Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1918, p. 5

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g all the dies' TH Beavers, etc., etc. d to buy eL-is gos ng our winter % lower muy them ange is ought at FURS true in are ad- idly, We 10% oft md ene yas any pay for venience Muskrat THE BARRIE EXAMINER W. C. THOMP SON & SON 'FARM LAND AGENTS WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR A NUMBER OF GOOD FARMS Call and list your property for immediate sale. OFFICE: 15 OWEN ST., BARRIE PHONE 288 [ News from Neighboring Townships | As Told by Our Correspondents L MINESING Aug. 26.--Miss Hattie Smith of Walker ville visiting ber sister, Mrs. Howard Prost. Miss Gladys Palmer of Graven: hurt i also # guest ut the same home. Mr und Mrs, Constable are visiting with Mn Alf Armstrong, Jr Miss D, Kerfoot of Detroit is visiting friends bere. The fields are nearly bare ugain. threshing is being done Mrs. and Miss Paton of Toronto have jwen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Downey. They iuotored to Alliston on Sunday to call on friends there. 1 Muss Scarlet and her sister. Mrs. Metealf, | from Toronto are renewing acquaintance | here, Mrs Geos Johnston, Mrs. Irvin Johnston, aad Mrs A. Ronald, Jr, sre spending some ) time xt Oakview The meeting in connection with the | SOS work held here on Saturday evening | hod « good attendance. and quite a number | if badges were given out. 'The sddresses Some given on Stinday. by Mewes. Allan, Carr aml Leece were well to the point snd should jraye helpful | A hig baby shaw will be one of] the attractions at the Barrie Fair} tis year | ------ ne DYEING AND CLEANING | Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your ]j clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? We know how. MAXWELL & CO. Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. PROPERTIES FOR SALE --BY-- W. C. THOMPSON & SON 6 ronm cotta vinbertand St Allandale, town ry, elec trie hebt and gas. Price S85", =1o0 oash room by mise and lot, rick Steevervthing in good with flowing well water Price sgan, S100 Double brick house 197 Bradford St. Thi hd pair of houses, with all con- venjence Price for the pair, S4800. easy terms. New brick house and lot, John Si. with all the latest conven- tenees, possession at once, Price 83450, $100 cash New brick hou beth St. with he and plumbing, nic und lot, Eliza- ing. lighting lawn and double garage. Price $3200, @ snap. 7 room brick house and lol, Owen St., with all conveniences and good stable. Price $240, a small payment down. New brick house, Bradford St, with the latest heating, lighting and plumbing. Iardwood polished floors_ throughout, sunroom and 'den and finished attic. Price $3650, $200 down. Material is dears and property is rising in price, buy now before lis safe arrival in England EDENVALE Aug. 26. 8. Petch of Thornbury bus been spending bis holidays helping Albert Rich- ardson to hurvest his crops. Mrs. Elmer Atkinson of Unionville spent lust week with her aunt, Mrs. John Muw, | Miss Mary Somerville of Thornbury spent last week with Mrs, Jos. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs Alex, McNabb and Dunesn McNabb spent Sunday with 'friends in Barre and Shanty Bay Cecil Boulway of Toronto has returned home after working on the farm Mr. and Mrs, H. Adamson and family spent Sunday with friends in Waverley A cable from Sapper Bert Fralick wax received to-day by his parents telling of pid that he is quartered at Bourtey Camp, Aldershot Glad to report thut Pte. J.D. MeNubb has also arrived safely N. Giffen lost a valuable horse lust week, it being staked while on pasture John Ingram of Toronto has returned fe, having spent » couple of weeks with Rupert Herl Egn. who has been working for Hi Rowell, left for the West last week. Ben Parr of Grenfel is helping A. 8. Maw 10 finish harvest his crop this week Zz «threshing machine a ence more into acter' Most farmers report a good yteld. The Sawyer Massey Co of Hunulton, 1 Helieve ure putting on one of the biggest exhibits ever put on by one firm im the Domes at the Toronto Exhibition, and we arr glud to learn that E. Allsop, former: Iv oof this place, but whe now resides in Barre, hus been given the honor of taking charge of this exhibit the first week Tam indeed very sorry to report that Pe hoSharp was killed in wetion on August 14 He was » member of the 157th Bn. and resided an Tottenham prior to. a number of enlistment. He bas qui frends and relatives in the village, and all xtend their sympathy to the bereaved CUNDLES Aug 27--While Frank Chappell was guing down town on Saturday evening newt Grove St, his hieyele struck something, pitehing him off. He was severely bruset on the arm and leg Mrs Shaw and Miss Black have returned home after visiting friends ut Dalston and Shanty Bay Mr Shaw hus been home for two weeks putting up a new veranda to his house Mrs. Goodfellow i also improving her property with considerable new repairs The lute rain hus done much good as it appears to have taken away the insects on the potatoes which have done much harm: to the potato crop On Saturday evening, Aug 17, Stephea Pratt took suddenly very ill and was eon: | fined to his bed and under the doctor's carr during lust week, but is able io be around again, He wishes to thank his neighbors and friends for their kindness shown during his dHlness 'Adolphe Guest and his mother motored to Toronto on Wednesday MITCHELL SQUARE Ang. 26.--Mise Marguret Pearsall of the Hospital staff, Orillia, paid a brief visit to her home here the lust of the week. Norman Wortley of Shanty Bay called on friends here last week Miss, Martha Campbell has returned to Torontd sfter spending the summer months at her home here. Quite » number attended the garden party at Jarratt last Thursday evening and repoct a good time, Over $200 was realized. Miss Byne Ball of Shanty Bay was the guest of Miss /Margarg\ McMillan over Sunday. UTOPIA 'Aug. 27.--Most of the farmers here have finished harvesting. Miss Vera Ellis is holidaying with friends at Elmvele. E. Overend and Miss C. McEuchern of Toronto, and Mise E, McLean of Ivy vis- ited Miss B. Miller. . K. Gibson of Holly and J, Armstrong of Cobourg called on their cousin, Mrs. H. Me- Cann on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell called on Cookstown, Stayner and Midland friends the latter the advance in price comes CANADIAN PACIFIC $12.00 TO W. B. HOWARD, District FINAL FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION THURSDAY, AUG. 29" 1918. - Further particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents art of last week. a SD CANADIAN | oe Passenger Agent, Toronto CRAIGHURST 'Aug. 26.--Mr. and Mra. Geo, Snider- at- tended the funeral of Henry Wise at St. Cutherines last week. Mrs. Snider will re- main this week visiting relatives in Guelph. Mre. M. Emery is visiting relatives in Powassan. Miss Susie Hill, Mise Jessie Hart, Miss Leatherdale and Mrs, Readman and little son are spending two weeks at Wasaga Beach Dr. 0, M. Hart of Sudbury spent » couple of days with his parents on his way to Tor- onto, Nursing Sister G. Morrison of the Military Bonvalescent Hospital, Toronto, was home over the week-end. F. Custon and Mian Jean Custon of Tor- onto motored up for Sunday Herold Morrison went homeseekers' excursion. Wm, White and W. Hastings went on the Harvesters' excursion to. Winnipeg Mrs. Wm. White bas gone to Toronto for the Exhibition DALSTON Aug. 26---Harvesting is sbout finished in this locality Henry Williams and family motored to Stroud on Sunday West on the and family who received word by cable on Saturday that their son, Wallace, was killed on Aug. 9th. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rix motored to Fred Wice's, Inn il, on Sunday Mr. J. A. Key has gone to Toronto tor a few days Mins Mubel Mon Orangeville, Miss Olive Coutts and Mise Jean Baldwin ure holidaying at Coidwater GUTHRIE Aug 27. --The Institute Garden Party held at the home of T. E. Ross lust week was » decided success. In spite of threat ening weather u large crowd eame to enjoy | the goud programme which had been provid: Jed. 'The Institute wishes to thank all those |who so willingly took part in the pro gramme und who helped to make the even. [ing such w success, Mention must also be | made of Mr. Murr of Barrie, who #0 ably {filled his pluce ux chairman The total eceipts amounted to $134.50, Consider ably over $100 hax been cleared to help the Red Cross Society | \ CLOWES | A 'lowes schoolhouse x in the | en and will be greatly im with the cement block exterior Addison left for Strassburg, 5. fon Tuesday lost joa spent Sunday in Onli. Mass Ixabel McCumg und her father are in Vespra with Mroand Mm G MeCunig Miss Aume Addison as holidaying an | Toronto | Fred MeKay of New York und his wunt Mise Logan of Orillia called on friends here last week EDGAR | Mr and Mm James Gray are visiting in Toronto BF. Caldwell of Guelph spent a few tlays with frends here Misses Nelhe and Lazze Shanahan have gone to spend a few months in the West ) Mr und Mre. Best have returned after visiting fmends in Orillia snd Thornbury Miss Augusta Caldwell of Burne spent 1 few days with her sister, Mre BoA. Sless er, recently | 'A number from here attended the garden |party at Guthrie last Wednesduy evening und report up excellent time Thinks "MR. FIX-IT" His Best Role In speaking of "MR. FIX-IT," his latest photo comedy, Douglas Fairbanks said that \he regarded this us his best work, When wked what kind of w picture it was, Mr Fairbunks sad with bis accustomed smile, A costume piece." This designation was due to the fact that for the first time in many months, Mr. Fairbanks will be seen in evening dress in the picture, instead of the chups and other cowboy impediments that characterizes his recent roles. At the Opera House Friday and Saturday this week. i ° Death of Mrs. R. H. Whiteside Mrv. R. H. Whiteside passed away at her home, 11 Bradford St., on Friday, August 23rd, after an illness extending over four years. Deceased was born at Elmgrove, unc was 'a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McMann of Alliston. She is survived by her husband and daughter, Enid; also one brother and seven sisters. The late Mra. Whiteside was very highly respected and her death is mourned by large circle of friends. The funeral took pluce on Sunday, Aug 5, by motor to Alliston for interment, service st the house being conducted by Rey. H. Moore. Northern League Standing Club Games Played Points Newmarket sistearsB by ane 30 Aurora. 8 2-80 Allandale 9 +29 Barrie 8 20 Orillia :} Bradford Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices. Fall Wheat . Onts . Barley . Rye Buckwheat .. .. . Spring Chicken ... Old Fowl .. .. Calf Skins .. Horse Hides Horse hair Woolggvashed .. .. Woof, unwashed .. aa Pelts .. 2 ee te ee We extend our sympathy to John Key | ith w holidaying at | Willing snd hie sister, Mrs. Enns, | ( | | | 108 coals, securely 2 COLLIER ST. Soldiers' Aid Benefit "The Blue Bird," an Arteraft picture, will be shown ut the Opera House Monday and Tuesday next, [tax an adaptation, by Churles Maigne, from Mueterlinck's master piece, which bas attracted wide attention in the dramatic and hetrary world. While it dealt with subjects of great profundity in an allegorical manner, it was easily under- stood, 'The great author took for bis central figures ulittle boy and girl, and for them be drew aside the curtain of life, delved into the past and touched eloquently upon the great Beyond, In the form of a play, a produced in London und later in New York, the story teemed with dramatic interest, and instead of a heavy preachment or a dry sermon it developed into a virile pres- entation, sparkling with vivacity, In adap- ting this work to motion pictures, director Maurice Tourneur, who staged the pro- duction for Arteraft, has curried out the idea of the author in making the photo- pluy underttanduble, He discussed the scenes with the tiny actors, who are theor- etically the leading characters, believing that if these children can grasp the story, the avernge patron of a moving-picture theatre, with the aid of the lucid titles which 'embellish the film, should easily follow the play and understand the allegory. The result is a unique play, of stupendous magnitude, in which is incorporated the highest technique of photographic art, with multiple filn exposures requiring infinite cure and patience Settings of colossal size and ensembles of bundreds of people make this photoplay 'u mighty spectacular offering in which the urtistic details have been carefully looked after One half of the entire proceeds goes to the Soldiers' Aid. A pleasant evening wax spent in Odd- fellows' Hall on Tuesday, visiting Brethren from Alliston and Creemore being present. Alliston, under the leadership of Dist.-Dep. Murphy exemplified the Ist Degree in very satisfuctory manner, leaving a good impression on the Candidates. Afterwards, 8 baseball natch was held, the strikes being in the shape of questions while correct an- swers were runs. Afterwards lunch was served by the Rebekuh Lodge ALLAN--On Monday, Aug. 26, to Mr, und. Mrs. Leslie Allan, Innisfil, a daughter. .|MAZIE--In Barrie, on Saturday, Aug. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Mazie, Florence 'St, a son. MALCOMSON--WYANT--In Toronto, on 'August 7, 1918, by Rev. J. D. Morrow, Miss Pearl 'Wyant, daughter of Mr. 0. Wyant, Collingwood, to Mr. Robt. H. C. Maleom#on of Barrie. STROTHER--PATTERSON--On | Wedines. day, August 21 inst., at St. Luke's Church (Anglican), Creemore, by the Rey. R. B. Patterson, M.A., of Woodbridge, Ont., the Rev. Arthur Strother, rector of Creemore, to Miss Eva Elizabeth Patterson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. Patterson. LOUNT--MARR--On Tuesday, August 27, 1918, at St. Paul's Church, "Toronto, by the Rev. G. f= Despard, Lluella Mary, daughter of th late Harry Marr and of Mrs. Marr of Barrie, to Capt. Samuel Kenyon Lount, M.C., (formerly of the 4th Battalion), son of the late Samuel Lount and of Mrs. Lount, Barrie. Frame, heavy angle ends. 1% ineh tubular sides; malleable ner castings 6 inches lagh; extremely fine double woven wire Fabric; bands $42 inehes wide at both sides; Nexible steel hand fy inches wide runs lengthwise through the spring, * An exceedingly attractive aml comfortable spemg, made in all sizes at. . . $9.00 to $12.00 each OUR NO. 88 COIL SPRING fastened to with» th. inet black Japan finish. This spring ¢arries a guarantee far 20 years with if and has stated by ifs users to be the best and most com ne ever made, .... $10.60 each BUY NOW AND SAVE PAYING GREATLY ADVANCED PRICES AUGUST FURNITURE iy Buy NOW at prices Eve Bed, During the day time i comfort to your living room be turned with one simn| comfortable, full-sized bed, family or for guests. enables you to live in a sinal saves rent dependent of upholstery, and circulation of air. effort; nothing to get out of Prices with mattres Dre bigsest thing yt on bedaprings! solid) st frame THE BIG FURNITURE HOUSE G. G. Smith & Co. Established 1869. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING PHONE 82 Editor of Times Dead Orillia, Aug. 22.--H. T. Blackstone, pub- lisher of the Orilia Times, died unexpec- tedly this morning, aged sixty-four years, For some months Mr. Blackstone had been in failing health, but he was able to be at his office as usual yesterday. and retir- ing, feeling no worse than usual, Shortly afterwards he was seized with o choking spell, and, during the night, sustained a partial stroke, He retained 'consciousness, however, and passed away a few minutes before 10 o'clock this morning, heart weak- ness being the cause of death, Deceased was born in Portland, Maine, and went to Winnipeg in 1885, where he entered the employ of H. T. Preston, pub- lisher of The Winnipeg Sun. When Mr. Preston sold his interest in The Sun and moved to Brantford, Ont, Mr. Blackstone Wares Re a he Beautiful things are now-- Look around you. would not buy these t ing or fading. thing that pure water itself may t will not be possible for a long time, if ever again. KROEKLER BED DIVANETTES ARE GREAT ECONOMY y family should invest It makes one room serve as two-- Mattresses, springs and hed frame are entir Plenty of room Folds and unfolds with slightest complete from $28.00 to $90.00. Better drop in and look them over OUR TWO BEST BED SPRINGS DUPLEX NO. 1 SPRING everyday things Certainly and surely--one big factor has been Lux. gs right along unless there was a gentle, sure way of washing them--without discoloring, warp- LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, - TORONTO. that are unequalled, and in a Kroekler 1 adds be Folding uty and Insurious n or parlor; at night it can ple. easy motion ints a vither for members of your Her house or apartinent and for bedding order BARRIE accompanied him and became advertising manager of the Expositor. In 1893, Mr. Blackstone came to Orillia and bought The Times from the lute Peter Murray and which he has successfully conducted ever since. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters, George A., associate with him in the business; Mrs. M. R. Upton of Peace River Crossing, Alberta, and Mra. (Dr.) Kinsey, Christie street, Toronto. His eld- est son, Paul, died in Winnipeg about twelve years ago. Mr. Blackstone was an elder in the Pres- byterian Church, 'and a member of Orillia Masonic Lodge. "The funeral took place at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and was under Masonic auspices. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper See the large number of dainty silk blouses in beautiful tints that are being worn. And the quantities of dainty underwear the stores are showing-- sheerest, most beautiful things you have ever seen. It was not so a few years ago. What has caused the difference? Women There is--it's the Lux way. Won't turn silke yellow--won't hurt chiffons--won't shrink woollen: Lux won't hurt any- ouch. Els AIe

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