WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------ THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 55th Year. W.€. Wall, Bocner Ademager BARRIE, CANADA, APRIL 25, 1918 TERMB--Bingle Copies) ets. Per annum [in advance) 01.50 A FATAL SHOOTING AT MINESING STATION Cecil Orchard Instantly Killed When His Rifle Discharged on Monday. (From Our Minesing Correspondent) A vad shouting accident hap-! pened here on Monday evening, resulting in the death of Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M ard, residing at the Station Deceased was just one mouth short of 20 years and two year~ ago enlisted in the 177th, and spent the summer at Camp Bor- He was keenly disappointed that he did not pass his final ex- amination and so could not aceonipany bis comrades over- seas. With) the announcement of the new call he was anxions- lv looking ferward to the fime when he would he 2u, hoping that he woul be taken up in one of the new drafts AU Camp he learned to lave his rifle and wats very fond. of ope he hal at he and took reat pride im keeping atin god eondition On Menday the rest or th family band gone out afler supper, and se, ' Was alone at the ume, ne one knows how (he accident vecuresl On hearing the stat, some of th family returned to find bin lying om the floor quite dead el was well known ail very pepular with those with when he came in contact, and his un timely death came as a great shock to us all His) bereavet relatives are assured of the deep sympathy of the entire conmun ity The funeral took place on Wed nesday Wallace, Harvey and Elgin Mel.ean, Sidney Alexander Andrew Knapp tenden being pa was held in the Methodist Church conducted by Mr. Berry. Fhe heise} you with change and receipt your Myer. Or if you prefer to ° efone of their salesmen call twie weekly and lake your order, 1 Sil alse meet your requirements Vin this way Tf von are in doubt as to nity partioniar pemt, just deep in any HK ut over with) Mr. Wasdem | personally, fur only by thorough cooperation between merchant and public ean any system receive | fair trial, and there is no longer any doubt that the cash methoe Jil) benefit both parties Uther items of interest will) appear each week on this page. | The annual meeting of the] {Women's Institute will be held in the tohiee Ceurt Chambers nny j Monday. May 6. a8 oelock, Mrs Woolard, whe is) demonstrating for the sewing class, will speak. | | Thece will alsy be the election of | officers for the ensuing year. All| members are urgently requested | te attend Read the advertisements. A-Little Talk With You = | As intimated in last week's! |issue of the Examiner, the enter - j prising and reliable firm of J. D.; Wisdom & Co. grocers, over in| busy Allandale, have decided to! [lo business on a strictly cash! basis, commencing May tst next, and they are desirous that each | and every customer should be! familiar with every detail of this method of handling the grocery! business } The firm has no intention-~| |for the present al any rute-of cutting off the delivery, as they ferl that this would be a decided | jhardship, especially in a busy! railway centre where there are so | many calls at short notive fur supplies for the lunch basket, in! any cases of perishable fourls: which cannot be kept on hand in! the home, and just bere the tele | Phone is a very important factor. | ALL telephone urders will be de ).D., and a thoroughly reliable driver will readily furnish , CHILDREN'S mer wear ample variety for p and Print Wash Dresses in all These are in striped fancy or Pretty White Dresses for The children are not forgotten in our large Ready- to-Wear Department and we show for Spring and Sum- trimmed, very low in price at 75c, $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50 4, 6and 8, in White, Lawn and Repp, from 75¢ to $2.00 WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI No. 17 Lieut, W. H. Duncan, Midland, formerly of the 157th Bn., who returned home re cently, was gassed twice and is still feeling the effects of it a good deal. Mrs. S. Garside received the sad news last Monday that her brother had been killed in action on Mar. 28. He was a gunner in the Royal Artillery und enlisted in England. Sorgt. L. Onions, one of the very efficient coms. that went overseas with the 7th Bu. bas been awarded the military medal for his gallant conduct in the fight- ing around Lens o few months ago. Word was received lust week by Mra Jus. Prince that her son Marshall, who han een for some time overseas with the Forestry Buttulion, was wounded in the leg, nnd a later telegram states that he has had his leg umpotated--Bradford Witners. Fred. Tilley, whe was reported wounded last week, is well known around Craigh «st, having worked for Geo. Binnie for five | yeurs. This is the second time tor him in the casualty list. He was wounded last full and had been back in the trenches about month when the Muas | nocked him out aguin. It 4 reported in the Collingwood Bulletin that J police of that town,' hax been killed in Frunce He war Bn. Sergt.-Mujor of the S7th Bn when that unit went oversens, 3 man of splendid physique and a good sol- ei order to get to the firing line Jropped his stripes and went as a pri Lieut. Ho oS. Johnston, who n number of fends in Barrie whil with the 76th Bn, was in town over S day, a guest at the home of Mrw Ro M. Ne When the 76th left Barrie bo was 8 corporal, but he went over to France asa private und served there fourteen onths, winning his promotion on the field. At prese he as on leave for six monthy. owing to a shespuel wound in his right hand on whieh he hus had numerous operations. Bradford Witnes-- A newspaper despatch fro Enghiudl some little time ago told ef a daring atrman, who in performing a feat in the air, and when upside down found self unable to turn right side up He ctrd un obstacle in his wires and climbing out with the machine upside down. adjusted the obstruction and sue cessfully "completed his loop-the-lnop." The aviators name wus not given in the paper, but the Witnese hus learned vince that he wus no other then Lieut TW. MeConkey, son of Mr and Mrs L. J. Me Conkey, Brudford. Tom. is wn instructor in England ut the present time. Another opular needs in Gingham sizes from 2 years to 12. checked materials, nicely the little girls, for ages 2, ex Johnston, u former chief of | of our boys whose worth was not long in becoming known to the British Gov- ernment, is Rev, Erdmann Beynon, who Went oversea as a private and has been assigned to prominent work in India on account of his knowledge of Oriental lan- guages ( The Late Cpl. H. £. McLean |, A report of the memorial service held in honor Of his memory will be found m the |Ivy news Memorial Service A memorial service for the Inte Private | Harrison Leggott, who Isid down his life on the battlefield in France, was held in jthe Central Methodist Church last Sunday |morning -- Quite w number of relatives Jand friends from Allandale inson and Toronto, were prese: Mr. Leggott wax a member uf Central |Church for » number of years and was one of that large class of christian young mien who early in the war heard the call of their country and, recognizing in it thor responsibuifty und opportunity, at once responded to the call and by" their | and uncompluining suerifice of |personul ease, and finully life itself, have won for themselves the gratitude and pride of their fellow citizens; and for their coun. try the glory and praise so freely given by our Allies A sermon was preached by the Pustor [from Judges 5.18, in which he showed [that as in ancient wary, so today christian patriots ure always among the first and bravest of those who oppose such eruel brutality and fiendish oppression ax are being nianifested by our enemies. In olden jtimes God called Moses und Joshua und ideon and many others to fight for lib- erty und righteousness, s0 'today, while [all may not be uble to go to the buttle- Hfromt, there is something ull may do, and | God and country ure calling all to do their part. During the service "Will There be y Stara in M, * was feelingly sung by Miss Hel THE G. W. V. A. CONCERT. We would remind our readers of the Pmuch regrette " | Sons of England turned out in large num: Grand Concert, in aid of the Great War Veterans Association, which is to be bell | in the Grand Opera House on April 30. | 'This is the first time that the GW. VA. | Shave asked for the support of the general | | public, und considering thut the artistes are | giving their services praticully gratuitously, | |the returned soldiers confidently look for | | a crowded house The programme is of a varied and inte: | MEN'S SHIRTS We offer Men's Shirts at a Great Saving Fine Negligee Shirts in good ___ Stripes, $1.50 value at $1.25 Fine Shirts with French cuffs in sizes 14 to 17, $1.50 value -for $1.25 Fancy Striped Shirts, with sitk stripes, in the very newest designs at. .$2.00 to $5.50 Regatta Shirts in stripes and fancy designs, all sizes, col- ors fast, 'Special Sale Price .... .... ....79¢ HOUSE DRESSES AT $1.50 A fortunate early purchase enables us to offer for this season attractive, serviceable House Dresses of material guaranteed to wash at this popular price $1.50. BUNGALOW APRON AT 60° 5 dozen of these large All- over Aprons on sale this week while they last at the above price 60c. 7 THE CLEAN-UP OF FLOOR COVERING CONTINUES Remnants of O' tities to clear tl ilcloths his week. Full Stock of Linoleum Carpet Squares in Tapestry at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $19.00 in limited quan- See Window Display. Sarjeant & King, Limited WHERE GOOD GOODS ARE CHEAPEST resting character, Among the numbers for | | the piano to be given by Mine. Kinghorn | | will be Chopin's "Fantusie (Op. 49),"" which | is one of the lurgest and finest compositions. Such attractive songs as Balfe's "Come Into the Garden, Maud," and the ever-popular "Lend Me Your Aid (Gounod) will be sung by Mr. Gladstone Brown, Amongst the songs to be song by our favorite Welsh soprano, Miss Gwladys Jones, will be a rare gero of Bantock's, "In the Wilderness and Solitary Places." Thi song ix almost un- known, The first time for it to be sung in Toronto was a few months ago, by Miss Jones, The quality of the performance should appeal to all, quite apart from pat- riotic , motives. NO EXEMPTIONS Every male adult of the Township of Oro is requested to attend a Mass Meeting in the 'Town Hall, Oro, on Wednesday evening, May Ist, 1918, at 9 o'clock, regulation 'time, to consider the present ncute situation, win-the-war, the new military act, food production and exemptions. A speaker is expected from the Farmers' Co-Operative Asociation of Canada, also local talent. F. H. Ball, ex-reeve, chairman. Do not fail ta be present. God Save the King. Bab's Diary Strangling, gasping and drip- ping from every fold of her ex- pensive and once-beautiful ball gown, dainty Marguerite Clark emerged from a bathtub of very cold water to astonish the dir- ector with she remark that that scene had »sen the most enjoy- able of the entire picture. It was during the hot wave which swept New York tast summer while the little star was filming "Bab's Diary," a Paramount Picture, whch is to be shown at the Opera House on Friday and Saturday. D. D. G. M's Official Visit It. W. Bro. John Little, D.D.G. M. of Georgian District, paid his official visit to Corinthian aud VACANT LOTS MAY BE ~ TAKEN OVER BY TOWN Kerr Lodges at a joint. meetng,|Council Authorizes this Step held last Friday night, when about eighty members were pres. ent to greet the representative of the Grand Master. During the evening, W. Bro. King and W. ro. Craig, Masters of the two Indges, alternated in filling the] © presiding chair. structive address on "The Figu Three in its Relation to Masonry was delivered by V.W. Bro. Keefe, of Penctang. After a light repast of war- time fare, the customary toast|® list was carried out with W. Bro. |4 Duff presiding. Cc Fi Rev. W. H. Wallace Resigns At the close of the annual meeting of the Barrie Baplist| |; Chureh, last night, Rev, W. H. Wallace tendered his resignation, fo take effect a month hence, He |, sors to Belleville to assume the] f pastorate of the Victoria Avenue Baptist Church in that city, after veral requests from that cor tion to take up the work oO: His removal from town will ie! 4 » not only by his {* the Council Chairman of the Board of Trade's committee. and by 8. H. Henry, Dr. Richardson and J. E. Morri_ son, representing the organiza country in if Necessary--Community Canning Station Proposed. A special meeting of the Town wuncil was held last night to onfer with representatives of An able and in-|the Board of Trade and Citizens' Committee on the question of reater food production. All wero sent except Ald Lennox, inlay and Gracey. The question of further stim- lating the interest in food pro- uction in*town was laid hefora by 8. W. Moore, on recently formed for this pur- pose Hearty approval was expressad v Council, which adopted the illowing resolution, on motion f Reeve McLean and Ald. Clark: That owing to the necessity of reater production of food in this order that greater uautilies may be available for hipment fo our allies and to our own congregation, but" by the | Soldiers. this Council would urge townspeople generally, among |" y whom he has made many friends during his three years' residence |! Produce as much food sible, and that this Couneil will here, ta St. George's Church Parade Members of St. George's Society and | bers last Sunday morning for the wnnuul |" church parade to Trinity Church. A timely | q gnd forceful sermon was delivered by Rev. | |, . Raymond on "Christian Citizen- ship. pen all citizens the absolute ecessity of using every effort as pos- ike steps under the act respect-- ne vacant lands to take ava able for cultivation by citizens, any vacant land not likely to he sed, arid to this end would re- uest anyone knowing of such ws to forward to the Town (Continued on page 9.) The Danish MR. GLADSTONE BROWN, Eminent English: Tenor Of the Eaton Memoria MISS ADA TWOHY, (MUS. BAC., L.A.B.) Accompanist, Of the Mendelssohn Choir Concerts PRICES: Reserved Seats 75 and 50c. Rush, 25c. Plan at Malcomson's on and Hours, 9 a.m. Your Build the celebrated Seaman Kent Booklet supplied giving full the flooring and care for it. FIR FLOORING--Made from people in town and country. information. % Bayfield St. BARRIE, GrandConcert under the auspices of the GREAT WAR VETERANS ASS'N (Barrie Branch) TUESDAY, APRIL 30, AT 8.15 P.M. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ARTISTES: MISS GWLADYS JONES, The Welsh Soprano MME. VALBORG ZOLLNER-KINGHORN, ° CAN BE BEST SUPPLIED BY THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. SOME SPECIALS : DOORS--California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. Ready for Immediate delivery. HARDWOOD FLOORING--We are agents in this district for choice British Columbia fir, clear grain stock. Superior to white pine and cheaper. These are but a few of many lines we are supplying to Write for prices and other We advise early buying to Protect yourself against advancing prices. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. "=*= Pirniste 1 Church, Toronto after Saturday, April 27. to 5 p.m. ing Needs flooring. None better made. instructions on how to lay ONT. Phone 109 dace eee eerie owas