane fo remove a citizen, not assessed, nam---|Mand Murphy. lives in town, Pudge Swayze of Lind-ay ted onnssing. His at Camp Hoare Capt, Ande imeoe County E \hut being differently situated to [38 expected te return shortly lake up his work a notified last further |lieved to be wounded. mi had been ued ailors' Re-|Whe was perhaps fa {0 His sister, Miss|France on August 21° of Pte. |rhubarb; Charles Ward, came by letter radish ith Swayze. son of ye ye ie pee {Mee and) Mrs. hrother, [Sophia St, Barrie, on Saturday | shipments Sw owas. killed Morning. i yeas: |to sign up with the 157th Bn. He , lish by birth. While in and 6 of from a sister of Pte, Ward tuybaskels cucumbers; 2 . Frank Hill, 104|basket crabs; 4 chickens; 6 large! The He was one of the first|/tables, and $9.30 in cash. Contributors were: ----=> 0. Canning Kitchen |1$50 VICTORY BOND for the week ending FOR THE BEST BABY 7 bags, & tumatoes; quantity of 6 donations of horse- cabbage; 4 bags, 1 rie Lady Anonymously Gives Generous Prize. $50 Victory Bond, as a special sweepstakes prize for best aby shown at Barrie Fair, : Mesdames|added greatly to the wntereai ae Murphy, Cald-{the even! aula large entry | of apples and Per n of Orillia, who Ra, at st is : arrie he made his home with|{wrll, Drury. Metcalf, Chesnoy,lassured. Upun reading the E 'i tishen and ne |Mr. and Mee. Hill Brown, Plummer, Re Smith,Jaminer'< suecestion of sucha ars, | as for two and He enlisted in 1916 m the!D, Reburn pastor of the i571 battalion and went over-{Ord, Pens Chureh in Orillia. | oas in November, 1916. Pte.]son, A. D. wk, Craighurst, was) Preece won the military medal |Kirkpatric week that Pt! for pravery on the field the|Medill, J was officially re- . Augus 8. and be- [though only nineteen years of age | Raikes. te. Elson has seen much active service at/Orillia, Ja wowilh the 76th Ba. the front, He is the eldest son |Robinsen, rand of Major and Mes. John Preece, |vill Jorilia, and comes from day Ns fighting family, His father re-/contributic ly injured turned from the front this year,]the honor Leaside on Friday. 'after over three years on active chi heen married service. The I Ross.| Mrs. G. i, Bateman, 1040 Shaw |was 823 ¢ hespital wilst 'roronto, has received word) cans of ¢ he test !that her hushand, Ple. Gershom [tomatoes Pane! oO. Gre just eon the Pte. Wm. Preece, M.M., has been | Hetherington, * wounded by gunshot mm the left|Muir, Ercourt, W alter end of last year and al-|Torpey, Carr. Capt W. T's of Maple Valley, rat's, who sent in the first |thoughtful pr Orchard, A, G.|prize, a lady o R. King, and|/Quinlan and = stated that she ° s Rees, Thom, |Would be glad to donate the bond tone, Hypson, Thomp-|to help along the child welfare Sampbell, W. Turner, |tevement. The only eundition . Irwin, Gilehrist,!allached to her very yenerous no. Dean, Donnelly, [gift was that her identity should Bird, Miss {ot be disclosed. ° The baby show is being held in rratt's, Dorset, Newton [connection with the Child Welfare Alliston, and N, Hunts-|Evhibit loaned by the Ontario Government--an exhibit that all sons should see, ins uf raspberries, had| There will be six classes: Roya of sending in the first/frem 1 to six months, girls from to 6 months, boys over 6 and led up President al output for the week |under 12 months, girls over 6 and ns cf apple butter; 72]/under {2 months, boys over 12 nued apples; 72 cans and under 18 months, girls over 5 Ibs. rhubarh jam: [!2 and under {8 months. For ME is property, E17 Worstey st [MIs Cirstawt rchildten Honghton Bateman, was killed in/15 ths. canned chicken; 90 gals. /each section prizes of $5.00, $3.0 heros rilorts the suecest tl rant fin the New Ontarte fee action, Aus. 28. His home was |pickles. and. $2.00 wil be awarded. No 1 vat leno he, sat wonky "Gea WW. Hagart wr asking!) Mi wl Mes. BoD, Brown, formerly in Beeton. He enlisted in stra help in the Kitchen will jentry fee is required, have been impossible, Ne cQuse that the witness fees he paid to) Blake St. teconed word tis week 'Toranto with the 166th Battalion [he gratefully received from any The awards will be placed by saleserving of assistance to the question of how contribution shell b he said Chat in addition so preportion of county grant, § the minimum him fer certam -- proseeutions | that thers: WEE by hint whieh the magis- [ef Ne. tt trate dismissed, allowing not ping | Mae bine Gun for costs or witness fees. Wout deth tne rs. Turnbull, on behalf of the the bth ot "Ald Society, ashed ps Brown reeet mission te hold a tag day on pected of town. Ruel w grant He ea ee "uae second. day of the? Bmglant | only on assessment of | Bat = ms ; aur Coldwater £10,000. Surely none would bo | grudge it in such a cause. Votin this sum would not prevgut Un not taxed from giving or tas |", payers from giving mere, but) re one of the latter wonld be cane it the ao ee ier Ne Cae [ue flee Buble Litsury anditeri jae euch tp ligawood aims at $500 and even! Sery. Eleteher notified the ie eae a small village like Beaumaris: Ceunell thar Me Cur ce ets Sea contributed $1200, 1 tthe (2 Dtee ut the Counce) te the eecived weet least must give the minimum ex- | Hever, bad re pagted of it We at home should st on the ar 4 be glad te get ott with paying one (08 yes when we think of re suffering lo- Hinstitite is te hofd its annual | Robinson bay hear, the secretary, ask- [this ts the f Vabrary right tu bouks, eb muule the vi nal matt n Town W Replying to a query from Ald. | paying $100 on anycompulsery for hay, ete. tot fasessment of Sf0002 The} weighed on the market sales. people will be behiul the Counerl | the lerk doofrem oa bylaw in any grant given, showitu: that a) purebaser may While the taxes are dngh, (he deniand that these ratepayers de not blame the |used present council, said Mr, Beeeroft.| Simcoe St. Improvenient znize that these are! phe Market and Park= Geom. troublous times when all must | ynitte 'cinmendad that thé unusual burdens. Barrie} jortion of the' G.T.R. property been well to the front 1M yoy under lease by the Town at patriotic movements and it could |ihe post office grounds be in- hat allow the sailors' fund to gofeluded. in) one lease with "the |#* by unhelped. A grant would portion which the Parks Com mean an overdraft but this would! Iyission proposes {0 tunprove no eritic a4 ior jue Hs near the freight shed. § with the vote : 7 «through the county would] Underground Phone Cables Vdenied that mit fifty cents per capita the igre Fela per eee not been liv mended a e " 0 q From the standpoint of 2 er eee een tine Co. to. lay Say Chant, Mr. Stephens had a very : ees sipprce See Hat dlgg at |Widergroun cables on Bradford |Gutside wou the merchant marine, but on the 1 i merchant marine, bul ov th |eranted providing the Bell Co. |years. peu grounds ot the salorsyjenter_ into an agreement which ar offended were he not permitter to contribute to their help. though paying over $600 in taxes he would gladly add his share of whatever grant might be deter- mined upon. Mr. Young said there were no conclu would lave men eniploy been ¢ 000 of and that they agree to paylysed the co for the supervision of the work| "The vila on the part of the town; and that|is either to the Chairman be authorized to|money out supervise the work or appoint| Buys, some one to do it. Permission was given the Ag- mots kickers against the Sailors' Re-|,,/) was unanimous | Tae Pulid. though (hére waa some |Teulural 'Sogfely to: Kenove the |lowing moti poplar treesIn the Agricultural! soules -- Park near Eccles St. and close to} Mayor, Chai the grand stand. Ald. Tyrer b . difference of opinion as to the : best method of raising the money. "Owing to the changed condi- ' F tions since the war the necessily Canada Producer Agreement 'ais yi itted by|_ Upon the sugges of raising money is admilted M )soratt. Council went into com-[duecr | and : i C i esti poperty, ab to first. establish |Mmittee to consider the question of property, the worthiness of the faim and {ihe Town's position with respect|steps as my then the way to raise the fund: Had the mon for Red Cros and other patriotic purposes not ei purposes mee |taken to secure from the com- ada Producer and Gas Engine C terests. His Worship related steps t'> hee Ss would Pou " sisi 48 0 eive. The|Machinery -- remove: sailo Heo i. "one. of the|building. Failing this, he had |the Town Hall completed. notified Mr. Dyment that if he| Chairman worthiest and there is not a) ii ot near from him before the |needs have person in Barrie who would have this town unrepresented in the contributions being made from the Empire at this time. 2 2 Pr there are many inequalities in|Ship did not propose to let 'he! - Ald, Payn' sing the money by levy, he felt|matter remain unsettled, |to be done e ae the fairest, providing it| W. A. Boys, K.C., Town Soli-jas well be vas supplemented by the non-|citor, at the request of the|are steadily In view Mr, Dyment had made no reply./as we did dorse a grant by the Council. him, on behalf of the Council, to the work be Ml know how entirely depen-|get the matter cleared up. When dent we are on the merchant|Chief King went to the plant to|much mone; ailor, said M: . These| see what machinery had been re- for patriotic purposes. ° anilor:,aald. Mr. Raymond: 7 Fese Mayor--ts 'the Council aware |prother, Stewart, is a sergeant in|dancing before the Grand Stand. for their dependents there is no'| formation. The Council lias the|that over $900 has been raised |the 507th Engineers' battalion of pension or other government pro-|right to foreclose the mortgage|for patriotic purposes by the|the U.S. and is also'in France. sailors are inadequately paid and|moved he was refused any in- vi ion, A grant of $2000 is small|and also to make Mr, Dyment| Soldiers' Ai considering wi v y hese|make good the amount of ma-|the last year? ' i whelwecrwerta't es Ald, Tyrer--If that's the case, joverse™s. A hrave seamen, chinery removed aecord ne. to ihe Ti vote? Deputy Soules said the ant|undertaking he had given in "ll vote for 1 wa iH 'The Council has the} The moti asked was,a small matter but it|his letter. in beth arms andy As [he North Simcoe Teachers' [receive on Mut jeonvention here on Oct, 10 and Ht is a strange cor Souneil te grant the usefhas been gassed and wounded ee the man who willl fad as te whether or not it is)Geuaed) had rtign Si tig= matter tree Years tagk the lead with most splendid + the town would have scales be [tracts that w Depuly Suu stoud a goud ofer tos rent that 'used recently, Answering a Clerk stated that there is sul ne Mayor Sprott--It St. and other streets named bel get hold of the plant the last few ; y one Ald, Tyrer expre Will protect the Town's interests ion that the 'Town had certainly Discussion was followed by the steps, if necessary, to foreclose | nientioned in. de: ion of Mayor |the mortgage un the Canada Pro-|Touglas Haig, and last June re- to the agreement with the Can-|ient tu protect the Town's 10- following September at Cource- Town Hall Wiring Ald. Finla: While|As mayor of the town, His Wor-|to spend further at present. fore on Pte oy Path yaad att they Mug land in ¢ Engle ax to be transferred to the 1017, Phe. bth MOR, Before enlisting he|sinee its ifnel wounds worked for the Brown, February, 1916, and left for/jadies who can spare a few hours, ja frigid system of points cover- tober, 1916. Onlor from those who were omitted |ing (he followi nd he was one of lin the canvas made of the Lown. |Pearance, good loo! Healthy ap- , methods of The total output of the Kitchen |feeding, absence of physical de- inauguration ig 15,000 ]ferts experially as to rickets, Ved ste Hydro Electric /ibs. of all commodities, ete.) cleanliness, neatness of us in hospital | Power Com. He leaves, besides a allire (expensive material for er five months (his wife, a liltle daughter, Hazel, Overseas Parvels 'clothing not called for), propor- aged 3 years; three siste sed again Major M. M. Hart. idence thacjis to ¢armmand -- the Nord tine that Paddy company in the Siberian E edi- jtianary" Force, is) a) brother-in- law of Dr. Edward Gallie. He Worl was also a father and Lieut W Planet and thresh who Toronto apt to for their boxe: that the b are too bu Tne on Septenihe aston his parents, SC. ttehinson, had for his gallantry 'an September 9, [After being in every chuling the Sonne, he was to be Heft out of the line before the uw the machinery, Vimy engagement, but the night x-Ala Wallace, WHO ofore the battle he was sent for thianen, weuld Be 8 land he took command of they tee tbs peels Iv the whole front line, engineering a fake. Sa test brilliant -- reergarization, select the king a the almost evi (just like ded Mr. Boys, the Boiled Diy conrage and came through Burks Falls Arrow--On the Jeleventh day of Angus, 1917, Lieut John Harold Deans! grand- son of M.A. Deans of Sprucedale, Hat vas reported missing, It is one meant at least 200 [0F iy rules of the Department nf ed in the plant had viii and Defenée--thal if within one year no word ig re- ceived from the men thus report-- od, they are for all offi D agents), kisses, in find "sum bE the muniven con- Bom said he under boxes at 1 yuestion, -- the | Recent the original 340,000 | Town, and the Town |, debentures over | sinee the date of their dis-|main hail. cannot bo| the agreement has | ed up to. There are vy men employed and is melting away. Men Id have been glad to} over-growing list of those wholand there have given their lives for thelr}to hear jcountry. Lieut, Deans is 4 nephew af Mrs. John Hobley,/master Sl Major Alex. McFaul, M.C., son|the 48th of Dr. A. M. MeFaul. furlough. ed the opit-\tinguished himself. his present rank at twenty years|cents, no mpany leniently. of 'age... While attending the 1 thing for the Town | Medical School, with class "19, he col get control or get the of advised Mr. enlisted as a private in No. 5 Field Ambulance. He received a commission and went to France in April, 1916. as machine gun aduption of the fol-|oiicer of the 43rd Battalion. Oe \Since then he was promoted Pearco--That the |second in command, and is now rman of Finance and | ea commiltee to take |, was so stricken of the Machine Gun Co., 9th /Canadian Infantry. He has bi patches by Sir General years the American Gas Engine Co's |eoived the Military Cross. He id take such further |nas peen twice wotinded, at Zille- ay be deemed exped-\peke in June. 1916. and again the terest of ietle.--Collingwood Bulletin. 5 George Curran of the Orillia and Ald. Reid Mov-|Nows Letter received Market Committee be|notiee from the War from' the|instrueted to have the wiring of|fondon, England, last Thursday, |Pe thore on both 24th and 26th. that his son, Lieut. Howard C.| Several Ta this bu: at Wisdom's and they will help sent overseas, such as sugar in bars at fe, fruit cake eighty per or piece at i0e pound, C fresh ehocolates They have, of course, overs 'The Fair Concert al pur-|Fair buildi | ' hs presumed to have died on{accommodation for 900 in the |Boys, K.C., M.P.. waited upon the appearance, Lieut. Deans has now |vantage for the big Fair concert mously granted heen placed among the great and|to be held on Tuesday, Sept. - th Rarrie. will include band selections by [aud now societ is home on|dances, vocal solos, male quar- |Het laxpa He has signally dis-ltette, cte--a varied and delight-\Hol contributing, will he called He attained |ful entertainment. Col. 'George Veteran Kentucky orator, whoxe lecture at the Chautauqua here |, yucoipt for any sum contributed addressing a iy {Sarnia, and of the foremost lecturers on the |wiieh neith work counted strongly in the in- The 48th official [the track Office, |round and other attractions will for. : time of harvesting {tion as to height, weight, cir- hing, to say nothing of [Cumference of head, chest ant pickling and preserving, one is )#hdemen, get that the boys need | The babies will be shown in einore than ever new the main building on Tuesday, ig drive is on. If you|Peeinning at 1.00 p.m. sy lo do it yourself, call ------------ Our Debt to the Sailors contents of a box and| 'The Merchantile Marine men . you, as Uley have heen who have carried ty the front specialty of this ever |§1,800,000,000 worth of muni- war started and have jtions, billions of dallars worth of erything that can be'meal, wheat and other products maple [from this country, delivered over cent. of American in boxes troops so far landed in Europe, nadian after taking vyer nearly half o e tin, Neilson's jmillion of Canadians -- safely, (they are local transported over fifteen million and butter scoteh {men from port to port, with their fact you will always food, munitior horses, and ething different" there. lother equipment, and have prac- asitically fed (he inhabitants of each Britain, France, Maly and other Allies, deserve the best we can give them for their great national improvements in the [SerVice: and so when a good dep- included seating (ulation, headed by Mr. W. A. home made yner, 2 oe magnani- 00.00 towards he $3,500.00 which Barrie is called upon to rai officers of the This will be a big ad_ {Town Council _ th should be a big crowd the high-class pro-|, The Nayy gramine to be given under Band- League and all generous citizens This Will appreciate this 1 start; elubs, com- Scoteh |Panies and individuals who are vers of the town and so e atter's direction. Highlanders, Tickets 25;NDON as soon as possible to extra charge for seats. Supplement this and <¢ive as liberally as they can to this worthy object. Mr. H. B.M Haldwin Bryant, rT. Young. Treasure: ain Stricken W. Bain, the President; Mr. .or Mr. will give greatly enjoyed, was ; Any voluntary sums will be with paralysis | while accepted, and he whe gives large crowd atlqyickly does the first and best removed to the |\Jenvie Hospital. For forty) "phree hundred thousand of colonel has been one hese men are duing work without y the Army uor the avy could exist--volunteers all io conseripts, and every man there to do his duty for a very moderate wage. Fifteen thousand Falr' Notes have given their lives, and left Highlanders' Band, Javer forty thousand dependents events, merry-go- whom we should help and care platform and his life- good citizenship. Until the Governments take up country schools are|the question and look into it, it Soules All present |Catrat had heen wounded in the|already entered for the flag drill-|is up te the people to do what been attended to and ||eft leg. Lieut. Curran enlisted last, there's.no need |and was promoted to Sergeant be- trotting going overseas e--The work will have |gualified for his Lieutenancy. In} | © ventually and it might|England he was transferred to|shown. done now as prices|the Imperial forces and was increasing. attached to of the Entries postponed. went 'to France with the Sea- 'Ald, Finlay pointed out that|forth Highlanders in March last, and Secy. Filet is raised in this hall |being in command of the Machine good display in all classes. Gun Section of the battalion. His| See the Subseri id in that hall during|Another brother, Harry, is wilh |ready re! a Manitoba battalion on his way|for 1918 going ahead. ion was adopted. The track promises to be in|they can. 14th, proceedings would be taken. |if we are to save fuel this winter |as a private in the 177th battalion good shape and the running and|pendous task--much beyond the and also|S0od sport. . Over 400 war relics will be|they. are entrusted to look after Entrance to grounds will be|Think it over, the "Gordon High.|at,gate near West Ward school your bit, and some more, if you unavoidable jlanders at Cromarty, Scotland, in|or on Elizabeth St., where thelare in a good financial position, guns. He|main hall now is located. one of the things to he attended |counted for by the big increase in to when in town for Barrie Fair|the fare and the large number of Barrie Fair, Sept. 23 ,24 and 25 next week, It will soon be a stu- races should furnish|power of the Navy League to attend to--but in the meantime it and so will do what they can. reader, and do as many of you are. are coming in freely |q, B. MYERS, T. T. YOUNG, Fletcher anticipates @) Chairman. Treasurer. 8 ; J. BALDWIN BRYANT, Irish jigs and Highland : Secretary Only 385 Toronto Fxhibition bers who have not al-|fares were sold at Barrie station newed their Examiner |this year. This falling off from should jot this down as|previous years is largely ac- lautomobiles now in use. ,

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